Map Editor Events

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Introduction[edit | edit source]

Quests and dialog in-game are created through Tuxemon's event system. Almost all events in the Tuxemon event system are stored as objects in each individual map file using a TMX map editor like the free and open source Tiled map editor. This way it is possible to quickly and easily add new events such as dialog, trainer battles, etc. to each map.

There are two components to an event: conditions and actions. A condition is a certain condition or set of conditions such as "player at location" that must be true in order to execute an action or group of actions. An action is an action such as "display dialog" or "start battle" that will be executed in the event that all of its conditions are true.

Try loading an existing map under resources/maps in Tiled map editor and see how existing events are set up as an example. Looking at existing maps is a great way to get started.

Creating an event[edit | edit source]

Events are defined in an "Object Layer". Click on the "Objects" tab and click the tiled-new-obj.png icon to create a new Object Layer and name it "Events".


You create an event by adding an object on the "Events" layer and specifying it's type using a TMX map editor like Tiled. There are three types of events in Tuxemon: "init", "event", and "interact". Init types only run once when the map is loaded. Event types run every event loop. Interact types run when a player is next to a location with the event and presses the action button.

Event Conditions[edit | edit source]

Event conditions can be defined within a map editor such as Tiled. After creating an event, add a custom property and name it "cond1". You can have any number of conditions tied to a single event.

Each condition property's values are formatted in the following way separated by spaces:

<operator> <condition> <parameters>

  • operator: Whether or not this condition should be true. Can be either is or not.
  • condition: The name of the condition to check for. Check the Condition Reference for a list of available conditions.
  • parameters: The condition's parameters such as tile position, etc.. Check the Condition Reference for a list of available condition parameters.

Here are some example event conditions:


Event Actions[edit | edit source]

Event actions can be defined within a map editor such as Tiled. After creating an event, add a custom property and name it "act1". You can have any number of actions tied to a single event.

Each action property's values are formatted in the following way separated by spaces:

<action> <parameters>

  • action: The name of the action to execute. Check the Action Reference for a list of available actions.
  • parameters: The action's parameters such as tile position, etc.. Check the Action Reference for a list of available action parameters.

Here are some example event actions:


Example[edit | edit source]

Here is an example of how you would define an event using Tiled:


Advanced Events[edit | edit source]

This section describes some more advanced ways you can use events in Tuxemon and even ways you can create brand new custom actions and conditions to use in Tuxemon.

Using multiple events together[edit | edit source]

The best way to string multiple events together is using the set_variable action and the is variable_set condition. These two kinds of events will let you set arbitrary game variables that you can use for any purpose. One example of this might be changing the dialog of NPC after you defeat them in battle.

Here's an example of what this might look like with two separate events:


  • cond1 not variable_set npc_defeated:yes
  • act1 dialog It's time to BATTLE!
  • act2 start_battle 1
  • act3 set_variable npc_defeated:yes


  • cond1 is variable_set npc_defeated:yes
  • act1 dialog Arrrggg! You beat me!!

Custom actions and conditions[edit | edit source]

If a built-in action or condition doesn't exist on the Event Reference page for something you'd like to do, Tuxemon provides a way to easily create your own custom actions and events. Creating custom events requires some Python programming knowledge.

For a more in-depth guide to creating your own custom event actions or conditions, check out the Creating Custom Events page.

Map Properties[edit | edit source]

In addition to event objects, maps may contain special properties acting as map settings. In Tiled they are accessed by selecting Map Properties from the Map menu, then adding the property and value under the Custom Properties section of the Properties list. Available map properties include:

  • scenario This is necessary if you want to make a new scenario, see below.
  • edges The edge type of the map. When left out black borders are used. "clamped" will limit the camera within the world boundaries. "stitched" may later be supported to connect opposite edges of a map seamlessly.

Creating a new scenario and its events[edit | edit source]

Maps also run yaml files, and each scenario has a unique yaml file (in the same maps folder) named after it that lets maps share important events. That's why the 'scenario' property on your tmx file is so important: without it, it won't know which scenario yaml file to pull up.

To make your own scenario, you need to do the following:

First as previously said, you need a start map that has your scenario's name in its scenario property. Second, you need to alter the start_tuxemon.yaml file so people can choose your scenario in the menu and to create the start of its introduction (such as boy/girl choice). I recommend copy-pasting existing scenario code in the file and changing the variable names if you are just getting started. If you don't, then at a minimum include a teleport to your chosen start map.

Third, when creating a custom 'yourscenarioname'.yaml file, think about what 'universal' code you want to run across all of your maps, such as a day/night cycle or custom evolution handling (maybe you want a challenge mode without evolution, in which case, you could leave evolving off). If you are lazy considering just copying another scenario's yaml for evolution and leaving it at that.

Fourth, finish your intro with code for your start map. This can be another yaml file with a name that matches your start map. You can also, if your yaml file gets too big, call another yaml file, say one with a generic heal script you want to re-use on all your healing center / cathedral maps.

 Create Nurse:
   - create_npc spyder_cathedral_nurse,5,4
   - load_yaml spyder_cathedral
   - not char_exists spyder_cathedral_nurse
   type: "event"

See this commit ( for a mostly full example of creating a bare bones new campaign from scratch (it misses altering two test files which will fire warnings if you don't add your campaign name to 'expected campaigns', and I wasn't as clean with my variable names as I should have been as I reused a lot of variable names from other scenarios, but will still run just fine). If you decide to copy it, beware that it includes code for a 'game over' on full team knockout which for most campaigns you won't want: look at the corresponding yaml and start files for other campaigns for a more normal 'heal on team defeat' campaign.

Event Reference[edit | edit source]

For a list of all available actions and conditions in Tuxemon, check out the Event Reference page.