Property:TXMN Blurb

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It eats bugs and PIPIS eat fruit, so despite living in close proximity they do not compete.  +
It can smell anything in the ocean, no matter how far away.  +
It eats and stores the poison of the sea creatures that it feeds upon.  +
Its feathery antennas snap off if it is attacked, confusing the predator.  +
They are called Dark Bishops because their heads are reminiscent of a bishop's hat.  +
It dreams of oceans under other skies.  +
It snuggles in homes in the winter months, spreading diseases.  +
In the great ships that cross the oceans, thousands of NUT and BOLT provide power and hold the steel plating together.  +
OCTABODE make ancient vessels and artifacts their homes, dreaming of the lives of those who used the relics before them.  +
This dark and powerful tuxemon enjoys hiding in the piles of toys in abandoned toy shops, ready to feast upon the souls of curious children hoping to steal a toy. They absorb their spirit, allowing their tentacles to grow and their shell to grow harder.  +
Two decisive strikes bring the target to its knees.  +
The user undergoes a magical transformation, firing off an energy ball of a random element.  +
The circuit focuses energy, creating a new type of electricity called griefed-lightning.  +
Vines lash the target, locking them in place.  +
One of Pairagrim's heads is always searching for prey, while the other focuses on flying at great speed.  +
The young form of Pairagrim, it is a generally happy creature. It struggles to fly until the two heads learn to work together.  +
Through evolution, the lantern on the tuxemon begins to rip, allowing a more flames to escape through the safety of the paper wrapping. When it is excited, its tail will flash and make a happy crackling sound, almost like a firework.  +
A reliable technique that hurts any monster in proportion to its HP.  +
Clusters of Pantern will often be seen with their tails softly glowing at celebrations and parties. When they attack, the flame of their lantern turns a bright blue and becomes much hotter.  +
Each member of the pride lights their mane from a shared bonfire. As long as that fire burns, their strength is shared.  +
This small and chubby little tuxemon has little self-confidence, so without its unique feature, it would be practically useless in battle. However, with the love and support of its trainer, the tuxemon can transform into a very strong and courageous form!  +
At the watering hole it keeps its friends RINOCEREED and HAMPOTAMOS well watered.  +
It accompanies divers, providing much needed oxygen.  +
Scientists found that the best computers have organic implants.  +
Found alongside Tuxemon such as Rhincus, Pilthropus is the oldest humanoid Tuxemon to date. They can create and wield crude stone tools.  +
Its cries are considered a bad omen, but it is a gentle creature.  +
After hearing its tone, you can sing perfectly all day.  +
POINCHIN make nests in the coral and can be tempted out by bread and milk.  +
It is most commonly found in bathrooms, lurking on flat surfaces (especially windows). This is normally after someone has used hot water.  +
It disguises itself as a human child to sneak into dojos and learn from martial arts masters.  +
It is a ghost that inhabits a dead CAIRFREY.  +
Potturmeist are spirits of the dead that take refuge in empty vessels. In ancient temples, acolytes must distract the monsters lest they interrupt important ceremonies.  +
By the time a Potturmeist has reached its maturity, its protective urn has so changed shape that it resembles no pottery made by human hands. Some insist that the designs on a Potturmeist's urn are writings from the far future.  +
Is it a new species, or just the pet of an inventor?  +
Its heavenly fire is something foes rarely see coming.  +
Its cocoon is so hard, people are knocked out if a PUPARMOR is dropped on them. They were once loaded into cannons and catapults.  +
It has a tomb hidden somewhere in the land. If it finds it, it can sleep.  +
Using its shadow puppets, it can use them to fight its opponent with great accuracy and speed. They are much more confident, and will sometimes even use their shadow puppets to entertain small children at puppet shows.  +
Observations of wild PYTHWIRE inspired the inventor of the first electrical outlet.  +
This tuxemon would dive into groups of other dinosaur tuxemon and burn them. They also enjoy setting forests alight and dropping their ashes into water to spoil its purity.  +
Its tunnels are extensive and wide, the site of tremendous wars between burrows.  +
It uses its tail as a shield. It likes to pierce hard berries with its beak.  +
It battles with finesse using its beak as a sword. The two tails allow it to maneuver more quickly, and block incoming attacks.  +
It is formidable and aggressive, but only eats fruit.  +
It can summon a halberd whenever it needs.  +
It has some properties of a reptile and some of a bird.  +
RHINOCARPE are territorial, charging headfirst at any who swim too near to their coral fortresses.  +
It is the spirit of dynasts, benevolent dictators and bureaucrats.  +
It is voraciously hungry because it grows so quickly - and it does not limit itself to plants.  +
A heavy rock falls on the target.  +
Despite its considerable weight, its footfalls are silent.  +
It uses its tiny rock ears for snuggling.  +
A fusion of two tuxemon.  +
Rosarin's love is incredible, he's only asking some affection.  +
A sickness befalls the target.  +
Once Embra's flame becomes hot enough, it engulfs its entire body, essentially replacing it in the process.  +
When a person is feeling too sad, SADITO will carry that burden for them.  +
A bite brimming with heat and lashing pain.  +
A scientist wanted to separate his personalities, but he split his body.  +
A scientist took a drug that made him clever by day and violent by night.  +
In olden times, each element had a mighty dragon - but those creatures have diminished and are rare in these days.  +
Its terrific anger is off putting, but it passes quickly.  +
By night, SAURCHIN emerge from the coral reefs to hunt bigger prey on land.  +
Its worst enemy is MARVILLAR, which pretends to be its kin.  +
When a crop is left unharvested - be it from laziness or disaster - its scarecrow becomes a dark and living creature.  +
Identifies an opponent's strengths and weaknesses.  +
Ruthless, merciless and silent, this tuxemon can hunt out intruders with its advanced built-in technology. They will often dig their sharp, saber teeth into their opponents, often hospitalising them.  +
It grows lonely in the swamps, so it burns brightly to draw travellers near - but it is painfully shy and flits away when they approach.  +
Lying in wait beneath the sand, they can feel their prey through the vibrations of their footsteps.  +
Kept by the ancient kings of the deserts, SELMATEK served as watchdogs, hunting companions and - now - defenders against grave robbers.  +
SERAPHICE can freeze in ice moments of great courage and joy, stored away in deep vaults beneath the mountains for the days when humanity will need them most.  +
A flurry of punches strikes the target.  +
In ancient times it hunted RHINCUS beneath ashen skies.  +
It is invisible in the water, being visible only when it leaps out of the water to drag animals on the shore back into the deep.  +
It wards off attackers by poisoning its spiky shell with goo spat from its mouth.  +
SHEYE are weighed down by heavy thoughts. Edgy trainers like them for their sinister appearance and solemn demeanor.  +
They say that when a rainbow appears over water, the SHIMMERAIN are spawning.  +
SHNARK wears its last meal's flesh as a disguise so it can get close to its trusting prey.  +
When a SHEYE frees its mind from always contemplating serious thoughts, it becomes a SHRAB, free in body to wander the world.  +
When a garden is neglected, a SHYBULB moves in and quietly tends the droopy plants.  +
The SKWIB contentedly floats through the ocean, examining potential shell-homes. It has to fear for its life before it will finally make a choice.  +
A violent explosion of sleeping powder threatens to send both combatants into a doze.  +
It hides in the forest, seeking out lost children that chose to play in the forest without their parents' permission. Some say that the tuxemon scares the unforunate children, others say they feast on the children's souls before turning them into haunted trees.  +
Often seen photobombing normal family photographs, it stares at the camera with its empty black eyes until the camera lens cracks.  +
It is a gel that sparked to life and begins making a body for itself of stone and rock.  +
It lives in rubbish, and eats it too. Its spikes seem sharp, but it can soften them at will.  +
They are very popular amongst bakers and pastry chefs, as it inspires them to bake their treats according to the shape of the tuxemon's shell. Snairal is a very delicate tuxemon, as its shell is easily broken and crumbled.  +
SNAKI is a snake that has learned to grow legs by examining the motion of lizards and crocodiles.  +
It does not fly, but its feet never touch the ground. The king of paradox.  +
Each Snax has different partition drawn on the body. When it grows new notes appears.  +
The snake-like creature hides under the safety of its sock cover. If startled, it will flail and lie very still on the ground to avoid attention.  +
The two heads of SNOKARI each hold great wisdom, but they never agree.  +
It delights in playing tag with skiers on desolate slopes.  +
An otherwise formiddable enemy, SOCKESERP is easily dispatched if it gets tangled up.  +
A villainous team is plotting to use SOLIGHT to create a miniature sun in order to create a new planet.  +
It is the spirit of philosopher-kings, ambassadors and vice-chancellors.  +
It's not fair that something so good at sneaking up on people, can't be snuck up on itself.  +
Missing.  +
Liquid death sprays from the user's venom sacs.  +
SPOILURM disguise themselves as apples, and wait in trees to eat the unexpecting.  +
A timid plant, it pops its head aboveground to drink water and sunshine.  +
The whispered communications of the forest are given physical form in SPYCOZEUS, which thinks like the trees.  +
To prove themselves, they will fight tooth and nail over even the smallest thing.  +
It is named for the noise it makes when it is all out of ink.  +
STATURSUS has learned to channel its emotions into a single pure flame. The mere sight of it sends others into a trance.  +
Missing.  +
A sickness quickly befalls the target.  +
Its tails are lures to convince bugs to bite them and be trapped.  +
It uses its weight to trip much larger enemies. It is as dense as a star.  +
It croaks to warn people when they are walking near thin ice.  +
They rest and grow. They also grow and rest. Rarely, they rest without growing or grow without resting.  +
Upon their birth, a TAUPYPUS' eyes are burst by its mother. That way, their eyes will never sting when they dive into the water.  +
Teddisun worships the sun - they're always seen carrying their sun toy.  +
They absorb any information they come across. Their constant chatter communicates everything they have learned in order.  +
It is said that it had to invent itself because an evolution was not designed.  +
The guardian of a forest-dwelling people, it keeps guard and resolves disputes.  +
It is the intermediary between forest and volcano, between sun and earth.  +
The target is set alight.  +
TOBISHIMI spawn eggs in vast numbers, and carry them about under their chins for safekeeping until the next full moon - when they hatch.  +
The tongue is jabbed into the opponent, and their blood drained.  +
Missing.  +
It only has bright feathers because it grew up surrounded by flowers.  +
It appears to be a fluffy insect, but it is actually a reptile coated in soft snow.  +
If you find a circle of mushrooms or clover, it is a place where TOURBIDI dance.  +
Toxiris is extremely powerful, it violently poisons everything in his way.  +
Its head is the only part of its body that doesn't grow as it ages.  +
They are very greedy tuxemon, and will often attack those seeking to steal their supply of treasure. Their golden fan is covered in the dust from their gold and shiny treasure.  +
TROJERROR is a tuxemon that disguises itself as legitimate code or software. Once inside the network, TROJERRORS are able to carry out any action that a legitimate user could perform (deposit, withdrawn and delete).  +
While sometimes referred to as its armor, the fleshy plates on TSUSHIMI are softer than its skin. Their purpose remains unknown.  +
It builds hives that are perfect spheres, with the TUMBLEBEE inside just rolling about and buzzing with laughter.  +
Tumbledillo have a mystical connection to a particular road, and they guard it from people who would interfere with it - even pothole repair crews!  +
Tumblequill rolls along the highways, gathering up useful items for its nests from the rubbish left by the side of the road.  +
When they have outgrown their honeycomb eggs, they drop to the ground face first.  +
Tungrub have small magnetic ports in their bodies which pull them close to their parent Worbolt to keep them safe.  +
When a field is abandoned to the crows, locusts and mice, a TURNIPPER will sometimes dig itself out of the ground to defend the crops.  +
Most comfortable in arctic climes, TUX hunt weaker prey by leaping upon it, and crack open the shells or armor of stronger prey by sliding it along the ice into hard rocks.  +
The colder the weather, the harder its beak. At below 0 degrees, it is harder than diamond.  +
This strange creature seems to be drawn by sounds that are too high for human ears to hear.  +
When it is pulled up too quick from its home in the deep waters, UGLIP becomes puffy and pained.  +
Uneye lurks in the shadows, and on the edge of vision.  +
When it has grown, its ears peel away to show wings that it uses to fly into the trees above where it grew.  +
It can't move or attack, so it sits still and prays that the opponent damages itself on its many needles.  +
When a FURNURSUS is born without the fire inside, it is abandoned in the forests as an URCINE.  +
Before every session, saunas are to be searched for any Vadampf, this is a legal requirement.  +
It thirsts for blood, but must make do with tree sap.  +
It can outrun a bullet, but only when it has warmed up.  +
VIGUEUR compete to see who can lift the heaviest rocks. When they lift one that is too heavy, it squashes them and scatters TARPEUR seeds.  +
VIRWARE is usually dormant until the victim activates it, either through downloading a corrupt app or clicking an infected link. Once activated, VIRWARE may complete any number of tasks.  +
It makes its nest in long-burning fires, either of its own creation or in memorials, smithies and glassworks.  +
In ancient times, the Year of the VIVIDACTIL marked a time of renewal and the restoration of authority.  +
It hatches in great numbers in the summer, but the rest of its lifespan is a mystery.  +
It is the king of snakes - or at least believes itself to be such.  +
The spring it chooses for its home always has a peculiar oniony taste.  +
It takes the armour of a fallen warrior and repurposes it for a shell.  +
The cold focuses VIVITRANS' mind to a keen edge.  +
Early philosophers used VIVITRON as evidence that natural forces can be tamed and controlled.  +
It is the spirit of a forest. Its hair changes with the seasons.  +
When VOLCONEY thump the earth with their gigantic feet, they call more and more THUMPURN and VOLCONEY to the warren. But when enough strike the earth at once, it is said to cause volcanic eruptions.  +
Missing.  +
The user spins about, creating a biting, shielding wall of steel.  +
It has a whirlpool for a tail, which it uses to pedal itself around the ocean. Sometimes the pressure is too strong and it gets stuck, creating a whirlpool.  +
WAYSPRITE are said to form when a person faces a difficult decision.  +
When it is heavy with egg, it becomes unable to fly.  +
It is said an ancient civilization once used WEEDLANTIS as advisors, but it has since disappeared beneath the sea.  +
Once a year, it is pollinated beneath the waves by aquatic tuxemon like Shrab.  +
Missing.  +
Like a mighty tree, WINDEYE plants itself on the top of hills to soak in the sun and wind. Recharged, it then leaves to find another place under the sky.  +
Their magic located in their huge shells helps regulate the temperature of the water surronding it. They will often shelter fish tuxemon with their huge fins and underbelly.  +
This tuxemon is very friendly. It is common to go hunting with the help of WOLFFSKY.  +
When a haunted house burns to the ground, sometimes all that is left is the front door. It hops away to find its next home.  +
It eats metal fibers to produce its young artificially inside its body. Its bolt-like head can turn a full 360 degrees.  +
Each Wrougon is born with a patch of rust larger than the patch of its parents.  +
A hostile robot.  +
A hostile robot.  +
Everyone believes it is man-made, but no one admits that they made it.  +
It roamed the lands millions of years ago. It's believed they died out due to their poor diet of pebbles.  +
It was born the first time a star fell into a black hole.  +
No labyrinth that can contain ZIGGURAT. It decorates its nests with carvings of all the mazes it has traversed over the years.  +
Cheerful ZUNNA sucks up all the food it can find into its stomach.  +