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4 by levaine-da7svx9.png
AV8RMetalIf the sun is out, it can fly as far or as high as it likes.
AardartMissingEarthIt keeps count of every ant it has eaten, and celebrates significant numbers.
AardornEarthWhen born it is placed in an anthill and left to eat its way out.
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AbesnakiMissingFireEach face is a different pattern, and some say the symbols spell out words in a dead language.
AgnidonFireIt prefers four legs, but can stand on two to open doors, push over trees or hold things.
AgnigonFireIt is called a "false dragon", because it appears to be a dragon, but actually evolved from a different line of ancient reptiles.
AgniteFireIt is playful, but must be taught early on to keep its fire in check.
A fusion of two tuxemon.
AllagonMissingMetalAllagon are drawn to relics made from the metals left behind by their ancestors, and will be violent to retrieve them.
AltieMissingMetalALTIE floated down to earth in a bubble. Now its bubble has popped, it cannot float more than a few metres in the air.
AmbearanceMetalThe cuddly AMBEARANCE love to comfort and nurture sick and injured monsters. But they would never deliberately harm a monster just for the pleasure of nurturing it back to health.
AmbuwlMissingEarthThe egg in its pouch does not hatch. Instead, it secretes a delicious drink with restorative powers.
AngesnowWaterThose who survive getting lost in hostile, icy conditions often mention a mysterious presence guiding them even when the snow is too heavy to see through.
It cannot understand why humans feel rage and hatred, but ANGRITO feels these urges too.
AnoleafMissingWoodIt considers the plants growing near it to be its brothers and sisters.
AnuMetalIt is said that it enters others' dreams to search for its lost love.
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ApeoroMetalThe kings of old used psychic powers to transfer their souls into these golden computing machines. Now they live on, unable to communicate but still dreaming of empires.
ApparironMissingMetalThe horrors and hopes of a prisoner wrongfully on death row can manifest as an APPARIRON, which vainly tries to prove its creator innocent despite being terrifying, without limbs and incapable of speech.
AraigneeMissingMetalPedants who say all spiders have eight legs are strangely quiet on the case of ARAIGNEE.
ArthroboltMetalIt feels uncomfortable commanding its fellow NUT and BOLT, and usually runs away. But then the NUT and BOLT have no one to instruct them.
According to legend, ASUDOPT created the world and one day will destroy the world. In the meantime, it sets the world's universal laws.
AxylightlWaterIt lights the deep waters with its tail, marking a safe shelter for fish.
AzuronMissingWaterAny battle against an Azuron will result in complete mystification from its opponent. It utilizes its unique mist-based powers to avoid and tease its enemies
B-ver.1MetalIt is designed for all those times you need something to be bitten by a robot.