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Nature of Contribution: Contributed to Tuxemon project


 Source Explanation
AngesnowDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Back and face sprites by Jaskrendix, based on the front sprite. Art by giovani_rubio.
AngritoDesign and sprites by Serpexnessie. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
BlasdoorDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Back and face sprites by Jaskrendix, adapted from the front sprite.
BricgardDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Back and face sprites by Jaskrendix, based on the front sprite.
BrickhemothDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Back and face sprites by Jaskrendix, based on the front sprite.
CherubatDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian, based on the front sprite. Back sprite by Jaskrendix, based on the front sprite.
ChromeyeDesign and sprites by Serpexnessie. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
CocruneDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Back and face sprites adapted by Sanglorian.
CohldrabiDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Face sprites adapted by Sanglorian. Back sprite adapted by Jaskrendix.
DankushFront sprite by Serpexnessie. Back and face sprites by Jaskrendix.
DemosnowDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Back and face sprites by Jaskrendix, based on the front sprite.
DoctskyDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Back and face sprites adapted by Jaskrendix.
FluoresfinOriginal design and sprites by Serpexnessie.
FrostuceDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Face sprites adapted by Jaskrendix.
GalascesDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Back and face sprites adapted by Jaskrendix.
HappitoDesign and sprites by Serpexnessie. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
HoodollDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Back and face sprites adapted by Jaskrendix.
HotlineDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Back and face sprites by Jaskrendix, based on the front sprite.
ImbrickcileDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Back and face sprites by Jaskrendix, based on the front sprite.
IncandesfinOriginal design and sprites by Serpexnessie.
KomodrawOriginal design and sprites by Serpexnessie.
KomoduelDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Back and face sprites adapted by Jaskrendix.
LetticeDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Back and face sprites adapted by Jaskrendix.
LightmareOriginal design and sprites by Serpexnessie. Back sprite tweaked by Sanglorian.
LolifernoFront sprite by Serpexnessie. Back and face sprites by Lejun. Blurb by Jaskrendix.
LucificeDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Back and face sprites by Jaskrendix, based on the front sprite.
MedipupDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Back and face sprites adapted by Jaskrendix.
NebufinDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Back and face sprites adapted by Jaskrendix.
NeutritoDesign and sprites by Serpexnessie. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
NovaquariusDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Back and face sprites adapted by Jaskrendix.
OuroboutletOriginal design and sprites by Serpexnessie.
PearamancaDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Back and face sprites adapted by Jaskrendix.
PickoonDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Face sprites adapted by Jaskrendix. Back sprite by HippasusTwo.
PoinchinDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Back sprite and face sprites by Sanglorian. Art by PandiRocks-17.
PythwireOriginal design and sprites by Serpexnessie.
RaccscalDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Face sprites adapted by Jaskrendix. Back by HippasusTwo.
SaditoDesign and sprites by Serpexnessie. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
SaurchinDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Back sprite by Sanglorian. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian from the front sprite by Serpexnessie. Art by PandiRocks-17.
SeireinOriginal design and sprites by Serpexnessie. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
SeraphiceDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Back and face sprites by Jaskrendix, based on the front sprite by Serpexnessie.
SockeserpOriginal design and sprites by Serpexnessie.
StoniflyDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Face sprites adapted by Jaskrendix.
TrojerrorDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Face sprites adapted by Jaskrendix.
TumbledilloFront sprite by Serpexnessie. Face sprites and back sprite by Andre Doruk.
TumblequillDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Other sprites by Andre Duruk. Art by giovani_rubio.
UglipFront sprite by Serpexnessie. Back and face sprites by Jaskrendix.
UrcheedleFront sprite by Serpexnessie. Back and face sprites by Jaskrendix.
VirwareDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Back and face sprites adapted by Jaskrendix.
WayspriteDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Back and face sprites by Jaskrendix.
WololollDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Face sprites adapted by Jaskrendix. Back by HippasusTwo.
WoodoorDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Back and face sprites by Jaskrendix, adapted from the front sprite.

Yet to Be Completed

 Source Explanation
BulkcowDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Face sprites adapted by Jaskrendix.
ConstorchDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Face sprites adapted by Jaskrendix.
FlamditoDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Face sprites adapted by Jaskrendix.
FowltlawDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Face sprites adapted by Jaskrendix.
MuscletaurDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Face sprites adapted by Jaskrendix.
NecromanderDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Face sprites adapted by Jaskrendix.
OceamindDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Face sprites adapted by Jaskrendix.
SniprintDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Face sprites adapted by Jaskrendix.
TitannonDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Face sprites adapted by Jaskrendix.
TophistoneDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Face sprites adapted by Jaskrendix.

ArtCohldrabi main.png, Constorch main.png, Komodraw artwork fakemon by serpexnessie-dawq5jf.png, Nebufin main.png SpritesAngesnow-back.png, Angesnow-menu01.png, Angesnow-menu02.png, Angesnow.png, Angrito back fakemon by serpexnessie-davwto4.png, Angrito face (1).png, Angrito face (2).png, Angrito fakemon by serpexnessie-davf995.png, Arachnuke.png, Blasdoor-back.png, Blasdoor-menu01.png, Blasdoor-menu02.png, Blasdoor.png, Bombeetle.png, Bonetula.png, Bricgard-back.png, Bricgard-menu01.png, Bricgard-menu02.png, Bricgard.png, Brickhemoth-back.png, Brickhemoth-menu01.png, Brickhemoth-menu02.png, Brickhemoth.png, Bulkcow-menu01.png, Bulkcow-menu02.png, Bulkcow.png, Cherubat face.png, Cherubat face2.png, Cherubat-back.png, Cherubat.png, Chromeye back fakemon by serpexnessie-davwttz.png, Chromeye face1.png, Chromeye face2.png, Chromeye fakemon by serpexnessie-davf8yw.png, Cocrune 80.png, Cocrune back 64.png, Cocrune face 1.png, Cocrune face 2.png, Cocrune.png, Cohldrabi fakemon by serpexnessie-davwugn.png, Cohldrabi-back.png, Coldrabi 2.png, Coldrabi face 1.png, Coldrabi face 2.png, Coldrabi.png, Constorch new.png, Constorch-menu01.png, Constorch-menu02.png, Constorch.png, Dankush-back.png, Dankush-menu01.png, Dankush-menu02.png, Dankush.png, Demosnow-back.png, Demosnow-menu01.png, Demosnow-menu02.png, Demosnow.png, Desperfowldo.png, Doctsky-back.png, Doctsky-menu01.png, Doctsky-menu02.png, Doctsky.png, Emuwool.png, Flamdito-menu01.png, Flamdito-menu02.png, Flamdito.png, Fluoresfin 48px.png, Fluoresfin back fakemon by serpexnessie-dau8x9g.png, Fluoresfin facesprite1 fakemon by serpexnessie-dauduoh.png, Fluoresfin facesprite2 fakemon by serpexnessie-daudur9.png, Fluoresfin fakemon by serpexnessie-dau5fof.png, Fowltlaw new.png, Fowltlaw-menu01.png, Fowltlaw-menu02.png, Fowltlaw.png, Frostuce new.png, Frostuce-back.png, Frostuce-menu01.png, Frostuce-menu02.png, Frostuce.png, Galasces 80.png, Galasces-back.png, Galasces-menu01.png, Galasces-menu02.png, Galasces.png, Gobblimp.png, Happito back fakemon by serpexnessie-davwtlv.png, Happito face (1).png, Happito face (2).png, Happito fakemon by serpexnessie-davf96z.png, Hoodoll-back.png, Hoodoll-menu01.png, Hoodoll-menu02.png, Hoodoll.png, Hotline-back.png, Hotline-menu01.png, Hotline-menu02.png, Hotline.png, Hurrotem.png, Imbrickcile-back.png, Imbrickcile-menu01.png, Imbrickcile-menu02.png, Imbrickcile.png, Incandesfin back fakemon by serpexnessie-dau8xd3.png, Incandesfin facesprite1 fakemon by serpexnessie-daudutp.png, Incandesfin facesprite2 fakemon by serpexnessie-dauduw8.png, Incandesfin fakemon by serpexnessie-dau5fs6.png, Ironsight.png, Komodraw 48px.png, Komodraw 56px.png, Komodraw back by serpexnessie-dau02nd.png, Komodraw facesprite1 fakemon by serpexnessie-dau581p.png, Komodraw facesprite2 fakemon by serpexnessie-dau584d.png, Komodraw fakemon by serpexnessie-dau02iq.png, Komoduel-back.png, Komoduel-menu01.png, Komoduel-menu02.png, Komoduel.png, Lettice new.png, Lettice-back.png, Lettice-menu01.png, Lettice-menu02.png, Lettice.png, Lightmare back fakemon by serpexnessie-dau8xhn.png, Lightmare facesprite1 fakemon by serpexnessie-daudv0l.png, Lightmare facesprite2 fakemon by serpexnessie-daudv2e.png, Lightmare fakemon by serpexnessie-dau5g5k.png, Loliferno back 64.png, Loliferno face 1.png, Loliferno face 2.png, Loliferno.png, Lucifice-back.png, Lucifice-menu01.png, Lucifice-menu02.png, Lucifice.png, Medipup-back.png, Medipup-face1.png, Medipup-face2.png, Medipup-menu01.png, Medipup-menu02.png, Medipup.png, Megaw.png, Missilar.png, Mk01 alpha.png, Mk01 beta.png, Mk01 delta.png, Mk01 gamma.png, Mk01 omega.png, Mk01 proto.png, Muscletaur-menu01.png, Muscletaur-menu02.png, Muscletaur.png, Nebufin 80.png, Nebufin-back.png, Nebufin-menu01.png, Nebufin-menu02.png, Nebufin.png, Necromander-menu01.png, Necromander-menu02.png, Necromander.png, Neutrito back fakemon by serpexnessie-davwtjg.png, Neutrito face (1).png, Neutrito face (2).png, Neutrito fakemon by serpexnessie-davf94p.png, Novaquarius 80.png, Novaquarius-back.png, Novaquarius-menu01.png, Novaquarius-menu02.png, Novaquarius.png, Nukrachnid.png, Oceamind-menu01.png, Oceamind-menu02.png, Oceamind.png, Ouroboutlet back fakemon by serpexnessie-davfbgq.png, Ouroboutlet facesprite1 by serpexnessie-davwf2w.png, Ouroboutlet facesprite2 by serpexnessie-davwf7n.png, Ouroboutlet fakemon by serpexnessie-daulsb9.png, Ouroboutlet fakemon by serpexnessie-davf8fy.png, Pearamanca-back.png, Pearamanca-menu01.png, Pearamanca-menu02.png, Pearamanca.png, Pickoon-back.png, Pickoon-menu01.png, Pickoon-menu02.png, Pickoon.png, Pisteel.png, Poinchin back.png, Poinchin face1.png, Poinchin face2.png, Poinchin.png, Pythwire back.png, Pythwire fakemon by serpexnessie-dau8woj.png, Pythwire sockeserp facesprite1 by serpexnessie-davwfb7.png, Pythwire sockeserp facesprite2 by serpexnessie-davwfdy.png, Raccscal-back.png, Raccscal-menu01.png, Raccscal-menu02.png, Raccscal.png, Runesquito 80.png, Runesquito back.png, Runesquito.png, Runesquito1.png, Runesquito2.png, Sadito back fakemon by serpexnessie-davwtr4.png, Sadito face (2).png, Sadito face.png, Sadito fakemon by serpexnessie-davf9bm.png, Sandsprint.png, Saurchin face1.png, Saurchin face2.png, Saurchin.png, Seirein 48px.png, Seirein back fakemon by serpexnessie-davwulh.png, Seirein face 1.png, Seirein face 2.png, Seirein fakemon by serpexnessie-davf8ul.png, Seraphice-back.png, Seraphice-menu01.png, Seraphice-menu02.png, Seraphice.png, Skullorm.png, Sniprint-menu01.png, Sniprint-menu02.png, Sniprint.png, Sockeserp back fakemon by serpexnessie-davfbef.png, Sockeserp fakemon by serpexnessie-daulp7c.png, Spirain-back.png, Stonifly 80.png, Stonifly-menu01.png, Stonifly-menu02.png, Stonifly.png, Stormling.png, Titannon 80px.png, Titannon-menu01.png, Titannon-menu02.png, Titannon.png, Tophistone new.png, Tophistone-menu01.png, Tophistone-menu02.png, Tophistone.png, Trojerror-back.png, Trojerror-menu01.png, Trojerror-menu02.png, Trojerror.png, Tumbledillo new.png, Tumbledillo.png, Tumblequill.png, Uglip-back.png, Uglip-menu01.png, Uglip-menu02.png, Uglip.png, Urcheedle fakemon by serpexnessie-davwu63.png, Urcheedle-back.png, Urcheedle-menu01.png, Urcheedle-menu02.png, Virware-back.png, Virware-menu01.png, Virware-menu02.png, Virware.png, Waysprite-back.png, Waysprite-menu01.png, Waysprite-menu02.png, Waysprite.png, Wolololl-back.png, Wolololl-menu01.png, Wolololl-menu02.png, Wolololl.png, Woodoor-back.png, Woodoor-menu01.png, Woodoor-menu02.png, Woodoor.png