Property:TXMN Blurb

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This is a property of type Text.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
It eats bugs and PIPIS eat fruit, so despite living in close proximity they do not compete.  +
It can smell anything in the ocean, no matter how far away.  +
It eats and stores the poison of the sea creatures that it feeds upon.  +
Its feathery antennas snap off if it is attacked, confusing the predator.  +
They are called Dark Bishops because their heads are reminiscent of a bishop's hat.  +
It dreams of oceans under other skies.  +
It snuggles in homes in the winter months, spreading diseases.  +
In the great ships that cross the oceans, thousands of NUT and BOLT provide power and hold the steel plating together.  +
OCTABODE make ancient vessels and artifacts their homes, dreaming of the lives of those who used the relics before them.  +
This dark and powerful tuxemon enjoys hiding in the piles of toys in abandoned toy shops, ready to feast upon the souls of curious children hoping to steal a toy. They absorb their spirit, allowing their tentacles to grow and their shell to grow harder.  +
Two decisive strikes bring the target to its knees.  +
The user undergoes a magical transformation, firing off an energy ball of a random element.  +
The circuit focuses energy, creating a new type of electricity called griefed-lightning.  +
Vines lash the target, locking them in place.  +
One of Pairagrim's heads is always searching for prey, while the other focuses on flying at great speed.  +
The young form of Pairagrim, it is a generally happy creature. It struggles to fly until the two heads learn to work together.  +
Through evolution, the lantern on the tuxemon begins to rip, allowing a more flames to escape through the safety of the paper wrapping. When it is excited, its tail will flash and make a happy crackling sound, almost like a firework.  +
A reliable technique that hurts any monster in proportion to its HP.  +
Clusters of Pantern will often be seen with their tails softly glowing at celebrations and parties. When they attack, the flame of their lantern turns a bright blue and becomes much hotter.  +
Each member of the pride lights their mane from a shared bonfire. As long as that fire burns, their strength is shared.  +