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==== Special ====
==== Special ====
* Ants, Fiery, Gyser, Sylvan, Touch, Ubuntu (switch target element)
* Ants, Fiery, Geyser, Sylvan, Touch, Ubuntu (switch target element)
* Gold Digger (take money from opponent)
* Gold Digger (take money from opponent)
* Hibernate (heal, nodding off self)
* Hibernate (heal, nodding off self)

Revision as of 12:13, 17 December 2023

Work in progress by Sanglorian.

Possible changes to Techniques, if we went with the 13-element system. Very tentative, would not make any changes without checking with the designer(s) of the techniques.

A monster might get a basic or animal technique and a condition imposer to start, then every few levels pick up a few simple techniques, the occasional exotic technique, and eventually more and more powerful techniques.

New ideas in italics.

Initial thoughts

  • Splash moves should all have low accuracy.
  • We don't need symmetry. It's nice if different elements have different qualities.
  • I am wondering if we should make touch, reach and reliable techniques quite rare - almost treating belonging to one of these ranges as a special feature of the technique. Or perhaps some elements should use reach or touch more often than others.

Animal techniques

Low damage (0.75-1.5), decent accuracy (90-100%), typically Normal, within the abilities of an ordinary animal.

  • Headbutt (melee Normal)
  • Strike (reliable Normal)
  • Ram (melee Normal) (somewhat higher damage, somewhat lower accuracy than Headbutt)
  • Punch (melee Heroic)
  • Shadow Boxing (touch Heroic)
  • Hawk (melee Sky)

Basic techniques

Low damage (0.75-1.5), decent accuracy (90-100%), no recharge, no other effects (except splash).


  • Crystal (ranged Magic)


  • Lantern (ranged Heroic)


  • Lightning Spheres (ranged Lightning)


  • Sword (melee Metal)


  • Ice Claw (melee Frost)
  • Chill Mist (ranged Frost, splash)


  • Gust (ranged Sky)


  • Rock (touch Earth)


  • Sunburst (ranged Fire)
  • Fire Ball (ranged Fire) (lower damage than on wiki)


  • Phantasmal Force (melee Shadow)
  • Midnight Mantle (ranged Shadow, splash)


  • Flood (ranged Water, splash)
  • Flow (melee Water, splash)

Condition imposers

No damage, high chance to impose a buff on the player or debuff on the enemy (but not both). Should have 100% accuracy unless it's a particularly powerful buff/debuff or it's fast or has another effect.

  • Boulder (hard shell self)
  • Breath (nodding off)
  • Cat Calling (harpooned)
  • Sleeping Powder (area, nodding off) (change from fast)
  • Clock (confusion)
  • Insanity (diehard self)
  • Negation (festering)
  • Conjurer (grabbed)
  • Fume (enraged self)
  • Glower (softened)
  • Petrify (stuck)
  • Poison Courtship (poisoned)
  • Rot (poisoned)
  • Stone Rot (fast, poisoned)
  • Riposte (fast, retaliate)
  • Revenge Stance (revenge)
  • Fluff Up (recovering)
  • Feint (focused self, tired)
  • Take Cover (sniping self)
  • Wallow (healing user, focused self)
  • Mending (healing user)
  • Evasion (focused self, fast)
  • Changeling (recovering self, Magic type switch)
  • Chameleon (hard shell self, Wood type switch)
  • Arcane Eye (elemental shield self)
  • Tinder (burn)
  • Blood Nets (lifeleech)
  • Canine (wild)
  • Feline (fast, wild)
  • Clairaudience (feedback self)
  • Terror (lockdown)
  • Overfeed (slow)
  • Barking (flinching)

(blinded, charging, exhausted, wasting, prickly)

Simple techniques

Some damage, and a condition or other effect (reliable, fast, type change); or lots of damage (1.6-3). Accuracy should be good (80-100%, with 80% and 85% being reserved for the more powerful options).


  • Proboscis (reach Normal, lifeleech)
  • Stampede (melee Normal, charging self)
  • Constrict (reliable Normal, grabbed)
  • Goad (melee Normal, fast, enraged)
  • Assault (melee Normal, fast)


  • Slime (reach Venom, festering)
  • Pseudopod (reach Venom, festering)
  • Web (melee Venom, grabbed)
  • Poison Spray (renamed from Spray) (ranged Venom, poisoned)
  • Sting (melee Venom, poisoned)
  • Venom (ranged Venom, higher damage)
  • Battery Acid (ranged Venom, higher damage, poisoned)
  • Muck (reach Venom, higher damage)


  • Blade (melee Metal, fast)
  • Bullet (ranged Metal, fast)
  • Perfect Cut (reliable Metal, higher damage)
  • Shuriken (ranged Metal, diehard self)
  • Rust Bomb (ranged Metal, splash, poisoned)
  • Wall of Steel (melee Metal, fast, hard shell self)
  • Saber (melee Metal, higher damage)


  • Blossom (ranged Wood, healing self)
  • Splinter (reach Wood, blinded)
  • Overgrowth (ranged Wood, grabbed)


  • Whirlwind (ranged Sky, fast)
  • Wingtip (melee Sky, fast)
  • Peregrine (melee Sky, fast, higher damage)
  • Biting Winds (ranged Sky, softened)
  • Air Chain (reach Sky, higher damage)


  • Magma (ranged Fire, area)
  • Salamander (reach Fire, poisoned)
  • Fire Claw (reach Fire, burn)
  • Breathe Fire (ranged Fire, higher damage)
  • Flamethrower (ranged Fire, higher damage, burn, slow recharge)
  • Torch (reach Fire, flinching)


  • Ice Storm (ranged Frost, area, higher damage)
  • Ice Spear (melee Frost, splash, higher damage)


  • Strangulation (melee Shadow, higher damage)
  • Mobbing (melee Shadow, higher damage)


  • Muddle (ranged Magic, both focused)
  • Amnesia (reach Magic, higher damage, both exhausted)
  • Starfall (ranged Magic, focused self, tired)
  • Ruby (reach Magic, higher damage)
  • Mind Vise (melee Magic, stuck)


  • Sand Spray (touch Earth, blinded)
  • Thunderball (melee Earth, flinching)
  • Mudslide (melee Earth, softened, higher damage)
  • Quicksand (touch Earth, stuck, higher damage)
  • Grinding (melee Earth, higher damage)


  • Venomous Tentacle (reach Water, poisoned)
  • Font (ranged Water, recovering self)
  • Kraken (melee Water, higher damage)


  • Thunderclap (ranged Lightning, exhausted)
  • Battery Discharge (ranged Lightning, healing user)
  • Surge (ranged Lightning, charging self)


  • Invictus (touch Heroic, enraged self, grabbed)
  • Beam (ranged Heroic, blinded)
  • Berserk (melee Heroic, enraged self)
  • One-Two (touch Heroic, higher damage)
  • Radiance (ranged Heroic, higher damage)

Exotic techniques

These do strange things, fitting into a niche rather than being usable often.


  • Energy Claws (melee Lightning, sniping) (melee attack that makes it harder to make melee attacks in future)
  • Kindling Flame (ranged Fire, enraged) (ranged attack that makes it harder to make ranged attacks in future)
  • Panjandrum (reliable Normal, fixed damage)
  • Sleep Bomb (reach Magic, both nodding off)
  • Blood Bond (touch Water, both lifeleech)
  • Bubble Trap (reach Magic, both grabbed)
  • Fester (reach Venom, area, both festering)
  • Orbs (ranged Aether, change user type to a random element)


  • Ants, Fiery, Geyser, Sylvan, Touch, Ubuntu (switch target element)
  • Gold Digger (take money from opponent)
  • Hibernate (heal, nodding off self)
  • Levitate (both sniping) (both monsters now benefit from making ranged attacks)
  • Life Surge (heal self, charged up) (heal self but at expense of empowering enemy)
  • Eyebite (fast, exhausted, slow recharge)
  • Scope (scope)
  • Clamp On (diehard self, grabbed)
  • Sudden Glow (healing user, recovering self, focused)
  • Mystic Blending (healing user, charging self, switch target element randomly, slow recharge)
  • Fire Shield (elemental shield self, burn)
  • Cloud Aether (switch user and target elements, new elements chosen randomly)
  • Ice Shield (elemental shield self, slow)
  • Neutralize (remove type changes and conditions from self and target)

Powerful techniques

Lots of damage and a condition or other effect, and with shorter recharges than you would expect given their power.


  • Firestorm (reach Fire, area, very high damage)
  • Supernova (ranged Fire, charged up, very high damage)
  • Lava (ranged Fire, area, burn both, very high damage)
  • Surf (ranged Water, splash, very high damage)
  • Tsunami (reach Water, area, very high damage)
  • Earthquake (touch Earth, area, very high damage)
  • Viper (reliable Venom, very high damage)
  • Electrical Storm (ranged Lightning, splash, very high damage)
  • Frostbite (reach Frost, poisoned, very high damage)
  • Snowstorm (melee Frost, splash, exhausted, very high damage)
  • Avalanche (ranged Frost, higher damage, splash, exhausted)
  • Shrapnel (ranged Metal, fast, splash, very high damage)
  • All In (touch Heroic, recovering self, very high damage)
  • Give All (melee Heroic, exhausted self, very high damage)
  • Tonguespear (melee Normal, lifeleech, higher damage)
  • Ten Thousand Feathers (ranged Sky, charging self, high damage)
  • One Million Talons (melee Sky, flinching, high damage)


  • Refresh (heal self, recovering self)
  • Energy Field (fast, charging self, exhausted)
  • Static Field (hard shell self, exhausted)

Reserved techniques

These techniques are only used by a single monster family, or access to them through other methods is very limited.

  • Tux Attack (melee Frost/Heroic, fast) (a rare double-element technique) - for Tux
  • Vorpal (melee Metal, revenge, fast, very high damage) - for Bugnin
  • Webs Wind (ranged Sky, slow, very high damage) - for Firomenis
  • Oedipus (reach Metal, revenge self, confused) - for Miaownolith
  • Demiurge (touch Cosmic, recovering self, confused) - for Altie
  • Adamantine (touch Metal, very high damage) - for Windeye
  • Ring (reach Wood, splash, recovering self) - for Tourbidi