Property:TXMN Blurb

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Showing 20 pages using this property.
Despite their cute appearance, they are actually rather dangerous. They crave blood, and need to drink at least one gallon per day in order to keep their rubber collar 'inflated'. There have been many incidents in the past where inexperienced first time trainers have fallen captive to the fangs of this little deer.  +
Each BANLING is waiting for a homeless spirit to nestle in its branches.  +
As twilight hits, the spirits inside BANSAKEN come to life. They like to add naughty children who stay up too late to their number.  +
BANVENGEANCE seeks to make its own night by growing new trees from running roots to drown out the light, smothering competing plant life.  +
It stores mass amounts of water in its huge body so that it can travel long distances across hot, dry deserts. It will also share water with thirsty creatures. When it has no water stored it is skinny.  +
They travel from river to river in search of water to drink and store. The leafy ossicones on its head conceal movable points that act similar to a dowsing rod. Many creatures follow Baoby in droughts.  +
The user lets out a powerful, intimidating roar that makes the opponent flinch.  +
A corrosive liquid is ejected from the user's body, poisoning the opponent.  +
The user's body emits a bright light as it restores its own health.  +
A concentrated beam of energy is fired from the user's eyes, blinding the opponent.  +
A fusion of two tuxemon.  +
It swallows its victims whole, forcing them into a deep sleep for a few hours whilst it feasts on their dreams. Often, it will accidentally put their victims into a permanent sleep  +
What BEENSTALKER lacks in sense and grace, it makes up for in sheer enthusiasm and goodwill. It delights in scaring off vermin, but never harming them.  +
BELUBY is often found floating on icebergs, using its thick blubber for insulation.  +
Berrshark has the ability to hack into any computer or device, and is supposed to be one of the most intelligant tuxemon ever discovered. Trainers can obtain this tuxemon by hacking into PCs with various cheat codes  +
The user enters a frenzied state, attacking with reckless abandon.  +
When BEWHICH holds its breath, it can appear as a beautiful - though sinister - human.  +
A whole ecosystem exists on its back, so it tries not to go underwater.  +
The ignorant believe that it carries its own egg upon its back. It is the guard for a far more important egg than that.  +
BISHOSAND is fascinated by religious or spiritual symbols it sees and likes to collect them, but is believed to not understand any of them.  +