Event Reference Condition

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Revision as of 06:28, 20 October 2024 by Jaskrendix (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Here is a list of currently implemented conditions. New event conditions can be created by creating a new page under the '''tuxemon/event/conditions''': == battle_is == Check to see if a character has fought against another one and won, lost or draw. '''Parameters''' * <code>fighter</code>: Npc slug name (e.g. "npc_maple"). * <code>outcome</code>: One among "won", "lost" or "draw". * <code>opponent</code>: Npc slug name (e.g. "npc_maple"). '''Examples''' * <code>is ba...")
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Here is a list of currently implemented conditions. New event conditions can be created by creating a new page under the tuxemon/event/conditions:

battle_is[edit | edit source]

Check to see if a character has fought against another one and won, lost or draw.


  • fighter: Npc slug name (e.g. "npc_maple").
  • outcome: One among "won", "lost" or "draw".
  • opponent: Npc slug name (e.g. "npc_maple").


  • is battle_is player,won,npc_maple (has player won against npc_maple in the last fight?)

button_pressed[edit | edit source]

Check to see if a particular key has been pressed. E.g. K_RETURN.


  • key: A pygame key constant such as K_RETURN. For a list of all possible keys, refer to the Pygame Key Page


  • is button_pressed K_RETURN
  • is button_pressed K_ESCAPE
  • not button_pressed K_SPACE

char_at[edit | edit source]

Check to see if the character is at the condition position on the map.


  • character: Either "player" or npc slug name (e.g. "npc_maple").


  • is char_at Maple

char_defeated[edit | edit source]

Check to see the character has at least one tuxemon, and all tuxemon in their party are defeated.


  • character: Either "player" or npc slug name (e.g. "npc_maple").


  • is char_defeated player

char_exists[edit | edit source]

Check to see if a character object exists in the current list of NPCs.


  • character: Either "player" or npc slug name (e.g. "npc_maple").


  • not char_exists npc_maple

char_facing[edit | edit source]

Check to see where a character is facing.


  • character: Either "player" or npc slug name (e.g. "npc_maple").
  • direction: One of "up", "down", "left" or "right".


  • is char_facing npc_maple,up
  • not char_facing npc_maple,down

char_facing_char[edit | edit source]

Check to see the character is next to and facing a particular character.


  • character1: Either "player" or npc slug name (e.g. "npc_maple").
  • character2: Either "player" or npc slug name (e.g. "npc_maple").


  • is char_facing_char npc_maple,player

char_facing_tile[edit | edit source]

Check to see if a character is facing a tile position.


  • character: Either "player" or npc slug name (e.g. "npc_maple").


  • is char_facing_tile npc_maple

char_in[edit | edit source]

Check to see if the character is at the condition position on a specific set of tiles.


  • character: Either "player" or npc slug name (e.g. "npc_maple").
  • value: value (eg surfable) inside the tileset.


  • is char_in npc_maple,surfable

char_moved[edit | edit source]

Check to see the character has just moved into this tile. Using this condition will prevent a condition like "char_at" from constantly being true every single frame.


  • character: Either "player" or npc slug name (e.g. "npc_maple").


  • is char_moved player

char_position[edit | edit source]

Check to see if the character is at the position on the map.


  • character: Either "player" or npc slug name (e.g. "npc_maple").
  • character: X position to set the character to.
  • tile_pos_x: Y position to set the character to.


  • is char_position player,6,9

char_sprite[edit | edit source]

Check the character's sprite


  • character: Either "player" or npc slug name (e.g. "npc_maple").
  • sprite: NPC's sprite (eg maniac, florist, etc.)


  • is char_sprite player,adventurer

check_char_parameter[edit | edit source]

Check the parameter's value of the character against a given value.


  • character: Either "player" or npc slug name (e.g. "npc_maple").
  • parameter: Name of the parameter to check (eg. "name", "steps", etc.).
  • value: Given value to check.


  • is check_char_parameter player,name,alpha

check_evolution[edit | edit source]

Check to see the character has at least one tuxemon evolving. If yes, it'll save the monster and the evolution inside a list. The list will be used by the event action evolution.


  • character: Either "player" or npc slug name (e.g. "npc_maple").


  • is check_evolution player

check_max_tech[edit | edit source]

Check to see the player has at least one tuxemon with more than the max number of techniques in its party. If yes, then it saves automatically the monster_id and inside the dictionary event_data.


  • nr: Number of tech, default the constant


  • is check_max_tech
  • is check_max_tech 2

check_mission[edit | edit source]

Check to see the player has failed or completed a mission. Check to see if a mission is still pending.


  • character: Either "player" or npc slug name (e.g. "npc_maple").
  • method: Mission or missions, "all" means all the existing missions.
  • staths: pending, completed or failed


  • is check_mission player,mission1,completed
  • is check_mission player,mission1,pending
  • is check_mission player,mission1:mission2,completed
  • is check_mission player,all,completed

check_party_parameter[edit | edit source]

Check to see the player has failed or completed a mission. Check to see if a mission is still pending.


  • character: Either "player" or npc slug name (e.g. "npc_maple").
  • attribute: Name of the monster attribute to check (e.g. level).
  • value: Value to check (related to the attribute) (e.g. 5 - level).
  • operator: Numeric comparison operator. Accepted values are "less_than", "less_or_equal", "greater_than", "greater_or_equal", "equals" and "not_equals".
  • times: Value to check with operator (how many times in the party?).


  • check_party_parameter player,level,5,equals,1 (is there 1 monster in the party at level 5? True/False)

check_world[edit | edit source]

Check some world's parameter against a given value.


  • parameter: Name of the parameter to check (eg. "layer", etc.).
  • value: Given value to check.

Supported parameters

  • layer: color value which is used to overlay the world
  • bubble: speech bubble of an npc


  • is check_world
  • is check_world layer,255:255:255:0

current_state[edit | edit source]

Check to see if one or multiple state/states has/have been started or not.


  • state: Either "CombatState", "DialogState", etc


  • is current_state DialogState
  • is current_state CombatState:DialogState

has_bag[edit | edit source]

Check to see how many items are in the character's bag. It doesn't count invisible items.


  • character: Either "player" or npc slug name (e.g. "npc_maple").
  • operator: Numeric comparison operator. Accepted values are less_than, less_or_equal, greater_than, greater_or_equal, equals and not_equals.
  • value: The value to compare the bag with.


  • is has_bag player,equals,5 (player's bag: 5 potions and 2 tuxeball (5 items), in this case is true because 5 = 5)
  • is has_bag player,equals,9 (player's bag: 5 potions and 2 tuxeball (5 items), in this case is false because 9 != 5)

has_item[edit | edit source]

Check to see if a NPC inventory contains something.


  • character: Either "player" or npc slug name (e.g. "npc_maple").
  • item: The item slug name (e.g. "item_cherry").
  • operator: Numeric comparison operator. Accepted values are less_than, less_or_equal, greater_than, greater_or_equal, equals and not_equals.
  • quantity: Quantity to compare with. (optional)


  • is has_item player,potion
  • is has_item player,potion,greater_than,2

has_kennel[edit | edit source]

Check to see how many monsters are in the character's box.


  • character: Either "player" or npc slug name (e.g. "npc_maple").
  • operator: Numeric comparison operator. Accepted values are less_than, less_or_equal, greater_than, greater_or_equal, equals and not_equals.
  • value: The value to compare the party with.
  • box: The box name.


  • is has_kennel player,Kennel,less_than,1

has_monster[edit | edit source]

Check to see if a character has a monster in its party.


  • character: Either "player" or npc slug name (e.g. "npc_maple").
  • monster_slug: Monster slug name (e.g. "rockitten").


  • is has_monster player,rockitten

has_party_breeder[edit | edit source]

Check to see if the character has a male and female monsters not basic (first evolution stage) in the party.


  • character: Either "player" or npc slug name (e.g. "npc_maple").


  • is has_party_breeder player

has_tech[edit | edit source]

Check to see if the player has a technique in his party (one of the monsters).


  • technique: Technique slug name (e.g. "bullet").


  • is has_tech bullet

kennel[edit | edit source]

Check if a kennel is hidden or visible.

Note: This condition checks if the kennel is in the HIDDEN_LIST. If the kennel is in the list, it is considered hidden; otherwise, it is considered visible.


  • character: Either "player" or npc slug name (e.g. "npc_maple").
  • kennel: The name of the kennel to check.
  • option: The expected visibility of the kennel ("hidden" or "visible") or existence of it ("exist").


  • is kennel player,Kennel,hidden
  • is kennel player,Kennel,visible
  • is kennel player,Kennel,exist

location_inside[edit | edit source]

Check to see if the player is inside.


  • is location_inside

location_name[edit | edit source]

Check to see if the player is in a certain location name.


  • technique: Slug name. It's the name inside the maps. eg. <property name="slug" value="routeb"/>, so slug = routeb


  • is location_name routeb
  • is location_name routea:routeb

location_type[edit | edit source]

Check to see if the player is in a certain location type.


  • slug: Slug name. Either all, notype, town, route, clinic, shop, dungeon


  • is location_type town
  • is location_type town:shop:clinic

money_is[edit | edit source]

Check to see if the player has a certain amount of money (pocket).


  • character: Either "player" or npc slug name (e.g. "npc_maple").
  • operator: Numeric comparison operator. Accepted values are "less_than", "less_or_equal", "greater_than", "greater_or_equal", "equals" and "not_equals".
  • amount: Amount of money or value stored in variable.


  • is money_is player,>=,500
  • is money_is player,equals,name_variable (name_variable:75)

monster_flair[edit | edit source]

Check to see if the given monster flair matches the expected value.


  • slot: Position of the monster in the player monster list.
  • property: Category of the flair.
  • name: Name of the flair.


  • to be defined

music_playing[edit | edit source]

Check to see if the specified music file is currently playing.


  • music_file: The music file to check.


  • is music_playing 472452_8-Bit-Ambient.ogg

once[edit | edit source]

Checks the date saved in the variables with today's date.


  • timeframe: nr of days the event stays "blocked" (eg. 1, 7, etc.)
  • variable: Variable where the date is stored.


  • set_variable variable_name:today
  • is once 1,variable_name (it blocks the event for 1 day)


  • is once 7,variable_name (it blocks the event for 7 days - 1 week)

one_of[edit | edit source]

Check to see if at least 1 among multiple values in a variable is True. If the variable does not exist it will return ``False``.


  • variable: The variable to check.
  • values: Value to check for (multiple values separated by ":").


  • is one_of stage_of_day,afternoon:dusk:morning

party_infected[edit | edit source]

Check to see how many monster are infected in the character's party.


  • character: Either "player" or npc slug name (e.g. "npc_maple").
  • plague_slug: The slug of the plague to target.
  • value: all, some or none.


  • is party_infected plague_slug,some

party_size[edit | edit source]

Check the character's party size. The check parameter can be: equals, less_than, or greater_than.


  • character: Either "player" or npc slug name (e.g. "npc_maple").
  • operator: Numeric comparison operator. Accepted values are less_than, less_or_equal, greater_than, greater_or_equal, equals and not_equals.
  • party_size: The size of the party to check against.


  • is party_size less_than,1
  • not party_size equals,0
  • is party_size greater_than,4

to_use_tile[edit | edit source]

Check if we are attempting interact with a map condition tile.


  • None


  • is to_use_tile

true[edit | edit source]

The true condition will always evaluate to *True* (unless the "not" operator is used)


  • None


  • is true
  • not true

tuxepedia[edit | edit source]

Check Tuxepedia's progress.


  • operator: Numeric comparison operator. Accepted values are "less_than", "less_or_equal", "greater_than", "greater_or_equal", "equals" and "not_equals".
  • percentage: Number between 0.1 and 1.0
  • total: Total, by default the total number of tuxemon.


  • is tuxepedia less_than,0.2
  • is tuxepedia less_than,0.2,10

variable_is[edit | edit source]

Check an operation over a variable.


  • value1: Either a variable or a number.
  • operation: Numeric comparison operator. Accepted values are "less_than", "less_or_equal", "greater_than", "greater_or_equal", "equals" and "not_equals".
  • value2: Either a variable or a number.


  • is variable_is [value1],operator,[value2]

variable_set[edit | edit source]

Check to see if variable_name has been set to value.


  • variable_name:value: A key, value pair of the variable to look up and the expected value.


  • is variable_set battle_won:yes
  • not variable_set current_badges:4
  • is variable_set talked_to_prof:false