Property:TXMN Blurb

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Showing 20 pages using this property.
Long thought to be legless, its leaves are actually vestigial limbs.  +
It has a very fluid shape and may hunt by sending out random tendrils to sniff or touch nearby prey.  +
When two UNEYE become tangled, they form a single unified LENDOS.  +
It oozes along the sea floor, looking for hard nooks and crannies to hide in until it develops its shell.  +
Cold weather concentrates the power and vitality of LETTICE.  +
Combatants float into the air, giving them a vantage point but leaving both struggling to connect with their hand-to-hand attacks.  +
The user weaves a deceptive illusion, inflicting a random negative status effect on a random target. The higher the user's level, the greater the likelihood the opponents being the target of the deception.  +
An eruption of life charges the monster, but at the expense of healing its opponent.  +
It lurks in the depths of the ocean, luring any unsuspecting prey using its light right into its large, gaping mouth.  +
The user launches multiple balls of electricity at the opponent.  +
Their constant and persistent excitable energy causes them to run round in circles for most of the day - and after a while cause huge sandstorms! They are quite the playful little pupper, and love to munch on limestone, hence their name.  +
The user draws power from its ancestors to unleash an attack.  +
It is said that the LOLIFERNO's fire could not be extinguished. Yet, despite its power, LOLIFERNO has a playful side, and is known to dance among the flames it creates.  +
Many choose to climb the merciless mountains of the region to train and clear their minds. They will often fight under areas where avalanches are most likely to prove their bravery and risk-taking.  +
Is it the wind howling through the trees, or LUCIFICE calling the dark spirits of the night to join its hunt?  +
This tuxemon is very popular around the time of the region's Moon Festival, in which the region celebrates the visit of the moon goddess. They are said to inspire the region's favourite delicacy, the mooncake.  +
LUNIGHT is the guardian of the night, and can control the moon and its phases.  +
The user uses its charm to weaken the opponent's defenses.  +
These cheeky robots are used for their fine motor skills, but they love pranks.  +
A fiery spirit of courage and conquest, MAGJESTIC represents those who lead from the front, inspiring armies and shaping history through warfare.  +