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 TXMN IDDefault64pxOverlandSpriteTXMN HeightTXMN WeightTXMN Body ShapeSpeciesTXMN Blurb
Statursus191190160HumanoidInner FireSTATURSUS has learned to channel its emotions into a single pure flame. The mere sight of it sends others into a trance.
Strella49808FlierTrailingIts tails are lures to convince bugs to bite them and be trapped.
Sumchon59Missing150125BruteWrestlingIt uses its weight to trip much larger enemies. It is as dense as a star.
Tadcool268Missing251PolliwogAlarmIt croaks to warn people when they are walking near thin ice.
Tarpeur217Missing191GrubRestfulThey rest and grow. They also grow and rest. Rarely, they rest without growing or grow without resting.
Taupypus219Missing603VarmintFlatfootUpon their birth, a TAUPYPUS' eyes are burst by its mother. That way, their eyes will never sting when they dive into the water.
Teddisun170Missing11060HumanoidCute TeddyTeddisun worships the sun - they're always seen carrying their sun toy.
Tetrchimp196Missing454HumanoidChipThey absorb any information they come across. Their constant chatter communicates everything they have learned in order.
Tigrock94Missing200220HunterEx MachinaIt is said that it had to invent itself because an evolution was not designed.
Tikoal796811BlobTabooThe guardian of a forest-dwelling people, it keeps guard and resolves disputes.
Tikorch8013644BlobTabooIt is the intermediary between forest and volcano, between sun and earth.
Tobishimi187Missing180169DragonDragon RollTOBISHIMI spawn eggs in vast numbers, and carry them about under their chins for safekeeping until the next full moon - when they hatch.
Toufigel122Missing403VarmintPowderIt appears to be a fluffy insect, but it is actually a reptile coated in soft snow.
Tourbidi123Missing4214HumanoidElf RingIf you find a circle of mushrooms or clover, it is a place where TOURBIDI dance.
Trapsnap8512060BruteBarbIts head is the only part of its body that doesn't grow as it ages.
Tsushimi186Missing13685DragonDragon RollWhile sometimes referred to as its armor, the fleshy plates on TSUSHIMI are softer than its skin. Their purpose remains unknown.
Tumblebee96Missing6623FlierDroneIt builds hives that are perfect spheres, with the TUMBLEBEE inside just rolling about and buzzing with laughter.
Tumbledillo231Missing6414VarmintErmineTumbledillo have a mystical connection to a particular road, and they guard it from people who would interfere with it - even pothole repair crews!
Tumblequill220Missing272VarmintUrchinTumblequill rolls along the highways, gathering up useful items for its nests from the rubbish left by the side of the road.
Tumbleworm95Missing215GrubBuzzkillWhen they have outgrown their honeycomb eggs, they drop to the ground face first.
Turnipper198Missing6525HunterScarytaleWhen a field is abandoned to the crows, locusts and mice, a TURNIPPER will sometimes dig itself out of the ground to defend the crops.
Tux254Missing11555FlierPenguinMost comfortable in arctic climes, TUX hunt weaker prey by leaping upon it, and crack open the shells or armor of stronger prey by sliding it along the ice into hard rocks.
Tweesher7Missing451FlierHalcyonThe colder the weather, the harder its beak. At below 0 degrees, it is harder than diamond.
UF0267Missing807GrubSpace CutieThis strange creature seems to be drawn by sounds that are too high for human ears to hear.
Uglip246Missing302PiscineDeep-SeaWhen it is pulled up too quick from its home in the deep waters, UGLIP becomes puffy and pained.
Uneye240Missing453.5BlobVisionUneye lurks in the shadows, and on the edge of vision.
Urcheedle243Missing300.5BlobSpikedIt can't move or attack, so it sits still and prays that the opponent damages itself on its many needles.
Urcine21611545BruteTemperWhen a FURNURSUS is born without the fire inside, it is abandoned in the forests as an URCINE.
Vamporm36Missing171GrubClotIt thirsts for blood, but must make do with tree sap.
Velocitile67Missing15075HumanoidRestlessIt can outrun a bullet, but only when it has warmed up.
Vigueur218Missing384BruteEnergisedVIGUEUR compete to see who can lift the heaviest rocks. When they lift one that is too heavy, it squashes them and scatters TARPEUR seeds.
Vivicinder133959SerpentLitIt makes its nest in long-burning fires, either of its own creation or in memorials, smithies and glassworks.
Vividactil138Missing9710FlierExhumedIn ancient times, the Year of the VIVIDACTIL marked a time of renewal and the restoration of authority.
Vivipere132858SerpentPotentiaIt hatches in great numbers in the summer, but the rest of its lifespan is a mystery.
Viviphyta134879SerpentGerminatedIt is the king of snakes - or at least believes itself to be such.
Vivisource139Missing1079SerpentPurifiedThe spring it chooses for its home always has a peculiar oniony taste.
Viviteel135Missing10218SerpentGalvanisedIt takes the armour of a fallen warrior and repurposes it for a shell.
Vivitrans136Missing9811SerpentSublimatedThe cold focuses VIVITRANS' mind to a keen edge.
Vivitron137Missing9212SerpentSparkedEarly philosophers used VIVITRON as evidence that natural forces can be tamed and controlled.
Volcoli124Missing5318HumanoidSeasonalIt is the spirit of a forest. Its hair changes with the seasons.
VolconeyMissing8532VarmintRoamingWhen VOLCONEY thump the earth with their gigantic feet, they call more and more THUMPURN and VOLCONEY to the warren. But when enough strike the earth at once, it is said to cause volcanic eruptions.
Waysprite262Missing151SpriteWaveringWAYSPRITE are said to form when a person faces a difficult decision.
Weavifly355217GrubBroodWhen it is heavy with egg, it becomes unable to fly.
WeedseaMissing10010BlobSeaweedOnce a year, it is pollinated beneath the waves by aquatic tuxemon like Shrab.
Windeye180300600HumanoidTowerLike a mighty tree, WINDEYE plants itself on the top of hills to soak in the sun and wind. Recharged, it then leaves to find another place under the sky.
Wolffsky279Missing13050HunterLupineThis tuxemon is very friendly. It is common to go hunting with the help of WOLFFSKY.
Woodoor250Missing2,04046SpritePortalWhen a haunted house burns to the ground, sometimes all that is left is the front door. It hops away to find its next home.
Wrougon15912096DragonDragonEach Wrougon is born with a patch of rust larger than the patch of its parents.
Yiinaang146Missing2000BlobBalanceIt was born the first time a star fell into a black hole.
Ziggurat242301VarmintMazerunnerNo labyrinth that can contain ZIGGURAT. It decorates its nests with carvings of all the mazes it has traversed over the years.