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 TXMN IDDefault64pxTXMN HeightTXMN WeightTXMN Body ShapeOverlandSpriteSpeciesTXMN Blurb
Flacono156706FlierMissingHorned RaptorIt is totally unafraid of adversaries, and will attack an enemy of any size without hesitation.
Flambear84250500BruteToo HotIt can be tracked from the trail of boiled berry bushes and roasted trout it leaves in its wake.
Flisces238281.5PiscineMissingCypselurusIt skims the surface of the water, evading detection until a powerful leap brings its sharp fins into play.
Flummack16040SpriteMissingCannibal CakeFLUMMACK no longer desires to be eaten, but to eat - even other FLUMMBY and FLUMMACK go down a treat.
Flummby201SpriteMissingPastryFLUMMBY was invented by a scientist who thought food that wanted to be eaten would be more ethical. It leaps into the mouth of anyone who could eat it.
Fluoresfin688011PiscineMissingLight FinWhen threatened, it huddles together with other Fluoresfin to create a large blinding light to disorientate predators.
Fluttaflap38477GrubMissingSanguineIt feeds on impurities, so it returns purified blood to those it sucks on.
Foofle110538VarmintWoollyWhen one is in danger, all FOOFLE hear its cries, wherever they are.
Fordin2115619LandraceMissingPetrifiedWhen threatened, it curls into a ball and bounces away.
Forturtle878555HumanoidMissingOracle BoneIt heats its shell to read the future from the cracks that emerge.
Foxfire149412VarmintMissingSmokeFOXFIRE cubs are found in fires that burned out overnight. No one knows where they come from.
Fribbit2695020PolliwogMissingRuefulIt is said that it was once a boy who licked a freezing lamp post.
Frondly2916060SpriteHelping HandIt can do anything with its prehensile tail, even shake hands and pick fruit.
Fruitera169302FlierTiny BatFRUITERA is greedy for fruit, and carries as much as it can. When startled, it drops all its fruit, gathers it all up again, and only then runs away.
Furnursus19011047HumanoidFireplaceFURNURSUS are friendly, and often forget that their bodies are too hot for others to touch.
Fuzzina237501BlobMissingToyWhen the child that abandoned a FUZZLET needs it again, it becomes a FUZZINA, a brave protector and nurturer of the small and the weak.
Fuzzlet236330.5BlobMissingToyWhen a child is no longer around to play with their toys, they sometimes come to life.
Galnec168406HunterMissingDry DesertGALNEC buries itself deep in the hot sands of the desert, only its stony tail above ground. In packs, they look like gardens of stone.
Gectile66547HumanoidMissingClimbingIt is so quick and light that it can walk on leaves.
Ghosteeth111700BlobCheshireIt smiles because it knows how everyone it meets is going to die.
Glombroc2738735BlobMissingAggregateIt stores its memories in its rocky shell. If some fall off, it is forgetful.
Graffiki2056513HumanoidMissingGamutGRAFFIKI are as at home in cities as they are in the jungle, tagging their territory with elaborate paintings.
Grimachin93453HunterMissingSpookIt was made by a toy company to be a pet, but was too dangerous.
Grinflare171603,000BruteIgneousIt is said that each is the walking heart of a volcano.
Grintot1670375BrutePebbleIt is a GRINTROCK or GRINFLARE that has experienced erosion.
Grintrock181603,000BruteThunderstoneIt feeds by sitting out in thunderstorms, waiting to be struck by lightning.
Grumpi206150160BruteGummyOnce grabbed by a GRUMPI, its sticky tacky body is impossible to escape from.
Gryfix15818031FlierMissingHorned RaptorBone armor protects GRYFIX from all but the most powerful of attacks.
Hampotamos150150180LandraceMissingHungryIt nibbles on RINOCEREED, clearing away dead skin, moss and weeds.
Happito1769055BlobEcstatic EmotionWhy can't people always be happy? HAPPITO will give them exactly what they want, even if it is not what they need.
Hatchling81201FlierEggWhen an egg does not want to hatch and begin its next life stage, it becomes a HATCHLING.
Hectapod27112045PolliwogMissingSea StormWhen it inflates its dome, it floats to the top of oceans, or even through mist and clouds.
Heronquak815012FlierCrestedThe crystal on its chest is mistaken for a diamond by poachers. It melts when it is removed from HERONQUAK's body.
Hotline25515050SpriteMissingMa BellThese curious creatures can leap great distances, letting out a strange, tinny cry that cannot be escaped however far their prey runs.
Howl235632.5FlierMissingAthenaHOWL's foolish exterior hides deep wisdom - if only it could communicate it, but its words come out as hoots and howls.
Hydrone112155200HumanoidShort CircuitIt utilises an experimental technology that creates power from water.
Ignibus306827PolliwogMissingHot RockWhen threatened it retreats into its shell and cools down dramatically by venting steam. It could be mistaken for a rock.
Imbrickcile259352SpriteMissingBrickImbrickcile shelter inside a single brick, emerging only to lift it to build their strength.
Incandesfin69250150PiscineMissingLight FinIts entire body has massively grown in size. However, its light is still the exact same.
Jelillow2076610BlobMissingJelly PillowWhen a person rests their head on Jelillow, its jelly-like skin causes them to fall into a deep sleep. If someone is having sleeping problems, then this monster will be used to help them.
Jeluna302BlobMissingMoon PhaseThe moon exercises its strange influence on Jeluna, causing these aerial jellyfish to change their forms over the course of a month.
Jemuar3160150HunterMissingPrecious BoulderThe gems on its back are the type found when it was born. There are extensive ROCKITTEN breeding facilities over diamond veins.
Joulraton244302.5VarmintMissingAmpedIts static coat of bristly fur attracts seeds, flowers and feathers, which it uses for food or nesting materials.
K9129605HunterMissingCuteIt is a helpful companion that can pull a tonne of weight.
Katacoon575812GrubMissingStanceIt stays in a meditative pose for its chrysalis, moving only to jab enemies.
Katapill56323GrubMissingBeatIt is born fighting. It has to punch out of its eggshell or be trapped.
Kernel253300SpriteMissingVirtualKERNEL is a core component of the monster system (kennel) and item system (locker), and serves as the main interface between the computer’s physical hardware and the processes running on it. Known as JAS-KERI-BIT from its creators.
Komodraw9215555HumanoidMissingQuickdrawIt uses its claws to carve its firearm out of wood, and uses it for powerful ranged attacks.
Komoduel27816575HumanoidMissingGunslingerMany a wrongdoer has fled town after seeing just the silhouette of an approaching KOMODUEL.
Lambert106937SpriteMissingGumnutIt is placed in its nut by its parent, who then sends it into the world.