| TXMN Stage | Species | TXMN Blurb |
AV8R | Stage1 | Heliotrope | If the sun is out, it can fly as far or as high as it likes. |
Aardart | Stage1 | Anteater | It keeps count of every ant it has eaten, and celebrates significant numbers. |
Agnidon | Stage1 | False Dragon | It prefers four legs, but can stand on two to open doors, push over trees or hold things. |
Allagon | Stage1 | Dragon | Allagon are drawn to relics made from the metals left behind by their ancestors, and will be violent to retrieve them. |
Ampystoma | Stage1 | Lightning Salamander | You would think AMPYSTOMA's warning coloration would make ambush impossible, but the murky waters it hunts in obscure it until it is ready to reveal itself. It likes to go on land during thunderstorms. |
Angesnow | Stage1 | Driven Snow | Those who survive getting lost in hostile, icy conditions often mention a mysterious presence guiding them even when the snow is too heavy to see through. |
Angrito | Stage1 | Enraged Emotion | It cannot understand why humans feel rage and hatred, but ANGRITO feels these urges too. |
Apeoro | Stage1 | Old Block | The kings of old used psychic powers to transfer their souls into these golden computing machines. Now they live on, unable to communicate but still dreaming of empires. |
B-ver.1 | Stage1 | Gnawer | It is designed for all those times you need something to be bitten by a robot. |
Baddrscratch | Stage1 | Fuminous | The furious BADDRSCRATCH is a fearsome hunter, and it will not stop in its pursuit of its prey - even in the face of certain death. |
Bamboon | Stage1 | Prehensile | It fights with its bamboo staff, which it also uses for balance. |
Bansaken | Stage1 | Sepulchre | As twilight hits, the spirits inside BANSAKEN come to life. They like to add naughty children who stay up too late to their number. |
Baobaraffe | Stage1 | Tree Giraffe | It stores mass amounts of water in its huge body so that it can travel long distances across hot, dry deserts. It will also share water with thirsty creatures. When it has no water stored it is skinny. |
Bedoo | Stage1 | Bed Trap | It swallows its victims whole, forcing them into a deep sleep for a few hours whilst it feasts on their dreams. Often, it will accidentally put their victims into a permanent sleep |
Beenstalker | Stage1 | Scarytale | What BEENSTALKER lacks in sense and grace, it makes up for in sheer enthusiasm and goodwill. It delights in scaring off vermin, but never harming them. |
Bigfin | Stage1 | Island | A whole ecosystem exists on its back, so it tries not to go underwater. |
Birdee | Stage1 | Chickenhawk | It is omnivorous, but whether it prefers meat or seed depends on its experiences when young. |
Birdling | Stage1 | Bird Brain | The ignorant believe that it carries its own egg upon its back. It is the guard for a far more important egg than that. |
Bishosand | Stage1 | Sand Bishop | BISHOSAND is fascinated by religious or spiritual symbols it sees and likes to collect them, but is believed to not understand any of them. |
Blasdoor | Stage1 | Trapdoor | BLASDOOR shield those they care about behind their impenetrable bulk, but macerate unwanted intruders and scrap machines between their steel teeth. |
Bolt | Stage1 | Hardware | The presence of a BOLT makes a NUT clamp down harder and spark more energy. |
Breem | Stage1 | Parasitized | It punctures fruit to place new DUGGOT in them by night. By day it pretends to be a normal bee. |
Bricgard | Stage1 | Brick Wall | When the winter comes, Imbrickcile builds a defensive cocoon of bricks to protect it from predators. |
Brumi | Stage1 | Hexer | Neglected brooms may be stolen by BRUMI. |
Cacaburr | Stage1 | Thistle | CACABURR supports many pollinators like TUMBLEBEE and seed lovers like CHICKADEE. |
Capinyah | Stage1 | Woodwose | Only after intense training in the jungles, lifting logs and river boulders, can CAPITI graduate to become CAPINYAH. |
Cardiwing | Stage1 | Firebird | Its song is remarkable, but few dare keep an explosive songbird. |
Cocrune | Stage1 | Diptera | Whichever way it turns, the blood-red eye faces you. |
Coppi | Stage1 | Spinning Seed | COPPI's flowers are surprisingly bitter and smelly, but they are useful in beer brewing and medicine. |
Corvix | Stage1 | Horned Raptor | It arms its wings with bone shards from its victims. |
Crankus | Stage1 | Cranky | From one mountaintop to another, CRANKUS can be heard bleating to one another in running arguments that end only with the spring thaws. |
Criniotherme | Stage1 | Mercury | Its mane shines during the day, grows big and red at sunset, and blows away as ash at night. |
Dandylion | Stage1 | Lion's Tooth | It gives birth to one litter in its life. Then it wanders the world trying to find them. |
Delfeco | Stage1 | Joyful Dolphin | DELFECO's streamlined body allows for swift navigation through water, and its intelligence is evident in its complex hunting strategies. Despite its size, it's known for its playful nature and strong bond with its trainer. |
Demosnow | Stage1 | Tempted | DEMOSNOW delight in luring travelers deeper into the wilderness than is strictly safe, promising them glory and adventure. |
Devidra | Stage1 | Dog-Toothed | Look closely, for ultra fine fur gives away it is devilishly pretending to be a dinosaur. |
Doctsky | Stage1 | Erythrocyte | The little hyena just wants to take care of others, but has a bad reputation after a movie with it as a villain came out. |
Dracune | Stage1 | Cloaked | It is immobile during the day, but can wriggle and bite at night. |
Elowind | Stage1 | Cloudburst | The lieutenants of the ELOFLY family, ELOWIND shepherd the flock and keep it focused. |
Embazook | Stage1 | Gunner | It is trained for use in war and it knows no other life. |
Equill | Stage1 | Cave-Dweller | Its bitterness causes it to transform. It hides its ugliness in the dark. |
Eruptibus | Stage1 | Hot Rock | Smiths work with it, heating up metals in its caldera. |
Exapode | Stage1 | Big Frightfear | It waves its legs to attract attention, but mostly people just run away. |
Exclawvate | Stage1 | Digger | Often seen on construction sites, they can use their huge hands and tail to scoop up dirt and rubble. Underneath the tuxemon are caterpillar tyres, giving them a beter balance and grip while climbing heaps of rubble. |
Eyesore | Stage1 | Overseer | It remembers everything it has ever seen, but not the order that it has seen it in. |
Firomenis | Stage1 | Dragon Moth | These tuxemon are large and tough from the many years spent as a MERLICUN. Their jaws can crush through trees and bones, and their flight is strong enough to carry people. |
Flambear | Stage1 | Too Hot | It can be tracked from the trail of boiled berry bushes and roasted trout it leaves in its wake. |
Flummack | Stage1 | Cannibal Cake | FLUMMACK no longer desires to be eaten, but to eat - even other FLUMMBY and FLUMMACK go down a treat. |
Fribbit | Stage1 | Rueful | It is said that it was once a boy who licked a freezing lamp post. |
Frondly | Stage1 | Helping Hand | It can do anything with its prehensile tail, even shake hands and pick fruit. |
Fuzzina | Stage1 | Toy | When the child that abandoned a FUZZLET needs it again, it becomes a FUZZINA, a brave protector and nurturer of the small and the weak. |
Galasces | Stage1 | Sea Angel | GALASCES can distort its shape to engulf prey its own size. |
Gastronium | Stage1 | Plutonium | GASTRONIUM can eat almost anything but prefers heavy, radioactive materials. |
Gectile | Stage1 | Climbing | It is so quick and light that it can walk on leaves. |
Glombroc | Stage1 | Aggregate | It stores its memories in its rocky shell. If some fall off, it is forgetful. |
Grinflare | Stage1 | Igneous | It is said that each is the walking heart of a volcano. |
Grintrock | Stage1 | Thunderstone | It feeds by sitting out in thunderstorms, waiting to be struck by lightning. |
Gupphire | Stage1 | Boiling Goldfish | GUPPHIRE's scales sparkle, making it a stunning sight to behold. Fishers who see a GUPPHIRE believe it means they will have good luck all year. |
Happito | Stage1 | Ecstatic Emotion | Why can't people always be happy? HAPPITO will give them exactly what they want, even if it is not what they need. |
Hectapod | Stage1 | Sea Storm | When it inflates its dome, it floats to the top of oceans, or even through mist and clouds. |
Heronquak | Stage1 | Crested | The crystal on its chest is mistaken for a diamond by poachers. It melts when it is removed from HERONQUAK's body. |
Houndice | Stage1 | Snowy | HOUNDICE loves sledding, but it can also sniff out lost hikers under snow. |
Incandesfin | Stage1 | Light Fin | Its entire body has massively grown in size. However, its light is still the exact same. |
K9 | Stage1 | Cute | It is a helpful companion that can pull a tonne of weight. |
Katacoon | Stage1 | Stance | It stays in a meditative pose for its chrysalis, moving only to jab enemies. |
Knightsand | Stage1 | Sand Knight | KNIGHTSAND patrols around sand castles inhabits by PAWSAND, but is terrible at building them. |
Knindling | Stage1 | Firestarter | Any spark from a stone KNINDLING happily tenders into a fire. |
Komoduel | Stage1 | Gunslinger | Many a wrongdoer has fled town after seeing just the silhouette of an approaching KOMODUEL. |
Krokivip | Stage1 | Crocodile | This venomous crocodilian enjoys ambushing from the water. As it grows closer to evolution, it seeks out larger bodies of water. |
Legko | Stage1 | Lizard | Long thought to be legless, its leaves are actually vestigial limbs. |
Lendos | Stage1 | Vision | When two UNEYE become tangled, they form a single unified LENDOS. |
Lettice | Stage1 | Freezerburn | Cold weather concentrates the power and vitality of LETTICE. |
Loliferno | Stage1 | Spirit Fire | It is said that the LOLIFERNO's fire could not be extinguished. Yet, despite its power, LOLIFERNO has a playful side, and is known to dance among the flames it creates. |
MRmOswitch | Stage1 | Gremlin | These cheeky robots are used for their fine motor skills, but they love pranks. |
Marvantis | Stage1 | Mantid | When it evolves, the only trace of its original mimickry is its red ornaments. |
Mauai | Stage1 | Anubis | MAUAI gives itself over to the spirits of lost warriors trapped inside its weapon. |
Megafruitera | Stage1 | Flying Fox Bat | It has slightly better self control than its younger form, enlarging its nest first if it needs to for extra fruit. |
Miaownolith | Stage1 | Desolate | It can speak the human tongue, but only to say cryptic riddles. |
Narcileaf | Stage1 | Gardener | When a SHYBULB has restored a garden to glory, it morphs and proudly takes credit for its work. |
Neutrito | Stage1 | Calm Emotion | NEUTRITO feels nothing. The perfect machine? |
Nimbulex | Stage1 | Veiled | NIMBULEX dresses itself in sparks and storm clouds to protect its delicate inner core. |
Noctalo | Stage1 | Nightcrawler | It inhabits only places abandoned by humans - castles, graveyards and sewers. |
Nudikill | Stage1 | Dark Bishop | They are called Dark Bishops because their heads are reminiscent of a bishop's hat. |
Nudimind | Stage1 | Reverie | It dreams of oceans under other skies. |
Octabode | Stage1 | Hermit | OCTABODE make ancient vessels and artifacts their homes, dreaming of the lives of those who used the relics before them. |
Ouroboutlet | Stage1 | Infinite Energy | The circuit focuses energy, creating a new type of electricity called griefed-lightning. |
Pairagrim | Stage1 | Two-Headed Falcon | One of Pairagrim's heads is always searching for prey, while the other focuses on flying at great speed. |
PiCC | Stage1 | Bladder | It accompanies divers, providing much needed oxygen. |
Possessun | Stage1 | Visitor | It is a ghost that inhabits a dead CAIRFREY. |
Potturney | Stage1 | Pottery | By the time a Potturmeist has reached its maturity, its protective urn has so changed shape that it resembles no pottery made by human hands. Some insist that the designs on a Potturmeist's urn are writings from the far future. |
Prophetoise | Stage1 | Dragon Bone | Its heavenly fire is something foes rarely see coming. |
Puparmor | Stage1 | Fortified | Its cocoon is so hard, people are knocked out if a PUPARMOR is dropped on them. They were once loaded into cannons and catapults. |
Pyraminx | Stage1 | Noble | It has a tomb hidden somewhere in the land. If it finds it, it can sleep. |
Pythock | Stage1 | Puppet Master | Using its shadow puppets, it can use them to fight its opponent with great accuracy and speed. They are much more confident, and will sometimes even use their shadow puppets to entertain small children at puppet shows. |
Qetzlrokilus | Stage1 | Long Winged | This tuxemon would dive into groups of other dinosaur tuxemon and burn them. They also enjoy setting forests alight and dropping their ashes into water to spoil its purity. |
Rabbitosaur | Stage1 | Rabbit | Its tunnels are extensive and wide, the site of tremendous wars between burrows. |
Raccscal | Stage1 | Raccoon | It has a baglike tail on its back that it can open and close, and even detach and throw at enemies. |
Raptoucan | Stage1 | Tropical | It is formidable and aggressive, but only eats fruit. |
Regalance | Stage1 | Terracotta | It can summon a halberd whenever it needs. |
Rockat | Stage1 | Sleek Boulder | Despite its considerable weight, its footfalls are silent. |
Rooksand | Stage1 | Sand Rook | ROOKSAND sometimes allows those it deems worthy to live inside its sandcastle, and crushes all others. |
Ruption | Stage1 | Bonfire | Once Embra's flame becomes hot enough, it engulfs its entire body, essentially replacing it in the process. |
Sadito | Stage1 | Lamenting Emotion | When a person is feeling too sad, SADITO will carry that burden for them. |
Sapragon | Stage1 | Dragon | In olden times, each element had a mighty dragon - but those creatures have diminished and are rare in these days. |
Sapsnap | Stage1 | Barbed | Its terrific anger is off putting, but it passes quickly. |
Selmatek | Stage1 | Sand Steed | Kept by the ancient kings of the deserts, SELMATEK served as watchdogs, hunting companions and - now - defenders against grave robbers. |
Sharpfin | Stage1 | Rip | It is invisible in the water, being visible only when it leaps out of the water to drag animals on the shore back into the deep. |
Shelagu | Stage1 | Sheltering | It wards off attackers by poisoning its spiky shell with goo spat from its mouth. |
Shnark | Stage1 | Disguised | SHNARK wears its last meal's flesh as a disguise so it can get close to its trusting prey. |
Shrab | Stage1 | Muscly Crab | When a SHEYE frees its mind from always contemplating serious thoughts, it becomes a SHRAB, free in body to wander the world. |
Shull | Stage1 | Myrmidon | SHULL doesn't need to eat or move, but it still enjoys treats and supplements from its favorite person, especially if it is regularly being sent into battle. |
Snokari | Stage1 | Hydra | The two heads of SNOKARI each hold great wisdom, but they never agree. |
Snowrilla | Stage1 | Yeti | It delights in playing tag with skiers on desolate slopes. |
Sockeserp | Stage1 | Power Socket Snake | An otherwise formiddable enemy, SOCKESERP is easily dispatched if it gets tangled up. |
Spectera | Stage1 | Flying Fox Bat | This leaf winged bat is omnivorous, but prefers fruit. Both the male and female look after young. |
Sphake | Stage1 | Galvanized | SPHAKE is sometimes responsible for small earthquakes that inconveniently vibrate books and cups off your shelves; it eats whatever falls down. |
Spirain | Stage1 | Water Sprite | If a SEIREIN's inner fire dims, its water spirit nature turns it into SPIRAIN. |
Statursus | Stage1 | Inner Fire | STATURSUS has learned to channel its emotions into a single pure flame. The mere sight of it sends others into a trance. |
Stegofor | Stage1 | Petrified | When it comes time to morph, STEGOFOR migrates in great herds along ancient paths, stripping all vegetation from plants growing along the way. |
Strella | Stage1 | Trailing | Its tails are lures to convince bugs to bite them and be trapped. |
Tigrock | Stage1 | Ex Machina | It is said that it had to invent itself because an evolution was not designed. |
Tikorch | Stage1 | Taboo | It is the intermediary between forest and volcano, between sun and earth. |
Toxiris | Stage1 | Every Thorn | TOXIRIS is extremely powerful, it violently poisons everything in his way. |
Trojerror | Stage1 | Virtual | TROJERROR is a tuxemon that disguises itself as legitimate code or software. Once inside the network, TROJERRORS are able to carry out any action that a legitimate user could perform (deposit, withdrawn and delete). |
Tsushimi | Stage1 | Dragon Roll | While sometimes referred to as its armor, the fleshy plates on TSUSHIMI are softer than its skin. Their purpose remains unknown. |
Tumblebee | Stage1 | Drone | It builds hives that are perfect spheres, with the TUMBLEBEE inside just rolling about and buzzing with laughter. |
Tumbledillo | Stage1 | Ermine | Tumbledillo have a mystical connection to a particular road, and they guard it from people who would interfere with it - even pothole repair crews! |
Uprout | Stage1 | Rootball | When it has grown, its ears peel away to show wings that it uses to fly into the trees above where it grew. |
Vigueur | Stage1 | Energised | VIGUEUR compete to see who can lift the heaviest rocks. When they lift one that is too heavy, it squashes them and scatters TARPEUR seeds. |
Vivicinder | Stage1 | Lit | It makes its nest in long-burning fires, either of its own creation or in memorials, smithies and glassworks. |
Vividactil | Stage1 | Exhumed | In ancient times, the Year of the VIVIDACTIL marked a time of renewal and the restoration of authority. |
Viviphyta | Stage1 | Germinated | It is the king of snakes - or at least believes itself to be such. |
Vivisource | Stage1 | Purified | The spring it chooses for its home always has a peculiar oniony taste. |
Viviteel | Stage1 | Galvanised | It takes the armour of a fallen warrior and repurposes it for a shell. |
Vivitrans | Stage1 | Sublimated | The cold focuses VIVITRANS' mind to a keen edge. |
Vivitron | Stage1 | Sparked | Early philosophers used VIVITRON as evidence that natural forces can be tamed and controlled. |
Volconey | Stage1 | Roaming | When VOLCONEY thump the earth with their gigantic feet, they call more and more THUMPURN and VOLCONEY to the warren. But when enough strike the earth at once, it is said to cause volcanic eruptions. |
Vulpyre | Stage1 | Firefox | How it evolves and lives is very mysterious, but it is sometimes spotted near a volcano. |
Weedlantis | Stage1 | Reef | It is said an ancient civilization once used WEEDLANTIS as advisors, but it has since disappeared beneath the sea. |
Windeye | Stage1 | Tower | Like a mighty tree, WINDEYE plants itself on the top of hills to soak in the sun and wind. Recharged, it then leaves to find another place under the sky. |
Wolololl | Stage1 | Cactus | WOLOLOLL's sharp spines are tipped with a deadly venom |