| TXMN Stage | Species | TXMN Blurb |
Aardorn | Basic | Snout | When born it is placed in an anthill and left to eat its way out. |
Agnite | Basic | False Dragon | It is playful, but must be taught early on to keep its fire in check. |
Anoleaf | Basic | Sprout | It considers the plants growing near it to be its brothers and sisters. |
Axolightl | Basic | Inchoate | It lights the deep waters with its tail, marking a safe shelter for fish. |
Babysnitch | Basic | Fuminous | The fuming BABYSNITCH will throw itself into the attack, usually with little effect. But beware: if you laugh at its efforts, it will hunt you once it grows into a BADDRSCRATCH. |
Banling | Basic | Sepulchre | Each BANLING is waiting for a homeless spirit to nestle in its branches. |
Baoby | Basic | Thirsty Okapi | They travel from river to river in search of water to drink and store. The leafy ossicones on its head conceal movable points that act similar to a dowsing rod. Many creatures follow Baoby in droughts. |
Boltnu | Basic | Screwdriver | It spends most of its time digging burrows into the grounnd, it remains dizzy from the constant vibrations and movement caused by them digging into the soil. |
Botbot | Basic | Socket | It is a universal robot that can be adapted for any purpose. |
Budaye | Basic | Mutual | It can convince any group to cooperate for the common good with some encouraging mewls and waves. |
Bumbulus | Basic | Veiled | Bumbulus is a flying being that produces a cloud of smoke to disguise itself as a cloud. No one has ever seen its true body. |
Burrlock | Basic | Thorn | BURRLOCK likes to stick to passerbys to help it spread from place to place. |
Bursa | Basic | Too Hot | It rejects fire as "basic", and produces only the fire of the mind. |
Cackleen | Basic | Witch Spirit | Some say CACKLEEN is a possessed child, others that is the lost spirit of a girl. |
Cairfrey | Basic | Host | A jolly piece of furniture who awoke one morning and decided to explore. |
Caper | Basic | Kid | CAPER play and frolic with each other among the foam of mountain rivers, cold as ice. |
Capiti | Basic | Woodwose | It looks like a baby, but some specimens have been found that are hundreds of years old. |
Cardiling | Basic | Firebird | One wouldn't expect it to breathe fire, until it does. |
Cataspike | Basic | Pointy | It learns to fight from observation. Left to its own devices, it uses its spike to pick up rubbish. |
Chenipode | Basic | Travel Bug | It bites onto shoelaces and trouser legs when it wants to travel. |
Chickadee | Basic | Chickadee | CHICKADEE gives longer repeated cries of 'dees' if the danger it senses seems lesser than another. |
Chillimp | Basic | Frost Ape | It is rumoured to live atop snowy mountains, but no clear photo of it has ever been taken. |
Chloragon | Basic | Dragon | It hatches when an ancient egg is planted in fertile soil. When the eggs run out, there will be no more CHLORAGON. |
Chromeye | Basic | Mixed Emotion | CHROMEYE was created to observe and learn how humans think and feel. |
Claymorior | Basic | Terracotta | It is said that only one in a thousand can rule over the CLAYMORIOR as a REGALANCE. |
Cohldrabi | Basic | Frozen Produce | It is born underground in cold, snowy areas, and learns how to fly within a few weeks. |
Cubfort | Basic | Comfort | Its calming presence helps with healing, and those who sleep beside a Cubfort never have a nightmare. |
Dandicub | Basic | Floret | After a litter is born, they float all over the world and never see their family again. |
Devidin | Basic | Dog-Toothed | A dicynodont that came back to life and decided to become the dinosaur everyone always mistakes it for. |
Drashimi | Basic | Dragon Roll | It lies on the ground, smelling delicious and tempting monsters to take a bite - but when they approach, it bites them first. |
Duggot | Basic | Unwelcome Mouthful | When TUMBLEBEE tries to drink fruit juice, a DUGGOT may latch on and take over its brain. |
Elofly | Basic | Cloudburst | An ELOFLY on its own is patient and wise, but when it flocks in great numbers it becomes violent and impulsive. |
Embra | Basic | Flicker | It eats everything it can to grow big enough to become a RUPTION. |
Eskipup | Basic | Frosty | Even as a puppy, it can pull 1 ton loads. |
Eyenemy | Basic | Pupil | It feeds on beautiful views and other spectacular sights. |
Fancair | Basic | Deadly Fan | If someone leaves their fan running when they do not need it, it comes alive and flies out the window to find someone who actually needs to be cooled. |
Flacono | Basic | Horned Raptor | It is totally unafraid of adversaries, and will attack an enemy of any size without hesitation. |
Flounce | Basic | Firestarter | FLOUNCE can be stubborn and solitary, flouncing all the rules unless given good motivation. |
Flummby | Basic | Pastry | FLUMMBY was invented by a scientist who thought food that wanted to be eaten would be more ethical. It leaps into the mouth of anyone who could eat it. |
Fluoresfin | Basic | Light Fin | When threatened, it huddles together with other Fluoresfin to create a large blinding light to disorientate predators. |
Fordin | Basic | Petrified | When threatened, it curls into a ball and bounces away. |
Forturtle | Basic | Oracle Bone | It heats its shell to read the future from the cracks that emerge. |
Foxfire | Basic | Smoke | FOXFIRE cubs are found in fires that burned out overnight. No one knows where they come from. |
Furnursus | Basic | Fireplace | FURNURSUS are friendly, and often forget that their bodies are too hot for others to touch. |
Fuzzlet | Basic | Toy | When a child is no longer around to play with their toys, they sometimes come to life. |
Grimachin | Basic | Spook | It was made by a toy company to be a pet, but was too dangerous. |
Grintot | Basic | Pebble | It is a GRINTROCK or GRINFLARE that has experienced erosion. |
Gupphish | Basic | Boiling Goldfish | GUPPHISH loves to swim in schools, making it a popular choice for trainers who value teamwork. |
Hatchling | Basic | Egg | When an egg does not want to hatch and begin its next life stage, it becomes a HATCHLING. |
Helipi | Basic | Samsara | It flies farther with one wing by rotating than with two, but sacrifices the ability to easily aim. |
Hissiorite | Basic | Meteor Snake | The base of its neck emits super-heated gas that envelopes its body and causes it to hover a few inches off the ground, similar to a hot air balloon. Because of this it can travel quickly, even over water. |
Hoarse | Basic | Field-Dweller | It appears to be a farm animal, but it was mistreated by its owner. |
Hoodoll | Basic | Old Man | It sometimes sticks a pin in itself to curse its foes, but no one can tell the difference after. |
Ignibus | Basic | Hot Rock | When threatened it retreats into its shell and cools down dramatically by venting steam. It could be mistaken for a rock. |
Imbrickcile | Basic | Brick | Imbrickcile shelter inside a single brick, emerging only to lift it to build their strength. |
Jelillow | Basic | Jelly Pillow | When a person rests their head on Jelillow, its jelly-like skin causes them to fall into a deep sleep. If someone is having sleeping problems, then this monster will be used to help them. |
Katapill | Basic | Beat | It is born fighting. It has to punch out of its eggshell or be trapped. |
Komodraw | Basic | Quickdraw | It uses its claws to carve its firearm out of wood, and uses it for powerful ranged attacks. |
Kroki | Basic | Crocodile | KROKI spends most of its time in shallow waters, using its powerful jaws to snap at prey. |
Lambert | Basic | Gumnut | It is placed in its nut by its parent, who then sends it into the world. |
Lesmagu | Basic | Vagrant | It oozes along the sea floor, looking for hard nooks and crannies to hide in until it develops its shell. |
Marvillar | Basic | Ant Mimic | MARVILLAR mimes an ant larvae using scent. It convinces SCARLANT and MYRMISON to feed it, eating skeptics. |
Medipup | Basic | Erythrocyte | When MEDIPUP sniff out sickness, they bounce over and nuzzle the affected creature. MEDIPUP's wet noses are effective, but some patients have been crushed under an overly enthusiastic pack. |
Memnomnom | Basic | Relic | It is said that each one's mask is the face of a different dead king. |
Merlicun | Basic | Dragon Worm | Merlicun is a hardy insect that has evolved to be efficient at both attack and defense. They gather in the tree canopies of ancient forests to feed on fruits and leaves. |
Metesaur | Basic | Meteor | This tuxemon would enjoy diving into the ground and leaving marks. Sometimes, the tuxemon would misjudge the hit and land in trees, starting huge and dangerous forest fires |
Nebufin | Basic | Sea Angel | NEBUFIN's angelic appearance is deceptive, as the monster is predatory. |
Noctula | Basic | Nightcrawler | It eats fruit and PIPIS eat bugs, so despite living in close proximity they do not compete. |
Nostray | Basic | Proboscis | It can smell anything in the ocean, no matter how far away. |
Nudiflot ♀ | Basic | Flopped | It eats and stores the poison of the sea creatures that it feeds upon. |
Nudiflot ♂ | Basic | Flotsam | Its feathery antennas snap off if it is attacked, confusing the predator. |
Nut | Basic | Hardware | In the great ships that cross the oceans, thousands of NUT and BOLT provide power and hold the steel plating together. |
Pairagrin | Basic | Two-Headed Falcon | The young form of Pairagrim, it is a generally happy creature. It struggles to fly until the two heads learn to work together. |
Pantherafira | Basic | Mercury | Each member of the pride lights their mane from a shared bonfire. As long as that fire burns, their strength is shared. |
Pawsand | Basic | Sand Pawn | PAWSAND inhabits sand castles and sand temples made by Bishosand and Rooksand, some of which are actually Rooksand itself. |
Pickoon | Basic | Raccoon | It enjoys picking things up and stuffing them discreetly into its scarf. |
Pipis | Basic | Echo | Its cries are considered a bad omen, but it is a gentle creature. |
Potturmeist | Basic | Pottery | Potturmeist are spirits of the dead that take refuge in empty vessels. In ancient temples, acolytes must distract the monsters lest they interrupt important ceremonies. |
Pythwire | Basic | Power Socket | Observations of wild PYTHWIRE inspired the inventor of the first electrical outlet. |
Rockitten | Basic | Cute Boulder | It uses its tiny rock ears for snuggling. |
Rosarin | Basic | Every Thorn | Rosarin's love is incredible, he's only asking some affection. |
Scarlant | Basic | Myrmidon | Its worst enemy is MARVILLAR, which pretends to be its kin. |
Seirein | Basic | Spirit Fire | It grows lonely in the swamps, so it burns brightly to draw travellers near - but it is painfully shy and flits away when they approach. |
Selket | Basic | Sand Scorpion | Lying in wait beneath the sand, they can feel their prey through the vibrations of their footsteps. |
Sheye | Basic | Crabby Mussel | SHEYE are weighed down by heavy thoughts. Edgy trainers like them for their sinister appearance and solemn demeanor. |
Shybulb | Basic | Gardener | When a garden is neglected, a SHYBULB moves in and quietly tends the droopy plants. |
Skwib | Basic | Naive | The SKWIB contentedly floats through the ocean, examining potential shell-homes. It has to fear for its life before it will finally make a choice. |
Slichen | Basic | Gel | It is a gel that sparked to life and begins making a body for itself of stone and rock. |
Snaki | Basic | False Serpent | SNAKI is a snake that has learned to grow legs by examining the motion of lizards and crocodiles. |
Snock | Basic | Sock | The snake-like creature hides under the safety of its sock cover. If startled, it will flail and lie very still on the ground to avoid attention. |
Sprightly | Basic | Rootball | A timid plant, it pops its head aboveground to drink water and sunshine. |
Sprorm | Basic | Galvanized | SPRORM is fed on by CARDINALE, which can melt it down. |
Squabbit | Basic | Rabbit | To prove themselves, they will fight tooth and nail over even the smallest thing. |
Squink | Basic | Sea Spray | It is named for the noise it makes when it is all out of ink. |
Stomic | Basic | Radioactive | STOMIC is radioactive, but radiation resistant bacteria like GLOMON still pose a threat to it. |
Stonifly | Basic | Diptera | STONIFLY's sturdy, rock-hard exoskeleton is a natural armor, while its translucent wings allow for swift flight. |
Tadcool | Basic | Alarm | It croaks to warn people when they are walking near thin ice. |
Tarpeur | Basic | Restful | They rest and grow. They also grow and rest. Rarely, they rest without growing or grow without resting. |
Tetrchimp | Basic | Chip | They absorb any information they come across. Their constant chatter communicates everything they have learned in order. |
Thumpurn | Basic | Lagomorph | They thump their enemies with their fists, and thump the ground to give warnings. |
Tikoal | Basic | Taboo | The guardian of a forest-dwelling people, it keeps guard and resolves disputes. |
Toucanary | Basic | Tropical | TOUCANARY only has bright feathers because it grew up surrounded by flowers. |
Trapsnap | Basic | Barb | Its head is the only part of its body that doesn't grow as it ages. |
Tumblequill | Basic | Urchin | Tumblequill rolls along the highways, gathering up useful items for its nests from the rubbish left by the side of the road. |
Tumbleworm | Basic | Buzzkill | When they have outgrown their honeycomb eggs, they drop to the ground face first. |
Turnipper | Basic | Scarytale | When a field is abandoned to the crows, locusts and mice, a TURNIPPER will sometimes dig itself out of the ground to defend the crops. |
Tweesher | Basic | Halcyon | The colder the weather, the harder its beak. At below 0 degrees, it is harder than diamond. |
Uneye | Basic | Vision | Uneye lurks in the shadows, and on the edge of vision. |
Vamporm | Basic | Clot | It thirsts for blood, but must make do with tree sap. |
Virware | Basic | Virtual | VIRWARE is usually dormant until the victim activates it, either through downloading a corrupt app or clicking an infected link. Once activated, VIRWARE may complete any number of tasks. |
Vivipere | Basic | Potentia | It hatches in great numbers in the summer, but the rest of its lifespan is a mystery. |
Waysprite | Basic | Wavering | WAYSPRITE are said to form when a person faces a difficult decision. |
Weedsea | Basic | Seaweed | Once a year, it is pollinated beneath the waves by aquatic tuxemon like Shrab. |
Woodoor | Basic | Portal | When a haunted house burns to the ground, sometimes all that is left is the front door. It hops away to find its next home. |
Wrougon | Basic | Dragon | Each Wrougon is born with a patch of rust larger than the patch of its parents. |