Yellow Belt

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Revision as of 09:31, 19 August 2019 by Sanglorian (talk | contribs)
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Default64px Martialboy-recolor.png
Alternative Names
Genre Modern
Combat Type
48px [[|48px]]
56px [[|56px]]
64px Martialboy-recolor.png [[|64px]]
Overland File:Beachcomber.gif
80px [[|80px]] [[|80px]]
Face Sprite File:Face 12.png


Sanglorian, KinGabe

[[Source Explanation::Created by Sanglorian from the Isometric Template template by KinGabe.]]

Characters of this class


Other Art

Other Sprites

Beachcomber black.gif, Beachcomber blue.gif, Beachcomber copper.gif, Beachcomber fiery.gif, Beachcomber gray.gif, Bluebelt.png, Greenbelt.png, Redbelt.png, Yellowbelt alt1 black.png, Yellowbelt alt1 blonde.png, Yellowbelt alt1 brown.png, Yellowbelt alt1 fiery.png, Yellowbelt alt1 green.png, Yellowbelt alt1 lapi.png, Yellowbelt alt1 violet.png, Yellowbelt alt1.png, Yellowbelt black.png, Yellowbelt blonde.png, Yellowbelt brown.png, Yellowbelt fiery.png, Yellowbelt green.png, Yellowbelt lapi.png, Yellowbelt violet.png,