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TXMN Stats
Type(s) Earth
Body Shape
Blurb CARCHAROCK's ancient instincts are at odds with the modern world, where the scent of PHARFAN and the roar of PANTHERAFIRA have replaced the familiar sounds of its homeland.
Height/Length (centimetres) 120
Weight (kilograms) 45
Catch Rate 100
Sex(es) Male, Female
Evolution Stage Standalone
Fusion Name First Part Carcha
Fusion Name Second Part -rock

Set 1Set 2Set 3Creature Progress Tracker

Carcharock-menu01.pngCarcharock-menu02.png Carcharock

Carcharock, the Fossil tuxemon, is a Earth-type monster.

A sturdy, pink Tuxemon with a white underbelly and darker pink stripes. Its dinosaur-like build features a large head, short neck, long tail, and spiked back. It has a wide mouth and sharp teeth.

Its heart aches with a deep longing for the world it once knew, where the rustle of leaves and the distant call of a long-lost predator echoed through the land. According to legend, the great rivers and coastlines that once teemed with the massive Carcharodon still exist, hidden deep within the lost jungle's primeval heart. Carcharock searches endlessly for this fabled land, driven by a fierce determination to rediscover the world it was born to inhabit.

Trivia[edit source]

Name Origin: from "Carcharodon", meaning "sharp-toothed," derived from Greek "karcharos" and "odous", combined with the English word "rock"

Design Origin[edit source]

In The Spyder in the Cathedral Campaign[edit source]

Evolution[edit source]

Free for use batch1 64px.png

Sprites[edit source]

Tuxemon Standard[edit source]

64px Free for use batch1 64px.png Missing
Face Sprites Carcharock-menu01.png Carcharock-menu02.png
Overland Sprites Missing Missing

Other Standards[edit source]

48px Missing Missing
56px Free for use batch1.png Missing
80px Missing Missing
Menu Sprites (32px) Missing Missing
Menu Sprites (24px) Missing Missing
Menu Sprites (16px) Missing Missing


Contributors[edit source]

First Appeared: [1]

Jaskrendix, JustinNuggets, Piacarrot

Design and original sprite by JustinNuggets and Piacarrot. Face sprites by Jaskrendix. Attribution must include full credit as always, and a link to Piacarrot's DeviantArt page:

Variations[edit source]

In other languages[edit source]

Language Name Category Blurb
