Property:TXMN Blurb

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This is a property of type Text.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
The SKWIB contentedly floats through the ocean, examining potential shell-homes. It has to fear for its life before it will finally make a choice.  +
A violent explosion of sleeping powder threatens to send both combatants into a doze.  +
It hides in the forest, seeking out lost children that chose to play in the forest without their parents' permission. Some say that the tuxemon scares the unforunate children, others say they feast on the children's souls before turning them into haunted trees.  +
Often seen photobombing normal family photographs, it stares at the camera with its empty black eyes until the camera lens cracks.  +
It is a gel that sparked to life and begins making a body for itself of stone and rock.  +
It lives in rubbish, and eats it too. Its spikes seem sharp, but it can soften them at will.  +
They are very popular amongst bakers and pastry chefs, as it inspires them to bake their treats according to the shape of the tuxemon's shell. Snairal is a very delicate tuxemon, as its shell is easily broken and crumbled.  +
SNAKI is a snake that has learned to grow legs by examining the motion of lizards and crocodiles.  +
It does not fly, but its feet never touch the ground. The king of paradox.  +
Each Snax has different partition drawn on the body. When it grows new notes appears.  +
The snake-like creature hides under the safety of its sock cover. If startled, it will flail and lie very still on the ground to avoid attention.  +
The two heads of SNOKARI each hold great wisdom, but they never agree.  +
It delights in playing tag with skiers on desolate slopes.  +
An otherwise formiddable enemy, SOCKESERP is easily dispatched if it gets tangled up.  +
A villainous team is plotting to use SOLIGHT to create a miniature sun in order to create a new planet.  +
It is the spirit of philosopher-kings, ambassadors and vice-chancellors.  +
It's not fair that something so good at sneaking up on people, can't be snuck up on itself.  +
Missing.  +
Liquid death sprays from the user's venom sacs.  +
SPOILURM disguise themselves as apples, and wait in trees to eat the unexpecting.  +