Rockitten | 1 |  | Earth | Earth | Cute Boulder | It uses its tiny rock ears for snuggling. | 262314 steffcaffrey cat-meow3.wav |
Rockat | 2 |  | Earth | Earth | Sleek Boulder | Despite its considerable weight, its footfalls are silent. | Growl1.wav |
Jemuar | 3 |  | Earth Cosmic | Earth | Precious Boulder | The gems on its back are the type found when it was born. There are extensive ROCKITTEN breeding facilities over diamond veins. | 354182 josepharaoh99 creature-roar.mp3 |
Nut | 4 |  | Metal | Metal | Hardware | In the great ships that cross the oceans, thousands of NUT and BOLT provide power and hold the steel plating together. | Steel Clang (Superpowers).wav |
Bolt | 5 |  | Metal | Metal | Hardware | The presence of a BOLT makes a NUT clamp down harder and spark more energy. | Steel Clang (Superpowers).wav |
Arthrobolt | 6 |  | Lightning Metal | Metal | Foreman | It feels uncomfortable commanding its fellow NUT and BOLT, and usually runs away. But then the NUT and BOLT have no one to instruct them. | Steel Clang (Superpowers).wav |
Tweesher | 7 |  | Frost | Water | Halcyon | The colder the weather, the harder its beak. At below 0 degrees, it is harder than diamond. | Woosh-1.wav |
Heronquak | 8 |  | Frost Sky | Water | Crested | The crystal on its chest is mistaken for a diamond by poachers. It melts when it is removed from HERONQUAK's body. | Woosh-1.wav |
Eaglace | 9 |  | Frost Sky | Water | Cirrus | When it takes flight, clouds form. When it claps its wings, hail falls. | Woosh-1.wav |
Lambert | 10 |  | Wood | Wood | Gumnut | It is placed in its nut by its parent, who then sends it into the world. | Bug 03.ogg |
Legko | 11 |  | Wood | Wood | Lizard | Long thought to be legless, its leaves are actually vestigial limbs. | Bug 03.ogg |
Moloch | 12 |  | Wood Heroic | Wood | Devil | It can stiffen or soften its skin to respond to friends and foes. | Growl1.wav |
Agnite | 13 |  | Fire | Fire | False Dragon | It is playful, but must be taught early on to keep its fire in check. | Foom 0.wav |
Agnidon | 14 |  | Fire | Fire | False Dragon | It prefers four legs, but can stand on two to open doors, push over trees or hold things. | 353067 josepharaoh99 bite-cartoon-style.mp3 |
Agnigon | 15 |  | Fire Shadow | Fire | False Dragon | It is called a "false dragon", because it appears to be a dragon, but actually evolved from a different line of ancient reptiles. | 354182 josepharaoh99 creature-roar.mp3 |
Grintot | 16 |  | Earth | Earth | Pebble | It is a GRINTROCK or GRINFLARE that has experienced erosion. | Misc 12.ogg |
Grinflare | 17 |  | Earth Fire | Earth Fire | Igneous | It is said that each is the walking heart of a volcano. | Misc 07 metal.ogg |
Grintrock | 18 |  | Lightning Earth | Metal Earth | Thunderstone | It feeds by sitting out in thunderstorms, waiting to be struck by lightning. | Misc 06 wood and metal.ogg |
Memnomnom | 19 |  | Normal | Metal | Relic | It is said that each one's mask is the face of a different dead king. | 262314 steffcaffrey cat-meow3.wav |
Miaownolith | 20 |  | Earth Normal | Metal Earth | Desolate | It can speak the human tongue, but only to say cryptic riddles. | Roar 05.ogg |
Pyraminx | 21 |  | Cosmic Normal | Metal | Noble | It has a tomb hidden somewhere in the land. If it finds it, it can sleep. | Growl1.wav |
Mauai | 22 |  | Metal Shadow | Metal | Anubis | MAUAI gives itself over to the spirits of lost warriors trapped inside its weapon. | Missing |
Dollfin | 23 |  | Water | Water | Joyful | Each one follows a ship from place to place, exploring the world. | Spit 01.ogg |
Delfeco | 24 |  | Water Wood | Water Wood | Joyful Dolphin | DELFECO's streamlined body allows for swift navigation through water, and its intelligence is evident in its complex hunting strategies. Despite its size, it's known for its playful nature and strong bond with its trainer. | Missing |
Bigfin | 25 |  | Water | Water | Island | A whole ecosystem exists on its back, so it tries not to go underwater. | Burble 02.ogg |
Sharpfin | 26 |  | Water Heroic | Water Wood | Rip | It is invisible in the water, being visible only when it leaps out of the water to drag animals on the shore back into the deep. | 353067 josepharaoh99 bite-cartoon-style.mp3 |
Budaye | 27 |  | Wood | Wood | Mutual | It can convince any group to cooperate for the common good with some encouraging mewls and waves. | 262310 steffcaffrey cat-purr-twit5.wav |
Bamboon | 28 |  | Wood Heroic | Wood | Prehensile | It fights with its bamboo staff, which it also uses for balance. | Woosh-1.wav |
Frondly | 29 |  | Wood Cosmic | Wood | Helping Hand | It can do anything with its prehensile tail, even shake hands and pick fruit. | 262310 steffcaffrey cat-purr-twit5.wav |
Ignibus | 30 |  | Fire | Fire | Hot Rock | When threatened it retreats into its shell and cools down dramatically by venting steam. It could be mistaken for a rock. | Spell fire 07.ogg |
Embazook | 31 |  | Metal Fire | Metal Fire | Gunner | It is trained for use in war and it knows no other life. | Spell fire 07.ogg |
Eruptibus | 32 |  | Earth Fire | Fire | Hot Rock | Smiths work with it, heating up metals in its caldera. | Troll 02.ogg |
Cataspike | 33 |  | Metal Venom | Metal | Pointy | It learns to fight from observation. Left to its own devices, it uses its spike to pick up rubbish. | Insekt001.ogg |
Puparmor | 34 |  | Metal Venom | Metal | Fortified | Its cocoon is so hard, people are knocked out if a PUPARMOR is dropped on them. They were once loaded into cannons and catapults. | Insekt001.ogg |
Weavifly | 35 |  | Metal Sky | Metal | Brood | When it is heavy with egg, it becomes unable to fly. | Insekt001.ogg |
Vamporm | 36 |  | Venom Shadow | Water | Clot | It thirsts for blood, but must make do with tree sap. | Bug 12.ogg |
Dracune | 37 |  | Venom Shadow | Water | Cloaked | It is immobile during the day, but can wriggle and bite at night. | Grunt 02.ogg |
Fluttaflap | 38 |  | Sky Shadow | Water | Sanguine | It feeds on impurities, so it returns purified blood to those it sucks on. | Eat 03.ogg |
Elofly | 39 |  | Sky Normal | Water | Cloudburst | An ELOFLY on its own is patient and wise, but when it flocks in great numbers it becomes violent and impulsive. | Woosh-2.wav |
Elowind | 40 |  | Sky Normal | Water | Cloudburst | The lieutenants of the ELOFLY family, ELOWIND shepherd the flock and keep it focused. | Woosh-2.wav |
Elostorm | 41 |  | Sky Normal | Water | Cloudburst | Kings and queens, the ELOSTORM rule their people and have great ambition. | Woosh-2.wav |
Aardorn | 42 |  | Normal | Earth | Snout | When born it is placed in an anthill and left to eat its way out. | 262310 steffcaffrey cat-purr-twit5.wav |
Aardart | 43 |  | Normal | Earth | Anteater | It keeps count of every ant it has eaten, and celebrates significant numbers. | 262310 steffcaffrey cat-purr-twit5.wav |
Squabbit | 44 |  | Heroic | Earth | Rabbit | To prove themselves, they will fight tooth and nail over even the smallest thing. | 262310 steffcaffrey cat-purr-twit5.wav |
Rabbitosaur | 45 |  | Heroic | Earth | Rabbit | Its tunnels are extensive and wide, the site of tremendous wars between burrows. | 262310 steffcaffrey cat-purr-twit5.wav |
Eyenemy | 46 |  | Cosmic | Metal | Pupil | It feeds on beautiful views and other spectacular sights. | Retro beep 05.ogg |
Eyesore | 47 |  | Cosmic | Metal | Overseer | It remembers everything it has ever seen, but not the order that it has seen it in. | Retro beep 05.ogg |
Pipis | 48 |  | Sky Normal | Wood | Echo | Its cries are considered a bad omen, but it is a gentle creature. | Woosh-2.wav |
Strella | 49 |  | Sky Normal | Wood | Trailing | Its tails are lures to convince bugs to bite them and be trapped. | Woosh-2.wav |
Noctula | 50 |  | Sky Shadow | Water | Nightcrawler | It eats fruit and PIPIS eat bugs, so despite living in close proximity they do not compete. | Monster 17.ogg |
Noctalo | 51 |  | Sky Shadow | Water | Nightcrawler | It inhabits only places abandoned by humans - castles, graveyards and sewers. | Grunt 04.ogg |
Nudiflot ♂ | 52 |  | Water Venom | Water | Flotsam | Its feathery antennas snap off if it is attacked, confusing the predator. | 25819 freqman splash-1.wav |
Nudikill | 53 |  | Water Venom | Water | Dark Bishop | They are called Dark Bishops because their heads are reminiscent of a bishop's hat. | 25819 freqman splash-1.wav |
Nudiflot ♀ | 54 |  | Water Cosmic | Water | Flopped | It eats and stores the poison of the sea creatures that it feeds upon. | 25819 freqman splash-1.wav |
Nudimind | 55 |  | Water Cosmic | Water | Reverie | It dreams of oceans under other skies. | 25819 freqman splash-1.wav |
Katapill | 56 |  | Metal Venom | Metal Wood | Beat | It is born fighting. It has to punch out of its eggshell or be trapped. | Insekt001.ogg |
Katacoon | 57 |  | Metal Venom | Metal Wood | Stance | It stays in a meditative pose for its chrysalis, moving only to jab enemies. | Insekt001.ogg |
Bugnin | 58 |  | Metal Venom | Metal Wood | Honour | Its sword is actually an antenna grown and snapped off for that purpose. | Swords Clash.wav |
Sumchon | 59 |  | Metal Heroic | Metal Wood | Wrestling | It uses its weight to trip much larger enemies. It is as dense as a star. | Grunt 03.ogg |
Gladiatorbug | 60 |  | Metal Heroic | Wood | Bustuarius | GLADIATORBUG is a massive insectoid tuxemon with a deep, armored exoskeleton and distinctive wings running along its back. Its mandibles can crush steel. | Missing |
Anu | 61 |  | Cosmic | Metal | Dream Fox | It is said that it enters others' dreams to search for its lost love. | Bark.wav |
Cardiling | 62 |  | Fire Sky | Fire | Firebird | One wouldn't expect it to breathe fire, until it does. | Woosh-1.wav |
Cardiwing | 63 |  | Fire Sky | Fire | Firebird | Its song is remarkable, but few dare keep an explosive songbird. | Woosh-1.wav |
Cardinale | 64 |  | Fire Sky | Fire | Firebird | It hates all predators with a passion, and makes war with them and their young when it can. | Woosh-1.wav |
Anoleaf | 65 |  | Wood | Wood | Sprout | It considers the plants growing near it to be its brothers and sisters. | Misc 06.ogg |
Gectile | 66 |  | Wood | Wood | Climbing | It is so quick and light that it can walk on leaves. | Misc 06.ogg |
Velocitile | 67 |  | Wood | Wood | Restless | It can outrun a bullet, but only when it has warmed up. | Misc 07.ogg |
Fluoresfin | 68 |  | Lightning Water | Water | Light Fin | When threatened, it huddles together with other Fluoresfin to create a large blinding light to disorientate predators. | Spit 02.ogg |
Incandesfin | 69 |  | Lightning Water | Water | Light Fin | Its entire body has massively grown in size. However, its light is still the exact same. | Burble 02.ogg |
Lightmare | 70 |  | Lightning Water | Water | Nightmare Fuel | It lurks in the depths of the ocean, luring any unsuspecting prey using its light right into its large, gaping mouth. | Burble 02.ogg |
Cairfrey | 71 |  | Normal | Earth | Host | A jolly piece of furniture who awoke one morning and decided to explore. | Ghost 1.ogg |
Possessun | 72 |  | Shadow | Metal | Visitor | It is a ghost that inhabits a dead CAIRFREY. | Ghost 1.ogg |
Dandicub | 73 |  | Wood | Wood | Floret | After a litter is born, they float all over the world and never see their family again. | 262314 steffcaffrey cat-meow3.wav |
Dandylion | 74 |  | Wood | Wood | Lion's Tooth | It gives birth to one litter in its life. Then it wanders the world trying to find them. | Roar 03.ogg |
Embra | 75 |  | Fire | Fire | Flicker | It eats everything it can to grow big enough to become a RUPTION. | Foom 0.wav |
Ruption | 76 |  | Fire | Fire | Bonfire | Once Embra's flame becomes hot enough, it engulfs its entire body, essentially replacing it in the process. | Foom 0.wav |
Shybulb | 77 |  | Wood | Wood | Gardener | When a garden is neglected, a SHYBULB moves in and quietly tends the droopy plants. | Cute 03.ogg |
Narcileaf | 78 |  | Wood | Wood | Gardener | When a SHYBULB has restored a garden to glory, it morphs and proudly takes credit for its work. | Cute 04.ogg |
Tikoal | 79 |  | Wood Fire | Wood Fire | Taboo | The guardian of a forest-dwelling people, it keeps guard and resolves disputes. | Spell fire 06.ogg |
Tikorch | 80 |  | Wood Fire | Wood Fire | Taboo | It is the intermediary between forest and volcano, between sun and earth. | Spell fire 06.ogg |
Hatchling | 81 |  | Sky | Wood | Egg | When an egg does not want to hatch and begin its next life stage, it becomes a HATCHLING. | Cute 01.ogg |
Birdling | 82 |  | Sky | Wood | Bird Brain | The ignorant believe that it carries its own egg upon its back. It is the guard for a far more important egg than that. | Cute 01.ogg |
Bursa | 83 |  | Fire Cosmic | Fire | Too Hot | It rejects fire as "basic", and produces only the fire of the mind. | Terminal 03.ogg |
Flambear | 84 |  | Fire Cosmic | Fire | Too Hot | It can be tracked from the trail of boiled berry bushes and roasted trout it leaves in its wake. | 354182 josepharaoh99 creature-roar.mp3 |
Trapsnap | 85 |  | Wood Shadow | Wood | Barb | Its head is the only part of its body that doesn't grow as it ages. | 353067 josepharaoh99 bite-cartoon-style.mp3 |
Sapsnap | 86 |  | Wood Shadow | Wood | Barbed | Its terrific anger is off putting, but it passes quickly. | Growl1.wav |
Forturtle | 87 |  | Cosmic | Earth | Oracle Bone | It heats its shell to read the future from the cracks that emerge. | Troll 01.ogg |
Prophetoise | 88 |  | Fire Cosmic | Fire | Dragon Bone | Its heavenly fire is something foes rarely see coming. | Spell fire 07.ogg |
Pythwire | 89 |  | Lightning Metal | Metal | Power Socket | Observations of wild PYTHWIRE inspired the inventor of the first electrical outlet. | Misc 10.ogg |
Ouroboutlet | 90 |  | Lightning Metal | Metal Fire | Infinite Energy | The circuit focuses energy, creating a new type of electricity called griefed-lightning. | Misc 10.ogg |
Sockeserp | 91 |  | Lightning Metal | Metal | Power Socket Snake | An otherwise formiddable enemy, SOCKESERP is easily dispatched if it gets tangled up. | Misc 10.ogg |
Komodraw | 92 |  | Normal | Fire | Quickdraw | It uses its claws to carve its firearm out of wood, and uses it for powerful ranged attacks. | Monster 05.ogg |
Grimachin | 93 |  | Metal | Metal | Spook | It was made by a toy company to be a pet, but was too dangerous. | 262310 steffcaffrey cat-purr-twit5.wav |
Tigrock | 94 |  | Metal | Metal | Ex Machina | It is said that it had to invent itself because an evolution was not designed. | Echo-gurgle-whoosh 1.wav |
Tumbleworm | 95 |  | Venom | Metal | Buzzkill | When they have outgrown their honeycomb eggs, they drop to the ground face first. | Shoot 02.ogg |
Tumblebee | 96 |  | Venom | Metal | Drone | It builds hives that are perfect spheres, with the TUMBLEBEE inside just rolling about and buzzing with laughter. | Shoot 02.ogg |
Sampsack | 97 |  | Heroic | Metal | Brawn | A scientist wanted to separate his personalities, but he split his body. | Human 06.ogg |
Sampsage | 98 |  | Cosmic | Metal | Brains | A scientist took a drug that made him clever by day and violent by night. | Retro beep 06.ogg |
Abesnaki | 99 |  | Cosmic | Fire | Shield-Mask | Each face is a different pattern, and some say the symbols spell out words in a dead language. | Ghost 1.ogg |
Araignee | 100 |  | Venom | Metal | Weaver | Pedants who say all spiders have eight legs are strangely quiet on the case of ARAIGNEE. | Insekt001.ogg |
Axolightl | 101 |  | Water | Water | Inchoate | It lights the deep waters with its tail, marking a safe shelter for fish. | Spit 01.ogg |
Capiti | 102 |  | Normal | Wood | Woodwose | It looks like a baby, but some specimens have been found that are hundreds of years old. | 262310 steffcaffrey cat-purr-twit5.wav |
Capinyah | 103 |  | Heroic | Wood | Woodwose | Only after intense training in the jungles, lifting logs and river boulders, can CAPITI graduate to become CAPINYAH. | Missing |
Cochini | 104 |  | Normal | Earth | Tasty | It is as intelligent and aware as a three-year old child. It tastes delicious. | 262310 steffcaffrey cat-purr-twit5.wav |
Coleorus | 105 |  | Lightning Wood | Earth Wood | Timeless | It has existed, unchanged, for millions of years. | Insekt001.ogg |
Conifrost | 106 |  | Wood Frost | Water Wood | Taiga | If it sneezes, an avalanche occurs. It has a permanent sniffle. | Ice.wav |
Cowpignon | 107 |  | Wood Cosmic | Earth Wood | Enhancement | Some people dry it out and eat it as a medicinal enhancement. | Die 04.ogg |
Djinnbo | 108 |  | Fire Shadow | Fire | Vengeance | It is mistakenly believed that it is a human who died in a fire. Actually, its relatives did. | Ghost 1.ogg |
Dune Pincher | 109 |  | Normal | Water | Hermit | These hermits will wrap themselves in whatever is closest. In the desert, that is the burial shrouds of long-dead pharaohs. | Bug 09.ogg |
Foofle | 110 |  | Normal | Earth | Woolly | When one is in danger, all FOOFLE hear its cries, wherever they are. | Monster 17.ogg |
Ghosteeth | 111 |  | Shadow | Metal | Cheshire | It smiles because it knows how everyone it meets is going to die. | Ghost 1.ogg |
Hydrone | 112 |  | Metal Water | Metal Water | Short Circuit | It utilises an experimental technology that creates power from water. | Steel Clang (Superpowers).wav |
Lapinou | 113 |  | Normal | Metal | Thlay | When SQUABBITS were taken as fashionable pets, they adapted to domestic life and lost their violent natures. | 262310 steffcaffrey cat-purr-twit5.wav |
Manosting | 114 |  | Water Venom | Water | Balloon | It floats across the tops of cities, contemplating sharks. | Spit 01.ogg |
Masknake | 115 |  | Cosmic | Fire | Serpent's Tooth | When frightened or aggressive, it flashes a beautiful pattern with its tail. | Monster 19.ogg |
Pigabyte | 116 |  | Metal Normal | Metal | Electric Pig | Scientists found that the best computers have organic implants. | 354183 josepharaoh99 robotic-pig.mp3 |
Polyrock | 117 |  | Earth Heroic | Earth | Grasshopper | It disguises itself as a human child to sneak into dojos and learn from martial arts masters. | Stones 04.ogg |
Propellercat | 118 |  | Sky Normal | Metal | Eureka | Is it a new species, or just the pet of an inventor? | 262314 steffcaffrey cat-meow3.wav |
Sclairus | 119 |  | Wood | Wood | Fallow | When a crop is left unharvested - be it from laziness or disaster - its scarecrow becomes a dark and living creature. | Bug 03.ogg |
Sludgehog | 120 |  | Earth Wood | Earth | Garbage | It lives in rubbish, and eats it too. Its spikes seem sharp, but it can soften them at will. | Grunt 04.ogg |
Spighter | 121 |  | Venom Shadow | Wood | Eyerachnid | It's not fair that something so good at sneaking up on people, can't be snuck up on itself. | Bug 05.ogg |
Toufigel | 122 |  | Normal | Earth Water | Powder | It appears to be a fluffy insect, but it is actually a reptile coated in soft snow. | 262310 steffcaffrey cat-purr-twit5.wav |
Tourbidi | 123 |  | Wood | Wood | Elf Ring | If you find a circle of mushrooms or clover, it is a place where TOURBIDI dance. | Weird 09.ogg |
Volcoli | 124 |  | Wood Cosmic | Fire | Seasonal | It is the spirit of a forest. Its hair changes with the seasons. | 262310 steffcaffrey cat-purr-twit5.wav |
Botbot | 125 |  | Metal | Metal | Socket | It is a universal robot that can be adapted for any purpose. | 353624 josepharaoh99 game-shot-light-gun.wav |
AV8R | 126 |  | Metal Sky | Metal | Heliotrope | If the sun is out, it can fly as far or as high as it likes. | 353624 josepharaoh99 game-shot-light-gun.wav |
PiCC | 127 |  | Metal Water | Metal | Bladder | It accompanies divers, providing much needed oxygen. | Spit 02.ogg |
MRmOswitch | 128 |  | Lightning Metal | Metal | Gremlin | These cheeky robots are used for their fine motor skills, but they love pranks. | 353624 josepharaoh99 game-shot-light-gun.wav |
K9 | 129 |  | Metal Heroic | Metal | Cute | It is a helpful companion that can pull a tonne of weight. | 353624 josepharaoh99 game-shot-light-gun.wav |
B-ver.1 | 130 |  | Metal Wood | Metal | Gnawer | It is designed for all those times you need something to be bitten by a robot. | 353067 josepharaoh99 bite-cartoon-style.mp3 |
Zunna | 131 |  | Normal | Metal | Slurpy | Cheerful ZUNNA sucks up all the food it can find into its stomach. | Eat 01.ogg |
Vivipere | 132 |  | Normal | Earth | Potentia | It hatches in great numbers in the summer, but the rest of its lifespan is a mystery. | Stones 04.ogg |
Vivicinder | 133 |  | Fire | Fire | Lit | It makes its nest in long-burning fires, either of its own creation or in memorials, smithies and glassworks. | Foom 0.wav |
Viviphyta | 134 |  | Wood | Wood | Germinated | It is the king of snakes - or at least believes itself to be such. | Monster 16.ogg |
Viviteel | 135 |  | Metal | Metal | Galvanised | It takes the armour of a fallen warrior and repurposes it for a shell. | Steel Clang (Superpowers).wav |
Vivitrans | 136 |  | Frost | Metal Water | Sublimated | The cold focuses VIVITRANS' mind to a keen edge. | Ice.wav |
Vivitron | 137 |  | Lightning | Metal | Sparked | Early philosophers used VIVITRON as evidence that natural forces can be tamed and controlled. | Monster 16.ogg |
Vividactil | 138 |  | Earth | Earth | Exhumed | In ancient times, the Year of the VIVIDACTIL marked a time of renewal and the restoration of authority. | Missing |
Vivisource | 139 |  | Water | Water | Purified | The spring it chooses for its home always has a peculiar oniony taste. | Missing |
Chloragon | 140 |  | Wood | Wood | Dragon | It hatches when an ancient egg is planted in fertile soil. When the eggs run out, there will be no more CHLORAGON. | 353067 josepharaoh99 bite-cartoon-style.mp3 |
Sapragon | 141 |  | Wood | Wood | Dragon | In olden times, each element had a mighty dragon - but those creatures have diminished and are rare in these days. | Growl1.wav |
Dragarbor | 142 |  | Wood Cosmic | Wood | Dragon | When it feels it is coming to the end of its life, it travels to a graveyard where it plants itself. Its tail flower grows forever. | Monster 06.ogg |
Rhincus | 143 |  | Earth Sky | Earth | Missing Link | It has some properties of a reptile and some of a bird. | Stones 04.ogg |
Shammer | 144 |  | Earth | Earth | Fossil | In ancient times it hunted RHINCUS beneath ashen skies. | Bark.wav |
Drokoro | 145 |  | Fire | Fire | Dragon | Once it had a family, but it ate its parents, and it ate its children, and it ate its mate, and it ate all of its kind. | 354182 josepharaoh99 creature-roar.mp3 |
Yiinaang | 146 |  | Shadow Cosmic | Water Fire | Balance | It was born the first time a star fell into a black hole. | Echo-gurgle-whoosh 1.wav |
Snarlon | 147 |  | Shadow Normal | Earth | Westerly | It does not fly, but its feet never touch the ground. The king of paradox. | 354182 josepharaoh99 creature-roar.mp3 |
Conileaf | 148 |  | Wood | Wood | Pitcher | Foods placed in its pitcher are blended and pickled. They are used to store food without it going off. | Burp 02.ogg |
Foxfire | 149 |  | Fire | Fire | Smoke | FOXFIRE cubs are found in fires that burned out overnight. No one knows where they come from. | 262310 steffcaffrey cat-purr-twit5.wav |
Vulpyre | 150 |  | Fire | Fire | Firefox | How it evolves and lives is very mysterious, but it is sometimes spotted near a volcano. | Missing |
Pharfan | 151 |  | Water | Water | Little Elephant | At the watering hole it keeps its friends RINOCEREED and HAMPOTAMOS well watered. | Cute 02.ogg |
Nostray | 152 |  | Water | Water | Proboscis | It can smell anything in the ocean, no matter how far away. | 25819 freqman splash-1.wav |
Shnark | 153 |  | Water | Water | Disguised | SHNARK wears its last meal's flesh as a disguise so it can get close to its trusting prey. | Missing |
Chillimp | 154 |  | Frost Heroic | Earth Water | Frost Ape | It is rumoured to live atop snowy mountains, but no clear photo of it has ever been taken. | Ice.wav |
Snowrilla | 155 |  | Frost Heroic | Water | Yeti | It delights in playing tag with skiers on desolate slopes. | Missing |