Cathedral ads

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Revision as of 12:31, 23 April 2023 by Sanglorian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "When someone uses a Cathedral Centre to heal, the service is free but to recoup costs they have to watch an ad. The ad plays for a number of seconds equal to the number of times the player has visited a Cathedral Centre during their playthrough. There are no ads for other sources of healing, like the Team Bazaar providers. User:Sanglorian has used an AI art program to create some placeholder ads:")
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When someone uses a Cathedral Centre to heal, the service is free but to recoup costs they have to watch an ad.

The ad plays for a number of seconds equal to the number of times the player has visited a Cathedral Centre during their playthrough.

There are no ads for other sources of healing, like the Team Bazaar providers.

User:Sanglorian has used an AI art program to create some placeholder ads:
