Property:TXMN Blurb

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Showing 20 pages using this property.
They will often attack other Caticane to break their glass bodies and extract the addicting chemicals from them. They are very violent, especially under the influcence of their bodily drugs.  +
They are often seen guarding high security areas and training in camps - although they are not quite as disciplined as they should be! They often mess about with other individuals, or nom on the security cameras and break their lenses.  +
It bites onto shoelaces and trouser legs when it wants to travel.  +
These inquisitive bats are drawn by the heady emotions of people in love, and carry back unsupervised bouquets and chocolate boxes to build their nests.  +
It is found in forests and fields, where it is often mistaken for a turnip.  +
It is rumoured to live atop snowy mountains, but no clear photo of it has ever been taken.  +
It hatches when an ancient egg is planted in fertile soil. When the eggs run out, there will be no more CHLORAGON.  +
A hostile robot.  +
CHROMEYE was created to observe and learn how humans think and feel.  +
They train hard everyday by building snowmen mixed with ice and rock, before kicking them as hard and as quickly as they can. They also enjoy having snowball fights to help improve their aim.  +
It is said that only one in a thousand can rule over the CLAYMORIOR as a REGALANCE.  +
Missing.  +
It is as intelligent and aware as a three-year old child. It tastes delicious.  +
It is born underground in cold, snowy areas, and learns how to fly within a few weeks.  +
It has existed, unchanged, for millions of years.  +
The gel has long ago dried out, but CONGLOLEM continues.  +
If it sneezes, an avalanche occurs. It has a permanent sniffle.  +
Foods placed in its pitcher are blended and pickled. They are used to store food without it going off.  +
Coproblight were attracted to piles of dung, especially those created by large prehistoric Tuxemon. They would dig in these piles to acquire more dung to build up their bodies and find useful defensive parts, like bone shards.  +
It arms its wings with bone shards from its victims.  +