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TXMN Stats
Type(s) Earth
Element(s) Earth
Completed Complete
Body Shape Grub
ID 332
Blurb STONIFLY's sturdy, rock-hard exoskeleton is a natural armor, while its translucent wings allow for swift flight.
Height/Length (centimetres) 30
Weight (kilograms) 16
Catch Rate 100
Sex(es) Neuter
Evolution Stage Basic
Tags Rock, Shielded, Bug
Fusion Name First Part Stoni
Fusion Name Second Part -fly

Set 1Set 2Set 3Creature Progress Tracker

331 ←

332 Stonifly-menu01.pngStonifly-menu02.png Stonifly

→ 333

Stonifly, the Diptera tuxemon, is a Earth-type monster.

STONIFLY is a peculiar Tuxemon resembling a cross between a stone and a fly. Known for its ability to harden its body into an impenetrable fortress, STONIFLY is a defensive powerhouse.

Trivia[edit source]

Name Origin: stone + fly

Design Origin[edit source]

In The Spyder in the Cathedral Campaign[edit source]

Evolution[edit source]

Stonifly.png Cocrune.png Runesquito.png
Stonifly Cocrune Runesquito

Sprites[edit source]

Tuxemon Standard[edit source]

64px Stonifly.png Stonifly-back.png
Face Sprites Stonifly-menu01.png Stonifly-menu02.png
Overland Sprites Missing Missing

Other Standards[edit source]

48px Missing Missing
56px Missing Missing
80px Stonifly 80.png Missing
Menu Sprites (32px) Missing Missing
Menu Sprites (24px) Missing Missing
Menu Sprites (16px) Missing Missing


Contributors[edit source]

First Appeared: [1]

Jaskrendix, Serpexnessie

Design and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Face sprites adapted by Jaskrendix.

Variations[edit source]

Alternative spritesStonifly-back2.png

In other languages[edit source]

Language Name Category Blurb
