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 Default64pxTXMN Sub-ElementSpeciesTXMN Body ShapeTXMN BlurbMainCall
ChenipodeTravel BugGrubIt bites onto shoelaces and trouser legs when it wants to travel.
CherubatPatuFlierThese inquisitive bats are drawn by the heady emotions of people in love, and carry back unsupervised bouquets and chocolate boxes to build their nests.Missing
ChibiroFalse TurnipVarmintIt is found in forests and fields, where it is often mistaken for a turnip.Missing
ChillimpFrost ApeBruteIt is rumoured to live atop snowy mountains, but no clear photo of it has ever been taken.
ChloragonDragonDragonIt hatches when an ancient egg is planted in fertile soil. When the eggs run out, there will be no more CHLORAGON.
ChromeyeMixed EmotionBlobCHROMEYE was created to observe and learn how humans think and feel.Missing
ClaymoriorTerracottaHumanoidIt is said that only one in a thousand can rule over the CLAYMORIOR as a REGALANCE.Missing
CochiniTastyVarmintIt is as intelligent and aware as a three-year old child. It tastes delicious.
ColeorusTimelessSpriteIt has existed, unchanged, for millions of years.
ConglolemGolemBruteThe gel has long ago dried out, but CONGLOLEM continues.Missing
ConifrostTaigaBlobIf it sneezes, an avalanche occurs. It has a permanent sniffle.
ConileafPitcherBlobFoods placed in its pitcher are blended and pickled. They are used to store food without it going off.
CoproblightDung PileBlobCoproblight were attracted to piles of dung, especially those created by large prehistoric Tuxemon. They would dig in these piles to acquire more dung to build up their bodies and find useful defensive parts, like bone shards.Missing
CorvixHorned RaptorFlierIt arms its wings with bone shards from its victims.
CowpignonEnhancementSpriteSome people dry it out and eat it as a medicinal enhancement.
CrankusCrankyLandraceFrom one mountaintop to another, CRANKUS can be heard bleating to one another in running arguments that end only with the spring thaws.Missing
CriniothermeMercuryHunterIts mane shines during the day, grows big and red at sunset, and blows away as ash at night.
CubfortComfortSpriteIts calming presence helps with healing, and those who sleep beside a Cubfort never have a nightmare.Missing
DandicubFloretBlobAfter a litter is born, they float all over the world and never see their family again.
DandylionLion's ToothHunterIt gives birth to one litter in its life. Then it wanders the world trying to find them.
DankushZazaSpriteA DANKUSH can stop itself from burning by holding its breath, causing plumes of smoke to billow forth from each leaf.Missing
DemosnowTemptedSpriteDEMOSNOW delight in luring travelers deeper into the wilderness than is strictly safe, promising them glory and adventure.Missing
DevidinDog-ToothedLandraceA dicynodont that came back to life and decided to become the dinosaur everyone always mistakes it for.Missing
DevidraDog-ToothedLandraceLook closely, for ultra fine fur gives away it is devilishly pretending to be a dinosaur.Missing
DeviraptorDog-ToothedDragonThe single pair of feathers on its head are fakes, hinting at its devilish true identity.Missing
DinoflopVolte-faceDragonDINOFLOP delights in quickly turning away from its attackers so their blows land on its shielded and spiny back.
DjinnboVengeanceHumanoidIt is mistakenly believed that it is a human who died in a fire. Actually, its relatives did.
DoctskyErythrocyteHunterThe little hyena just wants to take care of others, but has a bad reputation after a movie with it as a villain came out.Missing
DollfinJoyfulLeviathanEach one follows a ship from place to place, exploring the world.
DracuneCloakedBlobIt is immobile during the day, but can wriggle and bite at night.
DragarborDragonDragonWhen it feels it is coming to the end of its life, it travels to a graveyard where it plants itself. Its tail flower grows forever.
DrashimiDragon RollPolliwogIt lies on the ground, smelling delicious and tempting monsters to take a bite - but when they approach, it bites them first.Missing
DrokoroDragonDragonOnce it had a family, but it ate its parents, and it ate its children, and it ate its mate, and it ate all of its kind.
Dune PincherHermitGrubThese hermits will wrap themselves in whatever is closest. In the desert, that is the burial shrouds of long-dead pharaohs.
EaglaceCirrusFlierWhen it takes flight, clouds form. When it claps its wings, hail falls.
EloflyCloudburstFlierAn ELOFLY on its own is patient and wise, but when it flocks in great numbers it becomes violent and impulsive.
ElostormCloudburstFlierKings and queens, the ELOSTORM rule their people and have great ambition.
ElowindCloudburstFlierThe lieutenants of the ELOFLY family, ELOWIND shepherd the flock and keep it focused.
EmbazookGunnerPolliwogIt is trained for use in war and it knows no other life.
EmbraFlickerBlobIt eats everything it can to grow big enough to become a RUPTION.
EndurosDefensiveBruteENDUROS is an aggressive brawler that does not pull its blows. Out of the ring, it is quite sociable.Missing
EruptibusHot RockLandraceSmiths work with it, heating up metals in its caldera.
ExapodeBig FrightfearGrubIt waves its legs to attract attention, but mostly people just run away.
ExclawvateDiggerDragonOften seen on construction sites, they can use their huge hands and tail to scoop up dirt and rubble. Underneath the tuxemon are caterpillar tyres, giving them a beter balance and grip while climbing heaps of rubble.Missing
EyenemyPupilSerpentIt feeds on beautiful views and other spectacular sights.
EyesoreOverseerSerpentIt remembers everything it has ever seen, but not the order that it has seen it in.
FancairDeadly FanSpriteIf someone leaves their fan running when they do not need it, it comes alive and flies out the window to find someone who actually needs to be cooled.
FerricranDragonDragonOnce, the Ferricran were covered all over with adamantine scales, and had wings of mithril.
FiromenisDragon MothDragonThese tuxemon are large and tough from the many years spent as a MERLICUN. Their jaws can crush through trees and bones, and their flight is strong enough to carry people.Missing