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Nature of Contribution: Contributed to Tuxemon project, Contributed to a different open source monster taming project


 Source Explanation
AbesnakiOriginal design and sprites by mysterynoodler. Face sprites by tamashihoshi.
AltieOriginal design and front sprite by Hugop. Back and face sprites by tamashihoshi, Sanglorian and HippasusTwo.
AsudoptDesign and art by tamashihoshi. Sprites by HippasusTwo.
AxylightlOriginal design by Cavalcadeur. Art by Leo and DevilDman. Sprites by Cavalcadeur. Face sprites by tamashihoshi.
BigfinOriginal design by Cavalcadeur. Redesign by extyrannomon. Sprites by Cavalcadeur, rsg167, Kelvin Shadewing, HippasusTwo, Sanglorian, tamashihoshi and Levaine. Other art by Leo.
BirdlingDesign and front sprite by tamashihoshi. Back and face sprites by Chickenshowman. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
BugninOriginal design by Leo. Front sprite by Leo and Cavalcadeur. Back sprite by tamashihoshi and josepharaoh99. Face sprites by josepharaoh99. Main art by Adam Fegarido. Other art by tamashihoshi.
DollfinOriginal design and sprites by Cavalcadeur. Other art by Leo. Face sprites by tamashihoshi. Other sprites by Chairry-Art and HippasusTwo.
Dune PincherOriginal design and sprites by tamashihoshi.
FlambearSpalding004 has released his Sitran Fakedex under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence for us. Original design and sprites by Spalding004. Face sprites by tamashihoshi.
FoofleOriginal design and sprites by josepharaoh99. Other art by Leo, josepharaoh99 and Nikai Region. Face sprites by tamashihoshi.
GhosteethOriginal design and sprites by tamashihoshi.
HatchlingOriginal design and sprites by tamashihoshi.
JemuarOriginal design by Leo. Sprites by tamashihoshi. Back sprite by Sanglorian. Other art by extyrannomon. Name by Sanglorian.
KatacoonOriginal design by Leo. Sprites by tamashihoshi. Main art by Adam Fegarido.
KatapillOriginal design by Leo. Art by Adam Fegarido. Sprites by tamashihoshi. Sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.
MasknakeOriginal design and sprites by tamashihoshi.
PairagrinConcept by xirsoi. Art by tamashihoshi.
PropellercatOriginal idea by TheSplashDragon. Design and sprites by tamashihoshi.
RockittenOriginal design by ShadowApex. Sprites by ShadowApex. Face sprites by Leo. Art by Leo and ShadowApex. Other sprites by Leo. Overland sprites by tamashihoshi.
SpighterSpalding004 has released his Sitran Fakedex under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence for us. Original design and sprites by Spalding004. Face sprites by tamashihoshi. Overland sprites by Lanea Zimmerman.
SumchonOriginal design by tamashihoshi. Redesign and art by Leo. Sprites by tamashihoshi. Main art by Adam Fegarido.
YiinaangSpalding004 has released his Sitran Fakedex under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence for us. Original design and sprites by Spalding004. Back sprite by tamashihoshi. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian.

Yet to Be Completed

 Source Explanation
TopaspinDesign by Sandy. Front sprite by Tamashihoshi.

ArtAsudopt-main.png, Bugnin-alt.png Sprites(alien).png, 4zDT4hh.png, 7a3U3S8.png, A7SDSQO.png, Altie-back.png, Altie-face1.png, Altie-face2.png, Altie-front.png, Altie-menu01.png, Altie-menu02.png, Appearance.gif, Asudopt-back.png, Asudopt-front.png, Asudopt-menu01.png, Asudopt-menu02.png, Barmaid alt2.png, Barmaid alt3.png, Barmaid blonde64.png, Barmaid blue.png, Barmaid brown.png, Barmaid fiery.png, Barmaid green.png, Beachgoer alt1.png, Beachgoer alt2 black.png, Beachgoer alt2 brown.png, Beachgoer alt2 fiery.png, Beachgoer alt2 green.png, Beachgoer alt2 lapi.png, Beachgoer alt2 rose.png, Beachgoer alt2.png, Beachgoer black.png, Beachgoer brown.png, Beachgoer fiery.png, Beachgoer green.png, Beachgoer lapi.png, Beachgoer rose.png, Bigfin face 1.png, Bigfin face 2.png, Birdling-tamashihoshi.png, Book - green.png, Book - leather.png, Book - yellow.png, Capture 2.gif, Capture 3.gif, Capture 4.gif, Capture 5.gif, Capture device green.png, Capture device red.png, Capture device violet.png, Capture device yellow.png, Cat-girl-front-alt.png, Dune-pincher-back.png, Dune-pincher-front.png, Dune-pincher-menu-01.png, Dunepincher-menu-01.png, Dunepincher-menu-02.png, EIrKq2Y.png, EVAX07l.png, Evil-trainer-front.png, Fire fade.gif, Fireworks.gif, Ghosteeth-48px.png, Ghosteeth-56px.png, Ghosteeth-back.png, Ghosteeth-front.png, Ghosteeth-menu-01.png, Ghosteeth-menu-02.png, GxktJF8.png, Hatchling-tamashihoshi-back.png, Hatchling-tamashihoshi-face1.png, Hatchling-tamashihoshi-face2.png, Hatchling-tamashihoshi.png, I9YUS3G.png, Ironbarr - Tamashihoshi.png, Item1.png, Item2.png, Item3.png, Item4.png, Item5.png, Item6.png, JQzUQhx.png, Jemuaar 48px.png, Jemuaar 56px.png, Jemuar face 1.png, Jemuar face 2.png, Jemuar variations.png, Katapill 48px.png, Ko6RWYx.png, Male-trainer-back.png, Masknake-tamashihoshi-back.png, Masknake-tamashihoshi-face1.png, Masknake-tamashihoshi-face2.png, Masknake-tamashihoshi-light tail.png, Masknake-tamashihoshi.png, NgXtoUP.png, OOYZPDJ.png, Old party icon.gif, Paira-Front1.png, Paira-Front2.png, Pairagrin-back.png, Pairagrin-front-alt.png, Pairagrin-front.png, Party icon.gif, Pound.gif, Propellercat face 1.png, Propellercat face 2.png, Propellercat-back.png, Propellercat-front.png, Propellercat-menu-01-alt.png, Propellercat-menu-01.png, Propellercat-menu-02-alt.png, Propellercat-menu-02.png, Purple berry.png, Red berry.png, Rogue 64 green.png, Rogue 64 red.png, Samuraibug back josepharaoh99.png, Shaft boss.png, Slash power.gif, Sumobug back.png, Sumobug face 1.png, Sumobug face 2.png, Sumobug front.png, Sumobug second prevolution - sang.png, Sumobug second prevolution.png, Sumobug-back.png, Sumobug-front.png, Sumobug-menu-01-alt.png, Sumobug-menu-01.png, Sumobug-menu-02-alt.png, Sumobug-menu-02.png, Sumobug-second-prevolution.png, Sumococoon back.png, Sumococoon head 1.png, Sumococoon head 2.png, Sumococoon.png, Sumoworm back.png, Sumoworm face 1.png, Sumoworm face 2.png, Swimmer-front-variant.png, Swimmer-front.png, Tamashihoshi confusion.png, Tamashihoshi frozen2.png, Tamashihoshi grabbed.png, Tamashihoshi stunned.png, Thunderstrike.gif, TkCcPtI.png, Tm bm.png, Tornado basic.gif, Tornado volume.gif, Tuxeball ancient.png, Tuxeball candy.png, Tuxeball crusher.png, Tuxeball female.png, Tuxeball hardened.png, Tuxeball hearty.png, Tuxeball lavish.png, Tuxeball male.png, Tuxeball neuter.png, Tuxeball omni.png, Tuxeball park.png, Tuxeball peppy.png, Tuxeball refined.png, Tuxeball salty.png, Tuxeball water.png, Tuxeball xero.png, Tuxeball zesty.png, Twzhn4d.png, Unknown-2.png, Unknown.png, WZmmAbR.png, Watershot.gif, Waterspurt.gif, XbF0rFx.png, ZZmfuWv.png,

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