How to Upload Content to the Wiki
Joining the Wiki[edit | edit source]
Contact Sanglorian on the Tuxemon Discord, and he will create an account for you (wiki page).
Adding Images[edit | edit source]
In the sidebar, there's an "Upload file" link. Click on that, and upload the image.
For each image, assign categories for:
- What the image is of (e.g. Rockitten)
- What scale the image is in - typically the dimensions of the image. For example, most front sprites are 64 by 64 pixels.
- What type of image it is (e.g. a Front Sprite)
- If the image is the Main one, or an Alternative.
- Who created or contributed to the sprite.
Example Categories[edit | edit source]
[[Category:Drashimi]] [[Category:princess-phoenix]] [[Category:Front Sprite]] [[Category:Main]] [[Category:64px]]
[[Category:Drashimi]] [[Category:princess-phoenix]] [[Category:Front Sprite]] [[Category:Alternative]] [[Category:80px]]
[[Category:Rockitten]] [[Category:ShadowApex]] [[Category:Main]] [[Category:Back Sprite]] [[Category:64px]]
[[Category:Rockitten]] [[Category:Face Sprite 1]] [[Category:Main]] [[Category:24px]] [[Category:Leo]]
[[Category:Rockitten]] [[Category:Face Sprite 2]] [[Category:Main]] [[Category:24px]] [[Category:Leo]] [[Category:Sanglorian]]