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- (Birdbot)
- (Botbot)
- (Fire Iguana)
- (Fishbot)
- (Foxfire Evolution)
- (Sumobug Prevolution)
- (Water Eagle)
- (Wooden Donkey)
- 2 vs 2
- 37707
- 37707 Female
- 37707 Male
- ABigIguana
- AV8R
- A Vine in Time Saves Nine
- Aardant
- Aardart
- Aardorn
- Aardpill
- Abandoned Lab
- Abesnaki
- Achievement Maniac
- Achievements
- Acid
- Adam Chevalier
- Adam Fegarido
- Adamantine
- Adventurer
- Aerodeer
- Aerodin
- Aerostag
- Aethangel
- Aether
- Agnidon
- Agnigon
- Agnite
- Agnsher
- Air Chain
- Alchemist
- Alien
- All In
- Allagon
- Altie
- Altitude
- Ambearance
- Ambuwl
- Amnesia
- Ampystoma
- Ancient Egg
- Ancient Tea
- Ancient Tuxeball
- AndHeGames
- Andre Doruk
- Androman
- Andron
- Angenna
- Angesnow
- Angose
- Angrito
- Animation Target
- Animatueur
- Anoleaf
- Antidote Grapes
- Antifarea
- Ants
- Anu
- Any
- Apeoro
- Appariron
- Arachnuke
- Araignee
- Arcane Eye
- Area
- Art of Unidentified Monsters
- Arthrobolt
- Askylpaws
- Assault
- Asudopt
- Attacks
- Attributing Creatures
- Avalanche
- Aviator
- Aviculor
- Axolightl
- Azuron
- B-ver.1
- Babysnitch
- Baddrscratch
- Badge
- Badge: Greenwash
- Badge: Nimrod
- Badge: Omnichannel
- Badge: Scoop
- Badge: Shaft
- Badges
- Bagish
- Baller
- Balmer
- Bamboon
- Bambula
- Bank App
- Bank HQ
- Banling
- Bansaken
- Banvengeance
- Baobaraffe
- Baoby
- Barking
- Barmaid
- Basic
- Battery Acid
- Battery Discharge
- Battle Pair
- Battle Terrain
- Batuskin
- Beachcomber
- Beachgoer
- Beam
- Bearloch
- Beaverbot
- Bedoo
- Beenstalker
- Beluby
- Berrshark
- Berserk
- Bewhich
- Beyond Episode 1
- Bibuuni
- Big Blue
- Bigbadarmadillo
- Bigfin
- Binoraffe
- Birdee
- Birdling
- Bishosand
- Biting Winds
- Bivouac
- Blade
- Blancron
- Blasdoor
- Blastag
- Blastail
- Blinded
- Blob
- Blood Bond
- Blood Nets
- Blossom
- Bobuuni
- Body Shape
- Body Type
- Body Types
- Bolt
- Boltnu
- Bonding
- Bonetula
- Bonny John
- Bonose
- Book of Wishes
- Boost Armour
- Boost Attack
- Boost Defence
- Boost Dodge
- Boost Melee
- Boost Ranged
- Boost Special Attack
- Boost Special Defence
- Boost Speed
- Booster Tech
- Boreal/Snow
- Botbot
- Boulder
- Boxali
- Boxorox
- Brachifor
- BrasioPkmn
- Breath
- Breathe Fire
- Breem
- Brewdin
- Bricgard
- Brickhemoth
- Brideswood
- Broilino
- Brumi
- Brute
- Bubbitoise
- Bubble Trap
- Bubbles
- Bubonus
- Budaye
- Buddha Mountain
- Buff Armour
- Buff Dodge
- Buff Melee
- Buff Ranged
- Buff Speed
- Bug
- Bugnin
- Bulkcow
- Bullet
- Bumbulus
- Burn
- Burrlock
- Burrow Blast
- Bursa
- Bushmeow
- Business Pair
- Buttereye
- Buuni
- Buzz
- Caack
- Cacaburr
- Cackleen
- Cairfrey
- Caky
- Call
- Camoon
- Candeer
- Candike
- Candy Town
- Candy Tuxeball
- Canine
- Caos-cepi
- Caper
- Capinyah
- Capiti
- Capture
- Capture Device
- Capture Devices
- Capture Item
- Capturing
- Carcadey
- Carcarino
- Carcharock
- Cardiling
- Cardinale
- Cardiwing
- Carfey
- Cat Calling
- Cat Girl
- Cataspike
- Catch Challenger
- Catching
- Caterpillard
- Cateye
- Cathedral
- Cathedral ads
- Caticane
- Cavalcadeur
- Cave
- Cavity
- Chairry-Art
- Chameleon
- Chandelail
- Changeling
- Character Maker
- Characters
- Charged Up
- Charging
- CharlesGabriel
- Charmella
- Cheat
- Cheezap
- Chenipode
- Cherubat
- Chibiro
- Chickadee
- Chickenshowman
- Child Actor
- Chill Mist
- Chillimp
- Chloragon
- Chopple
- Choros
- Chrome Robo
- Chromeye
- Circeece
- Circupop
- City Park
- Clairaudience
- Clamp On
- Classes by Genre
- Claymorior
- Clint Bellanger
- Clock
- Clocky
- Cloud Aether
- Cnail
- Coach
- Coaldiak
- Coastal
- Cobarett
- Cochini
- Cocrune
- Cohldrabi
- Coleorus
- Coluga
- Combat AI
- Combat Order
- Combat State Overview
- Commissioned to create
- Completed Tuxemon
- Completing Creatures
- Condition
- Condition Reference
- Conditions
- Confused
- Conglolem
- Conifrost
- Conileaf
- Conjurer
- Constorch
- Constrict
- Contacts App
- Contributed to Tuxemon project
- Contributed to a different open source monster taming project
- Contributing Art
- Contributing Code
- Cool Dude
- Coppi
- Coproblight
- Corvix
- Cotton Town
- Cotton Tunnel
- Countice
- Cowoad
- Cowool
- Cowpignon
- Crabin
- Crankus
- Crawls
- Creating Creatures
- Creating Custom Events
- Creating Items
- Creating Maps
- Creating Music
- Creating Techniques
- Creating Tilesets
- Creating Translations
- Creating Writing
- Creating a Creature
- Creating and Completing Trainers
- Creature
- Creature Progress Tracker