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Revision as of 05:48, 6 March 2020

This category uses the form Item. There are 130 so far.

See also Category:Main Sprite, which has sprites that could illustrate items.

Story Items

 MainImageItem CategoryMainSpriteTXMN Description
Ancient Egg0 0.pngItemT7FiZjz.pngA peculiar egg. If you plant it, maybe it will hatch.
Book of WishesMissingItemW Book07 24x24.pngThe Achievement Maniac's list of achievements for you to attempt.
Dojo PassMissingItemToll-pass.pngAdmit one to the Dojo of the Five Elements.
Earthmover KeyMissingItemAdmin-key.pngCould come in handy if there's a giant earthmover blocking the path.
Fusion ReportMissingItemTourbidi-fight-record.pngThe new TUXEMON fusion technology! You've scanned this and uploaded it to TUXEPEDIA.
Gold PassMissingItemPixel icons by oceansdream13.pngEnjoy the Cathedral's deluxe services.
Petrified DungMissingItemCoprolite.pngIt looks like, well, poo ... but it's hard as stone.
Rhincus FossilMissingItemRhincus skull.pngIt looks like the skull of a toothed bird, but it's hard as stone.
Shammer FossilMissingItemShammer skull.pngIt looks like the skull of an ancient dog, but it's hard as stone.
Spyder PassMissingItemItem5.pngThis should let you in to places only Spyder conspirators are meant to go.

Functional Items

 MainImageItem CategoryMainSpriteTXMN Description
Bank AppChest.pngItemIridescent item 7.pngAccess your funds here whenever you're in a town.
Contacts AppMissingItemGreenpresentbox.pngCall your friends and battle the people of your choice.
Friendship ScrollMissingItemI Scroll02.pngIt allows to deepen your relationship with the monsters.
Map AppMap.pngItemIridescent item 5.pngUse this on your phone to see where you are.
Nu PhoneMissingItemItem6.pngYou can do a lot with this, e.g. phone home.
Renaming AppParchment2.pngItemRecipe.png
Tuxepedia AppMissingItemTuxepedia.pngKeep track of information about Tuxemon here, and share it with the world.
XP TransmitterMissingItemPixel icons by oceansdream24.pngWhen this item is in your possession, all monsters that did not participate in defeating a monster get half of the XP. The remainder goes to the monsters that did participate.

Morph Items

 MainImageItem CategoryMainSpriteTXMN Description
Booster TechMissingItemBiofuel.pngAn open source technology that allows you to morph Botbot into a different form.
Earth BoosterMissingItemEarth b.pngIt uses the power of Earth to morph a tuxemon into a different form.
Fire BoosterMissingItem2nd the king 7.pngIt uses the power of Fire to morph a tuxemon into a different form.
FlintstoneMissingItemIron-ore.pngA flaky stone used to make stone tools and start fires. Not at the same time.
Lima PieMissingItemPielima.pngA tasty cake baked from lima berries.
Lucky BambooMissingItemBamboo staff.pngTechnically, it's not bamboo at all. Nor is it particularly lucky. But it makes a nice indoor plant.
Metal BoosterMissingItemMetal b.pngIt uses the power of Metal to morph a tuxemon into a different form.
Miaow MilkMissingItemThe king 6.pngCats love the taste of Miaow Milk™!
Ox StickMissingItemOx stick.pngAn inspiring weapon for an ancient tuxemon.
Peace LilyMissingItemPeace lily.pngA hardy indoor plant for someone special.
PyramidionMissingItemPyramidion.pngA golden triangle that hums with celestial power.
Sea GirdleMissingItemAc Necklace06 24x24.pngA string of baubles, soft and slimy like kelp.
StovepipeMissingItemPixel icons by oceansdream7.pngA long iron pipe. Handling it leaves your hands sooty and ashen.
Sweet SandMissingItemSugar.pngIn parts of the world, people clean themselves with this fragrant, sudsy sand.
Tectonic DrillMissingItemWorksite 8.pngA big click-clack machine used to drill into the earth.
ThunderstoneMissingItemSilver-ore.pngAn old stone relic, now carried about for good luck.
Water BoosterMissingItemWater b.pngIt uses the power of Water to morph a tuxemon into a different form.
Wood BoosterMissingItem2nd the king 8.pngIt uses the power of Wood to morph a tuxemon into a different form.

Held Items

Not implemented in the game so far. Could also have held items that made monsters immune to certain conditions.

 MainImageItem CategoryMainSpriteTXMN Description
Antidote GrapesMissingItemI C Grapes 24x24.png
Cure FesteringMissingItemI C Pear 24x24.pngRinse out the wound and you'll be right.
DieMissingItemDie.pngConfused? Roll the die and do whatever it says!
FeatherMissingItemFeather .pngTickle your assailant and force them to relinquish their grip!
FluteMissingItemFlute .png
HorseshoeMissingItemHorseshoe.pngOn the wrong foot? Put a horseshoe on it!
MarbleMissingItemPixel icons by oceansdream23.pngNever lose your marbles again!
Open HandMissingItemPixel icons by oceansdream32.pngAttacks made by a tuxemon holding this item will never reduce a foe below 1 HP.
Refreshing SliceMissingItemI C Watermellon 24x24.png
Toy BearMissingItemPlushmouboo.pngSubstitute this toy bear for yourself when your life energy is being sapped!
XP FeederMissingItemPixel icons by oceansdream35.pngA tuxemon that holds this item receives half of all XP gained by your party, regardless of whether it participated in battle. The remainder of the XP is split between monsters that did participate.


 MainImageItem CategoryMainSpriteTXMN Description
CureallMissingItemORANGE 2.pngHeals your tuxemon to full health and removes any conditions.
Imperial PotionPotion-yellow.pngItemImperial Potion.pngHeals a monster by 500 HP.
Mega PotionPotion-green.pngItemPotion-grade-d.pngHeals a monster by 200 HP.
PotionPotion-red.pngItemPotion.pngHeals a monster by 20 HP.
RestorationMissingItemAPPLE 2.pngRemove any condition currently affecting the target.
ReviveMissingItemShroom3.pngRevives an unconscious monster and sets their HP to 20.
Super PotionPotion-violet.pngItemSuper potion.pngHeals a monster by 50 HP.

Stat Boost Items

Technique Teaching Items

Not implemented in the game so far.

 MainImageItem CategoryMainSpriteTXMN Description
Move Module (Earth)MissingItemEasteregg-yellow.pngLearn the particular Earth type technique in this MM. Then it is consumed.
Move Module (Fire)MissingItemEasteregg-red.pngLearn the particular Fire type technique in this MM. Then it is consumed.
Move Module (Metal)MissingItemEasteregg-pink.pngLearn the particular Metal type technique in this MM. Then it is consumed.
Move Module (Water)MissingItemEasteregg-blue.pngLearn the particular Water type technique in this MM. Then it is consumed.
Move Module (Wood)MissingItemEasteregg-green.pngLearn the particular Wood type technique in this MM. Then it is consumed.
TM: AvalancheMissingItemBook - leather.pngTechnique Manual that teaches a Water or Earth Tuxemon the Avalanche technique.
TM: BlossomMissingItemBook - green.pngTechnique Manual that teaches a Wood Tuxemon the Blossom technique.
TM: SurfMissingItemItem2.pngTechnique Manual that teaches a Water Tuxemon the Surf technique.
Technical Manual (Earth)MissingItemBook - leather.pngLearn the particular Earth type technique in this TM.
Technical Manual (Fire)MissingItemItem1.pngLearn the particular Fire type technique in this TM.
Technical Manual (Metal)MissingItemBook - yellow.pngLearn the particular Metal type technique in this TM.
Technical Manual (Water)MissingItemItem2.pngLearn the particular Water type technique in this TM.
Technical Manual (Wood)MissingItemBook - green.pngLearn the particular Wood type technique in this TM.

Complete List

 Item CategoryTXMN DescriptionTXMN EffectsTXMN TargetTXMN TypeTXMN RequirementsTXMN Usable InTXMN PowerTXMN Consumable
Ancient EggItemA peculiar egg. If you plant it, maybe it will hatch.
Ancient TeaOut of Combat ConsumableAdds 1277 to a monster's XP.Gain XPWorldYes
Ancient TuxeballItemThis Tuxeball was made a long time ago and is capable of catching any Tuxemon without fail.CaptureCombatYes
Antidote GrapesItemImmune PoisonPlayerWorld, combat
Badge: GreenwashNo Current UseWorldYes
Badge: NimrodNo Current UseWorldYes
Badge: OmnichannelNo Current UseWorldYes
Badge: ScoopNo Current UseWorldYes
Badge: ShaftNo Current UseWorldYes
Bank AppItemAccess your funds here whenever you're in a town.World
BivouacOut of Combat ConsumableRest as if you were at a proper healing centre. Consumed on use.WorldYes
Book of WishesItemThe Achievement Maniac's list of achievements for you to attempt.
Boost ArmourCombat ConsumableFor the rest of the combat, increase Armour by 20%.Buff ArmourPlayerCombatYes
Boost DodgeCombat ConsumableFor the rest of the combat, increase Dodge by 20%.Buff DodgePlayerCombatYes
Boost MeleeCombat ConsumableFor the rest of the combat, increase Melee by 20%.Buff MeleePlayerCombatYes
Boost RangedCombat ConsumableFor the rest of the combat, increase Ranged by 20%.Buff RangedPlayerCombatYes
Boost SpeedCombat ConsumableFor the rest of the combat, increase Speed by 20%.Buff SpeedPlayerCombatYes
Booster TechItemAn open source technology that allows you to morph Botbot into a different form.EvolveWorldYes
Candy TuxeballItemCaptures Tuxemon and increases its level (+1) upon capture.CaptureCombatYes
Contacts AppItemCall your friends and battle the people of your choice.World
Crusher TuxeballItemThis Tuxeball breaks through defenses and increases the catch rate the higher the opposing Tuxemon's defense is. It will fail to catch if a protective condition is in place.CaptureCombatYes
Cure FesteringItemRinse out the wound and you'll be right.Immune FesteringPlayerWorld, combatYes
CureallItemHeals your tuxemon to full health and removes any conditions.Heal
PlayerWorld, combatYes
DieItemConfused? Roll the die and do whatever it says!PlayerWorld, combat
Diurnal TuxeballItemCaptures more easily during daytime, but its effectiveness is significantly reduced during the night.CaptureCombatYes
Dojo PassItemAdmit one to the Dojo of the Five Elements.
DroneOut of Combat ConsumableSwitch out one tuxemon on your team for one in storage.WorldYes
Earth BoosterItemIt uses the power of Earth to morph a tuxemon into a different form.EvolveEarthWorld
Earth TuxeballItemCaptures more easily an Earth Tuxemon.CaptureEarthCombatYes
Earthmover KeyItemCould come in handy if there's a giant earthmover blocking the path.World
Escape KeyOut of Combat ConsumableSlip out the back door.Teleport to last townPlayerWorldYes
FeatherItemTickle your assailant and force them to relinquish their grip!Immune GrabbedPlayerCombatYes
Female TuxeballItemCaptures more easily a Female Tuxemon.CaptureCombatYes
Fire BerryCombat ConsumableIt changes monster type into fire.Switch Fire TargetFireCombatYes
Fire BoosterItemIt uses the power of Fire to morph a tuxemon into a different form.EvolveFireWorld
Fire TuxeballItemCaptures more easily a Fire Tuxemon.CaptureFireCombatYes
Fishing RodExploration ItemCatch fish.World
FlintstoneItemA flaky stone used to make stone tools and start fires. Not at the same time.EvolveWorldYes
FluteItemImmune Nodding Off
Immune Dozing
PlayerWorld, combatYes
Friendship ScrollItemIt allows to deepen your relationship with the monsters.
Fusion ReportItemThe new TUXEMON fusion technology! You've scanned this and uploaded it to TUXEPEDIA.
Gambler TuxeballItemThis tuxeball is known for its unpredictable nature. Its catch rate fluctuates wildly, with the chance of capturing a tuxemon ranging from extremely low to exceptionally high.CaptureCombatYes
Gold PassItemEnjoy the Cathedral's deluxe services.
Grand TuxeballItemOffers an even higher capture rate than the Lavish Tuxeball, increasing the chances of a successful catch.CaptureCombatYes
Hardened TuxeballItemCaptures Tuxemon and it doesn't break when it fails.CaptureCombatYes
HatchetExploration ItemCut down pesky logs with the Hatchet.World
Hearty TuxeballItemUpon capture, the tuxemon's positive taste changes to hearty.CaptureCombatYes
HoeNo Current UseWorld
HorseshoeItemOn the wrong foot? Put a horseshoe on it!RestorePlayerWorld, combat
HoverboardNo Current UseFrom your Mom. It lets you travel faster.
Imperial PotionItemHeals a monster by 500 HP.HealPlayertarget HP < 0, target HP > 1.0World, combatYes
Imperial TeaOut of Combat ConsumableAdds 3005 to a monster's XP.Gain XPWorldYes
Lavish TuxeballItemThe capture has a higher chance of succeeding.CaptureCombatYes
Lima PieItemA tasty cake baked from lima berries.EvolveWorldYes
Lucky BambooItemTechnically, it's not bamboo at all. Nor is it particularly lucky. But it makes a nice indoor plant.EvolveWorldYes
Majestic TuxeballItemBoasts the highest capture rate of all, making it the ultimate choice for catching even the most elusive tuxemon.CaptureCombatYes
Male TuxeballItemCaptures more easily a Male Tuxemon.CaptureCombatYes
Map AppItemUse this on your phone to see where you are.World
MarbleItemNever lose your marbles again!PlayerWorld, combatYes
Mega PotionItemHeals a monster by 200 HP.HealPlayertarget HP < 0, target HP > 1.0World, combatYes
Metal BoosterItemIt uses the power of Metal to morph a tuxemon into a different form.EvolveMetalWorld
Metal CherryCombat ConsumableIt changes monster type into metal.Switch Metal TargetMetalCombatYes
Metal TuxeballItemCaptures more easily a Metal Tuxemon.CaptureMetalCombatYes
Miaow MilkItemCats love the taste of Miaow Milk™!EvolveWorldYes
Move Module (Earth)ItemLearn the particular Earth type technique in this MM. Then it is consumed.Learn MMPlayerEarthWorldYes
Move Module (Fire)ItemLearn the particular Fire type technique in this MM. Then it is consumed.Learn MMPlayerFireWorldYes
Move Module (Metal)ItemLearn the particular Metal type technique in this MM. Then it is consumed.Learn MMPlayerMetalWorldYes
Move Module (Water)ItemLearn the particular Water type technique in this MM. Then it is consumed.Learn MMPlayerWaterWorldYes
Move Module (Wood)ItemLearn the particular Wood type technique in this MM. Then it is consumed.Learn MMPlayerWoodWorldYes
Mystery TeaOut of Combat ConsumableAdds 437 to a monster's XP.Gain XPWorldYes
NeptuneExploration ItemAdvanced fishing rod.World
Neuter TuxeballItemCaptures more easily a Neuter Tuxemon.CaptureCombatYes
Noble TuxeballItemA moderate upgrade to the standard Tuxeball, offering a reliable capture rate.CaptureCombatYes
Nocturnal TuxeballItemCaptures more easily during nighttime, but its effectiveness is significantly reduced during the day.CaptureCombatYes
Nu PhoneItemYou can do a lot with this, e.g. phone home.World
Omni TuxeballItemThis odd Tuxeball increases the chance of succeeding if the opposing Tuxemon is the same type as yours, but has a decreased chance if they are different types.CaptureCombatYes
Open HandItemAttacks made by a tuxemon holding this item will never reduce a foe below 1 HP.
Ox StickItemAn inspiring weapon for an ancient tuxemon.PlayerWorldYes
Park TuxeballItemThe official Park capture device. It only works inside the Park.CaptureCombatYes
Peace LilyItemA hardy indoor plant for someone special.EvolveWorldYes
Peppy TuxeballItemUpon capture, the tuxemon's positive taste changes to peppy.CaptureCombatYes
Petrified DungItemIt looks like, well, poo ... but it's hard as stone.WorldYes
PoseidonExploration ItemProfessional fishing rod.World
PotionItemHeals a monster by 20 HP.HealPlayertarget HP < 0, target HP > 1.0World, combatYes
PyramidionItemA golden triangle that hums with celestial power.EvolveWorldYes
Raise ArmourOut of Combat ConsumableLearn the hardness of the diamond. Increase Armour by 5%.Increase ArmourPlayerWorldYes
Raise DodgeOut of Combat ConsumableLearn the iridescence of the opal. Increase Dodge by 5%.Increase DodgePlayerWorldYes
Raise HPOut of Combat ConsumableLearn the bulk and abundance of quartz. Increase HP by 5%.Increase HPPlayerWorldYes
Raise MeleeOut of Combat ConsumableLearn the anger of the ruby. Increase Melee by 5%.Increase MeleePlayerWorldYes
Raise RangedOut of Combat ConsumableLearn the aim of the emerald. Increase Ranged by 5%.Increase RangedPlayerWorldYes
Raise SpeedOut of Combat ConsumableLearn the reflexes of the spinel. Increase Speed by 5%.Increase SpeedPlayerWorldYes
Refined TuxeballItemUpon capture, the tuxemon's positive taste changes to refined.CaptureCombatYes
Refreshing SliceItemImmune Fatigued
Immune Exhausted
PlayerWorld, combatYes
Renaming AppItem
RestorationItemRemove any condition currently affecting the target.RestorePlayerWorld, combatYes
ReviveItemRevives an unconscious monster and sets their HP to 20.HealPlayertarget unconsciousWorld, combatYes
Rhincus FossilItemIt looks like the skull of a toothed bird, but it's hard as stone.WorldYes
Salty TuxeballItemUpon capture, the tuxemon's positive taste changes to salty.CaptureCombatYes
Sea GirdleItemA string of baubles, soft and slimy like kelp.EvolveWorldYes
Shammer FossilItemIt looks like the skull of an ancient dog, but it's hard as stone.World
SledgehammerExploration ItemSmash apart grey boulders.World
Spyder PassItemThis should let you in to places only Spyder conspirators are meant to go.
StovepipeItemA long iron pipe. Handling it leaves your hands sooty and ashen.EvolveWorldYes
Super PotionItemHeals a monster by 50 HP.HealPlayertarget HP < 0, target HP > 1.0World, combatYes
SurfboardExploration ItemFrom your Mom. It lets you travel over water.
Sweet SandItemIn parts of the world, people clean themselves with this fragrant, sudsy sand.EvolveWorldYes
TM: AvalancheItemTechnique Manual that teaches a Water or Earth Tuxemon the Avalanche technique.TMEarthEarth typeWorldYes
TM: BlossomItemTechnique Manual that teaches a Wood Tuxemon the Blossom technique.TMPlayerWoodWood typeWorldYes
TM: SurfItemTechnique Manual that teaches a Water Tuxemon the Surf technique.TMWaterWater typeWorldYes
TeaOut of Combat ConsumableAdds 107 to a monster's XP.Gain XPWorldYes
Technical Manual (Earth)ItemLearn the particular Earth type technique in this TM.PlayerEarthWorldYes
Technical Manual (Fire)ItemLearn the particular Fire type technique in this TM.PlayerFireWorldYes
Technical Manual (Metal)ItemLearn the particular Metal type technique in this TM.PlayerMetalWorldYes
Technical Manual (Water)ItemLearn the particular Water type technique in this TM.PlayerWaterWorldYes
Technical Manual (Wood)ItemLearn the particular Wood type technique in this TM.PlayerWoodWorldYes
Tectonic DrillItemA big click-clack machine used to drill into the earth.EvolveWorldYes
ThunderstoneItemAn old stone relic, now carried about for good luck.EvolveWorldYes
Toy BearItemSubstitute this toy bear for yourself when your life energy is being sapped!Immune to lifeleechPlayerWorld, combat
TuxeballItemCaptures a monster.CaptureCombatYes
Tuxepedia AppItemKeep track of information about Tuxemon here, and share it with the world.World
Water BoosterItemIt uses the power of Water to morph a tuxemon into a different form.EvolveWaterWorld
Water TuxeballItemCaptures more easily a Water Tuxemon.CaptureWaterCombatYes
Watering CanNo Current UseWorld
Wood BoosterItemIt uses the power of Wood to morph a tuxemon into a different form.EvolveWoodWorld
Wood TuxeballItemCaptures more easily a Wood Tuxemon.CaptureWoodCombatYes
XP FeederItemA tuxemon that holds this item receives half of all XP gained by your party, regardless of whether it participated in battle. The remainder of the XP is split between monsters that did participate.
XP TransmitterItemWhen this item is in your possession, all monsters that did not participate in defeating a monster get half of the XP. The remainder goes to the monsters that did participate.
Xero TuxeballItemThis odd Tuxeball increases the chance of succeeding if the opposing Tuxemon is a different type than yours, but has a decreased chance if they are the same type.CaptureCombatYes
Zesty TuxeballItemUpon capture, the tuxemon's positive taste changes to zesty.CaptureCombatYes

Pages in category "Item"

The following 130 pages are in this category, out of 130 total.