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 MainImageFrontSpriteTXMN TypeSpeciesTXMN Blurb
Firomenis menu 3.png
Firomenis menu 4.png
Firomenis shiny.png
FlaconoMissingMetalHorned RaptorIt is totally unafraid of adversaries, and will attack an enemy of any size without hesitation.
FlambearMissingFireToo HotIt can be tracked from the trail of boiled berry bushes and roasted trout it leaves in its wake.
Flambear 2.png
Flambear 4.png
FlamguMissingFireFireworkDespite its immense power and dangerously immense flames, they are gentle giants. If they witness sadness and melancholy atmospheres, they will often create a mini firework display within their huge paw to cheer others up.
FlaminggoFireSummerIt eats fire, and it gets pinker the warmer it is.
FliscesMissingWaterCypselurusIt skims the surface of the water, evading detection until a powerful leap brings its sharp fins into play.
FlummackMetalCannibal CakeFLUMMACK no longer desires to be eaten, but to eat - even other FLUMMBY and FLUMMACK go down a treat.
FlummbyMetalPastryFLUMMBY was invented by a scientist who thought food that wanted to be eaten would be more ethical. It leaps into the mouth of anyone who could eat it.
FluoresfinMissingWaterLight FinWhen threatened, it huddles together with other Fluoresfin to create a large blinding light to disorientate predators.
FluttaflapWaterSanguineIt feeds on impurities, so it returns purified blood to those it sucks on.
FolsteinMissingWoodTree SmasherThrough evolution, the tuxemon becomes much more aggressive and suddenly feels the need to smash down trees. They contribute significantly to the ecosystem of the region, as they can knock down dead trees and free up space for new plants to bloom
FoofleEarthWoollyWhen one is in danger, all FOOFLE hear its cries, wherever they are.
FordinWoodPetrifiedWhen threatened, it curls into a ball and bounces away.
ForighnessMissingWoodVirtueIt is the spirit of god-kings, pontifexes and crusaders.
ForthroboMissingMetalForthrobo aspire to be leaders among their fellow Metal tuxemon, despite the species' small stature.
ForturtleMissingEarthOracle BoneIt heats its shell to read the future from the cracks that emerge.
FoxfireFireSmokeFOXFIRE cubs are found in fires that burned out overnight. No one knows where they come from.
FusionA fusion of two tuxemon.
Freemon 14.png
Freemon 15.png
Freemon 16.png
Freemon 4.png
Freemon 5.png
Freemon 8.png
Freemon 80 2.png
Freemon 80 5.png
Freemon 80 6.png
Freemon 80 7.png
Freemon 80 9.png
Freemon 9.png
FribbitMissingWaterRuefulIt is said that it was once a boy who licked a freezing lamp post.
FrondlyWoodHelping HandIt can do anything with its prehensile tail, even shake hands and pick fruit.
FruiteraWoodTiny BatFRUITERA is greedy for fruit, and carries as much as it can. When startled, it drops all its fruit, gathers it all up again, and only then runs away.
FurnursusMissingFireFireplaceFURNURSUS are friendly, and often forget that their bodies are too hot for others to touch.
FuzzinaMissingEarthToyWhen the child that abandoned a FUZZLET needs it again, it becomes a FUZZINA, a brave protector and nurturer of the small and the weak.
FuzzletMissingEarthToyWhen a child is no longer around to play with their toys, they sometimes come to life.