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TXMN Stats
Type(s) Earth
Element(s) Normal
Call [[MainCall::262310 steffcaffrey cat-purr-twit5.wav]]
Completed Complete
Body Shape Varmint
ID 104
Blurb It is as intelligent and aware as a three-year old child. It tastes delicious.
Height/Length (centimetres) 80
Weight (kilograms) 15
Catch Rate 100
Sex(es) Male, Female
Evolution Stage Standalone
Fusion Name First Part Co
Fusion Name Second Part -chini

Set 1Set 2Creature Progress Tracker

103 ←

104 [[FaceSprite1::Cochini face 1.png|24px|link=|class=bottom]][[FaceSprite2::Cochini face 2.png|24px|link=|class=top]] Cochini

→ 105

Cochini, the Tasty tuxemon, is a Earth-type monster.

Alt Blurb: It has evolved to look cute because it is so tasty and nutritious. It doesn't help.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

Name Origin:

Design Origin[edit | edit source]

In The Spyder in the Cathedral Campaign[edit | edit source]

Found in the wild on Greenwash HQ and Scoop HQ. Used by trainers in Greenwash HQ, Omnichannel HQ and Scoop HQ.

Evolution[edit | edit source]

[[Default64px::Cochini front 64.png|64px]]

Sprites[edit | edit source]

Tuxemon Standard[edit | edit source]

64px [[FrontSprite::Cochini front 64.png|64px]] [[BackSprite::Cochini back - 64px.png|64px]]
Face Sprites [[FaceSprite1::Cochini face 1.png|24px]] [[FaceSprite2::Cochini face 2.png|24px]]
Overland Sprites Missing Missing

Other Standards[edit | edit source]

48px [[FrontSprite48px::Cochini 48px.png|48px]] Missing
56px Missing Missing
80px [[FrontSprite80px::Cochini Front.png|80px]] [[BackSprite80px::Cochini Back.png|80px]]
Menu Sprites (32px) [[MenuSprite1-32px::Cochini Small.png|32px]] Missing
Menu Sprites (24px) Missing Missing
Menu Sprites (16px) Missing Missing


Contributors[edit | edit source]

Catch Challenger, Sanglorian

Catch Challenger is an open source project, with assets under Creative Commons Attribution. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Original design and sprites by Catch Challenger. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.

Variations[edit | edit source]

Evolutions[edit | edit source]

At the moment, this is a double-up, but that will be fixed.

[[Default64px::Cochini front 64.png|64px]]

Techniques[edit | edit source]

In other languages[edit | edit source]

Language Name Category Blurb


{{#set_internal:Technique Allocation | Parent Page=Cochini | Has Technique#list=Stampede|+sep=, | Technique Level#list=2|+sep=, }} {{#set_internal:Technique Allocation | Parent Page=Cochini | Has Technique#list=Thunderball|+sep=, | Technique Level#list=2|+sep=, }} {{#set_internal:Technique Allocation | Parent Page=Cochini | Has Technique#list=Headbutt|+sep=, | Technique Level#list=6|+sep=, }} {{#set_internal:Technique Allocation | Parent Page=Cochini | Has Technique#list=Ice Claw|+sep=, | Technique Level#list=8|+sep=, }} {{#set_internal:Technique Allocation | Parent Page=Cochini | Has Technique#list=Quicksand|+sep=, | Technique Level#list=12|+sep=, }} {{#set_internal:Technique Allocation | Parent Page=Cochini | Has Technique#list=Changeling|+sep=, | Technique Level#list=16|+sep=, }} {{#set_internal:Technique Allocation | Parent Page=Cochini | Has Technique#list=Lust|+sep=, | Technique Level#list=20|+sep=, }} {{#set_internal:Technique Allocation | Parent Page=Cochini | Has Technique#list=Canine|+sep=, | Technique Level#list=24|+sep=, }} {{#set_internal:Technique Allocation | Parent Page=Cochini | Has Technique#list=Mudslide|+sep=, | Technique Level#list=28|+sep=, }} {{#set_internal:Technique Allocation | Parent Page=Cochini | Has Technique#list=Electrical Storm|+sep=, | Technique Level#list=32|+sep=, }} {{#set_internal:Technique Allocation | Parent Page=Cochini | Has Technique#list=Sand Spray|+sep=, | Technique Level#list=36|+sep=, }} {{#set_internal:Technique Allocation | Parent Page=Cochini | Has Technique#list=Revenge Stance|+sep=, | Technique Level#list=40|+sep=, }}