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DelichickMissingWoodOddly enough, the location of a Delichick's birth determines its personality. The ones with brown feathers hatched on the eastern side of the region are headstrong and boisterous. The ones with dark blue feathers hatched on the western side of the region are quiet and reserved.
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DemosnowMissingWaterDEMOSNOW delight in luring travelers deeper into the wilderness than is strictly safe, promising them glory and adventure.
DevidinEarthA dicynodont that came back to life and decided to become the dinosaur everyone always mistakes it for.
DevidraEarthLook closely, for ultra fine fur gives away it is devilishly pretending to be a dinosaur.
DeviraptorEarthThe single pair of feathers on its head are fakes, hinting at its devilish true identity.
DinoflopMissingEarthDINOFLOP delights in quickly turning away from its attackers so their blows land on its shielded and spiny back.
DjinnboFireIt is mistakenly believed that it is a human who died in a fire. Actually, its relatives did.
DoctskyMissingMetalThe little hyena just wants to take care of others, but has a bad reputation after a movie with it as a villain came out.
DollfinWaterEach one follows a ship from place to place, exploring the world.
DracuneMissingWaterIt is immobile during the day, but can wriggle and bite at night.
DragarborMissingWoodWhen it feels it is coming to the end of its life, it travels to a graveyard where it plants itself. Its tail flower grows forever.
It lies on the ground, smelling delicious and tempting monsters to take a bite - but when they approach, it bites them first.
DrokoroFireOnce it had a family, but it ate its parents, and it ate its children, and it ate its mate, and it ate all of its kind.
Dune PincherMissingWaterThese hermits will wrap themselves in whatever is closest. In the desert, that is the burial shrouds of long-dead pharaohs.
EaglaceWaterWhen it takes flight, clouds form. When it claps its wings, hail falls.
EggmileMissingEarthIt's always ravenous. Never let your fingers near its mouth...
EllnessMissingWaterResiding at the bottom of the sea, this tuxemon inhabits the remains of long lost sailors and pirates lost to the ocean. They swarm bodies floating on the surface, before collecting their flesh-stricken bones to add to their collection.
EloflyMissingWaterAn ELOFLY on its own is patient and wise, but when it flocks in great numbers it becomes violent and impulsive.
ElostormMissingWaterKings and queens, the ELOSTORM rule their people and have great ambition.
ElowindMissingWaterThe lieutenants of the ELOFLY family, ELOWIND shepherd the flock and keep it focused.
It is trained for use in war and it knows no other life.
EmbraMissingFireIt eats everything it can to grow big enough to become a RUPTION.
EmperulaMissingWaterThey will often find abandoned churches and monuments, and will hang upside down from the wooden beams. They are worshipped by the local people. Due to their serene grace and royal appearance, many will often go to their territory to bring them gifts of food and comfort. It is illegal to kill this tuxemon due to its religious symbolism.