Laser Beam

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Laser Beam (Tuxemon Episode 1)
ID 238
Blurb A powerful ranged energy attack that may blind that goes at the speed of light.
Is completed? Complete
Technique Category Ranged
Types Metal,
Element(s) Lightning, Metal
Is fast? True
Accuracy 100%
Power 3
Healing Power
Potency 30%
Recharge 4
User Condition
Target Condition Blinded
Animation Target 1

A cooldown of 4 (more than most power 3 moves) to help balance that it is both fast, powerful, and can leave a condition.

Monsters using this technique (1)[edit | edit source]


Family[edit | edit source]


Tags[edit | edit source]

Machine, Electricity

Attribution[edit | edit source]

In other languages[edit | edit source]

Language Name Blurb