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 MainImageFrontSpriteTXMN TypeSpeciesTXMN Blurb
DollfinDollfin-main.pngDollfin-front-.pngWaterJoyfulEach one follows a ship from place to place, exploring the world.
DracuneMissingDracune.pngWaterCloakedIt is immobile during the day, but can wriggle and bite at night.
DragarborMissingDragarbor-front alt.pngWoodDragonWhen it feels it is coming to the end of its life, it travels to a graveyard where it plants itself. Its tail flower grows forever.
The noisy dragon tuxemon
Draquasar37-1 96px.pngMissingMetal
Dragon RollIt lies on the ground, smelling delicious and tempting monsters to take a bite - but when they approach, it bites them first.
Driper18 1.pngMissing
DrokoroDrokoro main.pngDrokoro 64x front.pngFireDragonOnce it had a family, but it ate its parents, and it ate its children, and it ate its mate, and it ate all of its kind.
Duggot10 0.pngDuggot-front.pngEarth
Unwelcome MouthfulWhen TUMBLEBEE tries to drink fruit juice, a DUGGOT may latch on and take over its brain.
Dune PincherMissingDune-pincher-front.pngWaterHermitThese hermits will wrap themselves in whatever is closest. In the desert, that is the burial shrouds of long-dead pharaohs.
EaglaceFkmn commission eaglace by devildman-dabrrgw.png9 by levaine-dabti61.pngWaterCirrusWhen it takes flight, clouds form. When it claps its wings, hail falls.
Earog16 2.pngMissing
EdinologWooden unicorn main.pngMissingWood
Eggatch13 1.png13 1 64x64.png
EggmileArtwork-Eggmil.jpgMissingEarthThe smiling baby tuxemonIt's always ravenous. Never let your fingers near its mouth...
EkpineWooden pony main.pngMissingWood
EllnessEllness.pngMissingWaterSkullResiding at the bottom of the sea, this tuxemon inhabits the remains of long lost sailors and pirates lost to the ocean. They swarm bodies floating on the surface, before collecting their flesh-stricken bones to add to their collection.
EloflyMissingEloflyFront 64px.pngWaterCloudburstAn ELOFLY on its own is patient and wise, but when it flocks in great numbers it becomes violent and impulsive.
ElostormMissingElostorm Front 64px.pngWaterCloudburstKings and queens, the ELOSTORM rule their people and have great ambition.
ElowindMissingElowindFront 64px.pngWaterCloudburstThe lieutenants of the ELOFLY family, ELOWIND shepherd the flock and keep it focused.
EmbazookNemo05.pngGunnerturtle front.pngMetal
GunnerIt is trained for use in war and it knows no other life.
EmbraMissingEmbra.pngFireFlickerIt eats everything it can to grow big enough to become a RUPTION.
EmperulaEmperula.pngMissingWaterGowned DeerThey will often find abandoned churches and monuments, and will hang upside down from the wooden beams. They are worshipped by the local people. Due to their serene grace and royal appearance, many will often go to their territory to bring them gifts of food and comfort. It is illegal to kill this tuxemon due to its religious symbolism.
EndurosMissingEnduros front.pngEarthDefensiveENDUROS is an aggressive brawler that does not pull its blows. Out of the ring, it is quite sociable.
EquillMissingEquill-front.pngEarthCave-DwellerIts bitterness causes it to transform. It hides its ugliness in the dark.
EruptibusVolcanoturtle-main.pngVolcanoturtle-front.pngFireHot RockSmiths work with it, heating up metals in its caldera.
EskipupMissingEskipup.pngWaterFrostyEven as a puppy, it can pull 1 ton loads.
ExapodeMissingExapode front.pngEarthBig FrightfearIt waves its legs to attract attention, but mostly people just run away.
ExclawvateExclawvate-resized.pngDdm2123-4948e6bd-2116-4936-8755-45095d7ed12c.pngMetalDiggerOften seen on construction sites, they can use their huge hands and tail to scoop up dirt and rubble. Underneath the tuxemon are caterpillar tyres, giving them a beter balance and grip while climbing heaps of rubble.
EyenemyMissingEyenemy-front.pngMetalPupilIt feeds on beautiful views and other spectacular sights.
EyesoreMissingEyesore-front.pngMetalOverseerIt remembers everything it has ever seen, but not the order that it has seen it in.
FancairFkmn commission fancair by devildman-dadfm3z.png6 by levaine-damt69o.pngMetalDeadly FanIf someone leaves their fan running when they do not need it, it comes alive and flies out the window to find someone who actually needs to be cooled.
FeliuxdoFeliuxdo.jpgMissingMetalSuitedThey are quite the quick footed tuxemon, and are very quick to make decisions. Their 'suit' is actually their fur, they are very popular amongst businessmen for their aesthetically pleasing looks.
Ferrell45 0.pngMissing
FerricranMissingFerricran.pngMetalDragonOnce, the Ferricran were covered all over with adamantine scales, and had wings of mithril.
Ferrior45 2.pngMissing