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HeliotropeFlierIf the sun is out, it can fly as far or as high as it likes.
AardartNormalAnteaterVarmintIt keeps count of every ant it has eaten, and celebrates significant numbers.
AardornNormalSnoutVarmintWhen born it is placed in an anthill and left to eat its way out.
AbesnakiCosmicShield-MaskSerpentEach face is a different pattern, and some say the symbols spell out words in a dead language.
AgnidonFireFalse DragonDragonIt prefers four legs, but can stand on two to open doors, push over trees or hold things.
False DragonDragonIt is called a "false dragon", because it appears to be a dragon, but actually evolved from a different line of ancient reptiles.
AgniteFireFalse DragonDragonIt is playful, but must be taught early on to keep its fire in check.
AllagonMetalDragonDragonAllagon are drawn to relics made from the metals left behind by their ancestors, and will be violent to retrieve them.
AltieCosmicAlienHumanoidALTIE floated down to earth in a bubble. Now its bubble has popped, it cannot float more than a few metres in the air.Missing
AmbuwlCosmicRestorativeSpriteThe egg in its pouch does not hatch. Instead, it secretes a delicious drink with restorative powers.Missing
Driven SnowHumanoidThose who survive getting lost in hostile, icy conditions often mention a mysterious presence guiding them even when the snow is too heavy to see through.Missing
Enraged EmotionBlobIt cannot understand why humans feel rage and hatred, but ANGRITO feels these urges too.Missing
AnoleafWoodSproutVarmintIt considers the plants growing near it to be its brothers and sisters.
AnuCosmicDream FoxVarmintIt is said that it enters others' dreams to search for its lost love.
Old BlockHumanoidThe kings of old used psychic powers to transfer their souls into these golden computing machines. Now they live on, unable to communicate but still dreaming of empires.Missing
AraigneeVenomWeaverGrubPedants who say all spiders have eight legs are strangely quiet on the case of ARAIGNEE.
ForemanHumanoidIt feels uncomfortable commanding its fellow NUT and BOLT, and usually runs away. But then the NUT and BOLT have no one to instruct them.
AxylightlWaterInchoatePolliwogIt lights the deep waters with its tail, marking a safe shelter for fish.
GnawerVarmintIt is designed for all those times you need something to be bitten by a robot.
PrehensileSpriteIt fights with its bamboo staff, which it also uses for balance.
BanlingWoodSepulchreBruteEach BANLING is waiting for a homeless spirit to nestle in its branches.Missing
BaobaraffeWoodTree GiraffeLandraceIt stores mass amounts of water in its huge body so that it can travel long distances across hot, dry deserts. It will also share water with thirsty creatures. When it has no water stored it is skinny.Missing
BaobyWoodThirsty OkapiLandraceThey travel from river to river in search of water to drink and store. The leafy ossicones on its head conceal movable points that act similar to a dowsing rod. Many creatures follow Baoby in droughts.Missing
BeenstalkerWoodScarytaleHunterWhat BEENSTALKER lacks in sense and grace, it makes up for in sheer enthusiasm and goodwill. It delights in scaring off vermin, but never harming them.Missing
BigfinWaterIslandLeviathanA whole ecosystem exists on its back, so it tries not to go underwater.
BirdlingSkyBird BrainFlierThe ignorant believe that it carries its own egg upon its back. It is the guard for a far more important egg than that.
BlasdoorMetalTrapdoorSpriteBLASDOOR shield those they care about behind their impenetrable bulk, but macerate unwanted intruders and scrap machines between their steel teeth.Missing
BoltMetalHardwareBlobThe presence of a BOLT makes a NUT clamp down harder and spark more energy.
BoltnuMetalScrewdriverBlobIt spends most of its time digging burrows into the grounnd, it remains dizzy from the constant vibrations and movement caused by them digging into the soil.Missing
BotbotMetalSocketGrubIt is a universal robot that can be adapted for any purpose.
MacropodBruteWith its long blue cape, BOXALI can glide above the ground - allowing it to perform stunts and aerial attacks.Missing
GenieVarmintBorn in neglected, once prized, pottery and similar treasures. Rumored to grants wishes to those who can make it smile.Missing
Brick WallBlobWhen the winter comes, Imbrickcile builds a defensive cocoon of bricks to protect it from predators.Missing
Brick WallBruteBe wary when kicking a Bricgard's nest, because percussive force is the trigger the tuxemon needs to burst forth once it has formed into a Brickhemoth.Missing
BudayeWoodMutualSpriteIt can convince any group to cooperate for the common good with some encouraging mewls and waves.
HonourBruteIts sword is actually an antenna grown and snapped off for that purpose.
BumbulusSkyVeiledBlobBumbulus is a flying being that produces a cloud of smoke to disguise itself as a cloud. No one has ever seen its true body.Missing
Too HotHumanoidIt rejects fire as "basic", and produces only the fire of the mind.
CairfreyNormalHostBlobA jolly piece of furniture who awoke one morning and decided to explore.
KidLandraceCAPER play and frolic with each other among the foam of mountain rivers, cold as ice.Missing
CapinyahHeroicWoodwoseHumanoidOnly after intense training in the jungles, lifting logs and river boulders, can CAPITI graduate to become CAPINYAH.Missing
CapitiNormalWoodwoseSpriteIt looks like a baby, but some specimens have been found that are hundreds of years old.
FirebirdFlierOne wouldn't expect it to breathe fire, until it does.
FirebirdFlierIt hates all predators with a passion, and makes war with them and their young when it can.
FirebirdFlierIts song is remarkable, but few dare keep an explosive songbird.
PointyGrubIt learns to fight from observation. Left to its own devices, it uses its spike to pick up rubbish.
CateyeCosmicSentinelHunterThey say it blinks once a year, in honour of summer's end.