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Completed[edit source]

There are 42 completed Stage2 monsters.

 TXMN StageSpeciesTXMN Blurb
AgnigonStage2False DragonIt is called a "false dragon", because it appears to be a dragon, but actually evolved from a different line of ancient reptiles.
ArthroboltStage2ForemanIt feels uncomfortable commanding its fellow NUT and BOLT, and usually runs away. But then the NUT and BOLT have no one to instruct them.
AskylpawsStage2ErythrocyteIt is an omen of disaster, often appearing in times of great trouble. This has caused others to sometimes blame it for the misfortune.
BanvengeanceStage2SepulchreBANVENGEANCE seeks to make its own night by growing new trees from running roots to drown out the light, smothering competing plant life.
BewhichStage2HexerWhen BEWHICH holds its breath, it can appear as a beautiful - though sinister - human.
BrachiforStage2PetrifiedBRACHIFOR can go without eating if it stays perfectly still.
BrickhemothStage2Brick WallBe wary when kicking a Bricgard's nest, because percussive force is the trigger the tuxemon needs to burst forth once it has formed into a Brickhemoth.
BugninStage2HonourIts sword is actually an antenna grown and snapped off for that purpose.
CardinaleStage2FirebirdIt hates all predators with a passion, and makes war with them and their young when it can.
CoaldiakStage2UrsusThis bear can set fire to anywhere and draw blood from anything.
ConglolemStage2GolemThe gel has long ago dried out, but CONGLOLEM continues.
CrustaguStage2GrandfatherIt fires piercing, poisonous spines from its claws to frighten away those who threaten its underwater colonies.
DeviraptorStage2Dog-ToothedThe single pair of feathers on its head are fakes, hinting at its devilish true identity.
DragarborStage2DragonWhen it feels it is coming to the end of its life, it travels to a graveyard where it plants itself. Its tail flower grows forever.
EaglaceStage2CirrusWhen it takes flight, clouds form. When it claps its wings, hail falls.
ElostormStage2CloudburstKings and queens, the ELOSTORM rule their people and have great ambition.
ErythroskyteStage2ErythrocyteIt has a friendly demeanor, but its giant syringe tail nonetheless scares many away.
FerricranStage2DragonOnce, the Ferricran were covered all over with adamantine scales, and had wings of mithril.
FluttaflapStage2SanguineIt feeds on impurities, so it returns purified blood to those it sucks on.
FrostuceStage2FreezerburnOne rarely expects to see green waltzing around in a snowstorm.
GladiatorbugStage2BustuariusGLADIATORBUG is a massive insectoid tuxemon with a deep, armored exoskeleton and distinctive wings running along its back. Its mandibles can crush steel.
GolnagiStage2Boiling GoldfishGOLNAGI's scales glow, making it almost invisible in the water during dawn and dusk - its preferred times for hunting.
GryfixStage2Horned RaptorBone armor protects GRYFIX from all but the most powerful of attacks.
HoarseshooStage2AttercobIt is what is left when an EQUILL's shadow eats its body.
JemuarStage2Precious BoulderThe gems on its back are the type found when it was born. There are extensive ROCKITTEN breeding facilities over diamond veins.
LeviadileStage2CrocodileWith its immense size and powerful venomous jaws, LEVIADILE is a dominant predator of the deep sea.
LightmareStage2Nightmare FuelIt lurks in the depths of the ocean, luring any unsuspecting prey using its light right into its large, gaping mouth.
LucificeStage2Ninth CircleIs it the wind howling through the trees, or LUCIFICE calling the dark spirits of the night to join its hunt?
MolochStage2DevilIt can stiffen or soften its skin to respond to friends and foes.
MyrmisonStage2MyrmidonMYRMISON queens will emerge on humid days to try to establish new colonies. This is a very dangerous time for them.
NinjasmineStage2Every ThornNINJASMINE poisons his opponents quickly using his two poison swords.
NovaquariusStage2Sea AngelA NOVAQUARIUS sting sends the unwary to the hospital, but BUBBITOISE have developed immunity and will nibble on them.
ParappiStage2Spinning SeedWhen cut PARAPPI oozes syrup that seals and hardens over its enemies, turning them to amber.
PharavionStage2Spirit ElephantAfter great effort, a trainer may evolve a clumsy Pharfan calf into its adult form, which gracefully floats despite its huge size.
RunesquitoStage2DipteraThe blood-red marking is RUNESQUITO. The rest is just a rocky shell it rides alongside.
SeraphiceStage2CarolSERAPHICE can freeze in ice moments of great courage and joy, stored away in deep vaults beneath the mountains for the days when humanity will need them most.
SumchonStage2WrestlingIt uses its weight to trip much larger enemies. It is as dense as a star.
TobishimiStage2Dragon RollTOBISHIMI spawn eggs in vast numbers, and carry them about under their chins for safekeeping until the next full moon - when they hatch.
TornicaneStage2Water SpriteTORNICANE harnesses the power of both tornado and hurricane. It is a living force of nature and may be savior or doom to those hoping for rain.
VelocitileStage2RestlessIt can outrun a bullet, but only when it has warmed up.
WeaviflyStage2BroodWhen it is heavy with egg, it becomes unable to fly.
WendiggerStage2ScarytaleIt is said corpses given an improper burial can grow into WENDIGGER.

Not completed[edit source]

There are 35 not completed Stage2 monsters.

 TXMN StageSpeciesTXMN Blurb
AethangelStage2AETHANGEL is a gentle and compassionate creature, capable of sensing the emotions of others and providing solace. Its psychic abilities allow it to manipulate the air and create illusions
AzuronStage2Any battle against an Azuron will result in complete mystification from its opponent. It utilizes its unique mist-based powers to avoid and tease its enemies
CowoadStage2Four-HornedDue to its four horns and passive aggressive attitude, this tuxemon has been mistaken for a man-eating mythical cow creature high up in the mountains many times. They are rather gentle creatures, often seen wallowing in swamps, though they have been known to charge at humans in the past.
FlamberinoStage2According to legend, FLAMBERINO's flames can purify the darkest of souls, and its trainers often seek its guidance in times of turmoil.
FlamguStage2FireworkDespite its immense power and dangerously immense flames, they are gentle giants. If they witness sadness and melancholy atmospheres, they will often create a mini firework display within their huge paw to cheer others up.
GophstStage2Horned Rodent
JiquidStage2Vampire Stag/Vampire DoeFemale Jiquid are often seen guarding the gravestones of babies and children, caring for their spirits in death and acting as a mother figure for the lost souls. They are worshipped by the people, as they symbolise kindness, protection and motherly love.
KomothderStage2DragonballA very controlling and moody tuxemon, which likes to be in charge of its team members and trainer. They are extremely dangerous, but loyal to their trainers, making them excellent tuxemon for a trainer who cares deeply for their team.
MusydraStage2The musical hydra tuxemonIf you cut one head, then two other heads will grow
RokushigonStage2Panpipe DragonIt lures unsuspecting prey with beautiful music to where it hides and waits.
TitannonStage2Despite its massive size, TITANNON is surprisingly agile, capable of swift and devastating attacks.
VerglastaStage2VERGLASTA's ballista-like tail can launch ice shards with incredible force.