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Lightning bolt 138.gif
Starfall (Tuxemon Episode 1)
ID 56
Blurb A shower of celestial bodies descends upon the opponent, inflicting damage and granting the user heightened focus while exhausting the opponent.
Is completed? Complete
Technique Category Ranged
Types Water,
Element(s) Cosmic
Is fast?
Accuracy 80%
Power 1.25
Healing Power
Potency 100%
Recharge 2
User Condition focused
Target Condition tired
Animation Target 3

Monsters Using This Technique[edit source]

Family[edit source]


Tags[edit source]

Darkness, Celestial, Weather

Attribution[edit source]

Sanglorian, Superpowers Asset Packs

Technique by Sanglorian. "Lightning bolt" animation by Superpowers Asset Packs.

In other languages[edit source]

Language Name Blurb