Property:TXMN Blurb

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This is a property of type Text.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
If the sun is out, it can fly as far or as high as it likes.  +
It keeps count of every ant it has eaten, and celebrates significant numbers.  +
When born it is placed in an anthill and left to eat its way out.  +
Each face is a different pattern, and some say the symbols spell out words in a dead language.  +
AERODEER is so amazingly light in mass that she can float on air. She swallows rocks to help her digest and to stay on the ground, and spits them at enemies.  +
This faun emits no smell and is as light as a feather, helping it evade predators when its mother leaves to forage.  +
AEROSTAG blows up his horns like a balloon by taking big gulps of air. While inflated, they are stiff and solid.  +
It prefers four legs, but can stand on two to open doors, push over trees or hold things.  +
It is called a "false dragon", because it appears to be a dragon, but actually evolved from a different line of ancient reptiles.  +
It is playful, but must be taught early on to keep its fire in check.  +
A fusion of two tuxemon.  +
The user draws on their last ounce of strength, striking hard and getting their second wind.  +
Allagon are drawn to relics made from the metals left behind by their ancestors, and will be violent to retrieve them.  +
ALTIE floated down to earth in a bubble. Now its bubble has popped, it cannot float more than a few metres in the air.  +
Fly high out of reach, then dive with a powerful attack.  +
The cuddly AMBEARANCE love to comfort and nurture sick and injured monsters. But they would never deliberately harm a monster just for the pleasure of nurturing it back to health.  +
The egg in its pouch does not hatch. Instead, it secretes a delicious drink with restorative powers.  +
The combatants' minds touch, leaving both befuddled.  +
You would think AMPYSTOMA's warning coloration would make ambush impossible, but the murky waters it hunts in obscure it until it is ready to reveal itself. It likes to go on land during thunderstorms.  +
Those who survive getting lost in hostile, icy conditions often mention a mysterious presence guiding them even when the snow is too heavy to see through.  +