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See Category:Monster for all tuxemon or Completed Tuxemon for just those that have a full set of sprites.

There are 258 unfinished tuxemon.

 Default64pxTXMN TypeTXMN StageFrontSpriteBackSpriteFace Sprite 1Face Sprite 2TXMN BlurbMainCall
AerodeerAerodeer-front.pngEarthStage1Aerodeer-front.pngAerodeer-back.pngAERODEER is so amazingly light in mass that she can float on air. She swallows rocks to help her digest and to stay on the ground, and spits them at enemies.Missing
AerodinAerodin 64px.pngEarthBasicAerodin 64px.pngAerodin-back.pngThis faun emits no smell and is as light as a feather, helping it evade predators when its mother leaves to forage.Missing
AerostagAerostag-front.pngEarthStage1Aerostag-front.pngAerostag-back.pngAEROSTAG blows up his horns like a balloon by taking big gulps of air. While inflated, they are stiff and solid.Missing
AethangelAethangel-front.pngStage2Aethangel-front.pngMissingMissingMissingAETHANGEL is a gentle and compassionate creature, capable of sensing the emotions of others and providing solace. Its psychic abilities allow it to manipulate the air and create illusionsMissing
AmbearanceAmbearance-front.pngMetalStage1Ambearance-front.pngAmbearance-back.pngThe cuddly AMBEARANCE love to comfort and nurture sick and injured monsters. But they would never deliberately harm a monster just for the pleasure of nurturing it back to health.Missing
Androman44 1.pngMetalStage1MissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
Andron44 0.pngMetalBasicMissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
AngennaAngenna-front.pngBasicAngenna-front.pngMissingMissingMissingDespite its fragile appearance, ANGENNA is surprisingly sturdy.Missing
AngoseAngose-front.pngStage1Angose-front.pngMissingMissingMissingANGOSE possesses a graceful and ethereal aura.Missing
AnimatueurAnimatueur 64.pngFireStandaloneAnimatueur 64.pngAnimatueur-back.pngANIMATUEUR has a deep fondness for motion, and never stops migrating - even in its sleep. It sits still only to contemplate art.Missing
ApparironAppariron.pngMetalStandaloneAppariron.pngAppariron-back.pngThe horrors and hopes of a prisoner wrongfully on death row can manifest as an APPARIRON, which vainly tries to prove its creator innocent despite being terrifying, without limbs and incapable of speech.Missing
AzuronDelichick blue3.pngWaterStage2Delichick blue3.pngMissingAny battle against an Azuron will result in complete mystification from its opponent. It utilizes its unique mist-based powers to avoid and tease its enemiesMissing
BambulaBambula2.pngWaterBasicMissingMissingMissingMissingDespite their cute appearance, they are actually rather dangerous. They crave blood, and need to drink at least one gallon per day in order to keep their rubber collar 'inflated'. There have been many incidents in the past where inexperienced first time trainers have fallen captive to the fangs of this little deer.Missing
BatuskinUseruploads 26853506-3158-4b38-9f29-3669ef244194 batuskin.pngEarthStage1Useruploads 26853506-3158-4b38-9f29-3669ef244194 batuskin.pngUseruploads 9b045872-bfeb-4cb9-beed-ef20f2c941ad batuskinback.pngAs it grows it overcomes its shyness and begins to play music for anyone to hear.Missing
BelubyBeluby-front.pngWaterBasicBeluby-front.pngMissingBELUBY is often found floating on icebergs, using its thick blubber for insulation.Missing
BerrsharkBerrshark.pngMetalStandaloneMissingMissingMissingMissingBerrshark has the ability to hack into any computer or device, and is supposed to be one of the most intelligant tuxemon ever discovered. Trainers can obtain this tuxemon by hacking into PCs with various cheat codesMissing
BibuuniBu 21 1.pngStage1MissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
BlancronDelichick dun3.pngMetalStage2Delichick dun3.pngMissingMissing
Blastail46 1.pngStage1MissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
Bobuuni21 2.pngStage2MissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
Bonose8 2.pngWoodStage1MissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
BroilinoBroilino-front.pngFireStage1Broilino-front.pngMissingMissingMissingBROILINO is known for its love of cooking, often helping its trainers in the kitchen by adding a dash of flames to their dishes.Missing
BubbitoiseBubbitoise.pngWaterBasicMissingMissingMissingMissingOn warm summer nights, the eggs hatch to reveal the vunerable Bubbitoise hatchlings trying their best to crawl to the water as quickly as possible. Predator tuxemon will often stay put near these shores to nab the hatchlings for a quick snack.Missing
BubonusBubonus1.pngMetalStandaloneMissingMissingMissingMissingIt is extremely rare, though certainly not unique. Many fools seek this tuxemon to simply boast about it. If the trainer manages to capture the tuxemon, it will see them as worthy and will let them live. However, if they fail, its mask will open to reveal its true face and thus it will look to steal the soul of the 'unworthy' trainer.Missing
BulkcowBulkcow.pngMetalBasicBulkcow.pngMissingBULKCOW boasts an impressive physique honed through strength training. Its massive muscles ripple beneath its thick hide as it charges forward.Missing
BushmeowQuasar 2.pngEarth
Stage1Buttereye-front.pngMissingMissingMissingThe eyeball can split open in half to reveal a mouth.Missing
Buuni21 0.pngBasicMissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
CaackCa 19 1.pngStage1MissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
Caky19 0.pngBasicMissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
CandikeCa19 2.pngStage2MissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
Carcadey116 Carcadey.pngStage1MissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
CarfeyCarfrey.pngBasicCarfrey.pngMissingMissingMissing361470 josepharaoh99 crow-caw.mp3
CaterpillardCaterpillard front.pngWoodBasicCaterpillard front.pngMissingMissingMissingThey eat ten times their weight in vegetation each and every day, they will often start to eat concrete and bricks if they cannot find enough food to feast their appetite.Missing
CaticaneCaticane.pngMetalStage1MissingMissingMissingMissingThey will often attack other Caticane to break their glass bodies and extract the addicting chemicals from them. They are very violent, especially under the influcence of their bodily drugs.Missing
Chandelail46 2.pngStage2MissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
Charmella33 0.pngStandaloneMissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
CheezapCheezap.pngMetalBasicMissingMissingMissingMissingThey are often seen guarding high security areas and training in camps - although they are not quite as disciplined as they should be! They often mess about with other individuals, or nom on the security cameras and break their lenses.Missing
Choros100 1.pngStandaloneMissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
CirceeceCirceece-front.pngBasicCirceece-front.pngMissingMissingMissingCIRCEECE is a mysterious, circuit board-like Tuxemon. Its body is primarily black, with glowing purple lines forming intricate patterns reminiscent of electrical circuits. It has two white eyes that appear to be digital displays.Missing
CircupopCircupop.pngWaterBasicMissingMissingMissingMissingThey train hard everyday by building snowmen mixed with ice and rock, before kicking them as hard and as quickly as they can. They also enjoy having snowball fights to help improve their aim.Missing
Clocky29 0.pngStandaloneMissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
Cnail46 0.pngBasicMissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
ColugaColuga-front.pngWaterStage1Coluga-front.pngMissingCOLUGA is territorial Tuxemon and will fiercely defend its home against intruders.Missing
ConstorchConstorch new.pngFireBasicConstorch new.pngMissingMissing
CowoadCowoad.pngWoodStage2MissingMissingMissingMissingDue to its four horns and passive aggressive attitude, this tuxemon has been mistaken for a man-eating mythical cow creature high up in the mountains many times. They are rather gentle creatures, often seen wallowing in swamps, though they have been known to charge at humans in the past.Missing
CowoolCowool.pngWoodStage1MissingMissingMissingMissingCowool are popular first time tuxemon amongst young and inexperienced young trainers. They are relaxed and enjoy resting from hanging branches, absorbing light energy to ready themselves for evolution.Missing
CrabinCrabin.pngWaterBasicMissingMissingMissingMissingIn any serious situation, they will simply panic and run about frantically! Their only effective way of avoiding attacks is disguising themselves as dead bones, even then their panicky attitude will blow their cover.Missing
DabbadooQuasar 29 64px.pngEarthStage1Quasar 29 64px.pngMissingMissingMissingMissing
DelichickDelichick blue1.pngWoodBasicDelichick blue1.pngMissingOddly enough, the location of a Delichick's birth determines its personality. The ones with brown feathers hatched on the eastern side of the region are headstrong and boisterous. The ones with dark blue feathers hatched on the western side of the region are quiet and reserved.Missing
DivurfMcjo 64 2.pngWaterStage1Mcjo 64 2.pngMissingMissing
Draquasar37-1 96px.pngMetalStage1MissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
Driper18 1.pngStage1MissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
Earog16 2.pngFireStage1MissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
EdinologWooden unicorn main.pngWoodStage2MissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
Eggatch13 1 64x64.pngBasic13 1 64x64.pngMissingMissingMissingMissing
EggmileArtwork-Eggmil.jpgEarthStandaloneMissingMissingMissingMissingIt's always ravenous. Never let your fingers near its mouth...Missing
EkpineWooden pony main.pngWoodStage1MissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
EllnessEllness.pngWaterBasicMissingMissingMissingMissingResiding at the bottom of the sea, this tuxemon inhabits the remains of long lost sailors and pirates lost to the ocean. They swarm bodies floating on the surface, before collecting their flesh-stricken bones to add to their collection.Missing
EmperulaEmperula.pngWaterStage1MissingMissingMissingMissingThey will often find abandoned churches and monuments, and will hang upside down from the wooden beams. They are worshipped by the local people. Due to their serene grace and royal appearance, many will often go to their territory to bring them gifts of food and comfort. It is illegal to kill this tuxemon due to its religious symbolism.Missing
FeliuxdoFeliuxdo.jpgMetalStandaloneMissingMissingMissingMissingThey are quite the quick footed tuxemon, and are very quick to make decisions. Their 'suit' is actually their fur, they are very popular amongst businessmen for their aesthetically pleasing looks.Missing
Ferrell45 0.pngBasicMissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
Ferrior45 2.pngStage2MissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
Ferrmor45 1.pngStage1MissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
FlamberinoFlamberino-front.pngFireStage2Flamberino-front.pngMissingMissingMissingAccording to legend, FLAMBERINO's flames can purify the darkest of souls, and its trainers often seek its guidance in times of turmoil.Missing
FlamguFlamgu.pngFireStage2MissingMissingMissingMissingDespite its immense power and dangerously immense flames, they are gentle giants. If they witness sadness and melancholy atmospheres, they will often create a mini firework display within their huge paw to cheer others up.Missing
FlaminggoFlaminggo-front.pngFireStandaloneFlaminggo-front.pngFlaminggo-back.pngFLAMINGGO's vibrant pink plumage deepens in intensity as it absorbs heat. Its legs are hidden beneath a layer of pink feathers, giving the illusion it is on fire.Missing
Flear39 0.pngStandaloneMissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
FoilettMcjo 64 3.pngMetalBasicMcjo 64 3.pngMissingWhen a FOILETT sees food, it is quick to swallow it up. It can produce the food later, as good as when FOILETT found it.Missing
FolsteinFolstein2.pngWoodStage1MissingMissingMissingMissingThrough evolution, the tuxemon becomes much more aggressive and suddenly feels the need to smash down trees. They contribute significantly to the ecosystem of the region, as they can knock down dead trees and free up space for new plants to bloomMissing
ForighnessForighness.pngWoodStandaloneForighness.pngForighness-back.pngFORIGHNESS is the divine spirit of spiritual and political authority, embodying the ideals of a higher power and leading through faith and conviction.Missing
ForthroboForthrobo.pngMetalStandaloneForthrobo.pngMissingMissingMissingForthrobo aspire to be leaders among their fellow Metal tuxemon, despite the species' small stature.Missing
FowltlawFowltlaw new.pngEarthStage1Fowltlaw new.pngMissingMissing
FumaggotFree for use batch2.pngMetal
GemblinGemblin 1.pngMetalBasicMissingMissingMissingMissingThey often hide themselves in large piles of treasure to lure people to it, before trying to bite off their fingers for a tasy snack! They are blind, and rely on their acute sense of smell to sniff out their food.Missing
GophmausLab Rat - First Stage - smaller.pngBasicMissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
GophstLab Rat - Zombie Rat - Evolution - smaller.pngStage2MissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
GrunselArtflow 201608020313b3f0e.jpgEarthStandaloneMissingMissingMissingMissingMischievous little buggers. I've lost several pairs of underwear to them.Missing
HerotintDelichick blue2.pngWoodStage1Delichick blue2.pngMissingEastern-originating Herotint have developed a strong set of aggressive tactics for mauling their prey. Their confrontational nature is in contrast to their delicate bodies. Western-originating Herotint have developed their evasion in order to trick predators as well as prey, taking advantage of their lithe frames.Missing
HiboulaHiboula-2.pngMetalStandaloneMissingMissingMissingMissingAccording to legend, this Mythical tuxemon resides upon the tallest mountain peaks, guarding the planet from falling asteroids and intruders from space. Others say that it flies across the world, creating various natural miracles, including the Aurora of the North.Missing
Hikail38 0.pngStandaloneMissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
IgnebarkIgnebark.pngEarthStage1MissingMissingMissingMissingMany desert emergency teams use this tuxemon to track lost souls in the vast desert of the region - as they have both a keen sense of smell and great stamina. They can use their huge, padded paws to dig their way under the mountains of sand to find the missing.Missing
IronbarrIronbarr front.pngStage1Ironbarr front.pngMissingMissingMissingMissing
Jewlly18 0.pngBasicMissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
JhaleJh 18 1.pngStage1MissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
Jhocto18 2.pngStage2MissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
JiquidJiquid Female.jpgWaterStage2MissingMissingMissingMissingFemale Jiquid are often seen guarding the gravestones of babies and children, caring for their spirits in death and acting as a mother figure for the lost souls. They are worshipped by the people, as they symbolise kindness, protection and motherly love.Missing
JujuJuju professorgreen.pngMetalStandaloneMissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
KitticaineKitticaine.pngMetalBasicMissingMissingMissingMissingThey prowl the empy rooms of Bedlam, running around trying to burn off the energy given by the drugs inside its system. If they fall down and break, other Kitticaines will rush to it to lick up its liquid, hoping to get a boost from its chemical blood.Missing
KomothderKomothder.jpgWoodStage2MissingMissingMissingMissingA very controlling and moody tuxemon, which likes to be in charge of its team members and trainer. They are extremely dangerous, but loyal to their trainers, making them excellent tuxemon for a trainer who cares deeply for their team.Missing
KrabtainKrabtain.pngWaterStage1MissingMissingMissingMissingThrough evolution, their panicky disposition simply disappears as they become strong and brave new leaders. They learn to discipline their cabin crew by hitting at them with its huge and powerful claws.Missing
Kumihol48 0.pngStandaloneMissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
KusiKusi alone.pngWoodBasicMissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
Limewoof04 b.pngEarthBasicMissingMissingMissingMissingTheir constant and persistent excitable energy causes them to run round in circles for most of the day - and after a while cause huge sandstorms! They are quite the playful little pupper, and love to munch on limestone, hence their name.Missing
LobossQuasar 25.pngWaterStandaloneMissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
LolihopperLolihopper.pngWaterStage1MissingMissingMissingMissingMany choose to climb the merciless mountains of the region to train and clear their minds. They will often fight under areas where avalanches are most likely to prove their bravery and risk-taking.Missing
LunacalisLunacalis.jpgWoodStage1MissingMissingMissingMissingThis tuxemon is very popular around the time of the region's Moon Festival, in which the region celebrates the visit of the moon goddess. They are said to inspire the region's favourite delicacy, the mooncake.Missing
MagjesticMagjestic.pngFireStandaloneMagjestic.pngMagjestic-back.pngA fiery spirit of courage and conquest, MAGJESTIC represents those who lead from the front, inspiring armies and shaping history through warfare.Foom 0.wav
MagmortisMagmortis-front.pngFireStandaloneMagmortis-front.pngMagmortis-back.pngForgotten now, MAGMORTIS was once responsible for the end of an entire generation of monster hunters.Missing
MesoerkkiMesoerkki concept.pngStandaloneMissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
MillililMillilil.pngFireBasicMillilil.pngMillilil-back.pngIt hatches in vast swarms that cover all the vegetation in a place.Missing
MillistingMillisting.pngFireStage1Millisting.pngMillisting-back.pngOnly the strongest and largest in a swarm is permitted to evolve.Missing
Millord42 2.pngStandaloneMissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
MonghoulMonghoul.pngMetalStandaloneMonghoul.pngMissingMissingMissingMONGHOUL is a solitary creature, said to wander ancient ruins and crypts where its mournful cries echo through the night.Missing
Mooty15 1.pngBasicMissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
MooushMooush.pngWoodBasicMissingMissingMissingMissingEven though Mooush is a Wood type, it enjoys splashing about in water, and can often be seen wallowing in swamps. Since they enjoy rolling in mud and playing in dirty swamp water, their long coats will often get caked in mud. Its trainer must care for the coat on a regular basis in order to avoid lice infections.Missing
MoranideMoranide-resized.pngWaterStage1MissingMissingMissingMissingStories say that this tuxemon would attack oncoming ships and break them in half with their strong tail. They electrocute their victims, before tearing the flesh off them and colllecting their bones.Missing
MoripurrQuasar 3.pngEarth
MulgeeZoonami mulgee front.pngZoonami mulgee front.pngZoonami mulgee back.pngMissingMissingMissing
MuscletaurMuscletaur.pngMetalStage1Muscletaur.pngMissingMUSCLETAUR is a chiseled masterpiece of physical perfection.Missing
Mustagon32 0.pngStandaloneMissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
Stage2MissingMissingMissingMissingIf you cut one head, then two other heads will growMissing
Nebulbla36-1 64px.pngMetalBasic36-1 64px.pngMissingMissingMissingMissing
NepdronNep 16 1.pngWaterStage1MissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
Neptisch16 0.pngWaterBasicMissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
NepungandrNep 16 2.pngWaterStage2MissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
OceamindOceamind.pngWaterStandaloneOceamind.pngMissingSome whisper that OCEAMIND is the keeper of the sea's secrets.Missing
OctotangleOctotangle.pngWaterStandaloneMissingMissingMissingMissingThis dark and powerful tuxemon enjoys hiding in the piles of toys in abandoned toy shops, ready to feast upon the souls of curious children hoping to steal a toy. They absorb their spirit, allowing their tentacles to grow and their shell to grow harder.Missing
Ora99 1.pngStandaloneMissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
Owlock13 2 64x64.pngStage113 2 64x64.pngMissingMissing
OxifeuilleOxifeuille64.pngWoodStandaloneOxifeuille64.pngOxifeuille-back.pngOXIFEUILLE hangs out in leaves and up in the sky, squirting ink to make a getaway if needed.Missing
Palander17 1.pngStandaloneMissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
Palmpot12 0.pngBasicMissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
PandosivePandosive.pngFireStage1MissingMissingMissingMissingThrough evolution, the lantern on the tuxemon begins to rip, allowing a more flames to escape through the safety of the paper wrapping. When it is excited, its tail will flash and make a happy crackling sound, almost like a firework.Missing
Pantern03.pngFireBasicMissingMissingMissingMissingClusters of Pantern will often be seen with their tails softly glowing at celebrations and parties. When they attack, the flame of their lantern turns a bright blue and becomes much hotter.Missing
Patchimal31 0.pngStandaloneMissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
PatheakPatheak weak.pngWaterStandaloneMissingMissingMissingMissingThis small and chubby little tuxemon has little self-confidence, so without its unique feature, it would be practically useless in battle. However, with the love and support of its trainer, the tuxemon can transform into a very strong and courageous form!Missing
Pigraft41 0.pngStandaloneMissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
PineconeyJackalope front.pngWoodStandaloneJackalope front.pngMissingMissing
PipehidePipehide-front.pngEarthBasicPipehide-front.pngMissingMissingMissingA shy little dragon, when it tucks itself sideways into a rock pile it can sometimes get stepped on by accident as it looks just like one when the bagpipes are hidden.Missing
PisacatoPisacato.pngWaterStage1Pisacato.pngPisacato-back.pngAfter hearing its tone, you can sing perfectly all day.Missing
PoiseamPoiseam.jpgWaterBasicMissingMissingMissingMissingIt is most commonly found in bathrooms, lurking on flat surfaces (especially windows). This is normally after someone has used hot water.Missing
PondiveMcjo 64 1.pngWaterBasicMcjo 64 1.pngMissingPONDIVE can dive to great depths in search of food.Missing
QuanthusQuanthus-front.pngStage1Quanthus-front.pngMissingMissingMissingWhen CIRCEECE morphs into QUANTHUS, its appearance becomes more menacing and crystalline. Its once circuit-like patterns solidify into a sharp, triangular structure.Missing
QuiptailQuiptail colorwork by golantreviz de1rfy4.jpgEarthBasicMissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
RapfiQuasar 10.pngMetalBasicMissingMissingMissingMissingIt uses its tail as a shield. It likes to pierce hard berries with its beak.Missing
RapierdQuasar 12.pngMetalStage2MissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
RapiereQuasar 11.pngMetalStage1MissingMissingMissingMissingIt battles with finesse using its beak as a sword. The two tails allow it to maneuver more quickly, and block incoming attacks.Missing
RenaipransRenaiprans.pngEarthStandaloneRenaiprans.pngMissingMissingMissingRENAIPRANS is said to be guardian of ancient ruins, silently watching over them for centuries.Missing
RiagalRiagal.pngWaterStandaloneRiagal.pngRiagal-back.pngEmbodying order and control, RIAGAL is the spirit of powerful leaders who shape nations through governance and bureaucracy.Missing
RokushigonRokushigon.jpgEarthStage2MissingMissingMissingMissingIt lures unsuspecting prey with beautiful music to where it hides and waits.Missing
Ruffoon37 0.pngStandaloneMissingMissingMissing
Sabertaur30 0.pngStandaloneMissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
Scrillar21 1.pngStandaloneMissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
SearinoSearino-front.pngFireBasicSearino-front.pngMissingMissingMissingTrainers often joke that SEARINO's tail is so hot, it can melt the coldest of hearts.Missing
SecuripawSecuripaw.pngMetalStage1MissingMissingMissingMissingRuthless, merciless and silent, this tuxemon can hunt out intruders with its advanced built-in technology. They will often dig their sharp, saber teeth into their opponents, often hospitalising them.Missing
ShellephantZoonami shellephant front.pngZoonami shellephant front.pngZoonami shellephant back.pngMissingMissingMissing
SlenstalkerSlenstalker.jpgMetalStage1MissingMissingMissingMissingIt hides in the forest, seeking out lost children that chose to play in the forest without their parents' permission. Some say that the tuxemon scares the unforunate children, others say they feast on the children's souls before turning them into haunted trees.Missing
SlentacleSlentacle.pngMetalBasicMissingMissingMissingMissingOften seen photobombing normal family photographs, it stares at the camera with its empty black eyes until the camera lens cracks.Missing
SnairalSnairal.jpgWoodBasicMissingMissingMissingMissingThey are very popular amongst bakers and pastry chefs, as it inspires them to bake their treats according to the shape of the tuxemon's shell. Snairal is a very delicate tuxemon, as its shell is easily broken and crumbled.Missing
BasicMissingMissingEach Snax has different partition drawn on the body. When it grows new notes appears.Missing
SovereiceSovereice.pngWaterStandaloneSovereice.pngSovereice-back.pngSOVEREICE represents the intellect and diplomacy of leadership, embodying the wisdom of philosophers and the tact of skilled negotiators.Missing
Spacules4 2.pngStage2MissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
SpadybugSpadybug 20 1.pngStage1MissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
Spall6 1 64x64.pngBasic6 1 64x64.pngSpall-back.pngMissingMissingMissing
Spectrug23 1.pngStandaloneMissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
SpeedoscelisSpeedoscelis colorwork by golantreviz de1rj7l.jpgEarth
Speetle4 1 64x64.pngBasic4 1 64x64.pngMissingMissing
Spidion51 1.pngStage1MissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
Spirell51 0.pngBasicMissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
Sporrior51 2.pngStage2MissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
BasicSpreye-front.pngMissingMissingMissingThere is a forest full of eyeball monsters, and this is one of them.Missing
Squish5 1 64x64.pngWaterBasic5 1 64x64.pngMissingSQUISH's large eyes help it to detect even the smallest prey, which is good - because SQUISH is pretty small itself.Missing
StealjorFree for use batch3.pngMetalStandaloneMissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
Strenguin12 1.pngStandaloneMissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
Suitowl34 0.pngStandaloneMissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
SuseSuse-front.pngWoodStandaloneSuse-front.pngMissingSUSE's eyes glow with a faint green light, symbolizing its connection to the open-source spirit. it's known for its agility and quick reflexes, making it a formidable opponent in battle.Missing
SwanfoilMcjo 64 4.pngMetalStage1Mcjo 64 4.pngMissingMissing
TerrexTerrex 64.pngEarthStandaloneTerrex 64.pngMissingMissingMissingMissing
TigrowQuasar 1 64px.pngEarth
BasicQuasar 1 64px.pngMissingMissingMissingMissing
TitannonTitannon.pngFireStage2Titannon.pngMissingDespite its massive size, TITANNON is surprisingly agile, capable of swift and devastating attacks.Missing
TophistoneTophistone new.pngFireStage1Tophistone new.pngMissingThe intricate patterns on TOPHISTONE's hardened, rock-like scales resemble molten magma.Missing
TrastoTrasto-front.pngStandaloneTrasto-front.pngMissingMissingMissingTRASTO's digestive apparatus is visible through its clear body, giving it a fascinating yet unsettling appearance. TRASTO's ability to digest a wide variety of foods makes it a valuable ally in battle.Missing
TreasurblinTreasurblin.pngMetalStage1MissingMissingMissingMissingThey are very greedy tuxemon, and will often attack those seeking to steal their supply of treasure. Their golden fan is covered in the dust from their gold and shiny treasure.Missing
TuluxTuxemon tulux.pngWaterBasicMissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
TungrubTungrub1.pngMetalBasicTungrub1.pngMissingMissingMissingTungrub have small magnetic ports in their bodies which pull them close to their parent Worbolt to keep them safe.Missing
TuxaloTuxemon tuxalo.pngWaterStage1MissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
VadampfVadampf.jpgWaterStage1MissingMissingMissingMissingBefore every session, saunas are to be searched for any Vadampf, this is a legal requirement.Missing
VerglastaVerglasta-front.pngWaterStage2Verglasta-front.pngMissingVERGLASTA's ballista-like tail can launch ice shards with incredible force.Missing
VykingVyking front.pngMetal
StandaloneVyking front.pngMissingMissingMissingMissing
WapuruQuasar 24.pngWaterStandaloneMissingMissingMissingMissingIt has a whirlpool for a tail, which it uses to pedal itself around the ocean. Sometimes the pressure is too strong and it gets stuck, creating a whirlpool.Missing
Weastoat3 1 64x64.pngStandalone3 1 64x64.pngMissingMissingMissingMissing
WisturtleWisturtle-resized.pngWaterStage1MissingMissingMissingMissingTheir magic located in their huge shells helps regulate the temperature of the water surronding it. They will often shelter fish tuxemon with their huge fins and underbelly.Missing
BasicWitty-front.pngWitty-back.pngWITTY can often be found following CACKLEEN and BEWHICH around.Missing
Wizereign47 3.pngStage3MissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
WorboltTungrub2.pngMetalStage1Tungrub2.pngMissingMissingMissingIt eats metal fibers to produce its young artificially inside its body. Its bolt-like head can turn a full 360 degrees.Missing
Wuppy16 1.pngFireBasicMissingMissingMissingMissingMissing
XylocarpXylocarp .pngWaterBasicXylocarp .pngXylocarp-back.pngEveryone believes it is man-made, but no one admits that they made it.Missing
YabbaQuasar 28 64px.pngEarthBasicQuasar 28 64px.pngMissingMissingMissingIt roamed the lands millions of years ago. It's believed they died out due to their poor diet of pebbles.Missing