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Riposte (Tuxemon Episode 1)
ID 187
Blurb The user assumes a defensive stance, preparing to counter any attack with a swift and powerful retaliation.
Is completed?
Technique Category Special
Types ,
Element(s) Normal
Is fast? True
Accuracy 100%
Healing Power
Potency 100%
Recharge 1
User Condition Retaliate
Target Condition
Animation Target

Name origin: riposte originates from the French word meaning "a quick reply or retort". In fencing, it specifically refers to a counterattack made immediately after parrying an opponent's attack.

Monsters Using This Technique[edit | edit source]

Family[edit | edit source]

Condition imposer

Tags[edit | edit source]

Speed, Sharp, Shielded

Attribution[edit | edit source]


In other languages[edit | edit source]

Language Name Blurb