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Hi folks,
= Synopsis =

I think josepharaoh99 is right that it's time we have a clear and detailed plot outline for us to work off. We can tweak it later, but we need something.
'''The Spyder in the Cathedral''' plot takes place in the [[Fondent region]], which is dominated by five nominally separate corporations, called Pillars. Not content with profitability, the Pillars want to take full control of the region and they hatch a plan to do so:

I have revisited the plot that I briefly sketched out in December, and I've incorporated a whole bunch of ideas that other people have had:
Scoop, the fast food and retail empire, will transmit a disease, the Spyder virus, that weakens tuxemon that don't have the vaccine, putting any opposition on the back foot. Meanwhile, mining company Shaft will extract and revive fossils of powerful extinct dragons. Agro-business and genetic engineering corporation Greenwash will use its fusion technology to combine these dragons with arms manufacturer Nimrod's killer robots, allowing them to steamroll any opposition already weakened by Scoop's virus. Behind the scenes, news media monopoly Omnichannel puts out propaganda and coordinates the scheme through its Spyder agents.

* Leo's Spyder organisation and the virus that they're complicit in, and using the virus as an excuse to seize tuxemon in a power grab, and open source code/DNA being necessary to identify and cure the virus
= Summary =
* rsg167's idea of fusion (and shivering, although I assigned it to the virus, not fusion)
* The game begins with a recording of the [[Omnichannel CEO]].
* jobashi's "Cathedral and the Bazaar" split, tuxemon being "released" into the public domain, etc.
* The action begins in [[Paper Town]], where you line up to get a [[Starting Tuxemon]] at the STORE but don't have the [[Gold Pass]] required - your [[Rival]] does though! They choose the tuxemon that you wanted.
* ShadowApex's preference for the Bazaar being a physical place (sort of - it's an organisation that meets in physical places, which was a suggestion that came from Leo - as did at some points having to hunt around to find the Bazaar because they're semi-legal)
* After resting at your HOME (introducing your [[Mom]]), you can head back to the STORE
* ShadowApex's preference for the Cathedral to subtly display its force: in fact, most of the Cathedral's employees are benign, and they don't always follow their bosses' orders
* After a hint left by [[Dante]], the Shop Assistant, you do fish a thrown-away, unofficial tuxemon out of the rubbish - but your RIVAL catches you and is scornful, and battles you.
* josepharaoh99's idea of being assisted in finding your first tuxemon, and then being bedevilled by people who insist on enforcing restrictions (your rivals)
* If you wander around town, you might meet the RIVAL'S [[Granny]], who runs the [[Daycare Centre]], or see the [[Riverboat Station]].
* josepharaoh99's idea, elaborated on by tamashihoshi, of some tuxemon being owned by the Pillar and liberated by defeating them.
* In Route 1, you encounter wild tuxemon for the first time.
* benneti's idea of following the Nile.
* You also see the [[Omnichannel HQ]], and may be rebuffed by the [[Enforcer]]s when you try to enter.
* You enter a Cafe, meet [[Team Bazaar]] and get the [[Tuxepedia]] app.
* In [[Leather Town]], you face your first Pillar - [[Shaft]] - and get the chance to buy your first for-sale tuxemon and TMs.
* In [[Route 3]], you run into your MOM, who gives you a [[Hoverboard]], and a [[Fisher]], who gives you a [[Fishing Rod]].
* In the [[Abandoned Lab]], you find [[Booster Tech]], encounter the VIRUS for the first time, and fight ENFORCERS.
* In Flower City, you face your second Pillar - [[Nimrod]]
* You have to go out of town to find TEAM BAZAAR (forcing you to go to STORES for paid healing until you get there), and are intercepted by your [[Rival]] who mock your weak tuxemon and talk about the great stuff you can buy from the PILLARS
* When you get to the [[Mansion]] that TEAM BAZAAR hang out in, you get a [[Dojo Pass]].
* Also in [[Flower City]] is a broken-into house with someone who was working on a cure for [[Spyder Bite]], and when you go through you find the person who broke in - a [[Spyder Rookie]].
* In Timber Town, the [[Riverboat Station]]s reopen, and so has the [[Daycare Centre]] you saw in [[Paper Town]] all that time ago. You should go back and drop a tuxemon off.
* Also in Timber Town, you face your third Pillar - [[Scoop HQ]]
* Also in Timber Town, the [[Dojo of the Five Elements]] introduces many people to fight and teaches you about the mechanics of battle. And who should be in the final room of the DOJO to challenge you for a final test of your skill but your RIVAL? They mention that they've gotten the TUXEPEDIA APP themselves, and they admire your edits - and have done some of their own!
* There's a mass of people on Route 6, formed by employees of the fourth Pillar - [[Greenwash]]! This route heads to Candy Town, but there's ENFORCERS blocking the way.
* Dialogue with the protesters indicates that there's a new technology called [[Fusion Report|Fusion]] developed at GREENWASH, and they reckon that's why the ENFORCERS are interested! But the [[Greenwash Boss]] tricked everyone into leaving the building, and has locked themselves in while they wait for the ENFORCERS to get through.
* When you arrive in Candy Town, your tuxemon are confiscated by ENFORCERS because they allegedly have SPYDER BITE - and are taken to the [[Hospital]] for quarantine! You'll have to battle with your B team for a while.
* You might try to enter the HOSPITAL, but the scanner rejects any known tuxemon DNA. If only there were a way to scramble tuxemon DNA so it couldn't detect it ...
* You can break into [[Greenwash HQ]] by going through the greenhouses - which are full of experimental tuxemon! Creepy, but make sure you catch them all!
* When you beat the [[Greenwash Boss]], you get the [[Fusion Report]] and can upload it to TUXEPEDIA! Now anyone can fuse any unlocked tuxemon! And now [[Greenwash HQ]] is safe, since there's nothing for the ENFORCERS in there
* FUSION lets you get past the DNA detector at the [[Hospital]], and fight your way through the [[Spyder Rookie]]s - who reveal their plan was to use the quarantine as an excuse to confiscate all other tuxemon. SPYDER is a conspiracy within the Pillars, and it goes right to the top of Omnichannel!
* You grab the [[Spyder Keycard]] off the [[Spyder Boss]] in the HOSPITAL, and retrieve your confiscated tuxemon, and free the SCIENTISTS who can heal all unlocked tuxemon by looking at their DNA
* Before you can return to [[Cotton Town]], your RIVAL intercepts you! They are tired of your meddling, just let the CATHEDRAL find a cure! After you beat them, they notice that your tuxemon are cured. You mean it was that simple? Just unlocking them and checking their DNA? Then why did the ENFORCERS take our tuxemon? The seed of doubt has been planted in your RIVAL'S minds ...
* At [[Cotton Town]], you fight your way through the [[Spyder Rookie]]s at [[Omnichannel HQ]] ... but then two of the PILLAR BOSSES challenge you at once! You'd be in trouble, but who should arrive but your RIVAL?! The whole VIRUS debacle convinced them that freedom and openness are the way to go, and so they join you for a two-on-two battle with the BOSSES.  
* You triumph, and bring down SPYDER! All tuxemon are unlocked, and there's only a few more tuxemon you need to add to TUXEPEDIA!

The plot tries to learn from the plot of Pokemon Red, but it takes a few short-cuts - so the game should be shorter than Red. (Once we've done one game, we can always do more!)
= Some thoughts on the concept of the game =
The concept is that how tuxemon are restricted in the game world is analogous to how creative works are restricted in the real world ("creature" and "creative" both come from "create"; a creature was originally a created thing).

So far, I've ignored the whole question of whether the world of tuxemon is totally digital, or somewhat digital, or anything like that. If we did introduce that as a plot element, I suggest it be introduced and developed in similar ways and at similar times to how the fossil side-plot is in Red.  
But we can use the creatures/creative works that we have to challenge the wicked corporations that would restrict them. As our creatures/creative works grow stronger and more numerous, the wicked corporations are defeated and fewer creatures/creative works are restricted until the protagonist's victory where no creatures/creative works are restricted.  

I think that's a clever and subtle conceit for an open source game to have. It gives the player a goal, and a reason for battling. The use of battling creatures makes sense, because they're a metaphor for the battle of ideas. "As it is above, so it is below" - both Tuxemon: The Game and a tuxemon in the game world are creations that help win the battle of ideas for freedom and open source.

Let me know what you folks think. I'm happy to explain my thinking, or to adjust things if people have other ideas. There's also room to add in other houses and secret places and so on, if people have ideas that wouldn't fit in to the plot.
= Monsters =

[[File:20160229 220423.jpg|thumbnail|My proposed map]]
{{#ask:[[TXMN Completed::Complete]] |limit=1000
= Plot elements =
== Loose Egyptian theme ==
The designs of outfits, buildings and the landscape are loosely based on Ancient Egypt.
|?TXMN Stage
|?TXMN Blurb
Most notably, the game (roughly) travels down a great river. Boats can be used to access previously visited cities.
|sort=TXMN ID
== The Cathedral ==
The monolithic company, or set of companies, that runs everything. It's not evil, and its employees are rightly proud of what thye accomplish, but it is misguided and authoritarian.
The Protagonist frequently runs into petty bureaucracy, anti-customer secrecy or the commercialisation of services.
=== Cathedral Stores ===
These combine:
* Shops
* Healing (for a price)
* Locked Tuxemon services, like leveling up and applying TMs/HMs
=== Pillars ===
Each of the seven pillars is a different business, responsible for a different set of tuxemon, which it sells (in locked form).
=== Names ===
The seven businesses that make up the Cathedral:
* Omnichannel: Media, publishing and broadcasting
* Nimrod Armaments: Policing, security, armaments and military
* Greenwash: Genetic engineering, chemistry, etc.
* ?
* ?
* ?
* ?
=== The challenge ===
The Pillars' staff and managers offer prize money as a way of advertising the strength of the tuxemon that that particular Pillar sells.
They won't give that deal to people with unlocked tuxemon, but instead they agree to a bet: if you win, they unlock their Pillar-speciality tuxemon for everyone! (They're that confident of victory).
Each Pillar has roughly one three-stage, one two-stage and one oddball speciality tuxemon.
== Team Bazaar ==
A loose organisation of hackers, pirates and lovers of liberty who collaborate on shared projects and try to establish a commons. They meet wherever they can, including:
* Campsites
* Libraries and museums
* University campuses
* Cafes
* Pirate radio stations on boats
* People's houses
* Abandoned mansions
* Marketplaces
They offer friendly duels, and free healing to those contributing to the Tuxepedia project.
== Tuxepedia ==
A project by Team Bazaar to create a shared, free, open repository of knowledge on tuxemon.
== Fusion ==
An experimental technology developed by the Cathedral, allowing you to combine two tuxemon in the same body. Spyder wants the tech for themselves, but they claim to be acting out of public concern.
Not available at the start of the game.
== Spyder ==
A secret faction within the Cathedral that wants to "monetise the world". They secretly set up and now command the Enforcers.
Not known about at the beginning of the game.
=== Spyder Bite/The Virus ===
A virus that infects tuxemon. The virus can be cured if the tuxemon's DNA is available, but Locked tuxemon have inaccessible DNA.
Spyder sets upa quarantined hospital to "cure" the virus - but actually they plan to seize any unlocked tuxemon and use them as part of their power grab.
== Locked tuxemon ==
Tuxemon bred, raised or distributed through the Cathedral's channels are "locked", which means their DNA is restricted using DNA Rights Management (DRM). For example, levelling can only occur at a Cathedral Store.
It's not illegal to own unlocked tuxemon, but the Cathedral does make it difficult to use them.
Also, now the Cathedral is designing its own tuxemon, which will only be available in licensed form.
== Rivals ==
Your rivals are bratty, privileged kids who only see the benefits of the Cathedral. They're convinced of their rightness.
However, as they explore more - and as your unlocked tuxemon beat their locked ones - they mellow. They start using the Tuxepedia and complaining about the Cathedral. Then their tuxemon contract Spyder Bite, and they come to you for help.
In the final battle against the Spyder executives, your rivals fight alongside you.
== Phone ==
Your phone doubles as the game's menu, so as you add apps your options expand.
Some apps only work where there's WiFi - i.e., cities and some towns, and on occasion other locations. The BANK APP and the TUXEMON STORAGE APP are two key apps that use WiFi.
= Trainers =
Unless otherwise specified, a TRAINER's tuxemon knows whichever are the four most recent moves it gained access to.
Where a Pillar has a speciality TM, all eligible tuxemon in the Pillar know the move from that TM.
A trainer gives money equal to: $7.5 * the level of their highest tuxemon + $5 * the level of their second highest tuxemon + $2.50 * the levels of all their other tuxemon put together.
Named trainers, like your RIVALS, PILLAR LEADERS, etc., give that amount * 10.
= Types of place =
== Towns and cities ==
These have no trainer or random encounters. They have WiFi, so you can swap out your tuxemon and bank your cash.
== Buildings ==
These have trainers but no random encounters.
== Dungeons and Tunnels ==
These have trainers and random encounters. Includes tunnels, haunted towers, abandoned mansions, etc.
== Forests and Routes ==
These have trainers. They have random encounters, but only in long grass.

= The Game =
= The Game =
== Introduction ==
== Introduction ==
The opening sequence is a propaganda video from the CEO of the Cathedral. He explains (in a couple of sentences each):
1. What tuxemon are
2. What the Cathedral is
3. What the difference between locked and unlocked tuxemon is
4. What services Stores and Pillars offer
There is then a chance to set:
1. Your appearance (eight or so options, including a variety of genders and ethnicities)
2. Your name
3. The game's difficulty
== Paper Town ==
'''Exits:''' Route 1 (intercepted by the Storekeeper if you try to leave before you have your starter), Riverboat Station (currently closed for repairs)
'''Features:''' Your rivals' house; your house; TXMN Daycare (under renovations); the Store (has bins out the back)
'''The Store:''' When you come here, either because you tried to leave by Route 1, or because you enter freely, the Shopkeeper takes you to the front. Your two Rivals are there as well, by rows and rows of tuxeballs.
Your two Rivals pick one each (you don't see which), and then you are invited to choose. However, before you can the Shopkeeper checks for your Cathedral Gold Subscription.
Oh, you don't have one? So sorry, these are a Gold Subscription exclusive.
As you go to leave, the Shop Assistant pulls you aside and explains that the reason the Shopkeeper's giving away tuxemon is that there's new stock coming in tomorrow - and if he doesn't get rid of the tuxemon, he'll just chuck them out.
"So go home and sleep, and by tomorrow I bet the leftover tuxemon are in the bins at the back of the shop!"
''After you rest at home,'' when you go to the back of the shop there's bins and the Shop Assistant from earlier. He offers your choice of tuxemon from the five starters (all level 5).
* (Bear Cub)
* Lambert
* (Fire Iguana)
* (Water Kingfisher)
* Rockitten
''After you choose one,'' your two Rivals come up behind you. One has the tuxemon resistant to your starter's type, and the other the tuxemon super effective against your starter's type (both at level 5).
They say you shouldn't steal, even out of the bins, and challenge you to a battle - "Our licensed tuxemon will beat your bin dregs any day!" (A 2-vs-2 battle, if possible).
Whoever wins, your Rivals say they're not going to report you to the authorities "this time", then leave.
The Shop Assistant says he's going to give the rest of the thrown-out tuxemon to other kids who can't afford their own.
''If you return another time,'' there's a POTION in the trash.
'''Home:''' Mum is an inventor, so the house is cluttered with devices and machines. You can rest here.
She gives you a POTION.
'''Rivals' Home:''' Before you get your starter, the Rivals are playing outside, blocking your access. The Rivals' dad is inside. If you already have your starter, the Rivals are gone. He says that they've "run off to try their luck at the first Pillar in Leather City".
"Oh, don't you know about the Pillars? Each one sells the tuxemon that it specialises in raising and training. They're so confident in the strength of their tuxemon that if you beat them you win a prize!"
'''Tuxemon Daycare:''' Closed for renovations at the moment.
''Later,'' it acts as a daycare centre, slowly leveling up the tuxemon that you assign it. (And breeding, if we have that option).
== Route 1 ==
Five or so patches of long grass.
'''Grass encounters:''' Cardiling (50%, levels 2-4); Aardorn (50%, levels 2-4)
== Cotton Town ==
'''Exits:''' Route 1; Route 2; River Boat Station (under repairs)
''Upon arrival,'' you are intercepted by a KNAVE who admires your starter and asks to see your receipt for it. "Just kidding! I see it's unlocked, unlicensed and unofficial. I have a project for you - meet me in the basement of the CAFE".
'''Cafe:''' ''The first time you try to enter,'' you are intercepted by your MUM who gives you a NU PHONE (a play on "GNU" and "new") she invented. "This way you can tell me how your adventures go! And look, it has the MAP APP installed already so you'll never be lost. It also has the BANK APP installed, so whenever you're in a city it will add any cash you picked up to your bank account! That way you won't lose it if you lose a fight to a TRAINER".
''The first time you enter the CAFE basement,'' there is a meeting of TEAM BAZAAR, a group of likeminded DRIFTERS, KNAVES, ROGUES and PIRATES who share information, tuxemon, healing, resources, etc., and meet wherever they can.
The KNAVE from earlier gives a presentation on TUXEPEDIA, a website where people can collaborate to compile information on tuxemon, but says sadly that not many people have contributed so far.
He explains that if you have a PHONE, you can install the TUXEPEDIA APP and contribute. Next time you check your phone, it's on there.
''Other times,'' anyone working on TUXEPEDIA gets free healing. There are also a signup sheet for friendly battles - you can choose from most trainers whom you've fought in the area, and the battle occurs immediately. (They level up with you).
'''Omnichannel (Pillar 7):''' A giant skyscraper, but it's closed for "renovations". First encounter with ENFORCERS if you enter the foyer, they intercept you and tell you to "butt out of it".
'''Store:''' ''The first time you enter,'' they are promoting Tuxeballs. They offer to teach you how to use them, and are offering a sampler pack of five.
''Selling:'' TUXEBALL ($200), POTION ($100), CURE POISON ($100), CURE PARALYSIS ($200)
== Route 2 ==
'''Exits:''' Cotton Town; City Park
''The first time you step on to Route 2,'' your RIVALS appear and challenge you to a battle. They have their two STARTERS (level 6) and a level 3 CARDILING.
'''Trade:''' One of the people on this route will trade your DOLLFIN for his DJINNBO.
'''Grass encounters:''' Cardiling (35%, levels 2-5); Aardorn (35%, levels 3-5); Vamporm (30%, levels 3-5)
== City Park ==
A branching map with dead ends and multiple paths, including several patches of grass, some of which must be past through to get to Leather City.
'''Exits:''' Route 2; Leather City
'''Grass encounters:''' (Sumolarvae) (25%, levels 3-5), Vamporm (25%, levels 3-5), (Sumococoon) (20%, levels 4-6), Dracune (20%, levels 4-6), Memnomnom (10%, levels 3-5)
CATGIRL 1 (level 6 Memnomnom, level 7 Dandicub)
CATGIRL 2 (level 7 Dandicub, level 7 Memnomnom, level 7 Dandicub)
CATGIRL 3 (level 9 Dandicub)
== Leather City ==
'''Exits:''' River Boat Station (under repairs); City Park; Route 3
'''Pillar:''' Shaft, the mining company.
[TRAINER] Shammer, Rhincus (both level 12)
[PILLAR BOSS] Magmaturtle (level 11); Grintot (level 15)
When the Pillar Boss is defeated, they give you the speciality TM and agree to unlock all Grintot and Magmaturtle.
''Speciality TM:'' ? 
''Speciality Tuxemon:'' Grintot ($400), Magmaturtle ($600)
'''Store:''' Sells TUXEBALLS, POTIONS and all CURE * items.
'''Cafe:''' Standard - free healing, friendly battles.
== Route 3 ==
'''Exits:''' Leather City; Abandoned Laboratory
''Upon entering,'' your MUM intercepts you and gives you a SKATEBOARD that lets you move twice as fast.
FISHERMAN (6 x level 4 Nudiflot) - if you win, he gives you a ROD and complains about only catching Nudiflot in this area "but I've heard the fishing's good out near FLOWER CITY".
'''Grass encounters:''' Cardiling (40%, levels 6-8); Toucanary (40%, levels 6-8), Foofle (20%, levels 5-9)
'''Fishing encounters:''' Nudiflot (100%, level 4)
== Abandoned Laboratory ==
'''Exits:''' Route 3; Route 4
Three floors.
'''Random encounters throughout:''' Bumbulous (5%, level 8); Botbot (30%, levels 5-10); Eyenemy (25%, levels 6-10); Dandicub (15%, level 9); Shammer (25%, levels 7-9) - all are infected with SPYDER BITE, which means they "Shiver" instead of using a technique 1/4 of the time. When you go to the second floor, the levels (or level ranges) increase by 1, and by 2 when you go to the third floor.
''Second floor:'' 
Dialogue with the NURSES and DOCTORS reveals that they had to quickly abandon the lab for unspecified reasons, but they have snuck in to find some of their stuff. They despair at how wild tuxemon have wandered in, and "been infected by ... well, I shouldn't say".
''Third floor:'' 
The ENFORCERS also hint that something's happened, and they talk about "quarantine" and "centralised checking of DNA" and "the virus".
'''Scattered items:''' POTION x2; two TMs; BOOSTER TECH x2; several others
''Booster Tech:'' When given to a tuxemon, it evolves (if it evolves via Booster Tech). When given to Botbot, it evolves into the secondary form of your choice, but continues to hold the Booster Tech. When the Booster Tech is taken off it, it de-evolves. (So you can vary which evolution route it takes).
== Route 4 ==
'''Exits:''' Abandoned Laboratory; Flower City
'''Scattered items:''' A TM, a better TUXEBALL
'''Fishing encounters:''' Nudiflot (level 5, 50%), Axylightl (level 10, 25%), Dollfin (level 10, 25%)
'''Grass encounters:''' Hoarse (levels 6-12, 12%), Rhincus (levels 6-12, 13%), Aardorn (levels 8-12, 45%), Toucanary (levels 8-12, 30%)
== Flower City ==
''When you first enter,'' you are intercepted by your MUM, who says that the DAYCARE CENTRE in PAPER TOWN has reopened - but you can't get back there until the RIVER BOAT STATIONS reopen.
'''Exits:''' Route 4; Side Route A; Route 5 (through the back of the BROKEN-INTO HOUSE); River Boat Station (closed for repairs)
'''Pillar:''' Nimrod Armaments 
[TRAINER] Dollfin, (Sharkfin)(both level 16)
[TRAINER] Wolffsky (level 19)
[PILLAR BOSS] Boxorox (level 18); Hydrone(level 22)
When the Pillar Boss is defeated, they give you the speciality TM and agree to unlock all Hydrone and Boxorox.
''Speciality TM:'' ? 
''Speciality Tuxemon:'' Boxorox($800), Hydrone ($1,000)
'''Store:''' TUXEBALL, CURE *, one other
'''Trade:''' A TRAINER is offering their ABESNAKI for your (AXYLOTL'S EVOLUTION).
'''Broken-Into House:''' A distressed scientist is standing here. He was developing a cure for the VIRUS you first saw at the ABANDONED LABORATORY, but then "some armed bandits" broke in to his home and took it. He says they called themselves "SPYDER".
Through the back of the house is one of the SPYDER AGENTS. She lets slip that she has some knowledge of your character that only an ENFORCER would have.
Two tuxemon, and gives you a TM if you defeat her
=== Side Route A ===
'''Exits:''' Flower City (east)
'''Grass encounters:''' (Sumolarva) (25%, levels 8-10), (Sumococoon) (15%, levels 9-11), (Wooden Donkey) (25%, levels 12-14), Cardiling (20%, levels 12-13), Anoleaf (15%, levels 8-12)
'''Scattered items:''' Two TMs; several others
'''Abandoned Mansion:''' At the end of Side Route A, there's a mansion that TEAM BAZAAR is using (there's no TEAM BAZAAR presence in FLOWER CITY, so if the TRAINERS in this route wear you out, you'll have to pay for healing in FLOWER CITY from the PILLAR).
Complete a puzzle to win the trust of one of the TRAINERS here, who gives you a DOJO PASS.
They also install the RENAME TUXEMON APP on your phone, which does what you'd expect.
== Route 5 ==
'''Exits:''' Flower City (through the BROKEN-INTO HOUSE); Wood Town
'''Trainers:''' Several
'''Grass encounters:''' (Sumolarva) (25%, levels 8-10), (Sumococoon) (15%, levels 9-11), (Wooden Donkey) (25%, levels 12-14), Cardiling (20%, levels 12-13), Memnomnom (15%, levels 8-12)
== Wood Town ==
''When you arrive,'' you are intercepted by a person handing out fliers announcing that the RIVER BOAT STATIONS have been reopened - but only between here and PAPER TOWN - the river waters are still choppy further north.
'''Exits:''' River Boat Station, Route 5, Route 6
'''River Boat Stations:''' Use these to get to any CITY or TOWN you've visited so far. Obviously these are on the river, so every map needs to take into account the river. However, the river should only be accessible by the PROTAGONIST from certain towns once you get a SURFBOARD; these would represent WATER ROUTES. Everywhere else, the river bank should be blocked off and only the River Boat Station available.
'''Store:''' ???
'''Trades:''' Someone will trade your TOUCANARY for their GHOSTEETH
'''Pillar:''' ???
'''Cafe:''' TEAM BAZAAR is represented here as well. They install the CONTACTS APP on your PHONE, which keeps track of everyone you've met, for (a) fame checking, (b) rematches and (c) remembering who and where people with trades, challenges, offers, competitions, move tutoring, etc, were.
=== Dojo of the Five Elements ===
This is mostly a chance to battle lots of trainers, but it also teaches you the details of tuxemon battling - with diagrams of the different stats, how the types work, when to swap out moves, etc.
Players can ignore it, of course, but this is meant to give them a much deeper grounding than many people get playing PKMN - even if they play through the games many times.
'''Scattered items:''' Several
== Route 6 ==
'''Trainers:''' Several
'''Grass encounters:''' Eyenemy (25%, levels 12-15), Shammer (20%, levels 12-15), Toucanary (levels 13-18, 30%), Cataspike (25%, levels 9-13)
'''Rest House:''' Just before entering the TUNNEL.
== Tunnel B ==
Or some other dungeon.
Many trainers. Some new tuxemon.
== Candy Town ==
''When you first arrive,'' an ENFORCER says that your tuxemon are infected with a VIRUS and he has to confiscate them. He leaves you at the CAFE, where you can pick up six more of your tuxemon - but they'll be your B-team!
'''Hospital:''' This is where thousands of tuxemon are being kept, in "quarantine". An automatic detector at the door identifies tuxemon and won't let anyone in with them. (So you can't enter at all).
'''Store:''' ???
'''Cafe:''' For TEAM BAZAAR. They also install the RETAME TUXEMON APP on your phone, which lets you change your tuxemons' moves to any that they're entitled to know.
== Route 7 ==
''When you first enter,'' your MUM intercepts you and gives you an XP SHARE (or equivalent).
'''Grass encounters:''' Cardiling (35%, levels 18-20), Memnomnom (25%, levels 18-20), Eyenemy (20%, levels 18-20), Foxfire (20%, levels 18-20)
'''Protesters:''' Route 7 leads to Wool City and Bronze City, but ENFORCERS are blocking the path to Bronze City and WORKERS and SCIENTISTS are blocking the path to Wool City. The WORKERS will let you through; the ENFORCERS will not.
Dialogue with the WORKERS and SCIENTISTS explains that in the middle of a fire drill, GREENWASH (a PILLAR) management locked all staff out of GREENWASH HQ.
The striking workers think it's because GREENWASH staff had invented TUXEMON FUSION, and were going to release a paper on it.
Now they're worried that ENFORCERS have been called in to kill all the FUSIONS and shut down the program.
They'd love for you to enter, but because the front entrance is locked, you'll have to sneak through the back - where tuxemon experiments are running wild!
== Wool City ==
'''Store:''' ?
'''Cafe:''' For TEAM BAZAAR.
'''Other:''' ?
=== Greenwash HQ (Pillar, forest) ===
Must make your way through the greenhouses first, where experimental tuxemon are loose: 
'''Experiments include:''' Slichen, Ziggurat, Uneye

This is a multi-level forest with trainers and random encounters, and a healing location.
''Opens on [[CEO]] sprite''

When you fight the big boss, the CEO of GREENWASH, she drops the FUSION REPORT. You upload it to TUXEPEDIA. Now any tuxemon with a 'PEDIA entry (i.e. any that you've captured) can be fused.  
Hello, I am the [[CEO]] of [[Omnichannel]]. We run the newspapers, TV channels and radio stations for this region. It is my duty to inform you.

When you leave, the strike diffuses, because "We've gathered all the remaining lab tuxemon and either released them into the wild or taken them as pets. There's nothing that the ENFORCERS can do!"
''[[Tumbleworm]] appears''

=== Hospital ===
Tuxemon are the animals that inhabit this world. They love to be captured so their masters can battle them for fun and profit. The strongest win, just like in the world of business.
Now you can return to the HOSPITAL. Just fuse your tuxemon as you pass through the detector, and the machine won't detect them - because they're not any known breed!

This is a multi-level building, with many ENFORCERS and SPYDER AGENTS - the first direct proof of their collaboration, a healing location, scattered items and puzzles.
Most monsters are found in the wild. They morph into more advanced forms when they gain experience.  

They drop hints about their true plan: when the VIRUS is cured, they will confiscate any unlocked tuxemon for being "unsafe", and use them to further their plans for world domination!
But the five Pillars that make up the Cathedral, that is, the five allied companies that operate in this region, have improved on nature. This season, we offer five deluxe tuxemon!

As you go along, you also recover your confiscated tuxemon. For each one, you can choose to place it in your team or store it. They have the VIRUS though.  
''[[Dollfin]], [[Ignibus]], [[Memnomnom]], [[Budaye]] and [[Grintot]] appear in turn, with name labels beneath.''

You also find a trapped scientist, who says that the VIRUS is cureable - but only with access to the DNA. In other words, only unlocked tuxemon are cureable! He cures all yours.
These tuxemon morph immediately when exposed to the right item - instant gratification!  

= Later =
What's more, they let you choose which form they morph into.
* A gym where you fight a number of trainers, and then the master, who fights you with SAMPSACK and SAMPSAGE and then lets you choose one
* Four legendary tuxemon, based on the animals of the four cardinal directions
* A terrifying and very powerful tuxemon that was created using the FUSION technology - but it stuck, so it rampaged and then hid
* A showdown in the final pillar, OMNICHANNEL, (equivalent to the INDIGO LEAGUE of PKMN) where it's revealled that the SPYDER is run by the bosses of the CATHEDRAL. You fight a number of two-on-two battles, with your RIVALS teaming up with you to back you up!
* Reward for "completing" TUXEPEDIA

= Tuxemon used so far =
''(Each is shown in turn with the black silhouette of the two forms it morphs into)''
Tuxemon fall into a few categories:

== Starters ==
Tokens are available for a modest fee from all stores and Pillars!

* (Bear Cub)
Ahem, what was I talking about? Oh yes, each Pillar offers one of these exclusive tuxemon.
* Lambert
* (Fire Iguana)
* Rockitten
* (Water Kingfisher)

== Available in the wild ==
''(Introductory video ends, and cuts to [[Shopkeeper]] addressing a number of people in [Paper_Town#C._Scoop_Store his store]. All potential protagonist types are present)''

=== In grass ===
What a great presentation from our CEO! All Gold members are being offered a free tuxemon. Just fill in this form.
* Cardiling
* Aardorn
* Vamporm + evos
* (Sumolarvae) + evos
* Memnomnom
* Toucanary
* Foofle
* Hoarse
* (Wooden Donkey)
* Rhincus
* Anoleaf
* Cataspike
* Eyenemy
* Foxfire

=== In dungeons/labs/underground ===
1. What is your name?
* Bumbuluous
* Eyenemy
* Botbot
* Dandilion
* Shammer
* Slichen
* Ziggurat
* Uneye

=== Water ===
''Name selection screen.''
* Nudiflot
* Axylightl
* Dollfin

== Available in trades/gifts ==
2. Please attach a photo.

* Djinnbo (for Dollfin)
''(Here players can choose from a number of options for the protagonist's appearance).''
* Abesnaki (for (Axylightl Evolution))
* Ghosteeth (for Toucanary)
* Sampsage or Sampsack (prize)

== Available from Pillars ==
3. Which tuxemon would you like? (Dollfin/Ignibus/Memnomnom/Budaye/Grintot)
Locked, unless that Pillar is defeated

* Magmaturtle
''([[Shopkeeper]] goes to each person, collecting the forms. When he reaches the protagonist)''
* Grintot
* Boxorox
* Hydrone

== Legendaries ==
I'm sorry, you are not a Gold member. This offer is for Gold members only. I'll have my [[Shop Assistant]] escort you home.

* None yet
''(Protagonist follows Shop Assistant [[Dante]] to your Home in [[Paper Town]]). Then the game begins. You begin with $250.)''

== Battled, but not catchable (yet) ==
= Links =
* Wolffsky
* [https://forum.tuxemon.org/thread.php?pid=783 Explanation of the plot, the ideas from different contributors that it tries to balance, etc]
* [[Game Elements (The Spyder in the Cathedral)|Game Elements]]
* [[Omnichannel (plot)]]
* [[Game Bible]]

== Not featured (yet) ==
[[Category:Story]] [[Category:Plot]]
* Arthrobolt
* Asudopt
* Bamboon
* Nut
* Budaye
* Cateye
* Drokoro
* Dune Pincher
* Fruitera
* Millilil
* Nemo02
* Nostray
* Noxdeus
* Palmask
* Pigabyte
* Propellercat
* Sludgehog

Latest revision as of 13:02, 8 June 2023

Synopsis[edit | edit source]

The Spyder in the Cathedral plot takes place in the Fondent region, which is dominated by five nominally separate corporations, called Pillars. Not content with profitability, the Pillars want to take full control of the region and they hatch a plan to do so:

Scoop, the fast food and retail empire, will transmit a disease, the Spyder virus, that weakens tuxemon that don't have the vaccine, putting any opposition on the back foot. Meanwhile, mining company Shaft will extract and revive fossils of powerful extinct dragons. Agro-business and genetic engineering corporation Greenwash will use its fusion technology to combine these dragons with arms manufacturer Nimrod's killer robots, allowing them to steamroll any opposition already weakened by Scoop's virus. Behind the scenes, news media monopoly Omnichannel puts out propaganda and coordinates the scheme through its Spyder agents.

Summary[edit | edit source]

  • The game begins with a recording of the Omnichannel CEO.
  • The action begins in Paper Town, where you line up to get a Starting Tuxemon at the STORE but don't have the Gold Pass required - your Rival does though! They choose the tuxemon that you wanted.
  • After resting at your HOME (introducing your Mom), you can head back to the STORE
  • After a hint left by Dante, the Shop Assistant, you do fish a thrown-away, unofficial tuxemon out of the rubbish - but your RIVAL catches you and is scornful, and battles you.
  • If you wander around town, you might meet the RIVAL'S Granny, who runs the Daycare Centre, or see the Riverboat Station.
  • In Route 1, you encounter wild tuxemon for the first time.
  • You also see the Omnichannel HQ, and may be rebuffed by the Enforcers when you try to enter.
  • You enter a Cafe, meet Team Bazaar and get the Tuxepedia app.
  • In Leather Town, you face your first Pillar - Shaft - and get the chance to buy your first for-sale tuxemon and TMs.
  • In Route 3, you run into your MOM, who gives you a Hoverboard, and a Fisher, who gives you a Fishing Rod.
  • In the Abandoned Lab, you find Booster Tech, encounter the VIRUS for the first time, and fight ENFORCERS.
  • In Flower City, you face your second Pillar - Nimrod
  • You have to go out of town to find TEAM BAZAAR (forcing you to go to STORES for paid healing until you get there), and are intercepted by your Rival who mock your weak tuxemon and talk about the great stuff you can buy from the PILLARS
  • When you get to the Mansion that TEAM BAZAAR hang out in, you get a Dojo Pass.
  • Also in Flower City is a broken-into house with someone who was working on a cure for Spyder Bite, and when you go through you find the person who broke in - a Spyder Rookie.
  • In Timber Town, the Riverboat Stations reopen, and so has the Daycare Centre you saw in Paper Town all that time ago. You should go back and drop a tuxemon off.
  • Also in Timber Town, you face your third Pillar - Scoop HQ
  • Also in Timber Town, the Dojo of the Five Elements introduces many people to fight and teaches you about the mechanics of battle. And who should be in the final room of the DOJO to challenge you for a final test of your skill but your RIVAL? They mention that they've gotten the TUXEPEDIA APP themselves, and they admire your edits - and have done some of their own!
  • There's a mass of people on Route 6, formed by employees of the fourth Pillar - Greenwash! This route heads to Candy Town, but there's ENFORCERS blocking the way.
  • Dialogue with the protesters indicates that there's a new technology called Fusion developed at GREENWASH, and they reckon that's why the ENFORCERS are interested! But the Greenwash Boss tricked everyone into leaving the building, and has locked themselves in while they wait for the ENFORCERS to get through.
  • When you arrive in Candy Town, your tuxemon are confiscated by ENFORCERS because they allegedly have SPYDER BITE - and are taken to the Hospital for quarantine! You'll have to battle with your B team for a while.
  • You might try to enter the HOSPITAL, but the scanner rejects any known tuxemon DNA. If only there were a way to scramble tuxemon DNA so it couldn't detect it ...
  • You can break into Greenwash HQ by going through the greenhouses - which are full of experimental tuxemon! Creepy, but make sure you catch them all!
  • When you beat the Greenwash Boss, you get the Fusion Report and can upload it to TUXEPEDIA! Now anyone can fuse any unlocked tuxemon! And now Greenwash HQ is safe, since there's nothing for the ENFORCERS in there
  • FUSION lets you get past the DNA detector at the Hospital, and fight your way through the Spyder Rookies - who reveal their plan was to use the quarantine as an excuse to confiscate all other tuxemon. SPYDER is a conspiracy within the Pillars, and it goes right to the top of Omnichannel!
  • You grab the Spyder Keycard off the Spyder Boss in the HOSPITAL, and retrieve your confiscated tuxemon, and free the SCIENTISTS who can heal all unlocked tuxemon by looking at their DNA
  • Before you can return to Cotton Town, your RIVAL intercepts you! They are tired of your meddling, just let the CATHEDRAL find a cure! After you beat them, they notice that your tuxemon are cured. You mean it was that simple? Just unlocking them and checking their DNA? Then why did the ENFORCERS take our tuxemon? The seed of doubt has been planted in your RIVAL'S minds ...
  • At Cotton Town, you fight your way through the Spyder Rookies at Omnichannel HQ ... but then two of the PILLAR BOSSES challenge you at once! You'd be in trouble, but who should arrive but your RIVAL?! The whole VIRUS debacle convinced them that freedom and openness are the way to go, and so they join you for a two-on-two battle with the BOSSES.
  • You triumph, and bring down SPYDER! All tuxemon are unlocked, and there's only a few more tuxemon you need to add to TUXEPEDIA!

Some thoughts on the concept of the game[edit | edit source]

The concept is that how tuxemon are restricted in the game world is analogous to how creative works are restricted in the real world ("creature" and "creative" both come from "create"; a creature was originally a created thing).

But we can use the creatures/creative works that we have to challenge the wicked corporations that would restrict them. As our creatures/creative works grow stronger and more numerous, the wicked corporations are defeated and fewer creatures/creative works are restricted until the protagonist's victory where no creatures/creative works are restricted.

I think that's a clever and subtle conceit for an open source game to have. It gives the player a goal, and a reason for battling. The use of battling creatures makes sense, because they're a metaphor for the battle of ideas. "As it is above, so it is below" - both Tuxemon: The Game and a tuxemon in the game world are creations that help win the battle of ideas for freedom and open source.

Monsters[edit | edit source]

 TXMN IDMainImageSpyderCampaignTXMN StageTXMN Blurb
Rockitten1Rockitten.pngStarting tuxemon for players. Used by a trainer in Route 3.BasicIt uses its tiny rock ears for snuggling.
Rockat2Rockat-main.pngEvolution of a starting monster. Found in the wild in Tunnel B. Used by trainers in Dojo, Omnichannel HQ, Route 3 and Tunnel B.Stage1Despite its considerable weight, its footfalls are silent.
Jemuar375.pngEvolution of a starting monster. Used by a trainer in Omnichannel HQ.Stage2The gems on its back are the type found when it was born. There are extensive ROCKITTEN breeding facilities over diamond veins.
Nut4MissingStarting tuxemon for players. Found in the wild in Greenwash HQ.BasicIn the great ships that cross the oceans, thousands of NUT and BOLT provide power and hold the steel plating together.
Bolt5MissingEvolution of a starting monster. Used by trainers in Route 7.Stage1The presence of a BOLT makes a NUT clamp down harder and spark more energy.
Arthrobolt6Arthrobolt-main.pngEvolution of a starting monster. Used by a trainer in Dragon's Cave.Stage2It feels uncomfortable commanding its fellow NUT and BOLT, and usually runs away. But then the NUT and BOLT have no one to instruct them.
Tweesher7Fkmn commission tweesher by devildman-dabpynf.pngStarting tuxemon for players. Found in the wild in Sea Route C. Traded in Flower City.BasicThe colder the weather, the harder its beak. At below 0 degrees, it is harder than diamond.
Heronquak8Fkmn commission heronquak by devildman-dabq973.pngEvolution of a starting monster. Used by trainers in Route 7.Stage1The crystal on its chest is mistaken for a diamond by poachers. It melts when it is removed from HERONQUAK's body.
Eaglace9Fkmn commission eaglace by devildman-dabrrgw.pngEvolution of a starting monster. Used by trainers in Dojo and Dragon's Cave.Stage2When it takes flight, clouds form. When it claps its wings, hail falls.
Lambert10Lambert commission by smiley fakemon-d9yfrxe.pngStarting tuxemon for players. Found in the wild in Dryad's Grove.BasicIt is placed in its nut by its parent, who then sends it into the world.
Legko11Fkmn commission legko by devildman-d9zvlbx.pngEvolution of a starting monster.Stage1Long thought to be legless, its leaves are actually vestigial limbs.
Moloch1253.pngEvolution of a starting monster.Stage2It can stiffen or soften its skin to respond to friends and foes.
Agnite1343 (1).pngStarting tuxemon for players. Found in the wild in Dragon's Cave. Used by a trainer in Greenwash HQ.BasicIt is playful, but must be taught early on to keep its fire in check.
Agnidon1464 (2).pngEvolution of a starting monster. Found in the wild in Dragon's Cave.Stage1It prefers four legs, but can stand on two to open doors, push over trees or hold things.
Agnigon1570.pngEvolution of a starting monster. Used by a trainer in Sea Route C.Stage2It is called a "false dragon", because it appears to be a dragon, but actually evolved from a different line of ancient reptiles.
Grintot16MissingStarting tuxemon for the Rival. Used by a trainer in Tunnel B. Traded in Flower City.BasicIt is a GRINTROCK or GRINFLARE that has experienced erosion.
Grinflare17MissingEvolution of a starting monster. Used by trainers in Omnichannel HQ, Route 3, Route 6 and Walled Garden.Stage1It is said that each is the walking heart of a volcano.
Grintrock18MissingEvolution of a starting monster. Used by trainers in Dojo, Omnichannel HQ, Route 6 and Walled Garden.Stage1It feeds by sitting out in thunderstorms, waiting to be struck by lightning.
Memnomnom19Memnomnom mtc-studio.pngStarting tuxemon for the Rival. Used by a trainer in Route 5.BasicIt is said that each one's mask is the face of a different dead king.
Miaownolith20Miaownolith mtc-studio.pngEvolution of a starting monster. Used by trainers in Dojo, Route 5 and Walled Garden.Stage1It can speak the human tongue, but only to say cryptic riddles.
Pyraminx21Nemo01.pngEvolution of a starting monster. Used by a trainer in Walled Garden.Stage1It has a tomb hidden somewhere in the land. If it finds it, it can sleep.
Mauai22MissingN/AStage1MAUAI gives itself over to the spirits of lost warriors trapped inside its weapon.
Dollfin23Dollfin-main.pngStarting tuxemon for the Rival.Each one follows a ship from place to place, exploring the world.
Delfeco24MissingStage1DELFECO's streamlined body allows for swift navigation through water, and its intelligence is evident in its complex hunting strategies. Despite its size, it's known for its playful nature and strong bond with its trainer.
Bigfin2555alt.pngEvolution of a starting monster. Used by trainers in Dojo, Dragon's Cave, Side Route A, Sea Route C and Walled Garden. Fished with the Poseidon.Stage1A whole ecosystem exists on its back, so it tries not to go underwater.
Sharpfin2679alt.pngEvolution of a starting monster. Used by trainers in Nimrod HQ, Omnichannel HQ, Side Route A, Sea Route C and Walled Garden. Fished with the Neptune or Poseidon.Stage1It is invisible in the water, being visible only when it leaps out of the water to drag animals on the shore back into the deep.
Budaye27Budaye by reallydarkandwindie-dajfo4c.pngStarting tuxemon for the Rival. Used by trainers in Dojo, Mansion, Omnichannel HQ and Side Route A. Traded in Flower City.BasicIt can convince any group to cooperate for the common good with some encouraging mewls and waves.
Bamboon28MissingEvolution of a starting monster. Used by a trainer in Walled Garden.Stage1It fights with its bamboo staff, which it also uses for balance.
Frondly29Frondly by reallydarkandwindie-dajfo4l.pngEvolution of a starting monster. Used by a trainer in Omnichannel HQ and Walled Garden.Stage1It can do anything with its prehensile tail, even shake hands and pick fruit.
Ignibus30Magmaturtle-main.pngStarting tuxemon for the Rival. Used by trainers in Route 3, Route 6 and Tunnel B. Traded in Flower City. Fished with the Fishing Rod or Neptune.BasicWhen threatened it retreats into its shell and cools down dramatically by venting steam. It could be mistaken for a rock.
Embazook31Nemo05.pngEvolution of a starting monster. Used by trainers in Dojo, Dragon's Cave, Nimrod HQ, Scoop HQ and Walled Garden. Fished with the Neptune or Poseidon.Stage1It is trained for use in war and it knows no other life.
Eruptibus32Volcanoturtle-main.pngEvolution of a starting monster. Used by a trainer in Route 3 and Walled Garden.Stage1Smiths work with it, heating up metals in its caldera.
Cataspike33MissingCan be caught in Route 1, Route 2 and City Park. There is currently one Cataspike trainer: Connor in Route 3 whose Weavifly has just given birth and therefore he has has five Cataspike.BasicIt learns to fight from observation. Left to its own devices, it uses its spike to pick up rubbish.
Puparmor34MissingFound in the wild in City Park. Used by trainers in Route 4 and Side Route B.Stage1Its cocoon is so hard, people are knocked out if a PUPARMOR is dropped on them. They were once loaded into cannons and catapults.
Weavifly35MissingFound in the wild in Route 7. One trainer on Route 3 has a Weavifly.Stage2When it is heavy with egg, it becomes unable to fly.
Vamporm36MissingFound in the wild on Route 5 and Side Route A. One trainer on Side Route A has a Vamporm.BasicIt thirsts for blood, but must make do with tree sap.
Dracune37MissingFound in the wild on Route 5. Used by trainers in Side Route B.Stage1It is immobile during the day, but can wriggle and bite at night.
Fluttaflap3802.pngEvolves from Dracune. Used by trainers in Route 7 and Side Route B.Stage2It feeds on impurities, so it returns purified blood to those it sucks on.
Elofly39MissingFound in the wild in Route 3 and Route 4. Elofly are used by trainers in Route 3, Wayfarer Inn, Mansion, Scoop HQ and Omnichannel HQ,BasicAn ELOFLY on its own is patient and wise, but when it flocks in great numbers it becomes violent and impulsive.
Elowind40MissingUsed by trainers in Route 5 Scoop HQ and Omnichannel HQ.Stage1The lieutenants of the ELOFLY family, ELOWIND shepherd the flock and keep it focused.
Elostorm41MissingUsed by a trainer in Omnichannel HQ, who teaches a course "Lead like Elostorm!"Stage2Kings and queens, the ELOSTORM rule their people and have great ambition.
Aardorn4205.pngFound in the wild in Route 1, Route 2 and Route 4. Trainers use Aardorn in Route 2, Route 3, City Park, Dojo of the Five Elements. Greenwash HQ has created an Aardorn/ant fusion called an Aardant.BasicWhen born it is placed in an anthill and left to eat its way out.
Aardart43MissingFound in the wild on Route 7. Used by trainers in Route 5 and Route 7.Stage1It keeps count of every ant it has eaten, and celebrates significant numbers.
Squabbit44MissingFound in the wild in City Park and Route 3. Trainers use Squabbit in Scoop HQ, Mansion, City Park, Wayfarer Inn, Nimrod HQ, Route 3, Side Route B and Omnichannel HQ. They seem to be particularly popular among Enforcers.BasicTo prove themselves, they will fight tooth and nail over even the smallest thing.
Rabbitosaur45MissingUsed by trainers on Route 4 and in Omnichannel HQ.Stage1Its tunnels are extensive and wide, the site of tremendous wars between burrows.
Eyenemy46MissingFound in the wild in City Park. Your Rival uses an Eyenemy, as does a trainer in Greenwash HQ.BasicIt feeds on beautiful views and other spectacular sights.
Eyesore47MissingYour rival uses an Eyesore, as does a trainer in Greenwash HQ.Stage1It remembers everything it has ever seen, but not the order that it has seen it in.
Pipis48MissingFound in the wild in Tunnel B. Used by a trainer in Hospital.BasicIts cries are considered a bad omen, but it is a gentle creature.
Strella49MissingFound in the wild in Tunnel B. Used by trainers in Tunnel B, the Hospital and Omnichannel HQ.Stage1Its tails are lures to convince bugs to bite them and be trapped.
Noctula50MissingFound in the wild in Tunnel B. Used by trainers in Tunnel B and Route 6.BasicIt eats fruit and PIPIS eat bugs, so despite living in close proximity they do not compete.
Noctalo51MissingFound in the wild in Tunnel B. Used by trainers in Tunnel B and Dryad's Grove.Stage1It inhabits only places abandoned by humans - castles, graveyards and sewers.
Nudiflot ♂52Fkmn commission nudijet by devildman-da3kzt5.pngFound in the wild in Sea Route C. Used by a trainer in Route 3, it gives the player a Fishing Rod. If the player ever runs out of tuxemon (because they are confiscated in Candy Town), they are given a male Nudiflot. Fished with the Fishing Rod or Neptune.BasicIts feathery antennas snap off if it is attacked, confusing the predator.
Nudikill53Fkmn commission nudikill by devildman-da3pg9g.pngFound in the wild in Sea Route C. Used by a trainer in Sea Route C. Fished with the Neptune or Poseidon.Stage1They are called Dark Bishops because their heads are reminiscent of a bishop's hat.
Nudiflot ♀54Nudiflot 2.pngFound in the wild in Sea Route C. Used by trainers in Route 3 and Sea Route C. Fished with the Fishing Rod or Neptune.BasicIt eats and stores the poison of the sea creatures that it feeds upon.
Nudimind55Fkmn commission nudiflot by devildman-da3l4zp.pngFound in the wild in Sea Route C. Used by trainers in Sea Route C and Dryad's Grove. Fished with the Neptune or Poseidon.Stage1It dreams of oceans under other skies.
Katapill56Comm Sanglorian Katapill.pngFound in the wild in Route 4 and Side Route A. Used by trainers in Route 4 and Side Route A.BasicIt is born fighting. It has to punch out of its eggshell or be trapped.
Katacoon57Comm Sanglorian Katacoon.pngEvolves from Katapill.Stage1It stays in a meditative pose for its chrysalis, moving only to jab enemies.
Bugnin58Bugnin.pngEvolves from Katacoon.Stage2Its sword is actually an antenna grown and snapped off for that purpose.
Sumchon59Sumchon.pngUsed by a trainer in Dryad's Grove and Side Route B.Stage2It uses its weight to trip much larger enemies. It is as dense as a star.
Gladiatorbug60Gladiatorbug.pngStage2GLADIATORBUG is a massive insectoid tuxemon with a deep, armored exoskeleton and distinctive wings running along its back. Its mandibles can crush steel.
Anu61The anu by princess phoenix-d5mii2o.pngUsed by trainers in Hospital and Walled Garden.StandaloneIt is said that it enters others' dreams to search for its lost love.
Cardiling62Artflow 20160802023828605.jpgFound in the wild in Citypark, Route 2 and Route 3. Used by trainers in Dojo, Route 2, Route 3 and Scoop HQ.BasicOne wouldn't expect it to breathe fire, until it does.
Cardiwing63MissingUsed by trainers in Dojo, Mansion, Omnichannel HQ, Route 4, Route 6, Side Route A and Scoop HQ.Stage1Its song is remarkable, but few dare keep an explosive songbird.
Cardinale64MissingUsed by a trainer in Hospital.Stage2It hates all predators with a passion, and makes war with them and their young when it can.
Anoleaf65MissingFound in the wild in Route 5 and Side Route A. Used by trainers in Route 7.BasicIt considers the plants growing near it to be its brothers and sisters.
Gectile66MissingFound in the wild in Route 5. Used by trainers in Mansion and Route 7.Stage1It is so quick and light that it can walk on leaves.
Velocitile67MissingEvolves from Gectile. Used by trainers in Route 7.Stage2It can outrun a bullet, but only when it has warmed up.
Fluoresfin68MissingFished with the Fishing Rod.BasicWhen threatened, it huddles together with other Fluoresfin to create a large blinding light to disorientate predators.
Incandesfin69MissingUsed by trainers in Sea Route C. Fished with the Neptune or Poseidon.Stage1Its entire body has massively grown in size. However, its light is still the exact same.
Lightmare70MissingUsed by a trainer in Dojo. Fished with the Poseidon.Stage2It lurks in the depths of the ocean, luring any unsuspecting prey using its light right into its large, gaping mouth.
Cairfrey71Cairfrey art.pngFound in the wild in Tunnel B and Mansion. Used by trainers in Scoop HQ and Wayfarer Inn.BasicA jolly piece of furniture who awoke one morning and decided to explore.
Possessun72Possessun art.pngFound in the wild on Tunnel B. Used by trainers in Scoop HQ.Stage1It is a ghost that inhabits a dead CAIRFREY.
Dandicub73Commission dandycub by slickedbackartisan dd3yvsh.pngFound in the wild on Route 6. Used by trainers in Route 7.BasicAfter a litter is born, they float all over the world and never see their family again.
Dandylion74Commission dandylion by slickedbackartisan dd3z9s8.pngFound in the wild on Route 6. Used by trainers in Dojo and Dryad's Grove.Stage1It gives birth to one litter in its life. Then it wanders the world trying to find them.
Embra75MissingFound in the wild in Dragon's Cave. Used by a trainer in Dojo.BasicIt eats everything it can to grow big enough to become a RUPTION.
Ruption76MissingFound in the wild in Dragon's Cave. Used by trainers in Side Route B.Stage1Once Embra's flame becomes hot enough, it engulfs its entire body, essentially replacing it in the process.
Shybulb77MissingFound in the wild in Dryad's Grove, Route 3 and Side Route A. Used by trainers in Citypark, Greenwash HQ, Mansion, Route 4, Route 6 and Side Route A.BasicWhen a garden is neglected, a SHYBULB moves in and quietly tends the droopy plants.
Narcileaf78MissingFound in the wild in Dryad's Grove. Used by trainers in Dryad's Grove, Greenwash HQ, Route 6, Side Route A and Walled Garden.Stage1When a SHYBULB has restored a garden to glory, it morphs and proudly takes credit for its work.
Tikoal79MissingTraded in Timber Town.BasicThe guardian of a forest-dwelling people, it keeps guard and resolves disputes.
Tikorch80MissingUsed by trainers in Greenwash HQ.Stage1It is the intermediary between forest and volcano, between sun and earth.
Hatchling81MissingUsed by trainers in Scoop HQ.BasicWhen an egg does not want to hatch and begin its next life stage, it becomes a HATCHLING.
Birdling82MissingUsed by trainers in Route 6 and Scoop HQ.Stage1The ignorant believe that it carries its own egg upon its back. It is the guard for a far more important egg than that.
Bursa83MissingFound in the wild in Greenwash HQ. Used by trainers in Route 7.BasicIt rejects fire as "basic", and produces only the fire of the mind.
Flambear84MissingUsed by a trainers in Dojo.Stage1It can be tracked from the trail of boiled berry bushes and roasted trout it leaves in its wake.
Trapsnap85MissingUsed by trainers in Dojo and Side Route A.BasicIts head is the only part of its body that doesn't grow as it ages.
Sapsnap86MissingFound in the wild in Dryad's Grove and Route 4. Used by trainers in Dojo and Side Route A.Stage1Its terrific anger is off putting, but it passes quickly.
Forturtle87MissingUsed by trainers in Dojo and Route 3.BasicIt heats its shell to read the future from the cracks that emerge.
Prophetoise88MissingUsed by a trainer in Dojo.Stage1Its heavenly fire is something foes rarely see coming.
Pythwire89MissingFound in the wild in Datacenter. Used by a trainer in Route 3.BasicObservations of wild PYTHWIRE inspired the inventor of the first electrical outlet.
Ouroboutlet90MissingFound in the wild in Datacenter. Used by trainers in Datacenter.Stage1The circuit focuses energy, creating a new type of electricity called griefed-lightning.
Sockeserp91MissingFound in the wild in Datacenter. Used by trainers in Datacenter.Stage1An otherwise formiddable enemy, SOCKESERP is easily dispatched if it gets tangled up.
Komodraw92Komodraw artwork fakemon by serpexnessie-dawq5jf.pngUsed by trainers in Nimrod HQ.BasicIt uses its claws to carve its firearm out of wood, and uses it for powerful ranged attacks.
Grimachin93Nemo04-main.pngUsed by trainers in Dojo and Nimrod HQ.BasicIt was made by a toy company to be a pet, but was too dangerous.
Tigrock94Tigrock-main.pngUsed by a trainer in Nimrod HQ and Walled Garden.Stage1It is said that it had to invent itself because an evolution was not designed.
Tumbleworm95MissingUsed by trainers in Mansion, Route 4 and Side Route B.BasicWhen they have outgrown their honeycomb eggs, they drop to the ground face first.
Tumblebee96MissingUsed by trainers in Side Route B and Side Route E.Stage1It builds hives that are perfect spheres, with the TUMBLEBEE inside just rolling about and buzzing with laughter.
Sampsack97MissingUsed by a trainer in Dojo and Walled Garden. The player can choose between receiving Sampsack and receiving Sampsage.StandaloneA scientist wanted to separate his personalities, but he split his body.
Sampsage98MissingUsed by a trainer in Dojo and Walled Garden. The player can choose between receiving Sampsack and receiving Sampsage.StandaloneA scientist took a drug that made him clever by day and violent by night.
Abesnaki99MissingUsed by trainers in Dojo and Scoop HQ.StandaloneEach face is a different pattern, and some say the symbols spell out words in a dead language.
Araignee100MissingUsed by a trainer in Dryad's Grove and Walled Garden.StandalonePedants who say all spiders have eight legs are strangely quiet on the case of ARAIGNEE.
Axolightl101Sanglorian Axolight.pngFound in the wild on Citypark and Route 2. Used by a trainer in Sea Route C.BasicIt lights the deep waters with its tail, marking a safe shelter for fish.
Capiti102MissingFound in the wild in Route 6. Used by trainers in Dojo, Mansion and Route 5.BasicIt looks like a baby, but some specimens have been found that are hundreds of years old.
Capinyah103Monky Front.pngN/AStage1Only after intense training in the jungles, lifting logs and river boulders, can CAPITI graduate to become CAPINYAH.
Cochini104MissingFound in the wild on Greenwash HQ and Scoop HQ. Used by trainers in Greenwash HQ, Omnichannel HQ and Scoop HQ.StandaloneIt is as intelligent and aware as a three-year old child. It tastes delicious.
Coleorus105MissingFound in the wild on Dryad's Grove. Used by trainers in Dragon's Cave and Greenwash HQ.StandaloneIt has existed, unchanged, for millions of years.
Conifrost106MissingUsed by trainers in Side Route B.StandaloneIf it sneezes, an avalanche occurs. It has a permanent sniffle.
Cowpignon107MissingUsed by a trainer in Route 4 and Walled Garden.StandaloneSome people dry it out and eat it as a medicinal enhancement.
Djinnbo108Commission djinnbo by slickedbackartisan dd3f0sa.pngFound in the wild in the Mansion. Used by trainers in Dojo, Dragon's Cave, Side Route B and Mansion.StandaloneIt is mistakenly believed that it is a human who died in a fire. Actually, its relatives did.
Dune Pincher109MissingUsed by trainers in Side Route E.StandaloneThese hermits will wrap themselves in whatever is closest. In the desert, that is the burial shrouds of long-dead pharaohs.
Foofle110Foofle-main.pngFound in the wild in Route 5. Used by trainers in Greenwash HQ, Mansion, Route 3, Route 4, Route 6 and Tunnel.StandaloneWhen one is in danger, all FOOFLE hear its cries, wherever they are.
Ghosteeth111MissingUsed by trainers in Dragon's Cave, Mansion and Nimrod HQ.StandaloneIt smiles because it knows how everyone it meets is going to die.
Hydrone112MissingUsed by trainers in Dojo, Dragon's Cave, Route 6 and Wayfarer Inn.StandaloneIt utilises an experimental technology that creates power from water.
Lapinou113MissingFound in the wild on Scoop HQ. Used by trainers in Mansion and Scoop HQ.StandaloneWhen SQUABBITS were taken as fashionable pets, they adapted to domestic life and lost their violent natures.
Manosting114MissingFound in the wild on Sea Route C. Used by a trainer in Sea Route C. Fished with the Poseidon.StandaloneIt floats across the tops of cities, contemplating sharks.
Masknake115MissingUsed by trainers in Dojo, Dryad's Grove, Greenwash HQ and Tunnel B.StandaloneWhen frightened or aggressive, it flashes a beautiful pattern with its tail.
Pigabyte116MissingFound in the wild in the Mansion. Used by trainers in Greenwash HQ, Route 6 and Scoop HQStandaloneScientists found that the best computers have organic implants.
Polyrock117MissingFound in the wild in the Mansion. Used by a trainer in Mansion and Walled Garden.StandaloneIt disguises itself as a human child to sneak into dojos and learn from martial arts masters.
Propellercat118MissingUsed by trainers in Greenwash HQ, Route 3, Route 6 and Scoop HQ. Traded in Candy Town.StandaloneIs it a new species, or just the pet of an inventor?
Sclairus119MissingFound in the wild on Greenwash HQ. Used by trainers in Greenwash HQ.StandaloneWhen a crop is left unharvested - be it from laziness or disaster - its scarecrow becomes a dark and living creature.
Sludgehog120MissingFound in the wild in Scoop HQ. Used by trainers in Dojo and Omnichannel HQ.StandaloneIt lives in rubbish, and eats it too. Its spikes seem sharp, but it can soften them at will.
Spighter121MissingUsed by trainers in Route 2, Route 4, Route 5, Route 6, Scoop HQ and Walled Garden.StandaloneIt's not fair that something so good at sneaking up on people, can't be snuck up on itself.
Toufigel122MissingFound in the wild in Tunnel B.StandaloneIt appears to be a fluffy insect, but it is actually a reptile coated in soft snow.
Tourbidi123MissingFound in the wild on Citypark and Dryad's Grove. Used by trainers in Dojo and Tunnel.StandaloneIf you find a circle of mushrooms or clover, it is a place where TOURBIDI dance.
Volcoli124Monster.pngFound in the wild on Dryad's Grove. Used by a trainer in Dojo.StandaloneIt is the spirit of a forest. Its hair changes with the seasons.
Botbot125Bolt-main.pngUsed by a trainer in Wayfarer Inn. Offered in Wayfarer Inn.BasicIt is a universal robot that can be adapted for any purpose.
AV8R126Birdbot-main.pngUsed by trainers in Greenwash HQ, Mansion and Nimrod HQ.Stage1If the sun is out, it can fly as far or as high as it likes.
PiCC127Fishbot-main.pngUsed by trainers in Sea Route C, Scoop HQ and Wayfarer Inn. Fished with the Neptune or Poseidon.Stage1It accompanies divers, providing much needed oxygen.
MRmOswitch128Monkeybot-main.pngUsed by trainers in Mansion, Scoop HQ and Wayfarer Inn.Stage1These cheeky robots are used for their fine motor skills, but they love pranks.
K9129Petbot.pngUsed by trainers in Mansion and Route 4.Stage1It is a helpful companion that can pull a tonne of weight.
B-ver.1130Beaverbot.pngUsed by a trainer in Wayfarer Inn.Stage1It is designed for all those times you need something to be bitten by a robot.
Zunna131MissingUsed by trainers in Route 6, Scoop HQ and Tunnel. Traded in Candy Town.StandaloneCheerful ZUNNA sucks up all the food it can find into its stomach.
Vivipere132MissingAvailable from the Pet Shop in Flower City. Used by trainers in Dojo.BasicIt hatches in great numbers in the summer, but the rest of its lifespan is a mystery.
Vivicinder133MissingUsed by a trainer in Dryad's Grove.Stage1It makes its nest in long-burning fires, either of its own creation or in memorials, smithies and glassworks.
Viviphyta134MissingUsed by trainers in Hospital, Dojo, Dryad's Grove, Route 4, Route 6 and Side Route A.Stage1It is the king of snakes - or at least believes itself to be such.
Viviteel135MissingUsed by trainers in Dryad's Grove, Mansion, Nimrod HQ and Route 6.Stage1It takes the armour of a fallen warrior and repurposes it for a shell.
Vivitrans136MissingUsed by a trainer in Dryad's Grove.Stage1The cold focuses VIVITRANS' mind to a keen edge.
Vivitron137MissingUsed by a trainer in Dryad's Grove.Stage1Early philosophers used VIVITRON as evidence that natural forces can be tamed and controlled.
Vividactil138MissingEvolves from Vivipere. Used by trainers in Route 7.Stage1In ancient times, the Year of the VIVIDACTIL marked a time of renewal and the restoration of authority.
Vivisource139MissingEvolves from Vivipere. Used by trainers in Route 7.Stage1The spring it chooses for its home always has a peculiar oniony taste.
Chloragon140MissingN/ABasicIt hatches when an ancient egg is planted in fertile soil. When the eggs run out, there will be no more CHLORAGON.
Sapragon141MissingUsed by a trainer in Dragon's Cave.Stage1In olden times, each element had a mighty dragon - but those creatures have diminished and are rare in these days.
Dragarbor142MissingUsed by trainers in Dragon's Cave.Stage2When it feels it is coming to the end of its life, it travels to a graveyard where it plants itself. Its tail flower grows forever.
Rhincus143MissingUsed by a trainer in Side Route A. Traded in Candy Town.StandaloneIt has some properties of a reptile and some of a bird.
Shammer144MissingUsed by a trainer in Side Route A. Traded in Candy Town.StandaloneIn ancient times it hunted RHINCUS beneath ashen skies.
Drokoro145Drokoro main.pngFound in the wild on Dragon's Cave.StandaloneOnce it had a family, but it ate its parents, and it ate its children, and it ate its mate, and it ate all of its kind.
Yiinaang146MissingN/AStandaloneIt was born the first time a star fell into a black hole.
Snarlon147Commission snarlon by slickedbackartisan dd30wd4.pngN/AStandaloneIt does not fly, but its feet never touch the ground. The king of paradox.
Conileaf148MissingTraded in Flower City (one of the exchange student starting tuxemon).StandaloneFoods placed in its pitcher are blended and pickled. They are used to store food without it going off.
Foxfire149Foxfire-main.pngTraded in Flower City.BasicFOXFIRE cubs are found in fires that burned out overnight. No one knows where they come from.
Vulpyre150Foxfire evolution.pngStage1How it evolves and lives is very mysterious, but it is sometimes spotted near a volcano.
Pharfan151MissingUsed by a trainer in Greenwash HQ. Traded in Flower City.StandaloneAt the watering hole it keeps its friends RINOCEREED and HAMPOTAMOS well watered.
Nostray152MissingFound in the wild in Sea Route C. Used by a trainer in Sea Route C. Fished with the Fishing Rod.BasicIt can smell anything in the ocean, no matter how far away.
Shnark153Goblinshark.pngUsed by a trainer in Dojo. Fished with the Neptune or Poseidon.Stage1SHNARK wears its last meal's flesh as a disguise so it can get close to its trusting prey.
Chillimp154MissingFound in the wild on Lion Mountain. Used by trainers in Route 7. Traded in Timber Town.BasicIt is rumoured to live atop snowy mountains, but no clear photo of it has ever been taken.
Snowrilla155MissingFound in the wild on Lion Mountain. Used by trainers in Route 7.Stage1It delights in playing tag with skiers on desolate slopes.
Flacono156MissingFound in the wild on Route 7. Used by trainers in Hospital, Scoop HQ and Wayfarer Inn.BasicIt is totally unafraid of adversaries, and will attack an enemy of any size without hesitation.
Corvix157MissingN/AStage1It arms its wings with bone shards from its victims.
Gryfix158Gryfix front.pngN/AStage2Bone armor protects GRYFIX from all but the most powerful of attacks.
Wrougon159MissingN/ABasicEach Wrougon is born with a patch of rust larger than the patch of its parents.
Allagon160MissingUsed by trainers in Dragon's Cave and Dryad's Grove.Stage1Allagon are drawn to relics made from the metals left behind by their ancestors, and will be violent to retrieve them.
Ferricran161MissingN/AStage2Once, the Ferricran were covered all over with adamantine scales, and had wings of mithril.
Seirein162MissingN/ABasicIt grows lonely in the swamps, so it burns brightly to draw travellers near - but it is painfully shy and flits away when they approach.
Loliferno163MissingUsed by a trainer in Dojo.Stage1It is said that the LOLIFERNO's fire could not be extinguished. Yet, despite its power, LOLIFERNO has a playful side, and is known to dance among the flames it creates.
Spirain164Rain spirit.pngStage1If a SEIREIN's inner fire dims, its water spirit nature turns it into SPIRAIN.
Tornicane165Storm spirit.pngStage2TORNICANE harnesses the power of both tornado and hurricane. It is a living force of nature and may be savior or doom to those hoping for rain.
Dinoflop166MissingFound in the wild on Cotton Tunnel. Used by trainers in Side Route E.StandaloneDINOFLOP delights in quickly turning away from its attackers so their blows land on its shielded and spiny back.
Enduros167MissingUsed by a trainer in Route 6.StandaloneENDUROS is an aggressive brawler that does not pull its blows. Out of the ring, it is quite sociable.
Galnec168MissingUsed by trainers in Hospital.StandaloneGALNEC buries itself deep in the hot sands of the desert, only its stony tail above ground. In packs, they look like gardens of stone.
Fruitera169Fruitera-main.pngN/AStandaloneFRUITERA is greedy for fruit, and carries as much as it can. When startled, it drops all its fruit, gathers it all up again, and only then runs away.
Megafruitera170Megafruitera.jpgStage1It has slightly better self control than its younger form, enlarging its nest first if it needs to for extra fruit.
Spectera171Spectera.pngStage1This leaf winged bat is omnivorous, but prefers fruit. Both the male and female look after young.
Pilthropus172MissingN/AStandaloneFound alongside Tuxemon such as Rhincus, Pilthropus is the oldest humanoid Tuxemon to date. They can create and wield crude stone tools.
Coproblight173MissingN/AStandaloneCoproblight were attracted to piles of dung, especially those created by large prehistoric Tuxemon. They would dig in these piles to acquire more dung to build up their bodies and find useful defensive parts, like bone shards.
Chromeye174MissingUsed by trainers in Datacenter.BasicCHROMEYE was created to observe and learn how humans think and feel.
Angrito175MissingUsed by trainers in Datacenter.Stage1It cannot understand why humans feel rage and hatred, but ANGRITO feels these urges too.
Happito176MissingUsed by trainers in Datacenter.Stage1Why can't people always be happy? HAPPITO will give them exactly what they want, even if it is not what they need.
Neutrito177MissingUsed by trainers in Datacenter.Stage1NEUTRITO feels nothing. The perfect machine?
Sadito178MissingUsed by trainers in Datacenter.Stage1When a person is feeling too sad, SADITO will carry that burden for them.
Fancair179Fkmn commission fancair by devildman-dadfm3z.pngUsed by trainers in Hospital, Datacenter and Sea Route C.BasicIf someone leaves their fan running when they do not need it, it comes alive and flies out the window to find someone who actually needs to be cooled.
Windeye180Fkmn commission windeye by devildman-dadihkh.pngUsed by trainers in Side Route E and Datacenter.Stage1Like a mighty tree, WINDEYE plants itself on the top of hills to soak in the sun and wind. Recharged, it then leaves to find another place under the sky.
Pairagrin181Pairagrin - 002.pngFound in the wild on Route 1.BasicThe young form of Pairagrim, it is a generally happy creature. It struggles to fly until the two heads learn to work together.
Pairagrim182Pairagrin 002.pngFound in the wild on Route 7. Used by trainers in Route 7.Stage1One of Pairagrim's heads is always searching for prey, while the other focuses on flying at great speed.
Skwib183Skwib.pngUsed by trainers in Dojo. Fished with the Fishing Rod and Neptune.BasicThe SKWIB contentedly floats through the ocean, examining potential shell-homes. It has to fear for its life before it will finally make a choice.
Octabode184Octabode.pngFished with the Neptune or Poseidon.Stage1OCTABODE make ancient vessels and artifacts their homes, dreaming of the lives of those who used the relics before them.
Drashimi185Drashimi.pngUsed by a trainer in Dojo and Walled Garden. Fished with the Fishing Rod or Neptune.BasicIt lies on the ground, smelling delicious and tempting monsters to take a bite - but when they approach, it bites them first.
Tsushimi186Tsushimi.pngN/AStage1While sometimes referred to as its armor, the fleshy plates on TSUSHIMI are softer than its skin. Their purpose remains unknown.
Tobishimi187Tobishimi.pngN/AStage2TOBISHIMI spawn eggs in vast numbers, and carry them about under their chins for safekeeping until the next full moon - when they hatch.
Selket188MissingUsed by trainers in Hospital and Walled Garden.BasicLying in wait beneath the sand, they can feel their prey through the vibrations of their footsteps.
Selmatek189MissingN/AStage1Kept by the ancient kings of the deserts, SELMATEK served as watchdogs, hunting companions and - now - defenders against grave robbers.
Furnursus190MissingFound in the wild in Cotton Tunnel.BasicFURNURSUS are friendly, and often forget that their bodies are too hot for others to touch.
Statursus191MissingEvolves from Furnursus. Used by trainers in Route 7 and Walled Garden.Stage1STATURSUS has learned to channel its emotions into a single pure flame. The mere sight of it sends others into a trance.
Baoby192Baoby - Drawing.pngN/ABasicThey travel from river to river in search of water to drink and store. The leafy ossicones on its head conceal movable points that act similar to a dowsing rod. Many creatures follow Baoby in droughts.
Baobaraffe193Baobaraffe - Drawing.pngUsed by a trainer in Dojo.Stage1It stores mass amounts of water in its huge body so that it can travel long distances across hot, dry deserts. It will also share water with thirsty creatures. When it has no water stored it is skinny.
Boltnu194Boltnu.pngFound in the wild in Cotton Tunnel. Used by trainers in Hospital and Dojo.BasicIt spends most of its time digging burrows into the grounnd, it remains dizzy from the constant vibrations and movement caused by them digging into the soil.
Exclawvate195Exclawvate-resized.pngUsed by trainers in Hospital.Stage1Often seen on construction sites, they can use their huge hands and tail to scoop up dirt and rubble. Underneath the tuxemon are caterpillar tyres, giving them a beter balance and grip while climbing heaps of rubble.
Tetrchimp196044 by crisfarias-dci3rmq.pngUsed by a trainer in Walled Garden.BasicThey absorb any information they come across. Their constant chatter communicates everything they have learned in order.
Apeoro197045 by crisfarias-dci3rlt.pngUsed by trainers in Walled Garden.Stage1The kings of old used psychic powers to transfer their souls into these golden computing machines. Now they live on, unable to communicate but still dreaming of empires.
Turnipper198Turnip dog fakemon sold by darkysg-dbqulya.pngN/ABasicWhen a field is abandoned to the crows, locusts and mice, a TURNIPPER will sometimes dig itself out of the ground to defend the crops.
Beenstalker199Beanstalk dog fakemon sold by darkysg-dbr3api.pngN/AStage1What BEENSTALKER lacks in sense and grace, it makes up for in sheer enthusiasm and goodwill. It delights in scaring off vermin, but never harming them.
Wendigger200Wendigo fakemon sold by darkysg-dbr6xqs.pngStage2It is said corpses given an improper burial can grow into WENDIGGER.
Altie201MissingN/AStandaloneALTIE floated down to earth in a bubble. Now its bubble has popped, it cannot float more than a few metres in the air.
Metesaur202Metesaur.pngFound in the wild in Cotton Tunnel. Used by trainers in Route 7.BasicThis tuxemon would enjoy diving into the ground and leaving marks. Sometimes, the tuxemon would misjudge the hit and land in trees, starting huge and dangerous forest fires
Qetzlrokilus203Quetzalrockilus.pngEvolves from Metesaur. Used by trainers in Route 7.Stage1This tuxemon would dive into groups of other dinosaur tuxemon and burn them. They also enjoy setting forests alight and dropping their ashes into water to spoil its purity.
Rosarin204MissingUsed by a trainer in the Mansion.BasicRosarin's love is incredible, he's only asking some affection.
Toxiris2052-0 80px2.pngStage1TOXIRIS is extremely powerful, it violently poisons everything in his way.
Ninjasmine2063-1.pngStage2NINJASMINE poisons his opponents quickly using his two poison swords.
Jelillow207Jelillow.pngN/ABasicWhen a person rests their head on Jelillow, its jelly-like skin causes them to fall into a deep sleep. If someone is having sleeping problems, then this monster will be used to help them.
Bedoo208Bedoo-2.pngStage1It swallows its victims whole, forcing them into a deep sleep for a few hours whilst it feasts on their dreams. Often, it will accidentally put their victims into a permanent sleep
Merlicun209Merlicun by princess phoenix-d5mih7a.pngN/ABasicMerlicun is a hardy insect that has evolved to be efficient at both attack and defense. They gather in the tree canopies of ancient forests to feed on fruits and leaves.
Firomenis210Firomenis by princess phoenix-d5mihqq.pngUsed by a trainer in Walled Garden.Stage1These tuxemon are large and tough from the many years spent as a MERLICUN. Their jaws can crush through trees and bones, and their flight is strong enough to carry people.
Fordin2111 0.pngN/ABasicWhen threatened, it curls into a ball and bounces away.
Stegofor212Stegofor1 1.pngStage1When it comes time to morph, STEGOFOR migrates in great herds along ancient paths, stripping all vegetation from plants growing along the way.
Brachifor2131 2.pngStage2BRACHIFOR can go without eating if it stays perfectly still.
Spoilurm214MissingN/AStandaloneSPOILURM disguise themselves as apples, and wait in trees to eat the unexpecting.
Brewdin215Artflow 2016080201277fc27.jpgUsed by a trainer in Sea Route C and Walled Garden.StandaloneBorn in neglected, once prized, pottery and similar treasures. Rumored to grants wishes to those who can make it smile.
Urcine216MissingUsed by a trainer in Dojo.StandaloneWhen a FURNURSUS is born without the fire inside, it is abandoned in the forests as an URCINE.
Tarpeur217MissingUsed by a trainer in Side Route A.BasicThey rest and grow. They also grow and rest. Rarely, they rest without growing or grow without resting.
Vigueur218MissingN/AStage1VIGUEUR compete to see who can lift the heaviest rocks. When they lift one that is too heavy, it squashes them and scatters TARPEUR seeds.
Taupypus219MissingUsed by trainers in Hospital.StandaloneUpon their birth, a TAUPYPUS' eyes are burst by its mother. That way, their eyes will never sting when they dive into the water.
Tumblequill22006.pngN/ABasicTumblequill rolls along the highways, gathering up useful items for its nests from the rubbish left by the side of the road.
Tumbledillo221MissingN/AStage1Tumbledillo have a mystical connection to a particular road, and they guard it from people who would interfere with it - even pothole repair crews!
Spycozeus222MissingUsed by a trainer in Walled Garden.StandaloneThe whispered communications of the forest are given physical form in SPYCOZEUS, which thinks like the trees.
Mystikapi223Mystikapi by fauxlens-dafk9f3.pngUsed by a trainer in Dojo.StandaloneThe MYSTIKAPI's saliva augments psychic powers. It licks its eyes and ears to heighten its senses.
Nuenflu224Squirrelish creature by princess phoenix-d5miinu.pngN/AStandaloneIt snuggles in homes in the winter months, spreading diseases.
Snock225Snock.pngN/ABasicThe snake-like creature hides under the safety of its sock cover. If startled, it will flail and lie very still on the ground to avoid attention.
Pythock226Pythock.pngN/AStage1Using its shadow puppets, it can use them to fight its opponent with great accuracy and speed. They are much more confident, and will sometimes even use their shadow puppets to entertain small children at puppet shows.
Snaki227MissingUsed by a trainer in Hospital.BasicSNAKI is a snake that has learned to grow legs by examining the motion of lizards and crocodiles.
Snokari228Snokari.pngN/AStage1The two heads of SNOKARI each hold great wisdom, but they never agree.
Lunight229Lunar by frozenfeather-da0d5r7.jpgN/AStandaloneLUNIGHT is the guardian of the night, and can control the moon and its phases.
Solight230Solar by frozenfeather-da0d52q.jpgN/AStandaloneA villainous team is plotting to use SOLIGHT to create a miniature sun in order to create a new planet.
Wolffsky231MissingStandaloneThis tuxemon is very friendly. It is common to go hunting with the help of WOLFFSKY.
Bumbulus232MissingN/ABasicBumbulus is a flying being that produces a cloud of smoke to disguise itself as a cloud. No one has ever seen its true body.
Nimbulex233MissingN/AStage1NIMBULEX dresses itself in sparks and storm clouds to protect its delicate inner core.
Howl234MissingN/AStandaloneHOWL's foolish exterior hides deep wisdom - if only it could communicate it, but its words come out as hoots and howls.
Cateye235MissingFound in the wild on Greenwash HQ. Used by trainers in Greenwash HQ. Traded in Candy Town.StandaloneThey say it blinks once a year, in honour of summer's end.
Fuzzlet236MissingFound in Flower City (Petshop). Used by trainers in Route 7.BasicWhen a child is no longer around to play with their toys, they sometimes come to life.
Fuzzina237MissingEvolves from Fuzzlet.Stage1When the child that abandoned a FUZZLET needs it again, it becomes a FUZZINA, a brave protector and nurturer of the small and the weak.
Flisces238MissingN/AStandaloneIt skims the surface of the water, evading detection until a powerful leap brings its sharp fins into play.
Mingdyn239MissingUsed by a trainer in Walled Garden.StandaloneEvery 12 years, a single MINGDYN egg is laid. Its discovery marks a time of renewal and upheaval across the land.
Uneye240MissingN/ABasicUneye lurks in the shadows, and on the edge of vision.
Lendos241MissingN/AStage1When two UNEYE become tangled, they form a single unified LENDOS.
Ziggurat242MissingFound in Flower City (Petshop). Used by trainers in Route 7.StandaloneNo labyrinth that can contain ZIGGURAT. It decorates its nests with carvings of all the mazes it has traversed over the years.
Urcheedle243MissingN/AStandaloneIt can't move or attack, so it sits still and prays that the opponent damages itself on its many needles.
Joulraton244MissingN/AStandaloneIts static coat of bristly fur attracts seeds, flowers and feathers, which it uses for food or nesting materials.
Pantherafira245Panthera fira.pngFound in the wild on Route 7. Used by trainers in Side Route B.BasicEach member of the pride lights their mane from a shared bonfire. As long as that fire burns, their strength is shared.
Criniotherme246MissingUsed by trainers in Route 5, Greenwash HQ, Dryad's Grove and Side Route B.Stage1Its mane shines during the day, grows big and red at sunset, and blows away as ash at night.
Dankush247MissingN/AStandaloneA DANKUSH can stop itself from burning by holding its breath, causing plumes of smoke to billow forth from each leaf.
Cherubat248MissingN/AStandaloneThese inquisitive bats are drawn by the heady emotions of people in love, and carry back unsupervised bouquets and chocolate boxes to build their nests.
Ambuwl249MissingN/AStandaloneThe egg in its pouch does not hatch. Instead, it secretes a delicious drink with restorative powers.
Woodoor250MissingFound in Flower City (Petshop). Used by trainers in Route 7.BasicWhen a haunted house burns to the ground, sometimes all that is left is the front door. It hops away to find its next home.
Blasdoor251MissingEvolves from Woodoor.Stage1BLASDOOR shield those they care about behind their impenetrable bulk, but macerate unwanted intruders and scrap machines between their steel teeth.
Rhinocarpe252MissingUsed by trainers in Route 7. Fished with the Poseidon.StandaloneRHINOCARPE are territorial, charging headfirst at any who swim too near to their coral fortresses.
Kernel253MissingN/AStandaloneKERNEL is a core component of the monster system (kennel) and item system (locker), and serves as the main interface between the computer’s physical hardware and the processes running on it. Known as JAS-KERI-BIT from its creators.
Tux2542016-10-21 capitol-du-libre teeshirt 2016 by-David-Revoy.jpgFound in the wild in Lion Mountain. Used by trainers in Route 7.StandaloneMost comfortable in arctic climes, TUX hunt weaker prey by leaping upon it, and crack open the shells or armor of stronger prey by sliding it along the ice into hard rocks.
Hotline255MissingWon't be included (mature themes).StandaloneThese curious creatures can leap great distances, letting out a strange, tinny cry that cannot be escaped however far their prey runs.
Rinocereed256MissingN/AStandaloneIt is voraciously hungry because it grows so quickly - and it does not limit itself to plants.
Potturmeist257Potturmeist.pngFound in Flower City (Petshop). Used by trainers in Route 7.BasicPotturmeist are spirits of the dead that take refuge in empty vessels. In ancient temples, acolytes must distract the monsters lest they interrupt important ceremonies.
Potturney258Potturney.pngN/AStage1By the time a Potturmeist has reached its maturity, its protective urn has so changed shape that it resembles no pottery made by human hands. Some insist that the designs on a Potturmeist's urn are writings from the far future.
Imbrickcile259MissingN/ABasicImbrickcile shelter inside a single brick, emerging only to lift it to build their strength.
Bricgard260MissingN/AStage1When the winter comes, Imbrickcile builds a defensive cocoon of bricks to protect it from predators.
Brickhemoth261MissingN/AStage2Be wary when kicking a Bricgard's nest, because percussive force is the trigger the tuxemon needs to burst forth once it has formed into a Brickhemoth.
Waysprite262MissingN/ABasicWAYSPRITE are said to form when a person faces a difficult decision.
Angesnow26307.pngUsed by a trainer in Walled Garden.Stage1Those who survive getting lost in hostile, icy conditions often mention a mysterious presence guiding them even when the snow is too heavy to see through.
Demosnow264MissingN/AStage1DEMOSNOW delight in luring travelers deeper into the wilderness than is strictly safe, promising them glory and adventure.
Lucifice265MissingN/AStage2Is it the wind howling through the trees, or LUCIFICE calling the dark spirits of the night to join its hunt?
Seraphice266MissingN/AStage2SERAPHICE can freeze in ice moments of great courage and joy, stored away in deep vaults beneath the mountains for the days when humanity will need them most.
UF0267MissingN/AStandaloneThis strange creature seems to be drawn by sounds that are too high for human ears to hear.
Tadcool268MissingFound in the wild in Lion Mountain. Fished with the Fishing Rod and Neptune.BasicIt croaks to warn people when they are walking near thin ice.
Fribbit269MissingUsed by trainers in Route 7. Fished with the Neptune or Poseidon.Stage1It is said that it was once a boy who licked a freezing lamp post.
Squink270MissingFound in Flower City (Petshop). Used by trainers in Route 7. Fished with the Fishing Rod and Neptune.BasicIt is named for the noise it makes when it is all out of ink.
Hectapod271MissingFished with the Neptune or Poseidon.Stage1When it inflates its dome, it floats to the top of oceans, or even through mist and clouds.
Slichen272MissingFound in the wild on Route 7.BasicIt is a gel that sparked to life and begins making a body for itself of stone and rock.
Glombroc273MissingN/AStage1It stores its memories in its rocky shell. If some fall off, it is forgetful.
Conglolem274MissingN/AStage2The gel has long ago dried out, but CONGLOLEM continues.
Caper275MissingBasicCAPER play and frolic with each other among the foam of mountain rivers, cold as ice.
Crankus276MissingStage1From one mountaintop to another, CRANKUS can be heard bleating to one another in running arguments that end only with the spring thaws.
Lesmagu277120 - Lesmagu.pngFished with the Fishing Rod and Neptune.BasicIt oozes along the sea floor, looking for hard nooks and crannies to hide in until it develops its shell.
Shelagu278122 - Shelagu.pngUsed by trainers in Route 7. Fished with the Neptune or Poseidon.Stage1It wards off attackers by poisoning its spiky shell with goo spat from its mouth.
Crustagu279123 - Crustagu.pngStage2It fires piercing, poisonous spines from its claws to frighten away those who threaten its underwater colonies.
Ampystoma280Sanglorian Axolight 2.pngStage1You would think AMPYSTOMA's warning coloration would make ambush impossible, but the murky waters it hunts in obscure it until it is ready to reveal itself. It likes to go on land during thunderstorms.
Medipup281MissingBasicWhen MEDIPUP sniff out sickness, they bounce over and nuzzle the affected creature. MEDIPUP's wet noses are effective, but some patients have been crushed under an overly enthusiastic pack.
Doctsky282MissingStage1The little hyena just wants to take care of others, but has a bad reputation after a movie with it as a villain came out.
Ruffalo283MissingStandaloneRUFFALO possess incredible strength and can charge at high speeds, capable of knocking over trees and small buildings.
Pearamanca284MissingStandalonePEARAMANCA sells insurance to innocent people just trying to buy fruit, which makes it the most terrifying monster of all.
Sheye28543 0.pngBasicSHEYE are weighed down by heavy thoughts. Edgy trainers like them for their sinister appearance and solemn demeanor.
Shrab2869 1.pngStage1When a SHEYE frees its mind from always contemplating serious thoughts, it becomes a SHRAB, free in body to wander the world.
Marvillar2877 1.pngBasicMARVILLAR mimes an ant larvae using scent. It convinces SCARLANT and MYRMISON to feed it, eating skeptics.
Marvantis2887 2.pngStage1When it evolves, the only trace of its original mimickry is its red ornaments.
Scarlant289Scarlant.pngBasicIts worst enemy is MARVILLAR, which pretends to be its kin.
Shull290Shull.pngStage1SHULL doesn't need to eat or move, but it still enjoys treats and supplements from its favorite person, especially if it is regularly being sent into battle.
Myrmison291Myrmison.pngStage2MYRMISON queens will emerge on humid days to try to establish new colonies. This is a very dangerous time for them.
Devidin2923 0.pngBasicA dicynodont that came back to life and decided to become the dinosaur everyone always mistakes it for.
Devidra2933 1 dinv.pngStage1Look closely, for ultra fine fur gives away it is devilishly pretending to be a dinosaur.
Deviraptor294Deviraptor.pngStage2The single pair of feathers on its head are fakes, hinting at its devilish true identity.
Boxali295MissingN/AStandaloneWith its long blue cape, BOXALI can glide above the ground - allowing it to perform stunts and aerial attacks.
Chibiro296MissingN/AStandaloneIt is found in forests and fields, where it is often mistaken for a turnip.
Komoduel297MissingUsed by a trainer in Walled Garden.Stage1Many a wrongdoer has fled town after seeing just the silhouette of an approaching KOMODUEL.
Thumpurn298MissingBasicThey thump their enemies with their fists, and thump the ground to give warnings.
Volconey299MissingStage1When VOLCONEY thump the earth with their gigantic feet, they call more and more THUMPURN and VOLCONEY to the warren. But when enough strike the earth at once, it is said to cause volcanic eruptions.
Asudopt300Asudopt-main.pngStandaloneAccording to legend, ASUDOPT created the world and one day will destroy the world. In the meantime, it sets the world's universal laws.
Uglip301MissingFished with the Poseidon.StandaloneWhen it is pulled up too quick from its home in the deep waters, UGLIP becomes puffy and pained.
Graffiki302MissingUsed by trainers in Dojo.StandaloneGRAFFIKI are as at home in cities as they are in the jungle, tagging their territory with elaborate paintings.
Sprorm30310 1.pngBasicSPRORM is fed on by CARDINALE, which can melt it down.
Sphake30410 2.pngStage1SPHAKE is sometimes responsible for small earthquakes that inconveniently vibrate books and cups off your shelves; it eats whatever falls down.
Jeluna305Quasar 22.pngStandaloneThe moon exercises its strange influence on Jeluna, causing these aerial jellyfish to change their forms over the course of a month.
Konuit306Konuit.pngStandaloneIn some places KONUIT is called "drop bear" and believed to fall on unsuspecting heads below.
Flummby30715 0.pngBasicFLUMMBY was invented by a scientist who thought food that wanted to be eaten would be more ethical. It leaps into the mouth of anyone who could eat it.
Flummack308Flummack 15 1.pngStage1FLUMMACK no longer desires to be eaten, but to eat - even other FLUMMBY and FLUMMACK go down a treat.
Hoarse309MissingBasicIt appears to be a farm animal, but it was mistreated by its owner.
Equill310MissingStage1Its bitterness causes it to transform. It hides its ugliness in the dark.
Hoarseshoo311MissingStage2It is what is left when an EQUILL's shadow eats its body.
Metoxic312MissingStandaloneMETOXIC sometimes acts as a flag for PAWSAND castles, spewing poisonous fumes everywhere.
Ned31300 Ned the koala.pngStandaloneNED has a rivalry with KONUIT, but KONUIT sleeps through most of their arguments.
Legoplaste314MissingStandaloneIt has a very fluid shape and may hunt by sending out random tendrils to sniff or touch nearby prey.
Gliffary315MissingStandaloneA mischievous fey creature that is rarely seen, it gathers by mushroom rings and melts iron zealously.
Boxorox316MissingStandaloneThe dumber it gets, the harder its rocky body becomes.
Claymorior317Quasar 20.pngBasicIt is said that only one in a thousand can rule over the CLAYMORIOR as a REGALANCE.
Regalance318Quasar 21.pngStage1It can summon a halberd whenever it needs.
Nebufin319Nebufin main.pngBasicNEBUFIN's angelic appearance is deceptive, as the monster is predatory.
Galasces320MissingStage1GALASCES can distort its shape to engulf prey its own size.
Novaquarius321MissingStage2A NOVAQUARIUS sting sends the unwary to the hospital, but BUBBITOISE have developed immunity and will nibble on them.
Hissiorite322Hissiorite - Drawing.pngBasicThe base of its neck emits super-heated gas that envelopes its body and causes it to hover a few inches off the ground, similar to a hot air balloon. Because of this it can travel quickly, even over water.
Cobarett323Cobarett - Drawing.pngIt covers itself in thick, billowing smoke so that it can slide easily through thick brush. The source of the smoke is its molten body temperature, which is so hot that tongues of flame shoot from its mouth.
Pythonova324Pythonova - Drawing.pngIt is short tempered and when enraged, the flames on its back burn hotter and its smoke tail becomes thicker and longer. It uses its smoke tail to coil around and smother its target.
Burrlock325MissingBasicBURRLOCK likes to stick to passerbys to help it spread from place to place.
Cacaburr326MissingStage1CACABURR supports many pollinators like TUMBLEBEE and seed lovers like CHICKADEE.
Eskipup327MissingBasicEven as a puppy, it can pull 1 ton loads.
Houndice328MissingStage1HOUNDICE loves sledding, but it can also sniff out lost hikers under snow.
Flounce329MissingBasicFLOUNCE can be stubborn and solitary, flouncing all the rules unless given good motivation.
Knindling330MissingStage1Any spark from a stone KNINDLING happily tenders into a fire.
Gourda331Quasar 16.pngStandaloneCompetitions to grow the largest GOURDA have resulted in some reaching one ton in weight, but normal GOURDA are much smaller.
Stonifly332MissingBasicSTONIFLY's sturdy, rock-hard exoskeleton is a natural armor, while its translucent wings allow for swift flight.
Cocrune333MissingStage1Whichever way it turns, the blood-red eye faces you.
Runesquito334MissingStage2The blood-red marking is RUNESQUITO. The rest is just a rocky shell it rides alongside.
Teddisun335MissingN/AStandaloneTeddisun worships the sun - they're always seen carrying their sun toy.
Sprightly336MissingBasicA timid plant, it pops its head aboveground to drink water and sunshine.
Uprout337MissingStage1When it has grown, its ears peel away to show wings that it uses to fly into the trees above where it grew.
Stomic338Stomic.pngBasicSTOMIC is radioactive, but radiation resistant bacteria like GLOMON still pose a threat to it.
Gastronium339Gastronium.pngStage1GASTRONIUM can eat almost anything but prefers heavy, radioactive materials.
Cackleen340Quasar 17.pngBasicSome say CACKLEEN is a possessed child, others that is the lost spirit of a girl.
Brumi341Quasar 18.pngStage1Neglected brooms may be stolen by BRUMI.
Bewhich342Quasar 19.pngStage2When BEWHICH holds its breath, it can appear as a beautiful - though sinister - human.
Duggot34310 0.pngBasicWhen TUMBLEBEE tries to drink fruit juice, a DUGGOT may latch on and take over its brain.
Breem34419 2.pngStage1It punctures fruit to place new DUGGOT in them by night. By day it pretends to be a normal bee.
Medushock345Artflow 201608020211764d3.jpgUsed by a trainer in Sea Route C. Fished with the Poseidon.StandaloneTend to stay away from shore and known to be aggressive to people. Stingers are used to stun its prey. Swim safely.
Chenipode346MissingUsed by trainers in Route 7.BasicIt bites onto shoelaces and trouser legs when it wants to travel.
Exapode347MissingUsed by trainers in Route 7 and Dryad's Grove.Stage1It waves its legs to attract attention, but mostly people just run away.
Poinchin348Ddzhosw-ebcecbfe-7c77-4016-b745-d31c7648a173.pngN/APOINCHIN make nests in the coral and can be tempted out by bread and milk.
Saurchin349Ddzhosm-5acbfd0a-58b0-4124-af54-f50a7293f038.pngN/ABy night, SAURCHIN emerge from the coral reefs to hunt bigger prey on land.
Babysnitch350Babysnitch.pngBasicThe fuming BABYSNITCH will throw itself into the attack, usually with little effect. But beware: if you laugh at its efforts, it will hunt you once it grows into a BADDRSCRATCH.
Baddrscratch351Badderscratch.pngStage1The furious BADDRSCRATCH is a fearsome hunter, and it will not stop in its pursuit of its prey - even in the face of certain death.
Weedsea352MissingBasicOnce a year, it is pollinated beneath the waves by aquatic tuxemon like Shrab.
Weedlantis353MissingStage1It is said an ancient civilization once used WEEDLANTIS as advisors, but it has since disappeared beneath the sea.
Grumpi354MissingN/AStandaloneOnce grabbed by a GRUMPI, its sticky tacky body is impossible to escape from.
Banling355Banling main.pngN/ABasicEach BANLING is waiting for a homeless spirit to nestle in its branches.
Bansaken356Bansaken.pngStage1As twilight hits, the spirits inside BANSAKEN come to life. They like to add naughty children who stay up too late to their number.
Banvengeance357Banvengeance.pngStage2BANVENGEANCE seeks to make its own night by growing new trees from running roots to drown out the light, smothering competing plant life.
Hampotamos358MissingUsed by a trainer in Dojo. Traded in Flower City.StandaloneIt nibbles on RINOCEREED, clearing away dead skin, moss and weeds.

The Game[edit | edit source]

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Opens on CEO sprite

Hello, I am the CEO of Omnichannel. We run the newspapers, TV channels and radio stations for this region. It is my duty to inform you.

Tumbleworm appears

Tuxemon are the animals that inhabit this world. They love to be captured so their masters can battle them for fun and profit. The strongest win, just like in the world of business.

Most monsters are found in the wild. They morph into more advanced forms when they gain experience.

But the five Pillars that make up the Cathedral, that is, the five allied companies that operate in this region, have improved on nature. This season, we offer five deluxe tuxemon!

Dollfin, Ignibus, Memnomnom, Budaye and Grintot appear in turn, with name labels beneath.

These tuxemon morph immediately when exposed to the right item - instant gratification!

What's more, they let you choose which form they morph into.

(Each is shown in turn with the black silhouette of the two forms it morphs into)

Tokens are available for a modest fee from all stores and Pillars!

Ahem, what was I talking about? Oh yes, each Pillar offers one of these exclusive tuxemon.

(Introductory video ends, and cuts to Shopkeeper addressing a number of people in [Paper_Town#C._Scoop_Store his store]. All potential protagonist types are present)

What a great presentation from our CEO! All Gold members are being offered a free tuxemon. Just fill in this form.

1. What is your name?

Name selection screen.

2. Please attach a photo.

(Here players can choose from a number of options for the protagonist's appearance).

3. Which tuxemon would you like? (Dollfin/Ignibus/Memnomnom/Budaye/Grintot)

(Shopkeeper goes to each person, collecting the forms. When he reaches the protagonist)

I'm sorry, you are not a Gold member. This offer is for Gold members only. I'll have my Shop Assistant escort you home.

(Protagonist follows Shop Assistant Dante to your Home in Paper Town). Then the game begins. You begin with $250.)

Links[edit | edit source]