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Nature of Contribution: Contributed to Tuxemon project

Chris Sakkas. Fan of free culture and open source software.


 Source Explanation
AV8RDesign by Leo. Sprites by josepharaoh99 and Sanglorian.
AardartReleased under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 licence in 2010 on DeviantArt. Original design, sprites and name by Magic-Purple-Hermit. Sprites tweaked by Sanglorian. Face sprites by josepharaoh99. Magic-Purple-Hermit would like to be told if the creature is used.
AardornReleased under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 licence in 2010 on DeviantArt. Original design, sprites and name by Magic-Purple-Hermit. Sprites tweaked by Sanglorian. Magic-Purple-Hermit would like to be told if the creature is used. Art by giovani_rubio.
AgnidonOriginal design by Leo. Other art by extyrannomon. Sprites by Levaine. Back sprite by Sanglorian. Other sprites by Chairry-Art.
AgnigonOriginal design by Leo. Other art by extyrannomon. Sprites by Levaine. Back sprite by Sanglorian. Other sprites by Chairry-Art.
AgniteOriginal design by Leo. Other art by Sanglorian and extyrannomon. Front and face sprites by aviculor. Back sprite by Sanglorian. Other sprites by Levaine and Chairry-Art.
AltieOriginal design and front sprite by Hugop. Back and face sprites by tamashihoshi, Sanglorian and HippasusTwo.
AmbuwlDesign, original sprite and blurb by Piacarrot. Recolour by Sanglorian. Sprites adapted by HippasusTwo. Face sprites by Jaskrendix. Attribution must include full credit as always, and a link to Piacarrot's DeviantArt page:
AngritoDesign and sprites by Serpexnessie. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
AnoleafSpalding004 has released his Sitran Fakedex under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence for us. Original design and sprites by Spalding004. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
Anuprincess-phoenix has released Project Freemon under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported licence for us. Design and sprites by princess-phoenix. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian. Back sprite by Sanglorian.
B-ver.1Design by Leo. Sprites by Sanglorian.
BabysnitchArt by DarkMilkyWay1701. Coloured by Sanglorian.
BaddrscratchArt by DarkMilkyWay1701. Coloured by Sanglorian.
BamboonOriginal design by Mike Bramson. Sprites by Mike Bramson. Sprites tweaked by Sanglorian. Other art by Yalyn.
BanlingDesign and front and back sprites by WDFA-Final. Face sprites adapted from the front sprite by Sanglorian.
BeenstalkerOriginal art by DarkySG. Front sprite by Levaine. Back and face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
BigfinOriginal design by Cavalcadeur. Redesign by extyrannomon. Sprites by Cavalcadeur, rsg167, Kelvin Shadewing, HippasusTwo, Sanglorian, tamashihoshi and Levaine. Other art by Leo.
BirdlingDesign and front sprite by tamashihoshi. Back and face sprites by Chickenshowman. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
BotbotOriginal design by Leo. Sprites by Sanglorian.
BoxaliDesign and front, back and face sprites from the open source game OPMon. Some sprites cropped by Sanglorian to fit within 64x64 pixels.
BrachiforDesigned and sprited by Georg Eckert. Resized by Sanglorian. Face sprites by Jaskrendix.
BudayeOriginal design by Leo. Other art by ReallyDarkandWindy and Bonny John. Sprited by Levaine and Sanglorian. Sprite by Levaine. Back sprite by Sanglorian.
BumbulusSpalding004 has released his Sitran Fakedex under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence for us. Blurb by Spalding004. Back sprite by Sanglorian. Face sprites tweaked from the front sprite.
CairfreySpalding004 has released his Sitran Fakedex under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence for us. Original design and sprites by Spalding004. Face sprites by Sanglorian. Overland sprites by Lanea Zimmerman and Sanglorian.
CapitiCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Back and face sprites by Sanglorian.
CardilingSpalding004 has released his Sitran Fakedex under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence for us. Independently, Kyu came up with a Fire-type cardinal monster, so we combined the two. Original designs by Spalding004 and Kyu. Sprites by Spalding004. Back sprite by Sanglorian.
CardinaleSpalding004 has released his Sitran Fakedex under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence for us. Original design by Spalding004. Sprites by Spalding004. Back sprite by Sanglorian.
CardiwingSpalding004 has released his Sitran Fakedex under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence for us. Original design and sprites by Spalding004. Sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
CataspikeSpalding004 has released his Sitran Fakedex under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence for us. Original design and sprites by Spalding004. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
ChenipodeCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
CherubatDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian, based on the front sprite. Back sprite by Jaskrendix, based on the front sprite.
ChibiroFrom the open source game OPMon. Face sprite resized by Sanglorian.
ChloragonSpalding004 has released his Sitran Fakedex under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence for us. Original design and sprites by Spalding004. Back sprite by Sanglorian. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
ChromeyeDesign and sprites by Serpexnessie. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
CoaldiakFrom the open source game OPMon. Name by Sanglorian.
CochiniCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
CocruneDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Back and face sprites adapted by Sanglorian.
CohldrabiDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Face sprites adapted by Sanglorian. Back sprite adapted by Jaskrendix.
ColeorusCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
ConileafCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites by Sanglorian. Overland sprites by Catch Challenger.
CorvixCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Sprites tweaked by Sanglorian. Name from Catch Challenger, tweaked by Sanglorian.
CowpignonCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
CriniothermeCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
DandicubOriginal design and sprites by Sanglorian. Art by slickedbackArtisan.
DinoflopCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Back and face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
DjinnboOriginal design by Cavalcadeur. Sprites by rsg167. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian. Other sprites by Cavalcadeur. Overland sprite from the Superpowers Asset Packs. Main art by slickedbackArtisan.
DracuneSpalding004 has released his Sitran Fakedex under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence for us. Original design and sprites by Spalding004. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
DrashimiArt and front and back sprites by princess-phoenix. Face sprites by Master Of Chaos and Sanglorian. Other sprites by princess-phoenix.
DrokoroOriginal design and sprites by moritz_gunz. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian. Overland sprite adapted by Sanglorian from a sprite by CharlesGabriel. Other art by moritz_gunz.
EaglaceOriginal design by Leo. Other art and name by DevilDman. Sprites by Levaine. Back sprite by Sanglorian.
EloflyCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Sprites tweaked by Sanglorian. Alternative sprite adapted by HippasusTwo.
ElostormCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Sprites tweaked by Sanglorian. Alternative sprites by HippasusTwo.
ElowindCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian. Alternative sprites adapted by HippasusTwo.
EmbazookOriginal design by Leo. Front sprite by josepharaoh99. Other sprites by Sanglorian. Name by josepharaoh99.
EmbraSpalding004 has released his Sitran Fakedex under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence for us. Original design and sprites by Spalding004. Back sprite by Sanglorian.
EndurosCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
ExapodeCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites by Sanglorian.
EyesoreOriginal design and sprites by Cavalcadeur. Back sprite by josepharaoh99. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian. Other sprites by josepharaoh99.
FancairOriginal design by Sanglorian's former coworkers and donated to the project. Art and redesign by DevilDman. Front sprite by Levaine. Back sprite by Sanglorian.
FlaconoCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
FluttaflapSpalding004 has released his Sitran Fakedex under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence for us. Original design by Spalding004. Redesign by giovani_rubio. Sprites by Sanglorian.
FordinDesigned and sprited by Georg Eckert. Back and face sprites resized by Sanglorian.
FoxfireOriginal design and sprites by Sanglorian. Other art by Leo.
FrondlyOriginal design by Leo. Other art by ReallyDarkandWindie. Sprites by Levaine. Back sprite by Sanglorian.
FruiteraDesign by jozzer26. Front and back sprites by Rawng. Face sprites adapted from the front sprite by Sanglorian.
FurnursusDesign and front and back sprites from the open source game OPMon. Face sprites adapted from the front sprite by Sanglorian. English name by Sanglorian.
GalnecCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
GectileSpalding004 has released his Sitran Fakedex under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence for us. Original design and sprites by Spalding004. Face and back sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
GolnagiDesign and original sprite by JustinNuggets and Piacarrot. Recolour by Sanglorian. Face sprites by Jaskrendix. Attribution must include full credit as always, and a link to Piacarrot's DeviantArt page:
GraffikiFrom the open source game OPMon. Name by Sanglorian.
GrimachinDesign and artwork by Leo. Name by Sanglorian. Sprites by Sanglorian.
GrinflareSpalding004 has released his Sitran Fakedex under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence for us. Original design by Royaba and Spalding004. Back sprite by Sanglorian.
GrintotSpalding004 has released his Sitran Fakedex under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence for us. Original design and sprites by Spalding004. Back sprite by Sanglorian. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
GrintrockSpalding004 has released his Sitran Fakedex under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence for us. Original design by Spalding004 and Royaba. Back sprite by Sanglorian. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
GrumpiDesign and front and back sprites by Cavalcadeur. Face sprites adapted by Sanglorian from the front sprite.
GupphireDesign and original sprite by JustinNuggets and Piacarrot. Recolour by Sanglorian. Face sprites by Jaskrendix. Attribution must include full credit as always, and a link to Piacarrot's DeviantArt page:
HampotamosCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
HappitoDesign and sprites by Serpexnessie. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
HeronquakOriginal design by Leo. Other art and name by DevilDman. Sprites by Levaine. Back sprite by Sanglorian. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
IgnibusOriginally design by Cavalcadeur. Other art by Leo. Front sprite by Leo. Back and face sprites by Sanglorian. Other sprites by Cavalcadeur, HippasusTwo and Sanglorian. Name by josepharaoh99.
JemuarOriginal design by Leo. Sprites by tamashihoshi. Back sprite by Sanglorian. Other art by extyrannomon. Name by Sanglorian.
K9Original design by Leo. Sprites by Sanglorian.
KatapillOriginal design by Leo. Art by Adam Fegarido. Sprites by tamashihoshi. Sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
KrokiDesigned and sprited by Georg Eckert. Resized by Sanglorian. Face sprites by Jaskrendix. Backsprite by HippasusTwo.
KrokivipDesigned and sprited by Georg Eckert. Resized by Sanglorian. Face sprites by Jaskrendix.
LambertOriginal design by Sanglorian. Front sprite by Levaine and Chairry-Art. Other art by Smiley-Fakemon, DevilDman and Bonny John. Other sprites by Sanglorian and Levaine.
LegkoOriginal design by Sanglorian. Front sprite by Chairry-Art. Other art by DevilDman. Other sprites by Sanglorian.
LightmareOriginal design and sprites by Serpexnessie. Back sprite tweaked by Sanglorian.
MRmOswitchOriginal design by Leo. Sprites by Cavalcadeur and Sanglorian.
ManostingSpalding004 has released his Sitran Fakedex under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence for us. Original design and sprites by Spalding004. Face sprites by Sanglorian.
MemnomnomOriginal design and sprites by Sanglorian. Other art by Leo, MTC-Studio and Bonny John. Other sprites by Chairry-Art.
MiaownolithOriginal design by Sanglorian. Other art by MTC-Studio and Bonny John. Sprites by Levaine. Back sprite by Sanglorian. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
MolochOriginal design by Leo. Sprites by Sanglorian. Other art by extyrannomon, DevilDman, Harris Fagotto and Leo. Other sprites by Levaine and Chairry-Art.
MystikapiDesigned and illustrated by fauxlens. Sprites by Sanglorian.
NarcileafSpalding004 has released his Sitran Fakedex under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence for us. Original design and sprites by Spalding004. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
NeutritoDesign and sprites by Serpexnessie. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
NoctaloCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
NoctulaCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
NostrayOriginal design and sprites by Sanglorian.
Nudiflot ♀Original design and sprites by Sanglorian. Sprites tweaked by josepharaoh99. Other art by Leo.
Nudiflot ♂Original design by Sanglorian and DevilDman. Sprites by Levaine. Back sprite by Sanglorian. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
NudikillOriginal design by Sanglorian and DevilDman. Sprites by Levaine. Back sprite by Sanglorian. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
NudimindOriginal design by DevilDman. Sprites by Levaine. Back sprite by Sanglorian. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
Nuenfluprincess-phoenix has released Project Freemon under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported licence for us. Front sprite by princess-phoenix. Back sprite by Sanglorian. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian from the front sprite.
NutOriginal design and sprites by TacoBot. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
OctabodeDesigned and illustrated by fauxlens. Sprites by Sanglorian.
PantherafiraCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian. Alternative sprites by HippasusTwo.
PharfanCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
PiCCOriginal design by Leo. Front sprite by josepharaoh99. Other sprites by Sanglorian. Sprite colours tweaked by HippasusTwo.
PigabyteOriginal design and sprites by josepharaoh99. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
PipisSpalding004 has released his Sitran Fakedex under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence for us. Original design and front sprite by Spalding004. Back and face sprites by Sanglorian. Overland sprite by Lanea Zimmerman.
PoinchinDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Back sprite and face sprites by Sanglorian. Art by PandiRocks-17.
PolyrockCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
PossessunSpalding004 has released his Sitran Fakedex under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence for us. Original design and sprites by Spalding004. Face sprites by Sanglorian.
PuparmorSpalding004 has released his Sitran Fakedex under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence for us. Original design and sprites by Spalding004. Face sprites by Sanglorian.
RhincusDesign and front sprite by josepharaoh99. Back sprite by Sanglorian. Face sprites by Redshrike. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
RooksandDesign and front sprites by mjco. 64px front sprite resized by Sanglorian. Back and face sprites adapted by Jaskrendix.
RosarinFrom the open source game OPMon. Face sprites resized by Sanglorian from the front sprite.
SaditoDesign and sprites by Serpexnessie. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
SampsackSpalding004 has released his Sitran Fakedex under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence for us. Original design and sprites by Spalding004. Back sprite by josepharaoh99. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
SampsageSpalding004 has released his Sitran Fakedex under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence for us. Original design and sprites by Spalding004. Back sprite by Sanglorian. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
SapragonSpalding004 has released his Sitran Fakedex under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence for us. Original design and sprites by Spalding004. Back sprite by Sanglorian. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
SapsnapSpalding004 has released his Sitran Fakedex under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence for us. Original design and sprites by Spalding004. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
SaurchinDesign and front sprite by Serpexnessie. Back sprite by Sanglorian. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian from the front sprite by Serpexnessie. Art by PandiRocks-17.
SclairusCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites by Sanglorian.
SeireinOriginal design and sprites by Serpexnessie. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
SelketSprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites adapted by Sanglorian from the front sprite by Catch Challenger.
SelmatekSprites by Catch Challenger, adapted and re-sized by Sanglorian.
ShammerOriginal design and sprites by josepharaoh99, revamp by HippasusTwo. Face sprites by Sanglorian and Redshrike.
SharpfinOriginal design by Leo and extyrannomon. Sprites by Sanglorian.
ShnarkDesign and front and face sprites by Sanglorian. Back sprite by Impossible Realms.
ShrabDesigned and sprited by Georg Eckert. Resized by Sanglorian. Front and back sprites by HippasusTwo. Face sprites by Jaskrendix.
ShybulbSpalding004 has released his Sitran Fakedex under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence for us. Original design and sprites by Spalding004. Back sprites by Sanglorian. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
SkwibDesigned and illustrated by fauxlens. Sprites by Sanglorian.
SnakiCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and front and back sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked from back sprite by Sanglorian.
SnarlonOriginal design and sprites by Sanglorian. Main art by slickedbackArtisan.
SnokariCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and front and back sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked from back sprite by Sanglorian.
SnowrillaDesign and front and back sprites by Chickenshowman. Face sprites adapted from the front sprite by Sanglorian.
SpoilurmDesign and front and back sprites from the open source game OPMon. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian from front sprite. Name by Sanglorian.
SpycozeusCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and front and back sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked from front sprite by Sanglorian.
StatursusDesign and front and back sprite from the open source game OPMon. Face sprites adapted from the front sprites by Sanglorian.
StegoforDesigned and sprited by Georg Eckert. Resized by Sanglorian. Face sprites by Jaskrendix.
TarpeurFront and back sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites adapted by Sanglorian from the face sprites by Catch Challenger.
TaupypusDesign and front and back sprites from the open source game OPMon. Face sprites adapted by Sanglorian from the front sprite. Name by Sanglorian.
TikoalSpalding004 has released his Sitran Fakedex under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence for us. Original design and sprites by Spalding004. Face sprites by Sanglorian.
TikorchSpalding004 has released his Sitran Fakedex under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence for us. Original design and sprites by Spalding004. Face sprites by Sanglorian.
ToufigelCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
TourbidiCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
TrapsnapSpalding004 has released his Sitran Fakedex under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence for us. Original design and sprites by Spalding004. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
TumblebeeDesign by josepharaoh99. Sprites by Cavalcadeur. Back sprite by Sanglorian.
TumblewormOriginal design by josepharaoh99. Sprites by Cavalcadeur. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
TurnipperOriginal art by DarkySG. Front sprite by Levaine. Back and face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
TweesherOriginal design by Leo and DevilDman. Sprites by Levaine. Back sprite by Sanglorian. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian. Name by DevilDman. Overland sprites by HippasusTwo.
UrcineCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and front and back sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked from front sprite by Sanglorian.
VampormSpalding004 has released his Sitran Fakedex under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence for us. Original design and sprites by Spalding004. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
VigueurCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and front and back sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites by Sanglorian from the front sprites.
VivicinderCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
VividactilCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and front and back sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites by Sanglorian from the front sprites.
VivipereCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites by Sanglorian. Other sprites by Catch Challenger.
VivisourceCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and front and back sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked from front sprite by Sanglorian.
ViviteelCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
VivitransCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
VivitronCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
VolcoliCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
WeaviflySpalding004 has released his Sitran Fakedex under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence for us. Original design and sprites by Spalding004. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian. Alternative sprites tweaked by HippasusTwo.
WeedlantisDesign and front sprites by mjco. Front and back sprites by HippasusTwo. Face sprites adapted by Jaskrendix.
WeedseaDesign and front sprites by mjco. 64px front sprite resized by Sanglorian. Front and back sprites by HippasusTwo. Face sprites adapted by Jaskrendix.
WindeyeOriginal design by Sanglorian's former coworkers and donated to the project. Art and redesign by DevilDman. Front sprite by Levaine. Back sprite by Sanglorian.
YiinaangSpalding004 has released his Sitran Fakedex under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence for us. Original design and sprites by Spalding004. Back sprite by tamashihoshi. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
ZunnaSpalding004 has released his free use fakemon under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence for us. Original design and sprites by Spalding004. Face sprites by Sanglorian.

Yet to Be Completed

 Source Explanation
CandeerDesign and original sprite by JustinNuggets and Piacarrot. Recolour by Sanglorian. Face sprites by Jaskrendix. Attribution must include full credit as always, and a link to Piacarrot's DeviantArt page:
CounticeLine art by DarkMilkyWay1701. Coloured by Sanglorian.
DeedumLine art by DarkMilkyWay1701. Coloured by Sanglorian.
DucheaseLine art by DarkMilkyWay1701. Coloured by Sanglorian.
DuchiceLine art by DarkMilkyWay1701. Coloured by Sanglorian.
DuntreeDesign by Leo. Sprites by Leo and Cavalcadeur. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
EggatchDesigned and sprited by Georg Eckert. Resized by Sanglorian.
GrunselDesign by Kyu. Named by Sanglorian.
HookatooDesign and art by DarkMilkyWay1701. Coloured by Sanglorian. Front sprite by Piacarrot.
HubbleflyLine art by DarkMilkyWay1701. Coloured by Sanglorian.
OwlockDesigned and sprited by Georg Eckert. Resized by Sanglorian. Face sprites by Jaskrendix.
PalmaskDesign by Leo. Named by Sanglorian.
PrincicleLine art by DarkMilkyWay1701. Coloured by Sanglorian.
PrinfectLine art by DarkMilkyWay1701. Coloured by Sanglorian.
SnackernikLine art by DarkMilkyWay1701. Coloured by Sanglorian.
SpallDesigned and sprited by Georg Eckert. Resized by Sanglorian. Back sprite by Jaskrendix.
SpeetleDesigned and sprited by Georg Eckert. Resized by Sanglorian. Face sprites by Jaskrendix.
SquishDesigned and sprited by Georg Eckert. Resized by Sanglorian. Face sprites by Jaskrendix.
WeastoatDesigned and sprited by Georg Eckert. Resized by Sanglorian.

Art20160229 220423.jpg, Agnite.png, Babysnitch.png, Badderscratch.png, Countice.png, Deedum.png, Duchease.png, Duchice.png, Frondly.svg, Goblinshark.png, Hookatoo.png, Hubblefly.png, Mystikapi.svg, Nudiflot 2.png, Nudiflot M.png, Nudiflot art.png, Nudikill 3.png, PKMN Red.png, Photo of ray as reference.jpg, Photo of ray's nose for reference.jpg, Princicle.png, Prinfect.png, SKMBT C22016080916020-1.png, SKMBT C22016080916020-2.png, TXMN Arcade.gif Sprites1 0 back 64 resized.png, 1 0 face 1.png, 1 0 face 2.png, 13 1 64x64.png, 13 2 64x64.png, 294432194-e6822b5a-eee9-4d4a-b7fb-711955c440a3.png, 3 1 64x64.png, 4 1 64x64.png, 47.png, 5 1 64x64.png, 6 1 64x64.png, 9 1 64x64.png, APPLE 2.png, Aardant.png, Aardart 48px.png, Aardart 56px.png, Aardart face 1.png, Aardart face 2.png, Aardorn 48px.png, Aardorn face 1.png, Aardorn face 2.png, Aardpill.png, Ac Medal01 24x24.png, Ac Medal02 24x24.png, Ac Medal03 24x24.png, Ac Necklace06 24x24.png, Agnidomnom.png, Agnidon 48px.png, Agnidon 56px.png, Agnidon back.png, Agnidon face 1.png, Agnidon face 2.png, Agnigon 48px.png, Agnigon 56px.png, Agnigon back.png, Agnigon face 1.png, Agnigon face 2.png, Agnite 48px.png, Agnite head.png, Agnsher.png, Aim-small.png, Alchemist Zmiter-hat 64px.png, Alchemist green.png, Alchemist red.png, Alien 64px.png, Alien alt1.png, Alien alt2.png, Alien alt3.png, Ambuwl-front-alt.png, Ambuwl-front.png, Ambuwl.png, Angela 64px.png, Angrito face (1).png, Angrito face (2).png, Anoleaf 48px.png, Anoleaf face 1.png, Anoleaf face 2.png, Anu 48px.png, Anu 56px.png, Anu back.png, Anu face 1.png, Anu face 2.png, Arthrobolt 48px.png, Arthrobolt 56px.png, Aviator.gif, BANANA 2.png, Babysnitch-back.png, Babysnitch-front.png, Babysnitch-menu01.png, Babysnitch-menu02.png, Back.png, Baddrscratch-back.png, Baddrscratch-front.png, Baddrscratch-menu01.png, Baddrscratch-menu02.png, Baller1.png, Bamboo staff.png, Bamboon face 1.png, Bamboon face 2.png, Banling face1.png, Banling face2.png, Battle pair.gif, Beach boy - from Prehistoric (half sized).png, Bearloch.png, Beaverbot back.gif, Beaverbot face1.png, Beaverbot face2.png, Beaverbot front.gif, Beenstalker-back.png, Beenstalker-face1.png, Beenstalker-face2.png, Berserk-small.png, Bigfin face 1.png, Bigfin face 2.png, Birdbot back.png, Birdbot face 1.png, Birdbot face 2.png, Birdling face.png, Birdling face2.png, Blacksmith - from Prehistoric.png, Blind-small.png, Bluebelt.png, Bolt 48px.png, Bolt 56 px.png, Bolt face 1.png, Bolt face 2.png, Bone 2.png, Bone.png, Book - green.png, Book - leather.png, Book - yellow.png, Boost 1.png, Boost 2.png, Boost 3.png, Boost 4.png, Boost 5.png, Botbot back.png, Botbot face 1.png, Botbot face 2.png, Botbot-front.png, Boxali face 1.png, Boxali face 2.png, Boxali front 64.png, Brewdin back 64.png, Brewdin face 1.png, Brewdin face 2.png, Brewdin front 64.png, Budaye 48px.png, Budaye 56px.png, Budaye back.png, Budaye face 2.png, Budaye face.png, Buff armour.gif, Buff fast.gif, Buff rage.gif, Buff ranged.gif, Bug gym badge.png, Bumbulus back.png, Bumbulus face 1.png, Bumbulus face 2.png, Burn2.png, Business pair.gif, Cafe 2.png, Cairfrey 48px.png, Cairfrey 56px.png, Cairfrey face 1.png, Cairfrey face 2.png, Candeer.png, Caper-48.png, Carcharock-back.png, Cardiling 48px.png, Cardiling back.png, Cardiling face 1.png, Cardiling face 2.png, Cardinale 48px.png, Cardinale 56px.png, Cardinale back.png, Cardinale face 1.png, Cardinale face 2.png, Cardiwing 48px.png, Cardiwing face 1.png, Cardiwing face 2.png, Cat-girl-front.png, Cataspike 48px.png, Cataspike face 1.png, Cataspike face 2.png, Cateye 48px.png, Cateye 56px.png, Ceo - taller.gif, Ceo alt1.png, Ceo.gif, Cervix back 64.png, Cervix front 64.png, Chargedup-small.png, Charging-small.png, Chenipode 48px.png, Chenipode face 1.png, Chenipode face 2.png, Cherubat face.png, Cherubat face2.png, Chibiro face 1.png, Chibiro face 2.png, Chloragon 48px.png, Chloragon back.png, Chloragon face 1.png, Chloragon face 2.png, Chromeye face1.png, Chromeye face2.png, Cochini 48px.png, Cochini face 1.png, Cochini face 2.png, Cocrune face 1.png, Cocrune face 2.png, Coin .png, Coleorus 48px.png, Coleorus 56px.png, Coleorus face 1.png, Coleorus face 2.png, Confused-small.png, Conifrost face 1.png, Conifrost face 2.png, Conileaf 48px.png, Conileaf 56px.png, Conileaf face 1.png, Conileaf face 2.png, Conileaf-front.png, Cooldude alt1 black.png, Cooldude alt1 blonde.png, Cooldude alt1 blue.png, Cooldude alt1 fiery.png, Cooldude alt1 green.png, Cooldude alt1 lapi.png, Cooldude alt1 red.png, Cooldude alt1 violet.png, Cooldude alt1.png, Cooldude front black.png, Cooldude front blonde.png, Cooldude front blue.png, Cooldude front fiery.png, Cooldude front green.png, Cooldude front lapi.png, Cooldude front red.png, Cooldude front violet.png, Coriander sanglorian expressions.png, Cowpignon 48px.png, Criniotherme 48px.png, Criniotherme 56px.png, Dancer - from ansimuz.png, Dancer 2 - from ansimuz.png, Dandicub 48px.png, Dandicub 56px.png, Dandicub back.png, Dandicub face 2.png, Dandicub face.png, Dandicub-front.png, Dark-type.png, Debuff melee.gif, Deedum-back.png, Deedum-front.png, Die.png, Diehard-small.png, Dinoflop Back 64.png, Dinoflop face.png, Dinoflop face2.png, Djinnbo 4px.png, Djinnbo-face 1.png, Djinnbo-face 2.png, Djinnbo.png, Dozingoff-small.png, Dracune 48px.png, Dracune face .png, Dracune face 2.png, Dragarbor 48px.png, Dragarbor 56px.png, Dragarbor face 1.png, Dragarbor face 2.png, Dragonfly 64px.png, Dragonride front blue.png, Dragonride front green.png, Dragonride front violet.png, Dragonride front yellow.png, Dragonrider - from Prehistoric.png, Dragontail.png, Drashimi face 24.png, Drashimi face 25.png, Drashimi-48.png, Drokoro face 1.png, Drokoro face 2.png, Duntree face1.png, Duntree face2.png, Eaglace 48px.png, Eaglace 56px.png, Eaglace face 1.png, Eaglace face 2.png, Eaglace.png, Earth M (Gladiolus) 64px.png, Eggn .png, Eliminated-small.png, Elofly face 1.png, Elofly face 2.png, Elostorm face 1.png, Elostorm face 2.png, Elowind face 1.png, Elowind face 2.png, Embra 48px.png, Embra back.png, Embra face1.png, Embra face2.png, Emo Front 64.png, Enthusiast pair.png, Exapode 48px.png, Exapode 56px.png, Exapode face 1.png, Exapode face 2.png, Exhausted-small.png, Eyenemy 48px.png, Eyenemy face 1.png, Eyenemy face 2.png, Eyenenaang.png, Eyesore-48px.png, Eyesore-56px.png, Fancair 48px.png, Fancair back.png, Fancair face1.png, Fancair face2.png, Farmer sprite.png, Faun 64px.png, Feather .png, Ferricran back.png, Ferricran face 1.png, Ferricran face 2.png, Fertiliser.png, Festering-small.png, Festering.png, Fire F (Ignia) 64.png, Firefighter alt.png, Firelion back.gif, Firelion front.gif, Firelion right.gif, Firomenis 64 back.png, Firomenis front 64px.png, Fishbot back.png, Fishbot-face1.png, Fishbot-face2.png, Fisher blue.png, Fisher green.png, Fisher lapi.png, Fisher red.png, Fisherwoman.png, Flacono 48px.png, Flambear 48px.png, Flambear 56px.png, Flameshield.png, Florist alt1 black.png, Florist alt1 brown.png, Florist alt1 fiery.png, Florist alt1 green.png, Florist alt1 lapi.png, Florist alt1 rose.png, Florist alt1.png, Florist alt3.png, Florist alt4.png, Florist alt5.png, Florist front black.png, Florist front brown.png, Florist front fiery.png, Florist front green.png, Florist front lapi.png, Florist front rose.png, Florist.png, Florist1 alt1.png, Florist2 alt1.png, Florist2.png, Florist3.png, Florist4.png, Florist5.png, Fluoresfin 48px.png, Flute .png, Fluttaflap Face 2.png, Fluttaflap Face.png, Fluttaflap-back-new.png, Fluttaflap-new.png, Focused-small.png, Foxfire 48px.png, Foxfire 56px.png, Foxfire-back.png, Foxfire-front.png, Foxfire-menu-01.png, Foxfire-menu-02.png, Foxko.png, Free for use batch1 64px.png, FreeIconSet - 24.png, Frondly 48px.png, Frondly 56px.png, Frondly back.png, Frondly face 1.png, Frondly face 2.png, Front (64x64).png, Fruitera Face, by Sanglorian from a Lego by josepharaoh99.png, Fruitera-face1.png, Fruitera-face2.png, Galnec face1.png, Galnec face2.png, Galnec front 64.png, Gectile 48px.png, Gectile-back.png, Gectile-face.png, Gectile-face2.png, Ghosteeth-48px.png, Ghosteeth-56px.png, Girl Front (64x64).png, Gloop blue.gif, Gloop orange.gif, Glowing-large.png, Golnagi-back.png, Goth Alt..png, Goth alt1 brown.png, Goth alt1 fiery.png, Goth alt1 green.png, Goth alt1 lapi.png… further results