Property:TXMN Blurb

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This is a property of type Text.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
Its song is remarkable, but few dare keep an explosive songbird.  +
The user emits a high-pitched cry that distracts the opponent.  +
It learns to fight from observation. Left to its own devices, it uses its spike to pick up rubbish.  +
They eat ten times their weight in vegetation each and every day, they will often start to eat concrete and bricks if they cannot find enough food to feast their appetite.  +
They say it blinks once a year, in honour of summer's end.  +
They will often attack other Caticane to break their glass bodies and extract the addicting chemicals from them. They are very violent, especially under the influcence of their bodily drugs.  +
The user strikes with pinpoint accuracy, targeting the opponent's weak points.  +
The user changes its type to Wood, while also creating a protective shell around itself.  +
The user undergoes a transformation, healing its wounds in the process.  +
The user employs a deceptive tactic, randomly bestowing a beneficial effect upon a random target. The higher the opponent's level, the greater the likelihood of the target being the opponent itself.  +
They are often seen guarding high security areas and training in camps - although they are not quite as disciplined as they should be! They often mess about with other individuals, or nom on the security cameras and break their lenses.  +
It bites onto shoelaces and trouser legs when it wants to travel.  +
These inquisitive bats are drawn by the heady emotions of people in love, and carry back unsupervised bouquets and chocolate boxes to build their nests.  +
It is found in forests and fields, where it is often mistaken for a turnip.  +
CHICKADEE gives longer repeated cries of 'dees' if the danger it senses seems lesser than another.  +
The user releases a freezing mist that lowers the opponent's stats.  +
It is rumoured to live atop snowy mountains, but no clear photo of it has ever been taken.  +
It hatches when an ancient egg is planted in fertile soil. When the eggs run out, there will be no more CHLORAGON.  +
A hostile robot.  +
CHROMEYE was created to observe and learn how humans think and feel.  +