Moritz gunz

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Other Names: moritz_gunz

Main Website:

Nature of Contribution: Contributed to Tuxemon project


 Source Explanation
DrokoroOriginal design and sprites by moritz_gunz. Face sprites tweaked by Sanglorian. Overland sprite adapted by Sanglorian from a sprite by CharlesGabriel. Other art by moritz_gunz.
WolffskyDesigned and sprited by moritz_gunz. Back sprite and face sprites by Jaskrendix.

Yet to Be Completed

 Source Explanation
NoxdeusDesigned, drawn and sprited by moritz_gunz.

ArtNoxdeus-main.jpeg SpritesDrokoro 64x front.png, Drokoro back.png, Drokoro face 1.png, Drokoro face 2.png, Drokoro-menu1.png, Drokoro-menu2.png, Noxdeus-front.png, Wolffsky front.png, Wolffsky-back.png, Wolffsky-menu01.png, Wolffsky-menu02.png