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TXMN Stats
Type(s) Water
Element(s) Normal, Sky
Call File:Woosh-2.wav
Completed Complete
Body Shape Flier
ID 39
Blurb An ELOFLY on its own is patient and wise, but when it flocks in great numbers it becomes violent and impulsive.
Height/Length (centimetres) 75
Weight (kilograms) 3
Catch Rate 100
Terrain(s) Grassland, Jungle, Woodland
Sex(es) Male, Female
Evolution Stage Basic
Tags Bird
Fusion Name First Part Elo
Fusion Name Second Part -fly

Set 1Set 2Set 3Creature Progress Tracker

38 ←

39 Elofly face 1.pngElofly face 2.png Elofly

→ 40

Elofly, the Cloudburst tuxemon, is a Water-type monster.

Elofly feather: Elofly-feather.png

Trivia[edit source]

Name Origin:

Design Origin[edit source]

In The Spyder in the Cathedral Campaign[edit source]

Found in the wild in Route 3 and Route 4. Elofly are used by trainers in Route 3, Wayfarer Inn, Mansion, Scoop HQ and Omnichannel HQ,

Evolution[edit source]

EloflyFront 64px.png ElowindFront 64px.png Elostorm Front 64px.png
Elofly Elowind Elostorm

Sprites[edit source]

Tuxemon Standard[edit source]

64px EloflyFront 64px.png Elofly Back 64px.png
Face Sprites Elofly face 1.png Elofly face 2.png
Overland Sprites File:Elofly.gif Missing

Other Standards[edit source]

48px Missing Missing
56px Missing Missing
80px EloflyFront.png Elofly Back.png
Menu Sprites (32px) Small.png Missing
Menu Sprites (24px) Missing Missing
Menu Sprites (16px) Missing Missing


Contributors[edit source]

Catch Challenger, HippasusTwo, Sanglorian

Catch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Sprites tweaked by Sanglorian. Alternative sprite adapted by HippasusTwo.

Variations[edit source]

Alternative spritesElofly-front-Hipp.png

In other languages[edit source]

Language Name Category Blurb


  • learn Goad at level 2
  • learn Fume at level 12
  • learn Flow at level 32