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TXMN Stats
Type(s) Metal
Element(s) Earth, Shadow
Completed Complete
Body Shape Blob
ID 258
Blurb By the time a Potturmeist has reached its maturity, its protective urn has so changed shape that it resembles no pottery made by human hands. Some insist that the designs on a Potturmeist's urn are writings from the far future.
Height/Length (centimetres) 45
Weight (kilograms) 6
Catch Rate 70
Sex(es) Neuter
Evolution Stage Stage1
Tags Ghost, Shielded, Shapeshifter
Fusion Name First Part Pottur
Fusion Name Second Part -ney

Set 1Set 2Set 3Creature Progress Tracker

257 ←

258 Potturney-menu01.pngPotturney-menu02.png Potturney

→ 259

Potturney, the Pottery tuxemon, is a Metal-type monster.

Trivia[edit source]

Name Origin: pottery + urn

Design Origin[edit source]

Ancient Chinese ceremonial urns

In The Spyder in the Cathedral Campaign[edit source]


Evolution[edit source]

Potturmeist f.png Potturney f.png
Potturmeist Potturney

Sprites[edit source]

Tuxemon Standard[edit source]

64px Potturney f.png Potturney b.png
Face Sprites Potturney-menu01.png Potturney-menu02.png
Overland Sprites File:Ghost walking.gif Missing

Other Standards[edit source]

48px Missing Missing
56px Missing Missing
80px Missing Missing
Menu Sprites (32px) Missing Missing
Menu Sprites (24px) Missing Missing
Menu Sprites (16px) Missing Missing


Contributors[edit source]

First Appeared: [1]

Jaskrendix, Kohari nk, fauxlens

Designed and illustrated by fauxlens. Front and back sprites by Kohari nk. Face sprites by Jaskrendix, based on front sprite.

Variations[edit source]

In other languages[edit source]

Language Name Category Blurb


  • learn Ruby at level 20