| MainImage | FrontSprite | TXMN Type | Species | TXMN Blurb |
Anoleaf | Missing |  | Wood | Sprout | It considers the plants growing near it to be its brothers and sisters. |
Askylpaws |  |  | Metal Wood | Erythrocyte | It is an omen of disaster, often appearing in times of great trouble. This has caused others to sometimes blame it for the misfortune. |
Bamboon | Missing |  | Wood | Prehensile | It fights with its bamboo staff, which it also uses for balance. |
Banling |  |  | Wood | Sepulchre | Each BANLING is waiting for a homeless spirit to nestle in its branches. |
Bansaken |  |  | Wood | Sepulchre | As twilight hits, the spirits inside BANSAKEN come to life. They like to add naughty children who stay up too late to their number. |
Banvengeance |  |  | Wood | Sepulchre | BANVENGEANCE seeks to make its own night by growing new trees from running roots to drown out the light, smothering competing plant life. |
Baobaraffe |  |  | Wood | Tree Giraffe | It stores mass amounts of water in its huge body so that it can travel long distances across hot, dry deserts. It will also share water with thirsty creatures. When it has no water stored it is skinny. |
Baoby |  |  | Wood | Thirsty Okapi | They travel from river to river in search of water to drink and store. The leafy ossicones on its head conceal movable points that act similar to a dowsing rod. Many creatures follow Baoby in droughts. |
Beenstalker |  |  | Wood | Scarytale | What BEENSTALKER lacks in sense and grace, it makes up for in sheer enthusiasm and goodwill. It delights in scaring off vermin, but never harming them. |
Bewhich |  |  | Metal Wood | Hexer | When BEWHICH holds its breath, it can appear as a beautiful - though sinister - human. |
Birdee | Missing |  | Wood | Chickenhawk | It is omnivorous, but whether it prefers meat or seed depends on its experiences when young. |
Birdling | Missing |  | Wood | Bird Brain | The ignorant believe that it carries its own egg upon its back. It is the guard for a far more important egg than that. |
Brachifor |  |  | Wood | Petrified | BRACHIFOR can go without eating if it stays perfectly still. |
Breem |  |  | Earth Wood | Parasitized | It punctures fruit to place new DUGGOT in them by night. By day it pretends to be a normal bee. |
Brumi |  |  | Metal Wood | Hexer | Neglected brooms may be stolen by BRUMI. |
Budaye |  |  | Wood | Mutual | It can convince any group to cooperate for the common good with some encouraging mewls and waves. |
Bugnin |  |  | Metal Wood | Honour | Its sword is actually an antenna grown and snapped off for that purpose. |
Burrlock | Missing |  | Wood | Thorn | BURRLOCK likes to stick to passerbys to help it spread from place to place. |
Cacaburr | Missing |  | Wood | Thistle | CACABURR supports many pollinators like TUMBLEBEE and seed lovers like CHICKADEE. |
Capinyah |  |  | Wood | Woodwose | Only after intense training in the jungles, lifting logs and river boulders, can CAPITI graduate to become CAPINYAH. |
Capiti | Missing |  | Wood | Woodwose | It looks like a baby, but some specimens have been found that are hundreds of years old. |
Chibiro | Missing |  | Wood | False Turnip | It is found in forests and fields, where it is often mistaken for a turnip. |
Chickadee | Missing |  | Wood | Chickadee | CHICKADEE gives longer repeated cries of 'dees' if the danger it senses seems lesser than another. |
Chloragon | Missing |  | Wood | Dragon | It hatches when an ancient egg is planted in fertile soil. When the eggs run out, there will be no more CHLORAGON. |
Cohldrabi |  |  | Water Wood | Frozen Produce | It is born underground in cold, snowy areas, and learns how to fly within a few weeks. |
Coleorus | Missing |  | Earth Wood | Timeless | It has existed, unchanged, for millions of years. |
Conifrost | Missing |  | Water Wood | Taiga | If it sneezes, an avalanche occurs. It has a permanent sniffle. |
Conileaf | Missing |  | Wood | Pitcher | Foods placed in its pitcher are blended and pickled. They are used to store food without it going off. |
Coppi |  |  | Wood | Spinning Seed | COPPI's flowers are surprisingly bitter and smelly, but they are useful in beer brewing and medicine. |
Cowpignon | Missing |  | Earth Wood | Enhancement | Some people dry it out and eat it as a medicinal enhancement. |
Dandicub |  |  | Wood | Floret | After a litter is born, they float all over the world and never see their family again. |
Dandylion |  |  | Wood | Lion's Tooth | It gives birth to one litter in its life. Then it wanders the world trying to find them. |
Dankush | Missing |  | Wood Fire | Zaza | A DANKUSH can stop itself from burning by holding its breath, causing plumes of smoke to billow forth from each leaf. |
Delfeco | Missing |  | Water Wood | Joyful Dolphin | DELFECO's streamlined body allows for swift navigation through water, and its intelligence is evident in its complex hunting strategies. Despite its size, it's known for its playful nature and strong bond with its trainer. |
Dragarbor | Missing |  | Wood | Dragon | When it feels it is coming to the end of its life, it travels to a graveyard where it plants itself. Its tail flower grows forever. |
Drashimi |  |  | Water Wood | Dragon Roll | It lies on the ground, smelling delicious and tempting monsters to take a bite - but when they approach, it bites them first. |
Duggot |  |  | Earth Wood | Unwelcome Mouthful | When TUMBLEBEE tries to drink fruit juice, a DUGGOT may latch on and take over its brain. |
Fordin |  |  | Wood | Petrified | When threatened, it curls into a ball and bounces away. |
Frondly |  |  | Wood | Helping Hand | It can do anything with its prehensile tail, even shake hands and pick fruit. |
Frostuce | Missing |  | Water Wood | Freezerburn | One rarely expects to see green waltzing around in a snowstorm. |
Fruitera |  |  | Wood | Tiny Bat | FRUITERA is greedy for fruit, and carries as much as it can. When startled, it drops all its fruit, gathers it all up again, and only then runs away. |
Gectile | Missing |  | Wood | Climbing | It is so quick and light that it can walk on leaves. |
Gladiatorbug |  |  | Wood | Bustuarius | GLADIATORBUG is a massive insectoid tuxemon with a deep, armored exoskeleton and distinctive wings running along its back. Its mandibles can crush steel. |
Glombroc | Missing |  | Earth Wood | Aggregate | It stores its memories in its rocky shell. If some fall off, it is forgetful. |
Gourda |  |  | Wood | Pumpkin | Competitions to grow the largest GOURDA have resulted in some reaching one ton in weight, but normal GOURDA are much smaller. |
Hatchling | Missing |  | Wood | Egg | When an egg does not want to hatch and begin its next life stage, it becomes a HATCHLING. |
Helipi |  |  | Wood | Samsara | It flies farther with one wing by rotating than with two, but sacrifices the ability to easily aim. |
Hoodoll | Missing |  | Wood | Old Man | It sometimes sticks a pin in itself to curse its foes, but no one can tell the difference after. |
Katacoon |  |  | Metal Wood | Stance | It stays in a meditative pose for its chrysalis, moving only to jab enemies. |
Katapill |  |  | Metal Wood | Beat | It is born fighting. It has to punch out of its eggshell or be trapped. |
Lambert |  |  | Wood | Gumnut | It is placed in its nut by its parent, who then sends it into the world. |
Legko |  |  | Wood | Lizard | Long thought to be legless, its leaves are actually vestigial limbs. |
Legoplaste | Missing |  | Wood | Amoeba | It has a very fluid shape and may hunt by sending out random tendrils to sniff or touch nearby prey. |
Lettice | Missing |  | Water Wood | Freezerburn | Cold weather concentrates the power and vitality of LETTICE. |
Marvantis |  |  | Wood Fire | Mantid | When it evolves, the only trace of its original mimickry is its red ornaments. |
Marvillar |  |  | Wood Fire | Ant Mimic | MARVILLAR mimes an ant larvae using scent. It convinces SCARLANT and MYRMISON to feed it, eating skeptics. |
Megafruitera |  |  | Wood | Flying Fox Bat | It has slightly better self control than its younger form, enlarging its nest first if it needs to for extra fruit. |
Metoxic | Missing |  | Metal Wood | Toxic Flag | METOXIC sometimes acts as a flag for PAWSAND castles, spewing poisonous fumes everywhere. |
Moloch |  |  | Wood | Devil | It can stiffen or soften its skin to respond to friends and foes. |
Narcileaf | Missing |  | Wood | Gardener | When a SHYBULB has restored a garden to glory, it morphs and proudly takes credit for its work. |
Neutrito | Missing |  | Metal Wood | Calm Emotion | NEUTRITO feels nothing. The perfect machine? |
Ninjasmine |  |  | Wood | Every Thorn | NINJASMINE poisons his opponents quickly using his two poison swords. |
Pairagrim |  |  | Wood | Two-Headed Falcon | One of Pairagrim's heads is always searching for prey, while the other focuses on flying at great speed. |
Pairagrin |  |  | Wood | Two-Headed Falcon | The young form of Pairagrim, it is a generally happy creature. It struggles to fly until the two heads learn to work together. |
Parappi |  |  | Wood | Spinning Seed | When cut PARAPPI oozes syrup that seals and hardens over its enemies, turning them to amber. |
Pearamanca | Missing |  | Wood | Biting Pear | PEARAMANCA sells insurance to innocent people just trying to buy fruit, which makes it the most terrifying monster of all. |
Pipis | Missing |  | Wood | Echo | Its cries are considered a bad omen, but it is a gentle creature. |
Raptoucan | Missing |  | Wood | Tropical | It is formidable and aggressive, but only eats fruit. |
Rinocereed | Missing |  | Wood | Calf | It is voraciously hungry because it grows so quickly - and it does not limit itself to plants. |
Rosarin | Missing |  | Wood | Every Thorn | Rosarin's love is incredible, he's only asking some affection. |
Sapragon | Missing |  | Wood | Dragon | In olden times, each element had a mighty dragon - but those creatures have diminished and are rare in these days. |
Sapsnap | Missing |  | Wood | Barbed | Its terrific anger is off putting, but it passes quickly. |
Sclairus | Missing |  | Wood | Fallow | When a crop is left unharvested - be it from laziness or disaster - its scarecrow becomes a dark and living creature. |
Sharpfin |  |  | Water Wood | Rip | It is invisible in the water, being visible only when it leaps out of the water to drag animals on the shore back into the deep. |
Shybulb | Missing |  | Wood | Gardener | When a garden is neglected, a SHYBULB moves in and quietly tends the droopy plants. |
Slichen | Missing |  | Wood | Gel | It is a gel that sparked to life and begins making a body for itself of stone and rock. |
Spectera |  |  | Wood | Flying Fox Bat | This leaf winged bat is omnivorous, but prefers fruit. Both the male and female look after young. |
Spighter | Missing |  | Wood | Eyerachnid | It's not fair that something so good at sneaking up on people, can't be snuck up on itself. |
Spoilurm | Missing |  | Wood | Detritus | SPOILURM disguise themselves as apples, and wait in trees to eat the unexpecting. |
Sprightly | Missing |  | Wood | Rootball | A timid plant, it pops its head aboveground to drink water and sunshine. |
Spycozeus | Missing |  | Metal Wood | Willpower | The whispered communications of the forest are given physical form in SPYCOZEUS, which thinks like the trees. |
Stegofor |  |  | Wood | Petrified | When it comes time to morph, STEGOFOR migrates in great herds along ancient paths, stripping all vegetation from plants growing along the way. |
Strella | Missing |  | Wood | Trailing | Its tails are lures to convince bugs to bite them and be trapped. |
Sumchon |  |  | Metal Wood | Wrestling | It uses its weight to trip much larger enemies. It is as dense as a star. |
Tarpeur | Missing |  | Wood | Restful | They rest and grow. They also grow and rest. Rarely, they rest without growing or grow without resting. |
Tikoal | Missing |  | Wood Fire | Taboo | The guardian of a forest-dwelling people, it keeps guard and resolves disputes. |
Tikorch | Missing |  | Wood Fire | Taboo | It is the intermediary between forest and volcano, between sun and earth. |
Tobishimi |  |  | Water Wood | Dragon Roll | TOBISHIMI spawn eggs in vast numbers, and carry them about under their chins for safekeeping until the next full moon - when they hatch. |
Toucanary | Missing |  | Wood | Tropical | TOUCANARY only has bright feathers because it grew up surrounded by flowers. |
Tourbidi | Missing |  | Wood | Elf Ring | If you find a circle of mushrooms or clover, it is a place where TOURBIDI dance. |
Toxiris |  |  | Wood | Every Thorn | TOXIRIS is extremely powerful, it violently poisons everything in his way. |
Trapsnap | Missing |  | Wood | Barb | Its head is the only part of its body that doesn't grow as it ages. |
Turnipper |  |  | Wood | Scarytale | When a field is abandoned to the crows, locusts and mice, a TURNIPPER will sometimes dig itself out of the ground to defend the crops. |
Uprout | Missing |  | Wood | Rootball | When it has grown, its ears peel away to show wings that it uses to fly into the trees above where it grew. |
Urcine | Missing |  | Wood | Temper | When a FURNURSUS is born without the fire inside, it is abandoned in the forests as an URCINE. |
Velocitile | Missing |  | Wood | Restless | It can outrun a bullet, but only when it has warmed up. |
Vigueur | Missing |  | Wood | Energised | VIGUEUR compete to see who can lift the heaviest rocks. When they lift one that is too heavy, it squashes them and scatters TARPEUR seeds. |
Viviphyta | Missing |  | Wood | Germinated | It is the king of snakes - or at least believes itself to be such. |
Weedlantis | Missing |  | Water Wood | Reef | It is said an ancient civilization once used WEEDLANTIS as advisors, but it has since disappeared beneath the sea. |
Weedsea | Missing |  | Water Wood | Seaweed | Once a year, it is pollinated beneath the waves by aquatic tuxemon like Shrab. |
Wendigger |  |  | Wood | Scarytale | It is said corpses given an improper burial can grow into WENDIGGER. |
Wolffsky | Missing |  | Wood | Lupine | This tuxemon is very friendly. It is common to go hunting with the help of WOLFFSKY. |
Wolololl | Missing |  | Wood | Cactus | WOLOLOLL's sharp spines are tipped with a deadly venom |
Woodoor | Missing |  | Wood | Portal | When a haunted house burns to the ground, sometimes all that is left is the front door. It hops away to find its next home. |