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TXMN Stats
Type(s) Wood
Element(s) Normal, Wood
Completed Complete
Body Shape Varmint
ID 212
Blurb It is found in forests and fields, where it is often mistaken for a turnip.
Height/Length (centimetres) 36
Weight (kilograms) 3
Catch Rate 100
Sex(es) Male, Female
Evolution Stage Standalone
Fusion Name First Part Chi
Fusion Name Second Part -biro

Set 1Set 2Creature Progress Tracker

211 ←

212 [[FaceSprite1::Chibiro face 1.png|24px|link=|class=bottom]][[FaceSprite2::Chibiro face 2.png|24px|link=|class=top]] Chibiro

→ 213

Chibiro, the False Turnip tuxemon, is a Wood-type monster.

FR blurb: Il puise ses ressources dans les forêts, et des fois dans les champs, car on le confond souvent avec un navet

Trivia[edit | edit source]

Name Origin: chibi + Totoro

Design Origin[edit | edit source]

In The Spyder in the Cathedral Campaign[edit | edit source]


Evolution[edit | edit source]

[[Default64px::Chibiro front 64.png|64px]]

Sprites[edit | edit source]

Tuxemon Standard[edit | edit source]

64px [[FrontSprite::Chibiro front 64.png|64px]] [[BackSprite::20-0 64px.png|64px]]
Face Sprites [[FaceSprite1::Chibiro face 1.png|24px]] [[FaceSprite2::Chibiro face 2.png|24px]]
Overland Sprites Missing Missing

Other Standards[edit | edit source]

48px Missing Missing
56px Missing Missing
80px Missing Missing
Menu Sprites (32px) Missing Missing
Menu Sprites (24px) Missing Missing
Menu Sprites (16px) Missing Missing


Contributors[edit | edit source]

First Appeared: [1]

OPMon, Sanglorian

From the open source game OPMon. Face sprite resized by Sanglorian.

Variations[edit | edit source]

Evolutions[edit | edit source]

At the moment, this is a double-up, but that will be fixed.

[[Default64px::Chibiro front 64.png|64px]]

Techniques[edit | edit source]

In other languages[edit | edit source]

Language Name Category Blurb


{{#set_internal:Technique Allocation | Parent Page=Chibiro | Has Technique#list=Sting|+sep=, | Technique Level#list=2|+sep=, }} {{#set_internal:Technique Allocation | Parent Page=Chibiro | Has Technique#list=Fluff Up|+sep=, | Technique Level#list=2|+sep=, }} {{#set_internal:Technique Allocation | Parent Page=Chibiro | Has Technique#list=Overgrowth|+sep=, | Technique Level#list=6|+sep=, }} {{#set_internal:Technique Allocation | Parent Page=Chibiro | Has Technique#list=Fester|+sep=, | Technique Level#list=8|+sep=, }} {{#set_internal:Technique Allocation | Parent Page=Chibiro | Has Technique#list=Stonehenge|+sep=, | Technique Level#list=12|+sep=, }} {{#set_internal:Technique Allocation | Parent Page=Chibiro | Has Technique#list=Blossom|+sep=, | Technique Level#list=16|+sep=, }} {{#set_internal:Technique Allocation | Parent Page=Chibiro | Has Technique#list=Chameleon|+sep=, | Technique Level#list=20|+sep=, }} {{#set_internal:Technique Allocation | Parent Page=Chibiro | Has Technique#list=Sylvan|+sep=, | Technique Level#list=24|+sep=, }} {{#set_internal:Technique Allocation | Parent Page=Chibiro | Has Technique#list=Radiance|+sep=, | Technique Level#list=28|+sep=, }} {{#set_internal:Technique Allocation | Parent Page=Chibiro | Has Technique#list=Cat Calling|+sep=, | Technique Level#list=32|+sep=, }} {{#set_internal:Technique Allocation | Parent Page=Chibiro | Has Technique#list=Splinter|+sep=, | Technique Level#list=36|+sep=, }} {{#set_internal:Technique Allocation | Parent Page=Chibiro | Has Technique#list=Clairaudience|+sep=, | Technique Level#list=40|+sep=, }}