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 Default64pxTXMN Sub-ElementSpeciesTXMN Body ShapeTXMN BlurbMainCall
LapinouThlayVarmintWhen SQUABBITS were taken as fashionable pets, they adapted to domestic life and lost their violent natures.
LegkoLizardSerpentLong thought to be legless, its leaves are actually vestigial limbs.
LendosVisionBlobWhen two UNEYE become tangled, they form a single unified LENDOS.Missing
LesmaguVagrantPolliwogIt oozes along the sea floor, looking for hard nooks and crannies to hide in until it develops its shell.Missing
LightmareNightmare FuelLeviathanIt lurks in the depths of the ocean, luring any unsuspecting prey using its light right into its large, gaping mouth.
LolifernoSpirit FireBlobIt is said that the LOLIFERNO's fire could not be extinguished. Yet, despite its power, LOLIFERNO has a playful side, and is known to dance among the flames it creates.Missing
LucificeNinth CircleSpriteIs it the wind howling through the trees, or LUCIFICE calling the dark spirits of the night to join its hunt?Missing
LunightQuasarSpriteLUNIGHT is the guardian of the night, and can control the moon and its phases.Missing
MRmOswitchGremlinSpriteThese cheeky robots are used for their fine motor skills, but they love pranks.
ManostingBalloonPolliwogIt floats across the tops of cities, contemplating sharks.
MasknakeSerpent's ToothSerpentWhen frightened or aggressive, it flashes a beautiful pattern with its tail.
MauaiAnubisHumanoidMAUAI gives itself over to the spirits of lost warriors trapped inside its weapon.Missing
MedipupErythrocyteVarmintWhen MEDIPUP sniff out sickness, they bounce over and nuzzle the affected creature. MEDIPUP's wet noses are effective, but some patients have been crushed under an overly enthusiastic pack.Missing
MedushockJellyfishPolliwogTend to stay away from shore and known to be aggressive to people. Stingers are used to stun its prey. Swim safely.Missing
MemnomnomRelicHunterIt is said that each one's mask is the face of a different dead king.
MerlicunDragon WormVarmintMerlicun is a hardy insect that has evolved to be efficient at both attack and defense. They gather in the tree canopies of ancient forests to feed on fruits and leaves.Missing
MetesaurMeteorFlierThis tuxemon would enjoy diving into the ground and leaving marks. Sometimes, the tuxemon would misjudge the hit and land in trees, starting huge and dangerous forest firesMissing
MiaownolithDesolateHunterIt can speak the human tongue, but only to say cryptic riddles.
MingdynDragonDragonEvery 12 years, a single MINGDYN egg is laid. Its discovery marks a time of renewal and upheaval across the land.Missing
MolochDevilBruteIt can stiffen or soften its skin to respond to friends and foes.
MystikapiPrescientLandraceThe MYSTIKAPI's saliva augments psychic powers. It licks its eyes and ears to heighten its senses.Missing
NarcileafGardenerBlobWhen a SHYBULB has restored a garden to glory, it morphs and proudly takes credit for its work.
NeutritoCalm EmotionBlobNEUTRITO feels nothing. The perfect machine?Missing
NimbulexVeiledBlobNIMBULEX dresses itself in sparks and storm clouds to protect its delicate inner core.Missing
NoctaloNightcrawlerFlierIt inhabits only places abandoned by humans - castles, graveyards and sewers.
NoctulaNightcrawlerFlierIt eats bugs and PIPIS eat fruit, so despite living in close proximity they do not compete.
NostrayProboscisPiscineIt can smell anything in the ocean, no matter how far away.
Nudiflot ♀FloppedPolliwogIt eats and stores the poison of the sea creatures that it feeds upon.
Nudiflot ♂FlotsamPolliwogIts feathery antennas snap off if it is attacked, confusing the predator.
NudikillDark BishopPolliwogThey are called Dark Bishops because their heads are reminiscent of a bishop's hat.
NudimindReveriePolliwogIt dreams of oceans under other skies.
NuenfluSnowballVarmintIt snuggles in homes in the winter months, spreading diseases.
NutHardwareBlobIn the great ships that cross the oceans, thousands of NUT and BOLT provide power and hold the steel plating together.
OctabodeHermitPolliwogOCTABODE make ancient vessels and artifacts their homes, dreaming of the lives of those who used the relics before them.Missing
OuroboutletInfinite EnergySerpentThe circuit focuses energy, creating a new type of electricity called griefed-lightning.
PairagrimTwo-Headed FalconFlierOne of Pairagrim's heads is always searching for prey, while the other focuses on flying at great speed.Missing
PairagrinTwo-Headed FalconFlierThe young form of Pairagrim, it is a generally happy creature. It struggles to fly until the two heads learn to work together.Missing
PantherafiraMercuryHunterEach member of the pride lights their mane from a shared bonfire. As long as that fire burns, their strength is shared.Missing
PharfanLittle ElephantLandraceAt the watering hole it keeps its friends RINOCEREED and HAMPOTAMOS well watered.
PiCCBladderPiscineIt accompanies divers, providing much needed oxygen.
PigabyteElectric PigBlobScientists found that the best computers have organic implants.
PilthropusMissing LinkHumanoidFound alongside Tuxemon such as Rhincus, Pilthropus is the oldest humanoid Tuxemon to date. They can create and wield crude stone tools.Missing
PipisEchoFlierIts cries are considered a bad omen, but it is a gentle creature.
PoinchinSpinyGrubPOINCHIN make nests in the coral and can be tempted out by bread and milk.Missing
PolyrockGrasshopperBruteIt disguises itself as a human child to sneak into dojos and learn from martial arts masters.
PossessunVisitorBlobIt is a ghost that inhabits a dead CAIRFREY.
PotturmeistPotteryBlobPotturmeist are spirits of the dead that take refuge in empty vessels. In ancient temples, acolytes must distract the monsters lest they interrupt important ceremonies.Missing
PotturneyPotteryBlobBy the time a Potturmeist has reached its maturity, its protective urn has so changed shape that it resembles no pottery made by human hands. Some insist that the designs on a Potturmeist's urn are writings from the far future.Missing
PropellercatEurekaFlierIs it a new species, or just the pet of an inventor?