Property:TXMN Blurb

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This is a property of type Text.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
Only the strongest and largest in a swarm is permitted to evolve.  +
Every 12 years, a single MINGDYN egg is laid. Its discovery marks a time of renewal and upheaval across the land.  +
A killer robot fused with a dragon. Don't ask us how.  +
A killer robot fused with a dragon. Don't ask us how.  +
A killer robot fused with a dragon. Don't ask us how.  +
A killer robot fused with a dragon. Don't ask us how.  +
A killer robot fused with a dragon. Don't ask us how.  +
A killer robot fused with a dragon. Don't ask us how.  +
It can stiffen or soften its skin to respond to friends and foes.  +
Even though Mooush is a Wood type, it enjoys splashing about in water, and can often be seen wallowing in swamps. Since they enjoy rolling in mud and playing in dirty swamp water, their long coats will often get caked in mud. Its trainer must care for the coat on a regular basis in order to avoid lice infections.  +
Stories say that this tuxemon would attack oncoming ships and break them in half with their strong tail. They electrocute their victims, before tearing the flesh off them and colllecting their bones.  +
A haze over the battlefield makes it harder for attacks to connect.  +
If you cut one head, then two other heads will grow  +
The MYSTIKAPI's saliva augments psychic powers. It licks its eyes and ears to heighten its senses.  +
When a SHYBULB has restored a garden to glory, it morphs and proudly takes credit for its work.  +
The battlefield is reset, with all conditions and other changes cleared.  +
NEUTRITO feels nothing. The perfect machine?  +
NIMBULEX dresses itself in sparks and storm clouds to protect its delicate inner core.  +
Ninjasmine poisons his opponents quickly using his two poison swords.  +
It inhabits only places abandoned by humans - castles, graveyards and sewers.  +