Catch Challenger

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Nature of Contribution: Contributed to a different open source monster taming project

Catch Challenger is another open source monster catching game. Their assets are under Creative Commons Attribution (see datapack for more) so we are using some in Tuxemon.


 Source Explanation
CapinyahCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Back and face sprites by Jaskrendix.
CapitiCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Back and face sprites by Sanglorian.
ChenipodeCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
CochiniCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
ColeorusCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
ConileafCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites by Sanglorian. Overland sprites by Catch Challenger.
CorvixCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Sprites tweaked by Sanglorian. Name from Catch Challenger, tweaked by Sanglorian.
CowpignonCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
CriniothermeCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
DinoflopCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Back and face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
EloflyCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Sprites tweaked by Sanglorian. Alternative sprite adapted by HippasusTwo.
ElostormCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Sprites tweaked by Sanglorian. Alternative sprites by HippasusTwo.
ElowindCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian. Alternative sprites adapted by HippasusTwo.
EndurosCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
ExapodeCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites by Sanglorian.
FlaconoCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
GalnecCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
GryfixFront sprite by Catch Challenger. Back and face sprites by Lejun.
HampotamosCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
KonuitCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Back and face sprites by Jaskrendix.
LegoplasteCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Back and face sprites by Jaskrendix.
MetoxicCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Back and face sprites by Jaskrendix.
NoctaloCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
NoctulaCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
PantherafiraCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian. Alternative sprites by HippasusTwo.
PharfanCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
PolyrockCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
RhinocarpeDesign, front and back sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites by Jaskrendix.
SclairusCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites by Sanglorian.
SelketSprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites adapted by Sanglorian from the front sprite by Catch Challenger.
SelmatekSprites by Catch Challenger, adapted and re-sized by Sanglorian.
SnakiCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and front and back sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked from back sprite by Sanglorian.
SnokariCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and front and back sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked from back sprite by Sanglorian.
SpycozeusCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and front and back sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked from front sprite by Sanglorian.
TarpeurFront and back sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites adapted by Sanglorian from the face sprites by Catch Challenger.
ToufigelCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
TourbidiCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
UrcineCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and front and back sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked from front sprite by Sanglorian.
VigueurCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and front and back sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites by Sanglorian from the front sprites.
VivicinderCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
VividactilCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and front and back sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites by Sanglorian from the front sprites.
VivipereCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites by Sanglorian. Other sprites by Catch Challenger.
ViviphytaCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
VivisourceCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and front and back sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked from front sprite by Sanglorian.
ViviteelCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
VivitransCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
VivitronCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
VolcoliCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.

Yet to Be Completed

 Source Explanation
AnimatueurCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Back and face sprites by Jaskrendix.
OxifeuilleCatch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Back and face sprites by Jaskrendix.

ArtGryfix front.png, Konuit.png, Monky Front.png, Monster.png, Monsters.png, Panthera fira.png, Snokari.png Sprites294432194-e6822b5a-eee9-4d4a-b7fb-711955c440a3.png, Admin-key.png, Alban nut.png, Animatueur 64.png, Animatueur-back.png, Animatueur-menu01.png, Animatueur-menu02.png, Animatueur.png, Areca seed.png, Back.png, Badge1.png, Badge2.png, Battle pair.gif, Bio container.png, Biofuel.png, Blonde prot front 64.png, Blonde prot front.png, Blue-crystal.png, Blueberries.png, Board.png, Boost 1.png, Boost 2.png, Boost 3.png, Boost 4.png, Boost 5.png, Bottle-empty.png, Bottle-ice.png, Bottle-sand.png, Bottle-water.png, Bread.png, Building-big.png, Building-medium.png, Building-small.png, Building-town.png, Burn-gel.png, Capinyah-back.png, Capinyah-menu01.png, Capinyah-menu02.png, Capiti back.png, Capiti face 2.png, Capiti front.png, Capiti small 24.png, Capiti small.png, Cervix back 64.png, Cervix back.png, Cervix face 1.png, Cervix face 2.png, Cervix front 64.png, Cervix front.png, Cervix small.png, Chenipode 48px.png, Chenipode back.png, Chenipode face 1.png, Chenipode face 2.png, Chenipode front.png, Chenipode small.png, Chenipode-skin.png, Cherry.png, Chickenleg.png, Coal.png, Cochini 48px.png, Cochini Back.png, Cochini Front.png, Cochini Small.png, Cochini back - 64px.png, Cochini face 1.png, Cochini face 2.png, Cochini front 64.png, Coleorus 48px.png, Coleorus 56px.png, Coleorus back.png, Coleorus face 1.png, Coleorus face 2.png, Coleorus front.png, Coleorus small.png, Conileaf 48px.png, Conileaf 56px.png, Conileaf Back 80px.png, Conileaf Front (64x64).png, Conileaf Front old.png, Conileaf Small.png, Conileaf alt.png, Conileaf back old.png, Conileaf face 1.png, Conileaf face 2.png, Conileaf-back.png, Conileaf-front.png, Conileaf-skin.png, Copper-lingot.png, Copper-ore.png, Cowpigno nback.png, Cowpignon 48px.png, Cowpignon Small.png, Cowpignon face 2.png, Cowpignon facel.png, Cowpignon front.png, Crinioth ermeback 64.png, Crinioth ermeback.png, Criniothe rmesmall 24.png, Criniothe rmesmall.png, Criniotherme 48px.png, Criniotherme 56px.png, Criniotherme face 2.png, Criniotherme front 64.png, Criniotherme front.png, Crystal item.png, Dark-easter-egg.png, Dinoflop Back 64.png, Dinoflop Back.png, Dinoflop Front.png, Dinoflop Small.png, Dinoflop face.png, Dinoflop face2.png, Dinoflop front.png, Dragonride front blue.png, Dragonride front green.png, Dragonride front violet.png, Dragonride front yellow.png, Dust-tusk.png, Easteregg-blue.png, Easteregg-green.png, Easteregg-pink.png, Easteregg-red.png, Easteregg-teal.png, Easteregg-yellow.png, Elofly Back 64px.png, Elofly Back.png, Elofly face 1.png, Elofly face 2.png, Elofly-feather.png, Elofly-front-Hipp.png, EloflyFront 64px.png, EloflyFront.png, Elostorm Back 64px.png, Elostorm Back.png, Elostorm Front 64px.png, Elostorm Front.png, Elostorm face 1.png, Elostorm face 2.png, Elostorm-back-Hipp.png, Elowind Back 64px.png, Elowind Back.png, Elowind face 1.png, Elowind face 2.png, Elowind-back-Hipp.png, Elowind-front-Hipp.png, ElowindFront 64px.png, ElowindFront.png, Emo Front 64.png, Emo Front.png, Enduros back.png, Enduros face1.png, Enduros face2.png, Enduros front.png, Enduros small.png, Enthusiast pair.png, Ethanol.png, Evol-electric-crystal.png, Evol-psy-crystal.png, Exapode 48px.png, Exapode 56px.png, Exapode back.png, Exapode front.png, Exapode small.png, Exapode-molt.png, FT Front (64x64).png, FT Front.png, Fashionista64 black.png, Fashionista64 blue.png, Fashionista64 brown.png, Fashionista64 fiery.png, Fashionista64 red.png, Female rival - new tone.png, Fertiliser.png, Fishing-rod.png, Flacono 48px.png, Flacono back.png, Flacono face 2.png, Flacono front.png, Flacono small face.png, Flacono small.png, Flameshield.png, Front (64x64).png, Front (64x64px).png, Front.png, Front2.png, Galnec back.png, Galnec face1.png, Galnec face2.png, Galnec front 64.png, Galnec front.png, Galnec small.png, Girl Front (64x64).png, Girl Front.png, Gloop blue.gif, Gloop orange 80.gif, Gloop orange.gif, Gold-key.png, Gold-lingot.png, Gold-ore.png, Goth Alt..png, Goth alt1 brown.png, Goth alt1 fiery.png, Goth alt1 green.png, Goth alt1 lapi.png, Goth alt1 rose.png, Goth alt1 violet.png, Goth alt1.png, Goth brown.png, Goth fiery.png, Goth green.png, Goth lapi.png, Goth rose.png, Goth violet.png, Grassseeds.png, Green-crystal.png, Greenpresentbox.png, Gryfix back 64.png, Gryfix face 1.png, Gryfix face 2.png, Gryfix front 64.png, Gryfix front.png, Hampotam osback.png, Hampotamo ssmall.png, Hampotamos 48px.png, Hampotamos face 2.png, Hampotamos face.png, Hampotamos front.png, Ice-cube.png, Inside-mobilier.png, Inside-terra.png, Iron-lingot.png, Iron-ore.png, Jam.png, Join 80.gif, Konuit-back.png, Konuit-front.png, Konuit-menu01.png, Konuit-menu02.png, Konuit.png, Legoplaste 64.png, Legoplaste-back.png, Legoplaste-menu01.png, Legoplaste-menu02.png, Legoplaste.png, Lima.png, Lvl-book.png, Magician Front (64x64).png, Magician Front.png, Magician alt1 blonde.png, Magician alt1 brown.png, Magician alt1 fiery.png, Magician alt1 green.png, Magician alt1 lapi.png, Magician alt1 violet.png, Magician alt1.png, Magician front blonde.png, Magician front brown.png, Magician front fiery.png, Magician green.png, Magician lapi.png, Magician violet.png, Maracuya-jam.png, Maracuya.png, Marshmallow.png, Med pair.png, Metoxic-back.png, Metoxic-menu01.png, Metoxic-menu02.png, Metoxique.png, Metoxique64.png, Milk.png, Miner Front (64x64).png, Miner Front.png, Miner64 blue.png, Miner64 green.png, Miner64 red.png, Misc Front.png, Moco berry.png, Mocochinchi.png, Monk Front.png, Monk alt1 fiery.png, Monk alt1 green.png, Monk alt1 lapi.png, Monk alt1 rose.png, Monk alt1.png, Monk alt2.png, Monk alt3.png, Monk alt4.png, Monk front fiery.png, Monk front green.png, Monk front lapi.png, Monk rose.png, Monky Front 64.png, Monky Front.png, Muscle-relax.png, Noctalo 48px.png, Noctalo 56px.png, Noctalo back.png, Noctalo face 1.png, Noctalo face 2.png, Noctalo front.png, Noctula 48px.png, Noctula back.png, Noctula face 1.png, Noctula face 2.png, Noctula front.png, Noctula small.png, Orc back.png, Orc front.png, Oxifeuille-back.png, Oxifeuille-menu01.png, Oxifeuille-menu02.png, Oxifeuille.png, Oxifeuille64.png, Panthera fira Back 64.png, Panthera fira Back.png, Panthera fira Front.png, Panthera fira Small.png, Panthera fira face1.png, Panthera fira face3.png, Pantherafira-back-Hipp.png, Pantherafira-front-Hipp.png, Pantherafira-menu01-Hipp.png, Pantherafira-menu02-Hipp.png, Pf1.png, Pf2.png, Pharfan Back.png, Pharfan Small.png, Pharfan back 64.png, Pharfan face 1.png, Pharfan face 2.png, Pharfan front 64.png, Pharphan Front.png, Pielima.png, Pine cone.png, Plushmouboo.png, Polyrock Back.png, Polyrock Front.png, Polyrock Small.png, Polyrock back.png, Polyrock face 1.png, Polyrock face 2.png, Polyrock front.png, Polyrock-headband.png, Polyrock-heart.png, Potion-grade-a.png, Potion-grade-b.png, Potion-grade-c.png, Potion-grade-d.png, Prof Front.png, Prot back.png, Recipe-level-1.png, Recipe.png, Red mycota.png, Red pepper.png, Red-crystal.png, Repulse-grade-a.png, Repulse-grade-b.png, Repulse-grade-c.png, Repulse-grade-d.png, Rhinocar peback.png, Rhinocarp efront.png, Rhinocarp esmall.png, Rhinocarpe-menu01.png, Rhinocarpe-menu02.png, Scientist Front (64x64) black.png, Scientist Front (64x64) brown.png, Scientist Front (64x64) fiery.png, Scientist Front (64x64) pants.png, Scientist Front (64x64) violet.png, Scientist Front (64x64).png, Scientist Front.png, Scientist Trainer.png, Sclairus back.png, Sclairus face 1.png, Sclairus face 2.png, Sclairus front 64.png, Sclairus small.png, Screen 80.gif, Screen.gif, Selket 1.png, Selket 2.png, Selket back.png, Selket front.png, Selket small.png, Selmatek 1.png, Selmatek 2.png, Selmatek back 64.png, Selmatek back.png, Selmatek front 64.png, Selmatek front.png, Selmatek small.png, Serum.png, Shopkeeper front 64.png, Shopkeeper front clothes 64.png, Shopkeeper front red 64.png, Shopkeeper front.png, Silver-lingot.png, Silver-ore.png… further results