How to Upload Content to the Wiki
Joining the Wiki
Contact Sanglorian on the Tuxemon Discord, and he will create an account for you.
Adding Images
In the sidebar, there's an "Upload file" link. Click on that, and upload the image.
For each image, assign categories for:
- What the image is of (e.g. Rockitten)
- What scale the image is in - typically the dimensions of the image. For example, most front sprites are 64 by 64 pixels.
- What type of image it is (e.g. a Front Sprite)
- If the image is the Main one, or an Alternative.
- Who created or contributed to the sprite.
Example Categories
[[Category:Drashimi]] [[Category:princess-phoenix]] [[Category:Front Sprite]] [[Category:Main]] [[Category:64px]]
[[Category:Drashimi]] [[Category:princess-phoenix]] [[Category:Front Sprite]] [[Category:Alternative]] [[Category:80px]]
[[Category:Rockitten]] [[Category:ShadowApex]] [[Category:Main]] [[Category:Back Sprite]] [[Category:64px]]
[[Category:Rockitten]] [[Category:Face Sprite 1]] [[Category:Main]] [[Category:24px]] [[Category:Leo]]
[[Category:Rockitten]] [[Category:Face Sprite 2]] [[Category:Main]] [[Category:24px]] [[Category:Leo]] [[Category:Sanglorian]]